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Programme Nomenclature: National Vocational Certificate in MOTOR VEHICLE MECHANICS

1.0 GOAL:
This programme is designed to produce skilled craftsmen with good knowledge of the working principles of motor
vehicle and the techniques and safety practices involve in its maintenance.

On completion of the programme, a graduate of NVC in motor vehicle mechanics should be able to:-
2.1 Identify various tools/equipment used in the repair of motor vehicle.
2.2 Identify the various units and component parts that make up a motor vehicle.
2.3 Dismantle and assemble parts with expertise
2.4 Carry out diagnostics by aural, visual and functional methods.
2.5 To carry out with expertise, repairs or replacement of faulty components.
2.6 To identify and procurement of genuine spare parts.
2.7 Carry out routine vehicle checks and basic scheduled servicing as recommended by the manufacturer.
2.8 To carry out performance test as applicable


a. Basic Education requirement (Post JSS) – i.e. candidate with requisite credits in Junior Secondary
Certificate (JSC)
b. Post –Secondary students who are unable to gain access to higher education or IEIs, who may have less
than the required five (5) credits.
c. Mature candidate with experience
Trainees who successfully complete all the courses/modules specified in the curriculum table and pass the
national examinations in the trade will be awarded the following certification:

Motor vehicle mechanics National Vocational Certificate
Assessments Fail, Pass, Credit or Distinction

This programme is expected to be in the form of session-based training courses of not less than to (9) nine
calendar months per session. The entire programme is made flexible into three Session Modules viz. NVC Part I,
NVC Part II and NVCIII (Final).

The Certificate programme shall be accredited by the National Board for Technical Education before the
candidates can be awarded the National Vocational Certificates (NVC).Details about the process of accrediting a
programme for the award of the NVC can be obtained from:
The Executive Secretary, National Board for Technical Education, Plot “B”, Bida Road, P.M.B. 2239,
Kaduna, Nigeria

a. This curriculum is drawn in unit courses on modular basis.
b. In designing the units, the principle of the modular system has been adopted, thus making each of the
professional modules, when completed, enough to provide the student with operative skills, which can be
used for employment purposes or otherwise.
c. Institutions may, as required, add courses to the minimum guide curriculum
d. Teaching of the theory and practical work should, as much as possible, be integrated. Practical exercises,
especially those in professional courses and laboratory work should not be taught in isolation from the
theory. For each course, there should be a balance of theory to practical in the ratio of 20:80


The curriculum of all NVC programmes consists of three (3) main components, viz:
a. General education
b. Trade theory, Trade practice and related studies which account for minimum of 60% of the total contact
hours for the programme
c. Supervised Industrial Attachment which accounts for 20% of the total contact hours for the programme shall
be undertaken either at the middle or at the end of the session for each academic year.

The three year programme comprises three (3) parts, each for one year (5) hours per day or 25 hours per week
and 14 weeks per term)
Note: 2 weeks is for evaluation and registration



9.1 First Term NVC Motor vehicle mechanics Part I

S/N Course code Course Title Theory Practical Total Unit
1 CSK* Communications Skill I 2 0 2
2 VMT* Numbers and Numeral 2 0 2
3 CMVS1 Mechanical Science 2 1 3
4 TD* Technical Drawing 0 3 3
5 CMV 10 Tools Appreciation and Safety 2 6 8
6 CMV 11 Service Station Procedure I 2 5 7

* See NVC general studies curriculum

9.2 Second Term NVC Motor vehicle mechanics Part I
S/N Course code Course Title Theory Practical Total Credit
1 EDP* Entrepreneurship I 2 0 2
2 GMW General Metal Work I 1 4 5
3 CMV 12 Cooling and Lubrication Systems 1 4 5
4 CMV 13 Introduction to Petrol Engine and Fuel Systems 1 2 3
5 CMV 14 Introduction to Diesel Engine and Fuel Systems 1 2 3
6 CMV 15 Service Station procedure II 2 5 7

Third Term NVC Motor vehicle mechanics part 1


PART 11 `
9.3 First Term NVC Motor vehicle mechanics part 11
S/N Course code Course Title Theory Practical Total Credit
1 ICT* Introduction to Computer 1 2 3
2 CMVS II Electrical Science 2 1 3
3 CMV 17 Transmission and Clutches I 2 5 7
4 CMV 18 Engine Faults Diagnosis I 1 3 4
5 CMV 19 Breaking System 1 3 4
6 CMV 20 Workshop Technology 1 3 4

9.4 Second Term NVC Motor vehicle mechanics part II
S/N Course code Course Title Theory Practical Total Credit
1 CSK* Communications Skill II 2 0 2
2 ICT * Computer Appreciation 1 2 3
3 CMV 21 Workshop Administration 2 0 2
4 CMV 22 Petrol Engine Maintenance 2 5 7
5 CMV 23 Transmission and Clutches II 2 4 6
6 CMV 24 Steering Systems 1 3 4

Third Term NVC Motor vehicle mechanics part II



9.5 First Term NVC Motor vehicle mechanics part III

S/N Course code Course Title Theory Practical Total Credit
1 EDP* Entrepreneurship II 2 0 2
2 CMV 26 Diesel Engine Electronics 1 3 4
3 CMV 27 Diesel Engine Maintenance 1 4 5
4 CMV 28 Petrol Engine Electronics 1 4 5
5 CMV 29 Engine Faults Diagnosis II 1 3 4
6 CMV 30 Auto Electricity 1 4 5
* See NVC general studies curriculum (assessment on these courses shall be based on specifications stated therein)

9.6 Second Term NVC Motor vehicle mechanics part III
S/N Course code Course Title Theory Practical Total Credit
1 EDP* Entrepreneurship III 2 0 2
2 GMW General Metal Work II 2 4 6
3 CMV 32 Car air conditioning 1 3 4
4 CMV 33 Engine Repair and Overhaul 1 4 5
5 CMV 34 Computerized Engine Diagnosis 1 3 4
6 CMV 35 Wheels Alignment, Balancing, Chassis and Suspension 1 3 4
* See NVC general studies curriculum

Third Term NVC Motor vehicle mechanics part III


PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Mechanical Science
CONTACT HOUR: 3 Hours/week
Theoretical: 2 Hours/week
Practical: 1 Hour/weeks


1. Understand the concepts and effects of forces.

2. Understand the effects of friction and the laws governing it.
3. Understand linear and angular motions of bodies.
4. Understand curvilinear motion of bodies.
5. Understand Momentum of bodies.
6. Understand the concepts of Work, Energy, and Power.
7. Understand general principle of operation of simple machines.
8. Know Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM).

General Objective 1.0: Understand the concept and effect of forces General Objective1.0: Understand the concept and effect of forces and their
and their moments. movements.
Week Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Define forces • Explain in Recommended 1.1 Construct parallelogram of Demonstrate activities Drawing
1.2 Explain how to details the textbook, forces 1.1 to 1.5 for the materials/instruments.
construct parallelogram concept Chalkboard, duster, students to learn and
1–2 of force and effects Chalk, Lecture 1.2 Draw triangle of forces ask them to carry out
1.3 Calculate the resultant of forces notes, etc. all the activities
of a system of two and their 1.3 Draw polygon of forces
forces moments.
1.4 State the principle of • Guide the
triangle of force 1.4 Verify Lami’s theorem
students to
1.5 Resolve forces into using a force board
components problems
1.6 Resolve a force into relating to 1.5 Verify the parallelogram
force and couple forces and law of forces
1.7 State the conditions for moments.
the equilibrium of co-
planar forces

1.8 Define moment of a • Assess

force students’
1.9 State the principles of s.

1.10 Solve problems

related to 2.1 to 2.9
General Objective: 2.0 Understand the effect of Friction and the law General Objective 2.0: Understand the effect of Friction.
governing it.
Week Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
2.1 Define friction • Explain in Recommended 2.1 Determine the co-efficient Demonstrate activity Specimens of mosses

details the textbook, of friction by means of an 3.1 for the students to and inclined plain set-
2.2 State advantages and principles Chalkboard, duster, inclined plane. learn and ask them to up. Protractor, etc.
disadvantages of and effects Chalk, Lecture carry out the activity.
3 -4 friction of friction notes, etc
and the law
2.3 Define coefficient of governing
friction it.

2.4 Define limiting angle of • Guide the

friction students to
2.5 Define angle of Repose problems
2.6 Solve problems related relating to
to 3.1 to 3.5 friction.

General Objective 3.0: Understand Linear and Angular motions of General Objective 3.0: Understand Linear and Angular motions of
bodies. bodies.
Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources
3.1 Define displacement, • Explain in Chalk,
speed, distance, velocity details the Chalkboard,
and acceleration. concepts of Duster,
linear Recommended
3.2 State units of motion of textbooks,
displacement, speed, bodies. Lecture notes,
distance, velocity and • Guide the Graph sheets, etc.
acceleration. students to
5- 6 draw
3.3 Derive the relationship velocity -
between displacement, time graph
velocity and and solve
acceleration. problems
relating to
4.4 Draw velocity time
t, velocity
3.5 Add velocities • Assess
vectorially. students’
3.6 Define relative velocity.

3.7 Solve simple problems

related to 1.1 to 1.6

3.8 Define angular motion

of a body in a circle.

3.9 Derive the relationship

between angular velocity
and acceleration.

3.10 Draw angular velocity-

time graph.

General Objective4.0: Understand curvilinear motion of bodies. General Objective 4.0: Understand Curvilinear motion of bodies.
Week Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources
Outcome Outcome
4.1 Develop the • Explain in Chalk, Chalkboard, 4.1 Show that centrifugal • Illustrate 4.1 to Practical guide,
relationship between details the Duster, force varies with mass, 4.2 and ask the Centrifugal
angular and linear concept of Recommended speed of rotation, and students to apparatus.
motions. curvilinear textbooks, Lecture the distance of the mass perform Fletcher’s trolley
motion of notes, etc. from the centre of experiments. Weights
4.2 Define circular bodies. rotation using • Assess the
motion. • Guide students centrifugal force students’
7 to develop apparatus. reports.
4.3 Explain centrifugal expressions for
acceleration and centripetal and 4.2 Verify the equation of
centrifugal force. centrifugal motion using Fletcher’s
forces and trolley.
solve problems
4.4 Develop expressions
on them.
for centripetal and
centrifugal forces.

4.5 Give examples of

centrifugal effects
e.g. Planetary motion,
Conical pendulum,
Week General Objective 5.0: Understand Momentum of Bodies. General Objective 5.0: Understand Momentum of Bodies.
Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resources
Outcome Activities
5.1 Define Mass and • Describe in details Chalk, 5.1 Determine moment of inertia. • Illustrate Recommended
Weight of a body. the concepts and Chalkboard, activities apparatus.
principles of Duster, 5.2 Verify the law of 5.1 to 5.2 Fletcher’s trolley.
5.2 State Newton’s Laws momentum. Recommended conservation of moment on and ask
of motion. • Guide the students textbooks, Fletcher’s trolley. the
to solve problems Lecture notes, students
relating to etc. to
5.3 Define Impulse and
Momentum. momentum. perform
• Assess students’ experime
assignments. nts.

• Assess
5.4 State the Law of
Conservation of
8-9 students’

5.5 Define Angular


5.6 Define Radius of


5.7 Explain Moment of


5.8 Solve problems

related to 5.1 to 5.7.
General Objective 6.0: Understand the concept of Work, Energy and General Objective 6.0: Understand Forces and Torque of a system.
Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resources
6.1 Define Work, Energy and • Explain in Chalk, 6.1 Determine tractive force and • Demonstr
Power. details with Chalkboard driving torque of a system. ate to the
the concepts duster, students
6.2 State the units of work, of work, Recommended 6.2 Determine kinetic energy of the
energy and power. energy, torque textbooks, rotation. activities
and power. Lecture notes, in 6.1 to
6.3 Develop expressions for • Guide the etc. 6.2 and
Work, Energy and Power. students to Chalk, ask the
solve Blackboard. students
problems on to
6.4 Define Torque and work perform
work, energy,
done by Torque. the
power and
torque. experime
6.5 Explain Tractive Force and • Assess the nts.
driving Torque of a system. students’ • Assess
10-11 graded the
6.6 Differentiate between assignments. students’
Kinetic Energy and reports.
Potential Energy.

6.7 Explain Kinetic Energy of

rotating bodies.

6.8 Explain Mechanical

Efficiency in power

6.9 Explain power

transmission by flat belts,
spur gearing and worm
General Objective 7.0: Understand General principle of operation of General Objective 7.0: Understand the practical principle of operation of
simple machines. simple machines
Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resources
7.1 Define simple machine. • Explain in Chalk, 7.1 Determine the velocity ratio, • Demonstr Practical guide,
details the Chalkboard, mechanical advantage and ate the screw jack and
12-13 7.2 Give examples e.g. Lever, features, types Duster, mechanical efficiency of a activities pulley system.
Pulley, Screw Jack, etc. and principle Recommended screw jack. in 7.1 and
of operation textbooks, 7.2, and

7.3 Explain the operations of of simple Lecture notes, 7.2 Determine the velocity ratio ask the
5.2 above. machines. etc. and efficiency of simple students
• Guide the pulley system. to
7.4 Define (i) Mechanical students to perform
Advantage (ii) Velocity derive the the
Ratio (iii) Mechanical expression for experime
Efficiency the nts.
7.5 Develop the relationship Advantage,
for Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio
Velocity Ratio and and Efficiency
Efficiency of a wheel, of wheel,
pulley and screw jack pulley and
screw jack
and solve
7.6 Solve simple problems problems on
related to 5.1 to 5.5 above. them.

Week General Objective 8.0: Know simple harmonic motion. General Objective 8.0: Know simple harmonic motion.
Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources
8.1 Describe periodic • Explain in Chalk, Blackboard, 8.1 Determine experimentally • Demonstrate the Simple Pendulum
motion details the Duster, the period and frequency activity in 8.1
features and Recommended of oscillation of a simple and ask the
8.2 Describe period, principles of textbooks, Lecture harmonic motion. students to carry
frequency and Simple notes, etc. out experiment..
amplitude in simple Harmonic • Assess the
harmonic motion. Motion students’ reports.
8.3 Develop expressions • Guide the
14-15 for 6.3 above. students to
expression for
8.4 Analyse the motion of
a simple pendulum.
frequency and
amplitude of
6.5 Solve problems related SHM and
to the above. solve
problems on

• Assess the

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Tools Appreciation and Safety
CONTACT HOUR: 8 Hours/week
Theoretical: 2 Hour/week
Practical: 6 Hours/weeks

1. Understand the appropriate use of tools for relevant jobs
2. Understand the maintenance of tools and equipments
3. Understand safe tools/equipments systems

COURSE: Tools Application and Safety COURSE CODE: CMV 10 CONTACT HOURS: 8Hrs/week
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0: Understand appropriate use of tools for General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the appropriate use of tools
relevant jobs
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning Specific Teachers Learning
Objective Resources Learning Activities Resources
1.1 Explain • Describe • Chart 1.1 Identify special • Guide students to • Chart
- special tools special • Instructional tools identify the • Instructional
- conventional tools conventional material 1.2 Identify different classes material
1.2 Explain the importance of tools • Overhead conventional of tools. • Overhead
tools and equipment • List the importance projector tools • Demonstrate projector
1.3 State the different of tools and • Manuals 1.3 List the how to use the • Manuals
classifications of tools, e.g. equipment. • Models importance of tools • Models
- measuring tools • Identify the classes of • Tools tools and • Guide students to • Tools
- hand tools tools. equipment apply the tools. • equipment
- lifting tools • Explain the major 1.4 Apply the • Show tools to
- machine tools difference between various classes students and
- digital diagnostic classes. of tools. allow them to
- fire fighting tools • Ask students to state apply it.
etc. the application of the • Ask students to
1.4 Explain the applications of the tools. explain how to
different classes. use certain tools
General Objective 2.0: Understand maintenance of tools and equipment 2.0 Understand the tools/equipment maintenance procedures
2.1 Explain the legal requirement • Explain to students • Marker 2.1 Explain to • Guide students to • Marker
in tools relating to application using different tools • Chart students how to locate • Chart
e.g. manual the • Manuals locate information information on • Manuals
- Standard requirements. • White board in the manufacturer tools • White board
Organization of • Ask students to • Overhead manual or internet • Perform a simple • Overhead
Nigeria locate the legal projector maintenance task projector
- Manufacturer requirements in the • Tools 2.2 Carry out simple on some tools • Tools
specifications manual of a - Conventional maintenance on a • Guide students to - Conventional
- Soft ware update particular tool. - Special tool. carry out simple - Special
interval. • Ask students to state 2.3 Explain how to adjustment and
2.2 State the reasons why the reasons for update tools. setting of tools.
tools/equipments needs maintenance. • Assess the
maintenance • State the various students
2.3 Explain tools/equipment
maintenance task e.g. steps involved in the
- Lubrication maintenance of
- Cleaning conventional auto
- safety adjustment workshop tools.
- proper storage

General Objective 3.0: Understand tools and equipment storage. 3.0 Understand tools and equipment storage
3.1 Explain the reasons for safe Ask students to • Marker 3.1 List the • Take the students Ditto
tools/equipment storage. • State the reason why • Chart reasons for to the workshop,
3.2 Explain the types of tools/equipment • Manuals safe storage store and show
tools/equipment storage should be properly • White board of them the method
system. stored. • Overhead tools/equipm of storage
3.3 State the advantages and • State the types of projector ent applied and tools
disadvantages of the common storage system that is • Model 3.2 State types control.
storage types. commonly applied. of tools
• Instructional
3.4 Explain the term tools control • List the advantages storage.
and its necessity. and disadvantages of
the storage system.
• Use notes to explain
why tools control is

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Service Station Procedure I
CONTACT HOUR: 7 Hours/week
Theoretical: 2 Hour/week
Practical: 5 Hours/week

1. Understand the layout, functions of the principal components of the motor vehicle and safety practices.
4. Understand
5. Understand the sealing
the basic and locking
basic services
principles methods,
of of
thea motor
and carry and
vehicle lock
and outmotor
routine outvehicle
carry components/parts
on workefficiently.
different types
general maintenance ofonmotor

COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives:1.0 Understand the layout, functions of the principal General Objectives:1.0 Understand the layout, functions of the principal
components of the motor vehicle and safety practices components of the motor vehicle and safety practices
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Objective Resources Objective Activities Resources
1.1 Identify the principal • Introduce the • Lesson plan 1.1 Carry out identification of • Guide students • Lesson plan
components, students to vehicle • Posters the main unit and to carry out • Posters
auxiliaries and lay-out, list the • Sketches component parts vehicle • Sketches
systems of a motor main components • Model vehicle 1.2 Use layout sketch to component • Model vehicle
vehicle e.g. engine, such as: • Flip charts explain the functions in identification • Flip charts
gearbox, clutch, - Engine, gearbox, • Instructional 1.1 above on their own • Instructional
chassis, rear axle, clutch, chassis, rear materials • Use overhead materials
connections to road axle, connection to • Overhead projector to • Overhead
wheels, and body. road wheels and the display the
projector projector
1.2 Describe in details the vehicle body. relative
functions of each • Explain the position of the
component in a motor functions of: main
vehicle listed in 1.1 Engine, clutch, components of
above. gearbox, propeller a vehicle
1.3 Explain the principles shaft, rear axle, • Assess the
of each component suspension students’
listed in 1.1 above. arrangement. ability to
1.4 Sketch a chassis • Ask student to identify these
layout showing sketch a chassis components.
relative position of layout.
the main components • Assess the students
of a vehicle e.g.
engine, transmission,
prop-shaft, rear axle,
suspension, front
axle, suspension and
steering control
linkages to road
wheels, etc.
General Objective 2.0: Understand the sealing and locking methods; seal General Objective 2.0: Understand the sealing and locking methods; seal
and lock motor vehicle components/parts efficiently. and lock motor vehicle components/parts efficiently.

2.1 Explain the functions, • Ask students to: • Lesson plan 1.1 Carry out identification of • Guide students • Samples of
strength and Identify types of • Chalkboard the devices in 2.1 with to carry out devices
limitations of the threads and sizes • Sample of bolts, students and explain their the • Over head
following devices: used in metric for nuts, studs etc. functions, strength and identification projector
a. Securing devices bolts and nuts, set limitations on their own • Charts
e.g. thread types screws, studs, allen 1.2 Carry out securing, • Use overhead • models
and sizes BSW, keys. sealing and locking projector to
BSF, BSP, UNC, • List locking operations on component display the
UNF, metric in devices: springs, parts of types motor devices in a
nuts and bolts, set shakeproof and tap vehicle vehicle
screws, stud, washers, self • Assess the
allen grub, Philip locking nuts, split students ability
screw, etc. pins, circlips, etc. to identify
b. Locking devices • Identify pipe union these devices
e.g. springs, and joints; copper, • Pick up some
shakeproof and flexible plastic of the devices
tap washers, pipes couplings, and ask student
locking plates, hose clips etc. to identify it
castellated and • Assess students. and state its
self locking nuts, functions,
split pins, circlip strength and
pins, bolt locking the reason why
wire. it is used.
c. Sealing devices, • Teacher to
e.g. gasket, demonstrate
joints, plugs, correct
compound, etc. working
d. Pipe union and procedures as
joints e.g. copper, in 1.2
flexible plastic • Assess the
pipe, straight students
coupling, elbow
and banjo unions,
formed nipple,
olive and union
nuts, swages and
pipe fixing, hose
General Objective 3.0: Understand the basic services involved and carry General Objective 3.0: Understand the basic services involved and carry
out routine maintenance on different types of motor vehicles out routine maintenance on different types of motor vehicles
3.1 Explain the basic • Introduce the • Lesson plan 3.1 identify the routine • Carry out • Lesson plan
operations involved in students to basic or • Charts operations in the some routine • Charts
routine vehicle routine maintenance • Tools and oil maintenance and indicate maintenance • Tools and oil
maintenance, e.g. of motor vehicle. • Brake fluid the necessary adjustment with the • Brake fluid
change oil filter, • Explain the • Grease 3.2 list the different types of students • Grease
spark plugs, contact importance of lubricant and their areas • Show students • Other lubricants
breaker, clean and lubricants and of applications how to apply
adjust carburetor, types, and brake 3.3 carry out change of lubricants and
check distributor fluid. engine oil and oil filter why it is
leads and petrol • Identify types of 3.4 carry out change or necessary to
pump. lubricants. cleaning of spark plug lubricate
3.2 Identify lubricant • Explain oil grades 3.5 check distributor and set • Teacher to
types and their • Assess students contact breaker point demonstrate
specific uses e.g. 3.6 carry out service of correct
vegetable base grease, carburetor working
animal base grease, 3.7 carry out greasing of procedures
multi-purpose grease, appropriate joints • Assess the
high melting point students to test
grease, etc their
Oil - S.A.E. ratings, knowledge
multigrade oil;
Fluid - High and low
boiling point fluid.

General Objective 4.0: Understand the basic construction of a battery and carryout preventive maintenance.
4.1 Explain the basic • Explain the • Lesson plan 4.1 Demonstrate the • Teacher to • Lesson plan
construction of a functions of battery • Chalkboard following: demonstrate for • Chalkboard
battery and its cells and • Used battery model a. Top up battery students to • Used battery
components. construction • Hydrometer electrolyte of correct practice till the model
• Describe using specific gravity become • Hydrometer
diagram or chart b. Check specific competent • charts
hydrometer and its gravity of a battery • Assess the
use with an hydrometer students
• List battery faults c. Check, clean or
and remedies replace if necessary
• Assess students and tighten battery
5.0. Understand the basic construction of a battery and carry out preventive maintenance.
5.1 Explain the basic • Introduce and list Manufacturers’ 5.1 Demonstrate the • Allow student • Over head
processes of routine basic processes of specifications/recommendations basic processes of to apply the projector
vehicle maintenance. routine vehicle routine vehicle processes in 5.1 • Models
maintenance maintenance. • Guide students • Manufacturers
5.2 Check brakes
• Explain causes of and effect repairs as to understand ’
leakages in brake appropriate the specifications/
and clutch pipelines 5.3 Clean air filter manufacturers recommendati
• Check burnt 5.4 Service manual or ons
electrical carburetor specifications
components 5.4 Grease joints • Assess and
• Explain causes of 5.5 Change oil filter correct the
radiator leakage 5.6 Change or clean students
• Explain methods of spark plugs
replacing fan belt 5.7 Change engine
• Explain causes of oil
brake defects 5.8 Check distributor
• Assess students and contact point
5.6 Check under
body for possible
repairs or tighten
bolts and nuts for
suspension/spring ‘U'
bolts and exhaust

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor Vehicle Mechanics

COURSE: General Metal Work I
CONTACT HOUR: 5 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1Hour/week
Practical: 4Hours/week


1. Understand workshop safety rules and its application in a machine shop

2. Know the physical properties, manufacturing processes and applications of ferrous and non-ferrous metals in common use
3. Understand the selection and use of common measuring. Marking out, cutting and striking tools
4. Understand the working principles of a drilling machine, use it to drill and ream holes on metals and other engineering
5. Understand the applications of various types of screw threads, rivet and cut screw thread by hand.
6. Understand the ISO system of tolerances and fits and its application in engineering production.
7. Produce simple Engineering components on the work bench.
8. Understand the essential features and working principles of the centre lathe and use it to carry out basic operations such as
plain turning, stepped turning, facing taper turning, chamfering, and under-cutting.

For practical competence, students will be able to achieve the following at the end of the module:

i) Use all tools correctly ensuring the machinery guards and protective eye shields are used at all times.
ii) Comply with the general rules fopr safe practice in the work environment at all times.
iii) Select and use hand tools for carrying out various bench fitting and assembly tasks.
iv) Use tools: hacksaws, taps, reamers, drills, dividers, surface gauge.
v) Produce screw threads using taps and dies.
vi) Correctly grind drill point angles: Twist and flat drills
vii) Select and set drilling machine speeds to carry out a range of operations using the appropriate coolants, drilling,
reaming, counter sinking, counterboring.
viii) Perform metal joining by a range of processes. Cut through the joints and investigate the depth of penetration of
the metals at the Interface Processes: soldering, brazing, and fusion welding.
ix) Mark out on metals and other materials, datum lines, angles, radii/circles and hole positions using a range of

COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0 Understand workshop safety rules and its application in a machine shop
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Activities Resources Objective Activities Resources
1 1.1 State sources of hazards in the ▪ State sources of ▪ Safety posters, • Demonstrate safe • Guide students on • Safety posters,
workshop and how to prevent hazards in the common hard tools use of basic hand proper workshop wall charts and
occurrences/incidences: workshop. like files hacksaw. tools, proper rules for hazard • Hand tools –
a. handling and using hand ▪ Through questions ▪ Television, Video work dress, eye prevention and (files, hack)
tools, portable power tools and answers, machine shield management. • Workshop hand
and machines: determine whether ▪ Overall. Goggles, • Use wall charts to • Use charts/films glove saw safety
b. stepping on or striking or not students gloves, head shield, demonstrate • Assess students boots, eye shields
obstructions left on floors grasped the head shield, fire workshop dos and understanding. overall
or benches; topic. extinguishers. don’ts. • Allow students to • Television/Video
c. lifting, moving and storing ▪ Show a film on • Explain the need demonstrate safe m/c
materials or jobs; industrial safety. for accident storage/handling • Fire
d. using inflammable or ▪ Through question prevention for of tools Extinguishers
corrosive liquids and and answer associated risks. • Assist students as • First Aid kits
gases; determine • Demonstrate safe applicable • Tools
e. inhaling vapours or fumes. comprehension. •
storage methods. Guide students to • Manuals
1.2 Explain the applications of ▪ Demonstrate how to • Show a film on master • Charts
factory safety regulations in treat emergency limitations of • Carryout safety • Projector
the machine shop. cases like artificial various fire
1.3 Name safety equipment and respiration, cold
drill with full • Posters on
extinguishers. students artificial
wears essential in the machine compress etc. • Show a film on involvement respiration
shop and state their application ▪ List the safety workshop • Demonstrate how • Video/TV
in working situations; equipment and accident to treat
Note: wears that are
• Explain using emergency cases
Example of safety wears and essential in the
question and like cold
equipment should include workshop. answer approach compression,
overall eye goggles, gloves, ▪ Give detailed notes
to ascertain artificial
safety boots, helmet, fire and explanation in
students respiration, etc.
extinguishers, etc. each topic a-g.
understanding. • Assess the
▪ Use questions and
• Assess the students
answers to

▪ Assess the students.

1.4 Outline safety rules and ▪ Give detailed notes • Demonstrate best • Show a film on • Charts and tool
regulations relating to: and explanation as practices in industrial safety rack
a. clothing and health appropriate handling and and best • Charts on
hazards; ▪ Explain the moving objects behaviours in workplace
b. workshop hygiene; procedures to be and delicate industry hygiene and
c. movement and other taken in the event materials and • Guide students on material storage
behaviour of workers in of workshop machines first aid, accident units for safety
the workshops; accident. • Observe safety prevention, • Factory ordinance
d. materials handling; precautions reporting and rules (Federal
e. tool handling, storage and management Min. of Labour)
usage; • Assess for • First Aid Kits
f. machine operation; comprehension • Fire Alarm
g. fire protection. • Accident record
1.5 Understanding appropriate
procedures in the events of a
workshop accident
Examples of procedures may
a. application of first aid to
the victim;
b. removal or rectification of
the accident;
c. reporting accident to the
appropriate authority;
d. keeping a record of
accidents for management
General Objective 2.0: Know the physical properties, manufacturing process and application of ferrous and non-ferrous metals in common use
2 2.1 Explain the meaning of the ▪ Give detailed notes • • Describe the • Guide students in • Samples of
following general physical and explanations various methods subjecting metals common metals.
properties of metals:- ductility, for the topics in 2.0. of treatment of to different
malleability, strength, ferrous/non- forming methods
toughness, brittleness, ferrous metals of to confirm in-
elasticity, plasticity. common use. built properties
• Assess the

2.2 Describe the basic composition ▪ Give notes and ▪ Video and television • Subject samples • Guide students on • Lesson notes
and properties of plain carbon specific examples including cassettes on of carbon steel, proper selection • Video/TV
steels, cast iron and alloy steel of tools and production processes. high carbon steel, of particular • Documentaries on
and state their application in equipment made cast iron, alloy metal for specific production
the engineering industry. from the various steel, steel engineering processes.
steels and cast iron. guiding, turning applications.
Note: ▪ Examples of steels and destructive • Assess the
Specific examples of tools and and cast irons tests to students
equipment made from the should include plain differentiate
various types steel and cast carbon steels, dead various grades.
iron should be mentioned. mild steels, mild
Examples, dead mild steels, steel, medium
mild steel, medium carbon carbon steel, high
steel, high carbon steel. carbon steel, gray
Cast Irons – gray cast iron, cast iron, malleable
malleable cast iron, alloy cast cast iron, alloy cast
irons. iron high speed
Alloy Steels – High speed steels, high tensile
steels. High tensile steels, steels tungsten,
tungsten, carbide, stainless carbide, stainless
steels, satellite. steels. • Describe the • Identify with • Lecture notes
2.3 Outline: ▪ Give notes and operating students needs on • On-site visit to
a. the cupola process of explanation on the principles of meting metal, steel processing
manufacture of cast iron; cupola process. cupola, blast metal treatment plant.
b. the blast furnace process ▪ Blast furnace and furnace reduction methodologies • Group visit to
of manufacture of pig the direct reduction system of steel • Assess the foundry works.
iron; process manufacture students
c. the direct reduction ▪ manufacture of • Demonstrate
process of manufacture of steel. This can be effects of
steel. proceeded by film temperature/heat
Note: show and a visit to on stability of
A visit to a steel a manufacturing metals
manufacturing plant is plant. • Describe strength
recommended. ▪ Give detail notes and limitations of
2.4 Describe the physical and explanations ferrous and non-
properties and applications of describing the ferrous metals
non-ferrous metals below: physical properties commonly used
copper, tin, zinc, aluminium and applications of in engineering
and aluminium alloys brass the following non- workshops.
(muntz metal, cartridge brass, ferrous metals:
gilding etc) metal, bronze copper, tin, zinc,
manganese bronze tunmetal, aluminium,
bell metal, aluminium bronze, aluminium alloys,

phosphor bronze and lead. brass, (muntzmetal,
cartridge brass
gilding metal) etc.
bronze, manganese
bronze bell metal,
aluminium bronze
phosphor bronze
and lead. Assess the

General Objectives 3.0: Understanding the selection and use common measuring. Marking out, cutting and striking tools
3 3.1 Select and use common ▪ Prepare notes that ▪ Steel rule, divides • Describe the main • Demonstrate the • Micrometer
measuring, marking out, will clearly calipers, trammel, features and use of micrometer • Vernier Calliper
cutting and striking tools. differentiate scribe angle plate, vee application of vernier caliper, • Vernier height
3.2 Explain with examples the between “line” and block, centre square. micrometers, vernier, height gauge
difference between “lime” and “end” measurement. ▪ Micrometer vernier vernier caliper, gauge • Combination sets.
“end” measurement. ▪ Prepare notes and calipers vernier height vernier height combination sets; • Files
3.3 Explain the use of datum examples that will gauge combination set gauge files angle place • Angle plate, etc.
points, datum lines and datum explain the use of ▪ Flat file, hand file, combination sets, • Guide students on • Steel rule
faces in marking out. datum points, round file square, half steel rule, angle specific tasks of • Callipers
3.4 Describe the functions and datum lines, and round, triangular plate, files etc. measurement by
• Trammel
application of the following datum faces in warding, mill file, rasp • Maintain aforementioned
instruments used in metal- marking out. file. • Veeblock
workshop workshop
work; steel rule, dividers, ▪ Demonstrate and ▪ Flat file, hand file • Centre square
instruments instruments
• Warding file
calipers (inside, outside and give detailed notes engineers square. • Perform marking • Demonstrate
odd-legs), trammel, scriber and explanations ▪ surface plate try out on plane maintenance and • Punches
angle plate, vee-block, centre regarding the square (engineers surfaces including care of • Bench drill
square. functions and square) profiles. instruments. • Pillar drill
3.5 Describe the various types of application of: steel ▪ File card • File a piece of • Demonstrate
files, stating their grades and rule, dividers, ▪ Flat file metal to a given testing of flat
applications. calipers (inside, ▪ Bench vice. specification surfaces using
Note: outside and odd leg) ▪ Ball pen hammers using any of the surface plate and
Types of files should include: trammel, scriber, and mallets. following: cross try square.
flat, square, round, half round, angle plate, vee ▪ Cold chisels, centre filing, draw • Assess the
three square, warding, mill and block, centre punches, dot punch, filling, filling students
rasp. square. scrapers, power square and flat
3.6 Classify the common files ▪ Prepare notes that hacksaw blades surfaces.
used in metal work and state will describe the ▪ Hacksaw blades • Test surfaces for
their material composition and various types of ▪ Hacksaw frame flatness using try
used for their manufacture. files stating their ▪ Adjustable hacksaw square.
3.7 Sketch the bench vice, explain grades and junior hacksaw • Select and insert
its clamping power and applications, by piercing saw. hacksaw blade
demonstrate the technique of type, e.g. flat, ▪ Bench drill correctly
holding work in the vice for square round, ▪ Pillar drill • Cut metals correct
filling, tapping and other half round, three ▪ Twist drill, flat drill, to specifications.
operations. square, warding, counter sink drill,
3.8 Describe and use the following mill and rasp. counter bore drill
tools; ▪ Prepare detailed combination centre
a. cold chisels (flat, cross, notes drill.
cut half round, diamond- that will classify the
point) common files used
b. centre punch and dot in metal work as
punch well as stating the
c. scapers (flat, triangular, composition of
half round) materials used for
d. Power hack saw their manufacture.
4 3.9 Describe the various parts of a ▪ Show a bench vice • Students to be
hack saw and function. and demonstrate the allowed to
3.10 Describe the common types of work on the vice for practice until they
hacksaw blades, their range of filing, tapping and are competent on
pitches and their applications. designing the use of
3.11 Show a bench vice and operations identified tools
demonstrate the technique of ▪ Prepare detailed and instruments
holding work in the vice for notes • Assess students
filing, taping and designing that will describe for
operations. Prepare detail the functions of the comprehension
notes that will describe the various parts of a • Demonstrate the
functions of the various parts bench vice, its correct use of
of a bench vice, its holding holding power cold chisels, • Hacksaw frame
power while performing while performing centre punch, • Hacksaw blade
various operations. various operations. saw blade, etc. • Chisel
3.12 State the safety precautions to ▪ Assess the students • Centre punch
be observed when using a hand ▪ Prepare detail notes • Lesson notes.
hacksaw. and demonstrations
that will describe
the uses of: cold
chisels, centre
punch and
power hacksaw.
▪ Prepare notes that
will describe the
various parts of a
hacksaw and their

▪ Show samples of
hacksaw blades as
well as prepare
notes that will
describe the
common types of
hacksaw blades,
▪ their range of
pitches and their
▪ Prepare notes that
will show correct
way of inserting
▪ Prepare detailed
and explanation,
stating the safety
precautions to be
observed when
using a hand
▪ Prepare notes that
will describe the
uses of various
hacksaws. Assess
the students.
General Objective 4.0: Understand the working principles of a drilling machine, use it to drill and ream holes on metals and other engineering materials.
4.1 Identify the various types of ▪ Show different ▪ Ball pein hammers, • Create simple • Guide students to • Drilling machines
drilling machines. types of drilling mallets, cold chisels, jobs to show select drills best • Centre punches
4.2 Describe, with sketches, the machines centre punches, bench works and suited for hole • Cold chisels
main features of a bench or ▪ Make notes and hacksaw and hacksaw pillar drilling initiation • Mallers
pillar drilling machine. drawings that will blades. operations counterboring • Hammers
4.3 Describe with sketches and identify the various ▪ Drilling machines • Employ improper • Solve sample • Lesson
state where each of the types of drilling and their accessories. sharpened drills problems with notes/drawings
following types of drills are m/cs. to show effects of students
best suited: ▪ Prepare detailed using wrong tool
Twist drill (taper shank, notes and remedy by
parallel shank and jobbers and drawings that corrective action.
drill, and their relative merits), will describe the • Sharpen a twist
flat drill, countersink, counter main features of a drill correctly to • Demonstrate how • Lesson
bore drill, combination centre bench or pillar manufacturers a twist drill can notes/drawings
drill). drilling machine. specifications be sharpened • Twist drills, kits
4.4 Explain the effects of the ▪ Solve many • Carryout correctly. • Grinding machine
following faults in a ground problems for counterboring/cou • Guide students to
5-6 twist drill bit: students to practice. nter drilling practice till they
a. point angle too acute; ▪ Prepare notes and • Demonstrate become
b. point angle too abtuse; drawings that will safety controls on competent
c. cutting edges at unequal describe where each drilling m/c • Assess the
angles; of the following • Describe hand students.
d. insufficient lip clearance drills are best and machine • Demonstrate
e. excessive lip clearance. suited. reamers counterboring/cou
4.5 Calculate spindle revolution or ▪ Twist drill (taper • Demonstrate hand nter drilling
cutting speed for specified size shank, parallel, and machine • Students to be led
of drill using the formulae:- shank, jobber drill reaming process to demonstrate
N = 1000S/πd and their relative safety skill during
S = πdN/1000 merits), flat drill, drilling • Radial drilling
counterbore drill • Guide students to m/c
Where A = cutting speed and combination handle • Bench drilling
(m/min) centre drill. hand/machine m/c
N = revolutions/minute ▪ Assess the students. reamers • Pillar drilling m/c
D = diameter of drill (mm) • Assess students • Column drilling
π = 3.142 m/c
4.6 State the causes and remedies
• Reamers
of drilling faults such as:-
a. drill breaking;
b. drill coloured blue;
c. walls of drilled hole left
d. chipped cutting lips.
4.7 State the safety precautions to
be observed when using a
drilling machine.
4.8 Explain the purpose of
reaming and describe different
types of hand and machine
4.9 Ream to given specifications
by hand and machine method.

General Objective 5.0: Understand the applications of various types of screw threads, rivet and cut screws by hand.
5.1 Sketch the thread forms below ▪ Give detailed notes ▪ Diagrams/charts of • Carryout reaming • Demonstrate • Lathe
and state their applications: with diagrams that thread forms operation on steps for reaming • Reamers
a. the ISO metric thread will show the ▪ Parallel reamers, bench/lathe small and large • Charts of thread
b. the unified thread various taper reamers twist • Select correct holes. forms
c. Whitworth and British forms of thread and drills. speeds for • Twist drills
fine threads their uses. reaming small • Jacobs, check/key
d. British Association (BA) ▪ Prepare notes that and large holes • Reduction sleeves
thread will state the • Carry out tapping • Tap
e. British Standard pipe functions of taps, tap on bench/lathe • Tap wrench
f. Square thread wrench, die and die • Calculate with • Die
g. Acme thread stock. specific • Die stock
h. Buttress thread ▪ Give detailed notes assumptions, • Demonstrate
5.2 Sketch and state the functions that will explain the halves of tapping steps for taping
of:- meaning of tapping drill and tapping
a. taps (taper tap, second tap, size or tapping drill sizes
plug) and estimate its
b. tap wrench values using the
c. die and die stock formulae:
5.3 Explain the meaning of T = D–P
tapping size or tapping drill ▪ Where T = tapping
and estimate its value in given Diameter
situations using formulae such ▪ D = thread top
as:- diameter and
T = D–P ▪ P = Pitch
Where T = tapping diameter
D = thread top diameter
P = pitch

5.4 State precautions to be taken ▪ Prepare notes that ▪ Rivet sets, drills. • Prepare sample • Perform samople • Rivet sets
when taping on the bench. will state precautions exercises on exercises on • Drills of various
5.5 Describe and differentiate to be taken when tapping on the tapping on the stages/types
types of rivets, e.g. Snap and tapping on bench. bench nech
pan head, mushroom and ▪ Give notes and • Differentiate • Students to be
counter-sunk head, flat head, diagrams that will various types of allowed to
doped rivet, etc. describe and rivets. categorise rivet • Posters and charts
5.6 Sketch the rivet set and state differentiate types of types and tolerances,
its use. rivets, rivet sets, and • Assess the limits and fits.
5.7 Calculate the diameter of rivet its uses and guide to students
and riveting allowance in calculate the diameter •
given situations. of rivet and riveting •
▪ Assess the students.

General Objective 6.0: Understand the ISO tolerances and fits and its application in engineering production.
6.1 Differentiate between the ▪ Give detailed notes ▪ Charts on tolerances, • Display standard • Employ the use of
following: that will differentiate limits and fits. charts on question and • Posters and charts
a. nominal size between nominal size, tolerances, limits answer to test and tolerances,
b. limits (upper and lower) limits, tolerance and and fits subject limits and fits.
c. tolerance (unilateral and fits. • Produce specific comprehension
bilateral) ▪ Prepare detailed note components to • Guide students to
d. fit (clearance, transition and diagrams that will ISO limits produce given
interference). explain the • Explain part
6.2 Explain the importance of importance of procedures in • Guide students in
tolerance and fit in engineering tolerance and fits in calculating calculating
production and describe briefly engineering tolerances and tolerances and fits
the ISO system of limits and production as well as fits, given a set • Assess students
fits. describing the ISO condition.
6.3 Determine by calculation the systems of limits and
amount of tolerance and types fits.
of fit in given situations. ▪ Give notes and
explanations that will
guide in calculating
the amount of
tolerance and types of
fits in given situations.
▪ Assess the students.

General Objective 7.0: Produce simple Engineering components on the bench.

7.1 Explain layout procedures ▪ Teachers to prepare ▪ Lesson notes. • Produce simple • Guide the • Engineering
from working drawing of notes and explanations ▪ Diagrams and charts. components froim students to design drawings
simple engineering to guide the students drawings produce simple • Lesson notes
components or tools such as:- in producing simple covering: open – components • Diagrams
a. open ended spanner engineering ended spanner, • Assess the • Charts
b. engineer’s try square components in 7.1 try square, tool students
c. tool maker’s clamp ▪ Assess the students. clamp, plate
d. plate bracket or gusset brackets etc.
(involving rounds, angles,
e. centre square.
General Objective 8.0: Understand the essential features and working principles of the centre lathe and use it to carry out basic operations such as plain
turning, stepped turning, facing taper turning, chamfering, and under-cutting.
8.1 Describe the essential features ▪ Prepare detailed ▪ Centre lathe and • Demonstrate • Guide students to • Centre
of a centre lathe and state their notes that will accessories like catch working principle practice till lathe/accessories
functions e.g. lathe bed, describe the essential plates, face plates, of lathe m/c competence such as catch
headstock, tailstock, saddle or features of centre lathe centres fixed and • Demonstrate lathe • Demonstrate tool plates, face plates,
carriage, etc. and their functions. traveling steadies. setting up lathe grinding and job traveling steadies
8.2 Explain the working principles ▪ Give notes and ▪ Charts of centre machine with setting procedures • Charts of centre
of the centre lathe. diagrams that will lathe and capstan accessories to • Assess the lathe capstan
10 8.3 Identify and state the functions explain the working lathe. include change of students lathe,
of centre lathe accessories principles of centre ▪ Round note turning speed, fixing of • Turning tools
such as: catch or driving plate, lathe and functions of tool, finishing tool, chucks, holding • Forming tools
face plate, lathe dog or carrier, its accessories. site finishing, knife of work. • Parting off tools
lathe centres, fixed and ▪ Give explanations tools, form tools, • Grind/sharpen a • Boring tools
traveling steadies. that will show the parting off tools, and cutting tool • 3-jaw chuck.
8.4 Explain the difference between difference between boring tools. correctly to
the centre lathe, capstan lathe, centre lathe and needed tool angle
in terms of their main features capstan lathe in terms • Perform with
and functions. of their main features facility the
8.5 Name types of cutting fluids and functions. following
used for lathe turning ▪ Prepare notes that operations,
operations and state their will list types of turning, facing,
composition and purposes. cutting fluid used for boring, threading • Guide students in
8.6 Outline safety precautions to lathe turning etc. selecting coolants
be observed when working on operations and their • Demonstrate the • Students to
the lathe. composition and use of contents understand
8.7 Sketch and describe common purposes. • Discuss safety working safety
tools: e.g. butt-brazed tool, ▪ Prepare detailed rules for lathe m/c with lathe m/c
tipped tool, bit and holder. notes and explanation • Carryout chuck • Guide students to
Note: that will outline safety work involving select appropriate
Tool description should precautions, common facing, knurling tools
include tool materials, e.g. tools and materials • Demonstrate • Guide students to
plain carbon steel, high speed used in marking them. importance of produce simple
steel, satellite, cemented ▪ Give detailed notes tool angles components like
carbide, diamond. and diagrams that will
• Demonstrate how open ended
8.8 Explain with sketches the explain the functions spanner,
to produce simple
functions of tool angles (rake, of tool angles (rake, engineers, square
components to
clearance), and state their clearance) stating their etc.
specific finish
values for different metals to values for different •
be machined. metals to be •
▪ Assess the students.
8.9 Differentiate between various ▪ Give notes and ▪ Charts on tool Demonstrate work Guide students on Ditto
tool shapes and state their uses diagrams of various height chattering/tool proper selection
e.g. Round nose rougher, fine tool shapes and their ▪ Charts and diagrams drag/vibration of speed, tool,
finishing, side finishing, knife uses. of different machining due to improper and mounting
tool, form tool, parting off ▪ Prepare detailed operations. tool tools to avoid
tool, boring tool, etc. notes and explanations setting/cutting rubbing,
8.10 Explain with sketches the to cover 8.10 to 8.15. speed vibrations etc.
effects of wrong setting cutting ▪ Solve many Carry out metal Assess students

tools: e.g. vibration and problems for the removal by
chatter, tool rubbing against or students to practice. turning operations
11-12 digging into the job. ▪ Assess the students. Demonstrate safe
8.11 Define cutting speed and feed turning operations
with respect to lathe operation. Describe specific use
8.12 Calculate the cutting speed of traveling
and feed for given turning steady and steps
operation. to ensure
8.13 Estimate the rate of metal concentricity of
removal and time required for centres.
carrying out specified turning Demonstrate the
operations. requirement to
8.14 State precautions to be prevent deflection
observed when turning arising from
between centres. selection of
8.15 Set up the lathe and carry out wrong cutting
basic turning operations speed and depth
between centres. of cut.
8.16 Compute required taper
dimensions from given data
using taper ratio angle
formulae, i.e.
D2 – d1
Taper Ratio = L
Tan o = d2 d1
2 2
Where o = taper angle
D1 = small end diameter
D2 = large end diameter
L = length of taper

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Cooling and Lubrication Systems
CONTACT HOUR: 5 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 4 Hours/week

1. Understand safe working practices using tools, equipment and consumables while working on vehicle cooling systems
2. Understand cooling/heating systems
3. Know the main cooling/heating systems components and their functions
4. Understand the operating principles of cooling/heating systems
5. Know engine lubricating systems
6. Know the main engine lubrication system components and their functions
7. Understand the operational principles of engine lubrication systems

COURSE: Cooling and Lubrication COURSE CODE: CMV12 CONTACT HOURS: 5Hrs
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives:1.0 Understand safe working practices using tools, General Objectives: 1.0 Understand safe working practices using tools,
equipment and consumables materials while working on vehicle cooling equipment and consumables materials while working on vehicle cooling
systems systems
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Learning Specific Teachers Learning
Activities Resources Learning Activities Resources
1.1 Explain safe use of • Demonstrate the • Thermometer 1.1 Demonstrate safe • Show safe use of • Thermometer
tools/equipment and consumable safe use of these • Pressure gauge use of tools/equipment • Pressure gauge
when working on cooling and working • Flip chart tools/equipment and consumables. • Flip chart
lubricating systems tools/equipment • Required hand and consumable • Guide the • Required hand
1.2 Explain safe use, storage and and consumable tools/equipment material. students on the tools/equipment
disposal of hazardous material • List safe ways at • Consumable 1.2 Describe to the safe use, storage • Consumable
such as anti frozen agents, anti which hazardous • White marker board students the safe and disposal of • White marker
corrosive agents etc. materials can be • Charts use, storage and hazardous board
1.3 Explain hazards involved in used, kept and disposal of materials.
• Overhead projector • Charts
working on a running engine. disposed.
• Instructional
hazardous • Demonstrate • Overhead
1.4 Explain why battery/external • List hazards materials
materials. common hazards projector
electrical sources should be involved in 1.3 List to students involved in
• models • models
removed during work, electrical working on a some hazards working on a
shock, damage to running engine. encountered running engine.
components/units due to removal • State the reason when working on • Demonstrate why
procedures, electric welding etc. why battery a running engine. battery/external
1.5 Identify causes of accidents and /external 1.4 Describe why electrical sources
accident prevention e.g electrical sources battery/external should be
- Human should be electrical sources removed during
- Environmental removed during should be work, electric
1.6 Identify the safety procedure to work, electrical removed during shock, damage to
prevent injury to self and shock etc. work, damage to component/unit
colleagues component/unit due to removal
due to removal procedure.

General Objective 2.0: Understand Cooling/heating system General Objective 2.0: Understand Cooling/heating system
2.1 Explain the various types of • State the various • Flip chart 2.1 Identify the • Show the student • Water
cooling/heating system. types of • White board marker various types of the different • Wet type model
-Liquid cooling/heating • Models cooling/heating types of • Dry type model
-air system. • Lesson notes system. cooling/heating • Chart
2.2 Explain types of water cooling • List types of • Instructional 2.2 Identify types of system • Over head
system. water cooling materials water cooling • Guide the student projector
2.3 Explain types of air cooling system. • Over head projector system. to identify the
system. • List types of air 2.3 Identify types of types of water
cooling system. air cooling and air
• Assess the system. cooling/heating
student. systems
• Assess the
General Objective 3.0: Know the main cooling/heating systems components and General Objective 3.0: Know the main cooling/heating systems
their function. components and their function.
3.1 List the main component of a • State the function • Flip chart 3.1 Use wet cylinder • Using the model, • Dismantling tools
water cooling/heating system. of the • Hand tool model to show dismantle to • Wet cylinder
- Radiator/heater component. • Wet model cylinder the main show the main model
- Expansion tank • Dry cylinder model component of components of • Dry cylinder
- Hoses water the model
- Thermostat • Give detailed cooling/heating cooling/heating • Work bench
- Fans notes with system. systems for air • Flip chart.
- Impeller/pump diagram that will 3.2 State the function and water. • Dismantling tools
3.2 Explain the functions of the main show the main of the main • Test the student
components. components of component. understanding
3.3 List the main component of an water cooling 3.3 Use Dry cylinder
air cooling/heating system. system model to show
- Fan the main
- Drive belt component of air
- cowling cooling/heating
3.4 Explain the function of the main system.
components. 3.4 State the function
of the main
General Objective 4.0: Understand the operational principles of cooling/heating General Objective 4.0: Understand the operational principles of
systems. cooling/heating systems.
4.1 Explain the working principles • Give detail notes • Flip chart 4.1 Using a flow chart • Demonstrate on •
for and explanation • White board marker diagram explain the the dismantled
a. water in each case. • Models explain the water modul how heat
b. air • Use questions • Over head projector. flow circuit. can be dissipated
cooling/heating systems and answers to 4.2 Assess the in the system.
4.2 Explain the heat transfer process determine students. • Assess the
involved. comprehension. 4.3 Demonstrate how students.
• Assess the heat can be
students. transferred.

General Objective 5.0: Know engine lubricating systems General Objective 5.0: Know engine lubricating systems
5.1 Define lubrication? • White board 5.1 Use model to • Demonstrate on • Audio visual aid
5.2 Explain the term lubricating • Flip chart illustrate the dismantled • Flip chart
system. • Instructional lubrication modul how heat • Model engine
5.3 Explain the following: • Use notes to materials 5.2 Use model to can be dissipated
a. Wet sump explain to • models illustrate a in the system.
b. Dry sump students wet and lubricating • Give notes as
dry sump. system. well as
• Assess the 5.3 Differentiate demonstrate with
students. between wet and model a
dry sump. lubricating
system of an
• Assess the
General Objective 6.0: Know the main engine lubrication system component and General Objective 6.0: Know the main engine lubrication system
their function. component and their function.
6.1 Identify the main component of a • List the main • Dismantling tools. 6.1 Show the main • Show students • Dismantle tools.
lubrication system such as oil component of a • Class of lubricant. parts of a the main parts • Class of
pumps, main oil filters, pressure lubrication • Models lubrication and state their lubricant.
relief etc. system. • Chart system. functions. • Models
6.2 Explain the function of the main • Use lesson note • Overhead projector 6.2 State the function • Chart
component of lubrication to explain the • Red wood of the main • Overhead
system. function of the components. projector
6.3 Identify the various oil grade main 6.3 Identify the • Show students • Red wood
types. components. various lubricants the different
6.4 Explain how oil is distributed by • Explain the used in motor Grade of
splash mist and pressure feed viscosity, index vehicle. lubricant.
systems. and classification 6.4 State how oil is • Differentiate
of lubricant. distributed by each application.
• List application splash mist and a
of each system. pressure feed
• Identify each system.
• Assess the
General Objective 7.0: Understand the operating principles of engine lubrication General Objective 7.0: Understand the operating principles of
system. engine lubrication system.

7.1 Explain the working principles • State the • Chart 7.1 Identify the • Assess the • Chart
of engine lubrication system. operational • White board operating students to test • White board
7.2 Explain principle of • Pressure gauge principles of comprehension. • Pressure gauge
a. Cooling effect engine • Models engine • Models
b. Cleaning effect lubrication lubrication
c. Corrosion resistance system. systems. • Demonstrate with
d. Noise reduction • Use notes to 7.2 State the function the use of a
e. Reduction of frictional force explain the of a lubrication model the effect
in a lubrication system. following in 7.2 system of an of a faulty
7.3 Explain the common faults • State the engine. lubrication
within the lubrication systems. common faults 7.3 List the common system.
within lubrication faults of a • Demonstrate with
systems. lubrication a model the
system. common faults of

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics

COURSE: Introduction to Petrol Engine and Fuel System
CONTACT HOUR: 3 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 2 Hours/week

1. Understand safety precautions relating petrol engine maintenance.
3. Know the different varieties ofprinciples
8. Know the main
7. Understand
the basic
the vehicle
working systems
of the fuel
andengine and
the restore
systems it to peak performance.
motor vehicle


COURSE: Introduction to petrol engine COURSE CODE: CMV13 CONTACT HOURS: 3Hrs
and fuel circuit
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0 Understand safety precautions relating General Objectives: 1.0 Understand safety precautions relating petrol
petrol engine maintenance. engine maintenance.
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Activities Resources Objective Activities Resources
1.1 Explain safe use of • Demonstrate the • Thermometer 1.1 Demonstrate safe use • Show safe use of
tools/equipment and safe use • Pressure gauge of tools/equipment tools/equipment
consumable when working on tools/equipment • Flip chart and consumable and consumables.
petrol engine. and consumable • Required hand material. • Guide the Ditto
1.2 Explain safe use, storage and • List safe ways at tools/equipment 1.5 Describe to the students on the
disposal of hazardous material which hazardous • Consumable students on the safe safe use, storage
such as anti frozen agents, anti materials can be materials use, storage and and disposal of
corrosive agents etc. used, kept and • While marker disposal of hazardous hazardous
1.3 Explain hazards involved in disposed. board materials. materials.
working on a running engine. • List hazards • Charts 1.6 List to students some • Demonstrate
1.4 Explain why battery/external involved in • Overhead hazards encountered common hazards
electrical sources should be working on a projector when working on a involved in
removed during work, running engine. running engine. working on a
electrical shock, damage to • State the reason 1.7 Describe why running engine.
components/units due to why battery battery/external • Demonstrate why
removal procedures, electric /external electrical sources battery/external
welding etc. electrical sources should be removed electrical sources
1.5 Identify causes of accidents should be during work, damage should be
and accident prevention e.g removed during to component/unit removed during
- Human work, electrical due to removal work, electric
- Environmental shock etc. procedures. shock, damage to
1.6 Identify the safety procedure component/unit
to prevent injury to self and due to removal
colleagues procedure.
General Objective 2.0: Know the different variety of petrol engine that exist. General Objective 2.0: Know the different variety of petrol engine that
2.1 Explain types of petrol engines • Describe with • Charts 2.1 Identify the types of • Demonstrate with • Charts
e.g. 2 stroke engine, 4 stroke aid of diagram • Models petrol engine with the use of model • Models
engine. 2 stroke • Overhead the use of models. the difference • Overhead
2.2 Explain the cylinder layout 4 stroke projectors 2.2 Distinguish between between 4-stroke projectors
e.g. • Use chart to • Lesson notes the cylinder layouts and 2-stroke. • Lesson notes
- single show the • While marker using charts. • Use chart to • While marker
- multi different board show the board
- in-line cylinder layout • marker different cylinder • marker
- V 2.3 State the various layout.
- Horizontal engine locations. • Use chart to
- Opposed, etc. show the various
2.3 Identify the various engine • Explain with the engine locations.
locations e.g. aid of a • Assess the
- front diagram/chart students to test
- rear the various their
- mid engine locations. understanding
- transverse
- longitudinal etc.
General Objective 3.0: Know the main engine components and their function General Objective 3.0: Know the main engine components and their
3.1 Identify the main component • List the main • Charts 3.1 Dismantle the • Giude student to • Charts
of the petrol engine e.g. component of a • Models engine model dismantle the • Models
- cylinder lead petrol engine • Overhead and identify engine model • Lesson notes
- cylinder block and use lesson projectors various and show the • White board
- manifolds notes to explain. • Lesson notes components. main petrol
- valve mechanism • White board engine
- timing gears • Marker component. • Charts
- cam shaft etc. • Instructional • Allow students • Modesl
3.2 Explain the function of the • State the materials to try the • Feeler guage
main components of petrol functions of the identification • Lesson notes
engine. main component process
• White board
3.3 Explain the following term: of a petrol 3.2 Demonstrate • Present each
• marker
- compression ratio engine. using the model component and
- top dead centre • Use notes to engine and explain function
- bottom dead centre explain the explain the • Demonstrate
- cylinder bore following listed function of each. using the engine
- stroke in (3.3) 3.3 Explain and model to explain
- clearance volute show on the BOC, TOC and
- swept volume engine model to carryout
carryout compression
compressor test. test, swept
3.4 Put the piston on volume and
a BDC and check for
TDC. clearance

General Objective 4.0: Understand the basic working principles of petrol General Objective 4.0: Understand the basic working principles of
engine and restore it to peak performance. petrol engine and restore it to peak performance.
4.1 Explain the working principles • Give detail notes • Charts 4.1 Show with the • Demonstrate • Charts
of petrol engine e.g. convert and explanation • Models model how the using a • Models
chemical (heat) energy to as appropriate. • Overhead mixture of air and carburetor to • Overhead
mechanical energy/produce projectors petrol gets into the show how projectors
power and torque at the fly • Lesson notes engine and process mixture of air • Lesson notes
wheel. • White board combustion. petrol is formed. • White marker
4.2 Explain the four stroke cycle • Use chart to • Marker 4.2 Show the action of • Demonstrate the board
operation. illustrate every each of the four stroke combustion •
• tools Marker
4.3 Explain the processes of action of a with charts. process. • Dismantling
engine tone-up (peak stroke. 4.3 Explain steps and • Demonstrate tools
performance) • Use appropriate reason for carrying out using the model
4.4 State the function of a equipment to tune-up. when each
carburettor carryout tune-up. cylinder is at a
4.5 Identify the different types of • Use lesson notes particular
carburetors and their to explain stroke.
applications • Assess the • Carry-out
students 4.4 Demonstrate adjustment
procedures for the settings and
disassembly and measurement on
assembly of a the engine to the
carburetor including manufacturer
cleaning of parts specifications.

4.6 Identify the main components

of a caburretor and the • guide students to
operating principles. disassembly and
4.7 State the causes and remedies assembly of a
of faults including checking carburetor unit
fuel pump pressure and fuel • assess students

General Objective 5.0: Understand the vehicle fuel systems components, General Objective 5.0: Understand the vehicle fuel systems
principles and operation components, principles and operation
5.1 Explain carburetor systems. • Give detail note • Flip Charts 5.1 Distinguish between • Dismantle the
5.2 Single/multiple out petrol on the • Models the carburetor and carburetor and
injection systems. carburetion • Lesson notes petrol injection show all the main • Charts
5.3 List the main component of a system. • White board system. parts. • Models
petrol fuel system such as: • Differentiate the • Marker 5.2 Demonstrate with a • Dismantle the • Overhead
3.5 fuel tanks difference • Instructional dismantled model to injection system projectors
3.6 filler cap between materials show the main part. • Lesson notes
3.7 venting carburetor and components of petrol • Demonstrate •
• Over head White marker
3.8 level sensor fuel injection fuel system. their function. board
3.9 mounting system. 5.3 Explain the function • Use model to • Marker
3.10 filters • Use lesson notes of the main show the various • Dismantling
3.11 carburetor to explain the component. component of the tools
3.12 petrol injection unit functions of the 5.4 State the operational fuel system. • Instructional
3.13 fuel lift pump etc. main principles of the fuel • Use notes to materials
5.4 Explain the function of the component. system. explain.
main components. • Assess the 5.5 Identify the • Use model to
5.5 Explain the operational students procedure used to illustrate the
principles of the fuel system. • Use lesson note mount fuel tank operational
5.6 Describe the properties of fuel to explain 5.6 Apply manufacturers principles.
and their applications • Study data • Guide the student
5.7 Explain the procedures for manufacturer to mount a fuel
mounting fuel tank data or manual tank
5.8 Explain the common faults on with students • Guide the
fuel tank, their causes and students to
remedies, to include leakages, dismantle the fuel
blockages, dilution and tank
corrosion • Guide the
5.9 Explain the routine students to locate
maintenance and system information on
adjustment necessary on petrol the manual
engines and fuel systems. • Assess the
5.10 Explain systematic testing students
procedures by aural, visual and
functional methods to establish
the condition of, and locate
faults in petrol engines and
fuel systems

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics

COURSE: Introduction Diesel and Fuel System
CONTACT HOUR: 3 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 2 Hours/week

1. State the purpose of diesel fuel system
2. Understand the constructional difference between petrol and diesel engine
3. Understand the different variety of diesel engine in existence
4. Understand the diesel fuel system, functions and operational principle


COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0 State the purpose of diesel fuel system General Objectives: 1.0 State the purpose of diesel fuel system
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Teachers Activities Learning
Objective Activities Resources Learning Resources
1.1 State and explain major • Use note to • Chart 1.1 Explain and • Show the components • Components of
component of the fuel system. explain. • Overhead identify major and name them. a diesel fuel
1.2 Distinguish between diesel • Use note to projector component of • State their likely faults. system.
fuel system and petrol fuel show them • Models the system. • Show and compare the • Model
system. where the both • C-D rom 1.2 Identify the differences. • C-D rom
1.3 Explain and illustrate the engine differs. diesel engine • On a chart show a line • Charts
diesel fuel circuit. • Illustrate with and petrol diagram of the fuel line
1.4 Identify diesel injection pump aid of diagram engine and show position of each
component and function. the diesel fuel differences. component
1.5 Apply safety measure while circuit. 1.3 Show and • Demonstrate the correct • Injector nozzle
working on fuel injection • Use drawings to explain the fuel methods to dismantle fuel pressure tester.
system. state function of line from tank to pump and identify its
component injector nozzle. parts.
• List hazards 1.4 Dismantle the • Demonstrate on how to
relating to the pump and use equipment to perform
fuel injection identify its parts. injector test safely.
system. 1.5 Mobility to carry
out safe working
General Objective 2.0: Understand the constructional difference between petrol and diesel engine.
2.1 Explain the combustion • Use • Overhead 2.1 Understand • Show with the aid op • Notes
processes of the C.I.E. and comprehensive projector combustion visual aid explain the • Text books
compare with S.I.E. note to explain • C-D rom processes of the difference • Overhead
2.2 Explain the following terms • Illustrate the • Charts C.I.E and • Demonstrate on the projector
- phasing combustion • Manual compare model. • Model
- calibration processes • Model with S.I.E. • Demonstrate on the • Notes
2.3 Explain the procedure for • Use note to 2.2 Understand key model while students • Phase and
phasing and calibrating explain point or actions watch. calibrate
various types of injector • Use note and e.g. [phasing and • Engage students to carry machine
pumps. calibration)
charts to explain out the operation while • Injector pressure
2.4 State safety measure to be • Use note and 2.3 Carry out teacher supervise. tester
observed while phasing and calibration and •
lecture on safety Demonstrate and engage • Universal
calibrating the injector pump. during the phasing of students to carry out the diagonizer (sun
2.5 Determine manufacturer’s calibration/phasi various injector operation following scanner)
specifications for the various pump.
ng a pump. manufacturers • Manufacturer
types of pump. • Use 2.4 Carry out safe specification. data
2.6 Explain ways to perform operation during •
functionality test.
Use equipment or manual • Calibrate and
data to explain way to carry out test. phase machine.
and give note. ng the injection
• Use note to pump
2.5 Use
specification in
carrying out
injection pump
2.6 Carry out
functionality test
on injector and
injector pump.
General Objective 3.0: Understand the different variety of diesel engine in existence.
3.1 List and explain types of • Lecture to • C-D rom 3.1 Identify and • Note and explain • Model
diesel engine in use. explain and give • Overhead describe types of • Show on the model or • Overhead
3.2 Explain and identify various notes. projector diesel engine overhead projector projector
diesel engines e.g. Direct • Give a • Note 3.2 Identify location • Demonstrate sequence of • Text book
injector system, Indirect comprehensive • Text book of component of identifying type of engine • Charts.
Injection, Electronic diesel note to describe different types and its data.
engine and unit injection • Give note and of diesel engine.
pump engine. explain. 3.3 Carryout repair
3.3 Explain both multi and single on both multi
cylinder engine. and single
cylinder engine.
Determine types
of injector

General Objective 4.0: Understand the diesel fuel system, functions and operational principle.
4.1 State the functions of fuel • Give note and • Overhead 4.1 Explain the • Demonstrate • Overhead
injection system. explain. projector functions of fuel faults finding projector
4.2 Illustrate the fuel circuit of a • Note and • C-D rom injector system. procedures • C-D rom
fuel injection. drawing the • Text books 4.2 Carry out fault • Guide students • Text books
4.3 Explain the operational circuit. finding of all in faults finding • Test equipment
principles of fuel injection. • Use diagram to kind with the task • tools
4.4 State the causes and remedies explain the fuel circuit • Assess the
of faults including checking operating students
fuel ump pressure and principles performances
leakage. • Use note to
4.5 Distinguish between idling explain. List
speed and MPM. faults and
4.6 Apply procedures for setting remedies.
idling speed. • Give note to
explain the term.
• Give note stating
procedures for
setting idling

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Service Station Procedures II
CONTACT HOUR: 7 Hours/week
Theoretical: 2 Hours/week
Practical: 5 Hours/week

1. Understand
2. Maintain tyres
thein good working condition
oils.and carry out wheel ignition
5. the combustion
Understand service station
safety ofprocess
precautions inprocedures.
and spark
relating to and compression
the handling engines.
and storage of fuels and oils.

COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0 Maintain tyres in good working General Objectives: : 1.0 Maintain tyres in good working condition
condition and carry out wheel alignments and carry out wheel alignments
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Objective Activities Resources Objective Activities Resources
1.1 Explain markings and • Explain with • Tyres and 1.1 Demonstrate to students • Teacher to • Tyres
codes on tyres e.g. appropriate aids appropriate how to: demonstrate for • Tools box
load/speed ratings, tyre • Ask students to teaching - To vulcanize students to • Live vehicles
size/aspect ratio explain topics materials tube and practice till they • charts
1.2 With the aid of sketched • Assess students tubeless tyres become
identify tyre construction - Carry out wheel competent
e.g. radial bias belted. balancing with • Assess the
1.3 Identify different tyres of the appropriate students
wheels construction e.g. equipment

split rim well tyre etc. - Check tyres for
Explain reason for well various wear
1.4 List materials used in and possible
wheel manufacture and wheel distortion
explain reason - Repair or
1.5 Explain procedure involved replace distorted
in tyre removal and wheels
refitting. Identify safety - Identify tyres
aspects. sizes for
categories of
General Objective 2.0: Understand the combustion process in spark and compression ignition engines
2.1 Identify the names of the • List parts of a 4 • Complete engine 2.1 Demonstrate with the aid • Guide student to • Complete engine
main components/parts of a cylinder engine. of a 4 cylinder model identify identify the main • Charts
multicylinder engine and • Sketch an in-line the main components components and • Lesson notes
draw line diagrams of 4 cylinder and 2.2 use chart to show those their basic • Instructional
cylinder arrangements, V-type 4 components that cannot be functions to the materials
crank throws and vee- cylinder engine. readily seen and the working engine system
arrangements. • Sketch cylinder principles of a 2 and 4 stroke • Guide student to
2.2 Explain constructional head of an engine differentiate the
details of cylinder blocks, engine showing 2.3 explain the need for difference
heads and gaskets, cylinder details, and additives between 2 and 4
liners and sumps. explain the 2.4 Dismantle a model engine stroke engine
2.3 Explain the working importance of and remove, check and • Use chart to
sequence of two, and four gasket. Explain replace cylinder head gasket show valve
stroke engine. cylinder liners arrangement in
2.4 Explain the functions of a and their the engine
cylinder gasket and state importance. system
the faults that can occur • Describe sump • Demonstrate for
due to incorrect tightening and state its students to
of cylinder head gasket. functions. practise
2.5 Explain the viscosity of • State the firing • Assess the
lubricants, its variation orders/sequences students
with temperature and of two, four, six
viscosity index. and eight
2.6 Explain the use of additives cylinder engines.
to control detonation and • State the
deposits. importance of
2.7 Draw/sketch the lubricating choosing engine
systems of an engine oil in relation to
showing valve its viscosity with
arrangements and camshaft temperature
drives, fuel supply systems, change.
air and water cooling •Explain the
systems and circuit purpose of
diagrams for ignition and additives in
starting systems. engine oil.
• Sketch
system of an
engine and show
all the important
points of
General Objectives 3.0: Understand Service Station Operation Procedures
3.1 State the features, • List service • Lesson plan 3.1 apply the forecourt • Ask students to • Lesson plan
applications and properties station • Chalkboard procedure on compressors list service • Chalkboard
of fuels, lubricants, tyres, equipment. • Poster/Charts, station • Poster/Charts,
batteries and vehicle • Explain hand tools equipment and hand tools
accessories. functions of a • Battery charger the basic • Battery charger
3.2 Explain forecourt service station. • Beam setter etc. services offered • Beam setter etc
procedure. • List services by service
3.3 Operate forecourt offered at station
equipment such as battery service station.
charger, air compressor, • Explain
water compressor, vehicle forecourt
light/beam setter, etc. procedure
• Demonstrate the
use of battery
charger, beam
setter, etc.
General Objective 4.0: Understand the properties of fuels and oils
4.1 Define the following • Define • Lesson plan 4.1 Define the following • Ask students to • Lesson plan
properties of fuel, and oil – properties of fuel • Testing properties of fuel, and explain the • Chalkboard
viscosity index, volatility, • Define equipment oil – viscosity index, various • Poster/Charts,
flash point, cloud point, properties of • Different types volatility, flash point, properties. hand tools
composition, calorific oils. of graded oils cloud point, • `Assess the • Battery charger
value, cetane rating, octane • Define viscosity • Sketched composition, calorific students • Beam setter etc
rating, oil additives index, volatility, value, cetane rating,
flash point, octane rating, oil
cloud point, additives
calorific value,

octane rating,
octane rating and
oil additives.
• Explain safety
necessary in
handling or
storing fuels and
General Objective 5.0: Understand the safety precautions relating to the handling and storage of fuel and oil.
5.1 Define safety precautions in • Explain the • Use typical fuel 5.1 demonstrate these safety • Guide students
using fuels and oils functions of fuel pump models precaution on live vehicle for carry out these
in motor • Chalkboard the students to see safety standards.
vehicles • Posters 5.2 use a model to show fuel • Assess the
5.2 Enumerate the precautions • List functions of flow path students
necessary to avoid fuel oil oil in the motor 5.3 show students the
contamination when stored vehicle different types of filters
or handled. • Name and sketch 5.4 apply safety precautions
5.3 Describe the health hazards types of fuel
due to handling of fuel oil pumps
and the required • Name and sketch
precautions. types of oil
5.4 State the safety precautions pumps
to be observed when • Explain steps in
dealing with high pressure changing engine
fuel injection system in- oil.
situ and when using test • Assess students
5.5 Draw a cross section of a
sedimentor and state its
function and indicate the
fuel flow path.
5.6 Define or explain the
action of an agglomerator
5.7 Sketch a typical duel filter
and state the need for
constant maintenance.

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Electrical Science
CONTACT HOUR: 3 Hours/week
Theoretical: 2 Hours/week
Practical: 1 Hour/weeks

1. Understand the concept of magnetism and magnetic
2. Understand the concept of electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction
3. Understand the concept of inductance and its applications
4. Understand the fundamentals of a.c. theory

Contact Hours: 3Hrs/week
Course Specification: Theoretical Content Course Specification: Practical Content
General Objective: 1.0 Understand the concept of magnetism and magnetic General Objective 1.0: Understand through experiments the a.c
circuits. fundamentals and circuits
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources Special Learning Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Define magnetic flux, State the general • Magnetic 1.1 Determine by Ask students to Magnet, inductors,
magnetic flux density concept of magnetism Writing Board, experiment the perform the voltmeter, ammeter,
magnetic motive force, and electromagnetism textbooks, coil B-H curve for experiments with flux meter, practical
magnetic field strength, of conductor, magnetic minimum error manual, practical
reluctance, permeability magnetic material notebook,
of free space (magnetic The teacher is to materials, (Hysterisis measurement and
constants), relative derive formulae for magnet, curve) instrumentation
permeability. field strength force calculator 1.2 Perform laboratory.
1.2 State the symbols, units etc. writing experiment on a
and relationships of Show analogies materials. magnetic energy
terms in 1.1 between electrical and loss in a
magnetic circuits. magnetic
1.3 Draw the electrical material.

equivalent of a magnetic circuit, Solve problems in the
with or without air-gap. class.

1.4 State analogies between

electrical and magnetic circuits

1.5 Solve simple magnetic

circuit problems

1.6 Distinguish between soft

and hard magnetic materials.

General Objective: 2.0 Understand the concept of electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction
Week Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources
2.1 Explain the The teacher to show Chalk Board, 2.1 Verify by
magnetic effect of right hand rule and textbooks, coil of experiment
electric current explain the concept of conductor, magnetic faraday's law of
2.1 Draw magnetic electric field and materials, magnet, and electromagnetic
fields around electromagnetic Calculator/ writing induction.
straight Induction. materials. 2.2 Perform
conductors, experiment on
adjacent parallel Lenz's law of
conductors and electromagnetic
solenoids. induction.
2.2 Explain the force
on a current
conductor in a
magnetic field.
2.3 State the direction
of the force in 2.4
2.4 Derive the
expression for the
magnitude of the
force in 2.4 (i.e. F
= BIL Newton)
2.5 Explain the
concept of
2.6 State Faraday's
Laws of

2.7 State Lenz's law
2.8 Derive the
expressions for
magnitude of
e.m.f induced in a
conductor or a
2.9 Solve problems
involving 2.6 to
2.10 above.
2.10 State the
applications of

General Objective: 3.0 Understand the concept of inductance and its applications

Week Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources
Outcome Outcome
3.1 Define self and Explain mutual Recommended 3.1 Determine by Conduct the Basic Electricity,
mutual inductance. inductance and how to textbooks, writing experiment the experiments with Measurement and
3.2 State the symbols calculate various materials, chalkboard, inductance of a students. Instrumentation
and units of the parameters. chalk, and calculator. coil. Laboratory, Inductors,
terms in 3.1 above. 3.2 Determine by Arrange the practical Power Supply Unit.
3.3 State the experiment session in such a way
expression for the Show with examples energy lost in an that students
equivalent how energy is stored. inductor. participate actively in
inductance of it.
connected in series
and in parallel.
3.2 State the
expression for
the induced
voltage across an
3.3 State the
expression for
inductance in
coupled coils.
connected in
series aiding or
3.4 Derive an
expression for
energy stored in
an inductor.
3.5 Solve problem
involving 3.3 to
3.6 Describe using
suitable diagram,
the operation of
the induction
coiled in a car
ignition system.

General Objective: 4.0 Understand the fundamentals of a.c. theory.

WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources
Outcome: Outcome
4.1 Describe the • The teacher • Recommended 4.1 Demonstrate by Show the students the Basic Electricity,
production of an should textbooks, experiment the necessary precautions Measurement and
alternating e.m.f. explain in writing relationship to be taken during the Instrumentation
by a rotating coil in detail the materials, between the experiment. Laboratory,
a magnetic field. theory of chalkboard, following: Resistors, Inductors,
alternating chalk, and Frequency period Provide well Capacitors, Ac
4.1 Sketch a.c. current and calculator. and amplitude of developed practical circuits, Practical
waveforms both voltage. sinusoidal wave. manuals for the manual and
to scale and not to 4.2 Determine by experiments. Notebooks.
scale. • Solve experiment the Q
4.2 Define r.m.s, problems on factor of circuit
instantaneous, a.c circuits. containing R, L,
average, and peak and C in
values, period, a. Series
and frequency of b. Parallel
an a.c. waveform.
4.3 State relationship
instantaneous and
peak values of a
sinusoidal wave.
4.4 Solve problems
involving 4.2. to
4.5 Solve problems
graphically on a.c

circuits with
combinations of
inductance and
4.6 Differentiate
between series
and parallel
4.7 Explain phase lag
or phase lead as
applied to a.c.
4.8 Explain the
between single-
phase and three-
phase supply.

4.9 State advantages

and disadvantages
of three phase
supply over single
phase supply.

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Transmission and Clutch Systems I
CONTACT HOUR: 7 Hours/week
Theoretical: 2 Hours/week
Practical: 5 Hours/weeks

On completion of this module, the trainee should be able to:

1. Understand the operating principles of automatic transmission gear box.

2. Understand the operation of synchromesh gear, assemblies and describe the types of bearings used in them.
3. Understand the clutch systems and safety practices involved in its repair
4. Know the clutch components, their functions and the operational principles

COURSE: Transmission and Clutch Systems I COURSE CODE: CMV 19 CONTACT HOURS: 7Hrs/week
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0: Understand the operating principles of automatic General Objectives: Understand the operating principles of automatic transmission
transmission gear box. gear box.
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Resources Objective Activities Resources
1.1 Explain the principles of operation of • Describe with the • Lesson 1.1 Dismantle and re- The Teacher • Lesson plan
automatic transmission. aid of sketches plan] assemble a gear box should • Relevant tools
the major parts of • Chart 1.2 Carry out the repair on demonstrate • Service
Automatic • Automatic a gear box using the the practical Manual
transmission and transmissi following procedure: • Gear box
how they on • Students
function. • Dismantle gear box, should
• Explain the clean and display all practice till
concept of the parts on a neat they become
automatic table competent
transmission • Assess wear on parts • Assess the
by students
• List the inspection/measurem
advantages and ent, replace worn out
disadvantages of parts and bushes and
automatic re-assemble the unit
transmission. components of gear
• Assess the box as appropriate.
students •

General Objective 2.0: Understand the operation of synchromesh gear, assemblies and describe the types of bearings used in them.

2.1 Describe the operation of constant • Explain the • Overhead 2.1 Examine gearbox The • White Board
load and bulk ring type of operation of Projector synchromesh unit Teacher • Chart
synchromesh device. the constant and 2.2 Replace should • Models
2.2 State reasons for the use of helical load and transparenci synchromesh type demonstrate • Marker
gears in the gear box and the baulk-ring es. gear box. the • Instructional material
solution of problems arising from synchromesh • Chalk board 2.3 Test gear box for practical • Lesson notes
them. devices, state • Chalk correct gear ratio,
2.3 State types of bearings used in a the reason • Lesson plan couple the • Students
gear box: why the • Charts assembled gear box should
a. to absorb end thrust constant load to engine and to the practice till
b. to support gears in casing. is no longer propeller shaft. they
in use. 2.4 Examine and adjust become
• Discuss the gearbox remote competent
various types control mechanism • Assess the
of gears that students
can be used
in the
manual type
gearbox e.g.
helical gears.
State their
faults and
• Explain the
type of
bearings that
can absorb
various load
imposed by
the actions
of the gears.
• Assess the
2.5 Describe a gear control mechanism • Explain with • Lesson plan
and its operation sketches the • Chart
2.6 State the reason for the utilization gear control • Chalkboard
of the remote control mechanism mechanism • Overhead
2.7 State the purpose of overdrive and its projector
units operation. and
2.8 Describe the operation of two- • Discuss the transparenci
speed transfer box in: need for es
a. rear wheel drive only remote • Overdrive
b. four wheel drive control unit
mechanism • Transfer
and state gear box
some of its
• Discuss the
of overdrive
• Explain the
and the need
to have a
transfer gear
box on the
• Assess the
General Objectives: 3.0: Understand the clutch system and safety practices involved in its repairs.
3.1 Explain clutch system the function • Describe the • White Board 1.1 Show students with • Teacher • White Board
of clutch system clutch • Chart models the different should • Chart
3.2 Identify the different types of system and • Models types of clutch guide • Models
clutch systems its function. • Marker students to • Marker
3.3 State the advantages, • List the • Instructional identify the • Instructional material
disadvantages and applications of advantage material types and • Lesson notes
clutch systems. and • Lesson notes their • Clutch units
3.4 Explain the safety precautions and advantages
practices involved in working with disadvantage as well as
clutch system. of clutch disadvantag
systems es.
• Use chart to
explain the • Apply
safety safety
precautions precaution
working on

General Objective 4.0: Know the clutch components, their functions and the operational principles
a. Identify the main components of a • List the main • White Board 4.1 Dismantle, examine • Guide • White Board
clutch system. components • Chart and re-assemble a students to • Chart
b. State the functions of the main of a cutch • Models single dry plate dismantle • Models
components. system • Marker friction clutch and re- • Marker
c. Describe the working principles of • Explain the • Instructional assemble • Instructional material
a clutch system. working material the clutch • Lesson notes
principles • Lesson notes • Examine • Clutch units
using lesson the
notes. dismantled
clutch with

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Engine Fault Diagnosis I
CONTACT HOUR: 4 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 3 Hours/weeks


1.0 Understand the working principles of a car air- conditioning system

2.0 Diagnose and rectify faults in the air-conditioning systems.
3.0 Select and install new automobile air conditioners
4.0 Carry out routine service

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor Vehicle Mechanics
COURSE: Engine Faults Diagnosis I Course Code: CMV 18 Contact Hours: 4 Hours/Week
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: COURSE SPECIFICATION: Practical Contents:
General Objective: 1.0 Understand various safety requirements. General Objective: 1.0 Understand various safety requirements.
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Objective Teachers Learning
Resources Activities Resources
1.1 Identify the various safety  Explain the various  Whiteboard & 1.1 Demonstrate  Guide the  Diagnostic
precautions and signs. safety precautions and Marker procedures for students to Equipment
1.2 Discuss the importance of warning signs.  Recommended checking/adjusting. carry out  Live Vehicle
safety precautions and  Ask the students to state textbooks  Incorrect mixture setting the Engine
warning signs. the importance of safety.  Lecture notes  Incorrect valve clearance. procedures  White Board
1.3 Discuss when to apply  Discuss when to apply etc.  Exhaust gas leakage in 1.1. & Maker
safety various safety safety precautions and  National  Oil pressure  Explain  Recommended
precautions notes. warning signs. Safety Council  Compression test causes of textbooks
1.4 State the purpose of  Classify models and for posters. Demonstrate the procedures for: fault read  Models of
vehicle specification for components  Fitting a new timing from scan engine
models and components  Explain the purpose of belt/chain/gear tool.  Lecture notes.
1.5 State the advantages of vehicle specification for  Checking valve timing with  Workshop
vehicle specification for models and components and without manufacturers Manual
models and components  Ask the students to state timing marks.
the reasons for  Read faults code on
specification for model diagnostic scan tool.
and components
General Objective: 2.0 Understand application of Engine diagnostic equipments
2.1 Explain safety notes/warning • Perform a signal test • Signal tester 2.1 Test to diagnose the • Guide the • Diagnostic
notes signal test. Design and on safety • Worksheet following: students, to Equipment
maintenance worksheet. notes/warning notes. • Engine test carry out • Live Vehicle
• Ask the students to bench • Serviceability diagnosis Engine
2.2 Explain how to carry out calculate maintenance • Endoscope • Correct ignition timing process in • White Board &
maintenance inspection of an interval. • Hand tools etc • Correct mixture 2.1 & 2. Maker
engine using engine test • Perform routine test • Engine analyser adjustment • Explain tests • Compression
bench or endoscope. using engine test • Engine CAN • Leaking induction procedures Tester
bench. Tool system to students. • Exhaust Gas
2.3 Describe the application of • Take the students out • Exhaust systems • Assign them Analyser
Engine/Analyser scan tools. to visit a standard • EGR Exhaust gas to carry out
automobile workshop. recirculating tests
2.4 Explain how to carry out a • Guide the students to • Exhaust gas analyser.
identified hand tools for each
familiarisation visit to a
and equipment use in item.
standard engine maintenance 2.2 Demonstrate the
shop. engine maintenance.
following test procedures:

• Compression test
• Cylinder leak test

 Abnormal oil pressure

 Cylinder balance test

General Objective: 3.0 Understand Fuel Injection System Diagnosis.

3.1 Describe the concept of • Explain (EGR) • White Board & 3.1 Diagnose the following • List various • White Board &
engine fuel economy and • Explain catalyst Maker using electronic engine test to be Maker
emission systems. convert. • Recommended tester; performed. • Flip chart Board
3.2 Discuss factors affecting • Hydro carbon Textbooks • Assign • Live Vehicle
fuel consumption. emission. • Workshop • Injectors, cold start students on Engine
3.3 Describe the diagnostic and • Compare the modern Manual injectors engine tester • Exhaust Gas
repair techniques of modern diagnostic and repair • Vehicle Owner • Thermal sensors and demand Analyser
petrol engines and fuel techniques with the Handbook • Pressure regulators report • Co-Meter
system using: Analysers, current practice appropriatel
gauges, Meters etc. y.
3.2 Demonstrate the procedures
• Assess
for remedying the following
ability to

faults: detect faults
in starting
• Difficult cold starting vehicles.
• Lack of acceleration
• High fuel consumption
• Poor control of exhaust
gas emission.

3.3 Demonstrate methods of

checking/adjusting mixture
strength CO emission (with
specialised equipment).

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics

COURSE: Braking Systems
CONTACT HOUR: 4 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 3 Hours/week

1. Understand the braking systems and safety practices
2. Know the main components of braking systems, their functions and the operational principles.
3. Understand the routine maintenance and system adjustments running on vehicle braking systems
4. Understand diagnostic procedures and faults rectifications in hydraulic brakes.


COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives:1.0 Understand the braking systems and General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the braking systems and safety
safety practices involved practices involved
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Objective Activities Resources Objective Activities Resources
1.1 Explain the following: • Dismantle model • Charts 1.1 Describe with the • Guide the student • Charts
- drum brakes to show the • Models model the action of to dismantle and • Models
- disc brakes components • White board the components identify the • White board
- disc brakes • Use notes and • Marker components. • Marker
- parking brakes charts to explain • Hand tools • Hand tools
- hydraulic the braking • Over head • Instructional
- pneumatic system of motor projector materials
- brake fluid vehicle 1.2 Show the layout of
• Over head
1.2 Explain the braking system of hydraulic brake • Use model to
motor vehicle • Use notes to system. explain the projector
1.3 State the safety precautions to explain 1.3 Apply safety hydraulic brake
be observed when working on precautions. system.
brakes and brake fluids 1.4 Carry out the • Use chart to
dismantling of demonstrate the
component parts of safety
a braking system precautions.
taking appropriate
care for the
hydraulic/air pipes
General Objective 2.0: Know the main components of braking systems and their functions
2.1 Identify the main components • Use a model to • Charts 2.1 Identify the main • Guide to • Charts
of a brake system such as identify the • Models component of a dismantle • Model
master cylinder, wheel component of a • White board hydraulic brake hydraulic brake • White board
cylinder flexible holes, etc. hydraulic brake • Marker system. system. • Marker
2.2 Explain the functions of the system 2.2 State the functions • Help students to • Hand tools
main component • Use notes to of the main identify the
2.3 Explain the functions of a explain the components. components.
hydraulic brake system. functions of the 2.3 State reasons why • Show the
2.4 Explain the operating main component braking system is students the
principle of a hydraulic brake • Use lesson to necessary in a motor various
system. explain the vehicle. components.
function 2.4 Show students how • State the function
• Assess the the operating of the
students principles of a components to
• Use drawing to hydraulic brake the hydraulic
describe the system works. brake system.
operating • Use lesson notes
principles of to explain.
hydraulic brake • Assess the
system. student
• Use chart to
explain hydraulic
brake system.
• Distinguish
hydraulic and
pneumatic brake
General Objective 3.0: Understand the routine maintenance and system adjustment running on vehicle braking system.

3.1 Describe the function of • Use notes and • Charts 3.1 Demonstrate the • Use live vehicle • Live vehicle
component parts of the charts to show • CD-roms operation of the and model to 3.14 model
hydraulic, air and mechanical serviceable • White board following brake demonstrate the 3.15 overhead
brakes. components, e.g. systems application of the projector
3.2 Identify common faults on master cylinder - Hydraulic type of brake • Tools/equipment
hydraulic brake system and kits, show/pad - Mechanical systems.
their causes, effects and working surface - Air • Demonstrate
remedy. and adjusters. 3.2 Differentiate using live vehicle
3.3 Outline the procedure to • Use notes to different break or model to
carryout bleeding a hydraulic explain. system faults. explain common
brake system. • Use notes to 3.3 Carryout bleeding faults; causes and
explain CD-rom on hydraulic brake remedy.
charts. system to show • Perform air
students the bleeding on the
procedures. hydraulic brake
3.4 Assess wear and system
locate leakages in • Demonstrate
the air/hydraulic using a live
system vehicle or model.
3.5 Show students how
to fit replacement
• Demonstrate each
units such as break
practical for the
valve lock actuator,
students to learn
road sensing valve,
• Ensure that the
students use the
reservoirs and break
correct tools
• Ensure that the
3.6 Demonstrate to
students work
students how to
according to the
check air line for
standard practice
system leaks
• Encourage safe
3.7 Diagnose and
working procedure
rectify faults
• Students to practise
associated with the
they are until they are
braking system e.g.
brake failure, brake
seizure, free play.
3.8 Test vehicle braking
system when the
vehicle is in
stationary position
3.9 Test vehicle braking

system on the road

General Objective 4.0: Understand diagnostic procedures and fault rectification in hydraulic brakes.
4.1 Understand the standard • Use note, chart • Notes, datas, text 4.1 Apply standard • Demonstrate the • Manufacturers
procedure for fault diagnosis. and books. procedure in standard • Data
4.2 Explain the safety precaution manufacturers to • CD-roms diagnosing brake procedures. • Note books
in working on breaking explain the need faults. • CD-roms
system for standard 4.2 Diagnose faults and • Board
procedures. rectify faulty power
braking system
4.3 Apply safety
associated with
braking system

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics

COURSE: Workshop Technology
CONTACT HOUR: 4 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 3 Hours/weeks


1. Know auto workshop, its various units, its fundamental set up equipments for proper functioning.
2. Know safety precautions.
3. Use simple measuring and testing instruments.
4. Use and maintain various hand tools.
5. Know drilling and reaming operation.
6. Know various tapping and metal joining operation.
7. Know various welding operations.
8. Know the various wood working tools and operations.
9. Know simple operations on plastics


Course Code: CMV 20 Contact Hours 4hrs/wk
General Objective: 1.0 Know auto workshop, its various units, its General Objective1.0: Know auto workshop, its various units, its
Week fundamental set up requirements for proper functioning fundamental set up requirements for proper functioning
Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Explain the purpose and • List and • Plan of a 1.1 Acquaint students • Arrange a visit • Plan of a
functions of an describe what standard with the functions of to a standard standard

automobile workshop. constitutes an workshop a standard auto auto workshop workshop
1.2 Discuss the various automobile workshop. for students to
workshop classifications workshop see for
and their applications • Describe the themselves all
1.3 Explain the various units they have been
• Plan of a • Plan of a
requirements and of an taught.
standard standard auto
procedures for setting up automobile
auto workshop.
an auto workshop. workshop workshop. 1.2 Familiarize students
1.4 State the importance of using the
the following in a layout sketch with all aspects of
auto workshop • Arrange a visit
workshop: of a standard
building, machines to a standard
equipment and tools auto workshop
- Adequate space • Describe in for students to
for auto servicing
- Lighting detail the see for
and repairs.
- Environmental procedure of themselves all
control setting up a they have been
standard taught.
1.5 Explain the purpose and workshop.
types of workshop List out
utilities machines and
1.6 Explain the purpose and equipment
types of workshop needed and
how to • Arrange a visit
properly to a standard
locate and auto workshop
install, and for students to
level them see for
horizontally themselves all
and vertically they have been
• Explain in taught.
detail why a
should have
space for
machine and
• Also highlight
the importance
of having
enough space
to move
around the
without the
tendency to
stumble onto
machines or
• State the
purpose of
enough natural
lighting during
the day and
artificial on at
night or on
cloudy day.
• Explain the
need for
ventilation for
auto workshop
and the
of its absence.
• Where
state the
purpose of
heating or
cooling of the
as it affects
output and
• List all the
required for
the operational
purposes of a
workshop, like
electricity, air,
gas, etc.
• Explain in
detail their
uses for the
auto workshop
General Objective: 2..0 Know safety precautions General Objective: 2.0 Know safety precautions
2.1 State safety precautions Explain in details • White 2.1 Observe safety • Demonstrate • Fire
safety rules and board precautions activities 1.1 to extinguisher
regulations in marker 1.4 for the • Water hoses
2.2 Explain protective wears workshop practice. • Test books 2.2 Operate safety equipment students to learn • Sand buckets
• Safety e.g. fire extinguishers, and ask them to • Overalls
1-2 poster safety water hose etc. carry out all the • safety boots
2.3 List all safety rules and activities. • Goggles
regulation. 2.3 Use of protective wears • Assess students’ • hand gloves.
knowledge of
2.4 Observe all safety rules
and regulations
General Objective 3.0: : Know how to use simple measuring and testing
Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources
. • Demonstrate
3.1 Perform simple measuring activities 3.1 to • Micrometers
exercises using steel rules, 3.3 for the • external &
vernier callipers and students to learn internal
micrometers. and ask them to Vernier
carry out all the callipers
3.2 Use dial indicators to (i) activities. • Steel rule
set up job jobs on the Test
3-4 lathe (ii) roundness testing • mandrel/test
etc. bars,
070 x 300 mm
3.3 Carry out exercises long
involving flatness dial indicator
squareness, straightness with stand,
and surface finish test. etc.

General Objective 4.0 Understand the skills in the use of hand tools.
Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources
4.1 Use marking-out tools on Demonstrate Work bench
the bench correctly activities 4.1 to Bench vice
4.3 for the Hammers
4.2 Produce simple objects students to learn Set of drills
5-6 using bench/hand tools and ask them to Steel rule
such as files, chisels, carry out all the Scribers
scrapers, saws etc. activities Scribing blocks Inside
and outside calliper
4.3 Maintain files, dividers, Surface plate, etc.
saws, gauges try squares,
bevel edge square etc.
General Objective 5.0: Know drilling and reaming operations General Objective 5.0: Know skills in drilling and reaming operations
Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources

5.1 Discuss the • Explain in Recommended 5.1 Operate different types of • Demonstrate Radial drilling
nomenclature details the textbook, Lecture drilling machines activities 4.1 to machine,
of a twist drill. features and notes, Chalkboard, 4.6 for the Bench drilling
5.2 Discuss the processes of Chalk ,Duster, etc 5.2 Carry out operations such students to learn machine,
formulae for drilling and as counter-boring and and ask them to Pillar drilling machine,
calculation of reaming counter-sinking carry out all the Column type drilling
speed of operations. activities. machine,
various sizes 5.3 Grind drill bits accurately
of drills: • Guide the Hand reamers,
students to 5.4 Select correct drilling Machine reamers,
N = [v x 1000]/ calculate the speeds Tap wrench,
[1xd] speed of various 5.5 Carry out reaming Jacobs chuck and key,
sizes of drills operations Medium size Lathe,
Where N = no. and
of rev/min i. on the bench Reduction sleeves,
ii. on
d=dia. of drill
in mm

5.6 Select correct speeds for

v = cutting
reaming small and large
speed in mms-1

General Objective 5.0: Know various tapping and metal joining General Objective 6.0 Know skills in tapping and metal joining
operations. operations.
Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources
6.1 State the correct tapping • Explain in Recommended 6.1 Select correct tapping • Demonstrate _ Taps and wrenches
drill size details the textbook, Lecture drill size. activities 6.1 to _ Drill chuck and key
principles of notes, Chalkboard, 6.6 for the _ Lathe machine -
6.2 Explain how to select tapping and Chalk ,Duster, etc 6.2 Select correct taps students to learn medium size
correct taps metal joining and ask them to _ Bench drilling
6.3 Explain the processes of operations. 6.3 Carry out tapping carry out all the machine
fabrication of metal operation (i) on the work activities. _ Pillar drilling
container by knock-up Guide the bench (ii) on drilling machine
joining. students to machine (iii) on lathe _ Cutting fluid or
6.4 Explain soft soldering calculate the 6.4 Fabricate metal container lubricants
Process. tapping drill size by Knock-up joining
for v-threads.
6.5 Join metals by the
grooving technique

6.6 Carry out soft soldering

General Objective 7.0: Know various welding operations General Objective 7.0: Know how to Cut and join metals by gas welding
Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources
7.1 List various welding Explain in Chalkboard, Chalk, 7.1 Assemble OXY- • Demonstrate OXY-acetylene gas
operations. details the Lecture notes, etc. acetylene welding plant activities 6.11 to welding set
various welding 6.13 for the Manual rolling
7.2 Explain the operations operations e.g. 7.2 Select various welding students to learn machine
listed in 6.1 above Arc Welding, regulators, clips, blow and ask them to Guillotine shear
Gas Welding, pipe and nozzles. carry out all the Assorted cutting snips
etc. activities. Bending machine.
7.3 Perform gas welding by
various welding
techniques and cut by
flame cutting technique
General Objective 6.2: Know skills in arc welding operations

Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources

7.21 Regulate current and • Demonstrate Electric arc welding
determine polarity for activities 7.21 to Machine
metal arc welding. 7.24 for the and its accessories
students to learn
7.22 Determine polarity and and ask them to
select current carry out all the
7.23 Select and prepare metal
edges for various
thickness and technique

7.24 Perform various arc-

welding by up and down

General Objective 7.3: Understand various techniques for controlling distortion

in welding operations.
Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources
7.31 Apply correctly the stop • Demonstrate Electric arc welding
back and skip method of activities 7.31 to Machine,
controlling distortion 7.32 for the OXY-acetylene
students to learn welding plant, etc.
7.32 Apply pre and post and ask them to
heating technique carry out all the

General Objective 7.0: Know the various wood working tools and General Objective 8.0: Know the skills in the use of various wood working
operations. tools.
Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources
8.1 State and explain the • Explain in details Recommended 8.1 Carry out the applications using • Demonstrate Try square
applications of the the features and textbook, the following activities 8.1 to Dividers, Gauges
following: operations of Lecture notes, 8.4 for the Jack plane,
various wood Chalkboard, a. Geometric/ students to learn Smooth plane
a. Geometric/ working tools. Chalk, Duster, marking out tools and ask them to Try plane, Panel
marking out tools etc e.g. try square, carry out all the saws
e.g. try square, dividers and activities. Chisels, Knives
divider and gauges. gauges. Boring tools
b. Planing tools e.g. b. Planing tools e.g. Hammers,
jack, smooth, try jack, smooth, try Mallets
planes, spokes planes, spoke Oil stone,
shaves, etc. shaves, etc. Bench/table
c. Cutting tools e.g. c. Cutting tools, e.g. grinder, Oil can
saws, chisels, saws, chisels, Portable saw
knives, etc. knives, boring Portable planner
d. Boring tools. tools. Portable drill
e. Impelling tools e.g d. Impelling tools Portable sander
hammer and mallet e.g. hammers and Jig saw
f. Pneumatic tools. mallets.
e. Pneumatic tools.
8.2 Describe portable
electric hand tools in
8.2 Mark out and prepare wood to a
woodwork e.g. portable given specification using the
saw, planer, drill, sander tools in 7.1 above.
and jig saw.
8.3 Maintain all tools in 7.1 above.
8.3 List basic wood working
machines such as
8.4 Carry out various wood work
Surface planning and operations using the tools in 7.1
thicknessing machine, above.
Circular Sawing
Machine, Morticing
Machine, etc.

General Objective 9.0: Know skills in simple operations on plastics.

Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources

9.1 Identify various types of plastic Demonstrate activities 9.1 to Set of drills,
groups such as thermo-setting 9.4 for the students to learn Wood lathe,
and thermo-plastic. and ask them to carry out all HSS cutting
the activities. tools,
9.2 Use conventional metal cutting Adhesives, etc.
tools to perform operations on Assess the students’
each type in 12.1. practical works and reports.

9.3 Carry out joining operations

using plastics in 12.1.

9.4 Review previous activities and

assess students.

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Workshop Administration
CONTACT HOUR: 2 Hours/week
Theoretical: 2 Hours/week
Practical: 0 Hour/weeks


1.0 Understand automobile workshop staff organization and organizational structure

2.0 Understand basic standard workshop tooling
3.0 Understand basic workshop supervisory management
4.0 Understand the concept of planning and control in automotive workshop
5.0 Understand loading and schedules in automobile workshops
6.0 Understand human relations, industrial psychology and staff motivation
7.0 Understand the capital expenditure budget proposal.

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor Vehicle Mechanics
COURSE: Workshop Administration COURSE CODE: CMV 21 Contact Hours: 2Hours/week
Course Specification: Theoretical
General Objective: 1.0 Understand automobile workshop staff organization and organizational structure.
1.1 Describe automobile  Guide students on  Whiteboard & Marker
workshop staff the organization of  Sample of organogram
organization. staff in an  Textbook
1.2 State the various automobile  Flip chart
types of organization workshop.  White Board
structure.  Assess to produce  Organ Chart Model
1.3 Draw and label simple workshop  Textbooks
organization organogram.
structure.  Explain using
diagrams various
types of
General Objective: 2.0 Understand standard workshop tooling
2.1 Identify various • List down all the  Whiteboard & Marker
measuring tools, shop expected tools in a  Textbook on Workshop
hand tool, shop standard workshop Administration
equipment and power relevant to each  Flip Chart
tools. department.  Various types of tools.
2.2 Explain the • Demonstrate their
differences between uses and identify
various tools and their areas of
handling precautions. application.
2.3 Explain tools • Mention various way
preservation and of tools preservation.
accountability. • Outline methods of
accountability for
each tool at every job
General Objective: 3.0 Understand basic workshop supervisory management
1 3.1 Describe single  Explain the feature  Whiteboard and88 Marker
workshop of a workshop  Textbook
organization chart. organization chart.  Automotive /Journal
3.2 Explain workshop  Distinguish the (internet)
procedure and its various features in
application. a workshop.
3.3 Discuss workshop  Assess the students
procedure and on a workshop
controls. procedures &
General Objective: 4.0 Understand the concept of planning and control in automotive workshop
4.1 Understand the  Explain and ask  Whiteboard & Marker
concept of planning students the concept  Textbooks on Supervision
and control. of planning. Management
 The difference  Sample of time sheet.
4.2 Differentiate
between planning and
planning and control.
4.3 Discuss the  Explain and ask
importance of time students the
sheet. importance of time
General Objective: 5.0 Understand loading and schedules in automobile workshops
5.1 Explain simple  Explain and ask  Whiteboard & Maker
chart of events in the students to draw a  Workshop Journal i.e IMI-
workshop. simple chart of events SAE- (Internet)
in the workshop and
5.2 Explain the function
its hierarchy and their
of reception
technician in the
 Assess the students
on the organ gram of
5.3 Explain the process of
the workshop.
work schedule.
 Evaluate students on
allocation of work
General Objective 6.0 Understand human relations, industrial psychology and staff motivation.
6.1 Explain human  Explain and ask  Whiteboard & Marker
relations and students to enumerate  Textbook on Supervision
industrial human relations and Management
psychology (details industrial  Flip Chart
of bonus scheme) psychology.
6.2 Explain customer  Give assignments on
relations. the customer
6.3 Explain elements of relations strategy
motivation.  Assess students.
6.4 Discuss MASLAW  Explain and ask the
Hierarchy of needs. students to state the
elements of

General Objective: 7.0 Understand the capital expenditure budget proposal.

7.1 Know the concept  Explain and ask  Sample of Capital
of capital expenditure students the concept expenditure proposal.
budget proposal. of capital expenditure  Whiteboard & Maker
budget proposal.
7.2 Draw up list of
 How to arrange
materials of
materials of capital
expenditure budget
expenditure budget

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Petrol engine maintenance
CONTACT HOUR: 7 Hours/week
Theoretical: 2 Hour/week
Practical: 5 Hours/weeks

On completion of this module, the trainee should be able to:

1 Understand general safety precautions.

2 Understand the basic working principles of petrol engine and restore it to peak performance.
3 Understand the working principles of valves.
4 Understand the working principles of the fuel system of the motor vehicle.
5 Understand the operation of an ignition system and carry out repairs and adjustments.
6 Understand the working principles of engine cooling system and restore a faulty cooling system to acceptable
standard of performance.

COURSE: Petrol engine maintenance COURSE CODE: CMV 22 CONTACT HOURS: 7Hrs/week
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0 Understand general safety precautions. General Objectives: 1.0 Understand general safety precautions
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning
Objective Resources Objective Resources
1.1 Apply safety and use • Explain the use of • Lesson plan 1.1 Demonstrate to • Demonstrate • Lesson
service manual and correct grooming • Charts students the correct use of each practical plan
service tools correctly safety wear in the • Workshop tools and to get for the student • Charts
with particular attention workshop. • Manual information from service to learn • Workshop
to: • Use charts and • Chalk board manual • Ensure that the • Manual
a. workshop manual drawings to remind • Chalk students use the • Chalk
and tools students of safety correct tools board
b. Service manual and • Explain the • Ensure the • Chalk
tools importance of observation of
c. Job completion to using workshop safety rules
manufacturers service manual for • Assess students
specifications correct adjustments
d. (Use special and detailed
techniques where technical
applicable) information

General Objective 2.0: Understand the basic working principles of a petrol engine and restore it to peak performance.

2.1 Explain in detail the • Describe the action • Lesson plan 2.1 Demonstrate the • Demonstrate • Lesson
working of the components • Charts working principles of each practical plan
principles of petrol of the four stroke • Modes petrol engines for the student • Charts
engine e.g. two cycle engines. • Overhead 2.2 Show students the to learn • Modes
stroke and four stroke • State the functions projector types piston rings and • Ensure that the • Overhead
cycle engine. of the three piston and explain their functions students use the projector
2.2 Explain the types and rings. Transparenci 2.3 show students with correct tools and
function of all types of • Explain the role of es the use models or charts • Ensure the Transparen
piston rings and the dudgeon pin in • Chalk board the basic difference observation of cies
gudgeon pins used on a coupling the piston • Chalk between two and four safety rules • Chalk
motor vehicle engine. and the connecting stroke engines • Assess students board
2.3 State the difference rod together. 2.4 Demonstrate how to • Chalk
between two stoke and • Explain the dismantle and service • Tools
four stroke engines constructional carburetors • Instruction
2.4 Explain the principles of differences 2.5 Demonstrate how to al materials
operation of different between a two clean set contact breaker
types of carburetors stroke and a four point to manufacturer’s
used in motor vehicles. stroke engines. specification.
2.5 Explain the operation List the advantages 2.5 use charts or model to
and the use of contact and disadvantages show the major difference
breaker points. of each engine. between electric and
2.6 Describe the functions • Explain the mechanical fuel pumps
of the advanced and operation of 2.6 show students how to
retard mechanisms. constant choke and carry out valve
2.7 Explain the process of variable choke adjustments to maker’s
timing the valve and the carburetors. specifications
ignition of an engine. • Explain the 2.7 show students how to
2.8 Explain the general importance of check valve clearance
principles and types of correct gap setting
combustion chamber • Assess the
designs. students.
2.9 Draw and explain the
operation of electric and
mechanical fuel pumps.
2.10 Draw and label a
diagram showing the
correct sequence of
securing the cylinder
General Objective 3.0: Understand the working principles of valves
3.1 Explain the basic • Discuss the • Inlet valves 3.1 show students a • Remove, inspect, • Inlet valves
principles of inlet and functions and • Exhaust typical engine valve and replace and adjust • Exhaust
exhaust valves operation of the valves explain the principle of the valve valves
3.2 Explain the layout of inlet and exhaust inlet and exhaust valve • Allow students to • Tools
various engine valve valves 3.2 Shoe with the aid of do same • Charts
gear arrangements, e.g. • Explain with the model or charts valve • Assess the • Overhead
overhead, side and over aid of sketches the train the method of students projector
head value. valve train and the driving camshaft • models
methods of driving
the Camshaft
• Assess students
General Objective 4.0: Recondition the fuel system of a motor vehicle
4.1 With the aid of sketches • Discuss the major • Lesson plan 4.1 Use a model to • Demonstrate • Lesson
describe the general components of the • Charts explain the each practical plan
working principles of fuel system and • Modes working for the student • Charts
the fuel system of a their functions e.g. • Overhead principles of a to learn • Modes
motor vehicle fuel filter and projector fuel system • Ensure that the • Overhead
4.2 Explain the principles carburetors and 4.2 Trace and repair students use the projector
and functions of a • Explain the types Transparenci leakages in the correct tools and
simple and multi Jet of carburetors and es fuel systems • Ensure the Transparen
carburetors. the way they • Chalk board 4.3 Demonstrate to observation of cies
4.3 With the aid of sketches function giving • Chalk students the safety rules • Chalk
explain the methods of examples of the • Models of
basic difference • Assess students board
mixture correction, and applications of between simple • Chalk
slow running devices. each. and multi jet • Models of
4.4 State the difference • Explain the carburetors
between constant choke operation of the 4.4 Show students
and constant vacuum two carburetors how to dismantle
carburetors. and the slow the carburetor
4.5 Explain the effect of running circuit. 4.5 Demonstrate the
dirty fuel tank on engine Mixture steps involve in
performance and show compensating jet. servicing
how to clean the dirty • Explain the choke carburetors
tank. devices as the cold 4.6 Demonstrate
starting aid, the how to carry out
design of venture, simple
and the direction of maintenance of
fuel flow into the dirty fuel tank
engine. 4.7 Show students
• Explain fuel how to overhaul
starvation which fuel pump
results in loss of
power and
consequently lead
to Road Side break
• Assess students.
General objective 5.0: Understand the operation of an ignition system and carryout repair and adjustments
5.1 Explain the working • With the aid of a • Experimenta 5.1 Show students how to • Demonstrate • Experiment

principles of the ignition sketch explain the l equipment rewire the ignition system each practical al
system of a motor. function of the coil in electro 5.2 Remove, inspect, for the student equipment
5.2 Explain the action of a ignition system of a magnetic replace and adjust ignition to learn in electro
simple Coil ignition motor car. Also and basic system • Ensure that the magnetic
system: advantages and explain firing transformer. 5.3 Show students how to students use the and basic
disadvantages. orders and firing • Appropriate adjust spark to maker’s correct tools transformer
5.3 Explain the basic intervals. vehicles specifications • Ensure the .
principles of magnetic • Explain the • Appropriate 5.4 Demonstrate to observation of • Appropriat
induction and operating operation of the devices students how to determine safety rules e vehicles
principle of the coil. Coil ignition • Related the correctness of dwell • Assess students • Appropriat
(primary and secondary system, and explain spark plugs angle using electronics e devices
circuits. the low tension and • Vehicles equipment • Related
5.4 Explain the working high tension with 5.5 Determine the ignition spark plugs
principle of the ballast circuit. standard point using timing light • Vehicles
• Basic experiments
resistor ignition system. ignition with
5.5 Diagnose the problem in system, standard
with automatic advance electromagnetism feeler ignition
and retard mechanisms and performance of gauges and system,
5.6 Explain and identify the a transformer. dwell meters feeler
differences in spark • Compare ballast • Modern gauges and
plug (heat range) resistor system engine dwell
5.7 Explain the term dwell with standard coil diagnostic meters
angle. Explain the system on vehicles equipment. • Modern
• Demonstrate with
effect of contact breaker engine
gap on dwell angle. appropriate diagnostic
5.8 Explain the operating equipment the equipment.
principles of the effect of contact
following electronic breaker gap on
ignition system: dwell angle and
a. capacitor discharge compare system on
system vehicles.
b. inductive system Demonstrate
c. computerized testing procedure
ignition system using appropriate
d. operation of ECVs equipment.
• Explain the
purpose of each
component. For
each system,
outline safety
General Objective: 6.0 Understand the working principles of engine cooling system and restore a faulty cooling system to acceptable
standard of performance.
6.1 Explain the working • Explain the • Experimenta 6.1 Demonstrate the • Demonstrate • Experiment
principles and the thermosphon and l equipment ability to flush a cooling each practical al
functions of the cooling the pump assisted in electro system for the student equipment
system of an engine e.g. cooling system. magnetic 6.2 Remove, inspect, to learn in electro
water and air-cooling • Explain the and basic replace and adjust fan belt • Ensure that the magnetic
system. function of main transformer. students use the and basic
6.2 Describe the main components of the • Appropriate correct tools transformer
features of the air air cooled engine vehicles • Ensure the .
cooled and water cooled • Discuss the role of • Appropriate observation of • Appropriat
engine. a blower and fins devices safety rules e vehicles
6.3 Explain how heat is attached to the • Related • Assess students • Appropriat
dissipated in the air sleeves of the air- spark plugs e devices
cooled engine cooled engine. • Vehicles • Related
6.4 List the faults • Explain air cooled with spark plugs
attributable to air cooled engine faults and standard • Vehicles
engine and how to their remedies. ignition with
rectify those faults. • Draw a fan used in system, standard
6.5 Draw a fan used in air air cooling feeler ignition
cooling assembly. assembly. gauges and system,
6.6 Explain the working • Describe the dwell meters feeler
principles and testing process of testing • Modern gauges and
techniques of the thermostat for engine dwell
thermostat, immerse a effective operations diagnostic meters
thermostat in hot and/or •
• Describe the equipment. Modern
cold water and watch engine
operations of the
reaction. major types of diagnostic
6.7 Explain the functions of equipment.
water pumps in use
the different types of
on motor vehicle
water pumps
engines, list
6.8 State the principles and
cooling system
actions of impeller and
pressurized cooling
• Explain what
happens to the
6.9 Explain the temperature
boiling point of
control of the cooling
water when it is
under pressure (e.g.
increase in pressure
increase the boiling
point of water.)
• Explain the

operation of
temperature control
devices such as
Radiator blinds,
6.10 Explain the concept of • Explain the
pressure (negative and concept of
positive) temperature pressure/temperatu
and volume relationship re and volume
as related to the relationship.
pressurized cooling • Discuss the risks
system) and the
6.11 Explain the safety rules consequence of
associated with working removing the
on cooling system. radiator cap when
6.12 Explain the danger in the engine is hot.
radiator cap when the • Discuss other
engine is hot and under safety measures
pressure which can that should be
result in scalding. taken when
6.13 Draw a radiator working on the
showing details of water cooling system.
passages etc. • Explain with the
aid of sketches the
components parts
of the radiator

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Transmission and Clutch Systems II
CONTACT HOUR: 6 Hours/week
Theoretical: 2 Hour/week
Practical: 4 Hours/weeks

On completion of this module, the trainee should be able to:

1. Understand the functions and operations of double reduction final drive differential assembly, diagnose faults and
rectify them.
2 Understand the purpose and the operation of the components of propeller and drive shafts.
3 Understand the identification of clutch faults
4 Understand how to carry out repairs or replacements of clutch assembly

PROGRAMME: National Vocational Certificate in Motor Vehicle Mechanics
COURSE: Transmission COURSE CODE: CMV 23 CONTACT HOURS: 6hrs/week
and Clutch Systems II
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the functions and operations of double General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the functions and
reduction final drive differential assembly, diagnose faults and rectify them. operations of double reduction final drive differential assembly,
diagnose faults and rectify them
WE Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning
EK Objective Resources Objective Resources
1.2 Explain the basic •Describe the principles of • Lesson plan 1.1 Dismantle, examine • The Teacher should • Lesson
principles of double power versus speed, as • Constant and assemble a two demonstrate the plan
reduction final drive applied to double reduction velocity speed axle (double practical and allow • Relevan
differential and from and differential gearing. joint reduction) the students to t tools
wheel drive • Explain how the final drive • Banjo axle 1.2 Dismantle, examine practice till they • Service
assembly. unit is lubricated and the casing and assemble a heavy become competent Manual
1.3 Describe the means type of lubricant used and • Text book duty rear axle of the • The Teacher should • Gear
of lubrication and oil provision to take care of • Overhead worm and wheel type assess the students box
retention of the final pressure build-up in the projector 1.3 Inspect a vehicle for • Rear
drive unit. axle casing. transparenci roadworthiness and axle
1.4 Describe the action of• Explain the action of the es compile report • Propelle
the bevel gear differential gearing during • Chart r shaft
differentials cornering and straight • Chalk board
1.5 Describe the banjo motion.
axle casing. • Explain with the aid of
diagram the banjo axle
casing and how it differs
from other casings
• Assess the students
General Objective 2.0: Understand the purpose and the operation of the components of propeller and drive shafts.

2.1 Describe the • Explain the • Lesson plan 2.1 Examine • With the aid of • Lesson plan
purpose of forces • Text book the axle sketches • Measuring tools
universal joints acting on • Overhead projector shaft illustrate the • Splined shaft
on the drive the front • transparencies splines for method of • Chalk board
shafts of wheel drive • Chart wear and detecting wear • Diagrams
vehicles. axle e.g. • Chalk board replace on splined shaft • Lesson plan
2.2 Describe the cornering, • Propeller shaft
shaft if • Illustrate with • Live vehicle
followings: driving and necessary sketches likely
• Universal joints
Lay rub, rubber braking 2.2 Examine faults on hub
• Constant velocity joint
cruciform forces. hub bearing bearings and
coupling and • Explain for wear, discuss remedy
potts joints with the aid replace or • Explain how to
2.3 Explain the use of sketches adjust diagnose faults
of front wheel their where through road test
drive of: Solid advantages necessary • Students should
drive shafts, and 2.3 Dismantle be allowed to
Tubular drive disadvantag the practice till they
shafts. es. differential become
2.4 Explain the • Explain unit, and competent
reason for the with the aid assess the • Assess the
usage of torque – of sketches degree of students
tube drive coupling wear.
2.5 Describe the the 2.4 Replace
arrangement of advantages worn parts
drive shafts when and and
a transfer box is disadvantag reassemble,
fitted in es of each ensuring
transmission coupling. that the
• State the planetary
disadvantag gears are in
es one has correct
over the mesh and
other and within
state their Specificatio
differences. ns
• Explain the 2.5 Reassemble
torque tube the
features and differential
the reason assembly in
why they the logical
are used on sequence.
some 2.6 Carry out

vehicles. the road test
• With the and compile
aid of report for
sketches, rectification
explain the .
layout and
operation of
the various
parts of the
• Assess the
General Objective 3.0: Understand the identification of clutch faults.
3.1 State common • List the • White Board 3.1 Diagnose • Guide student to • White Board
faults on a clutch faults and • Chart faults in any these techniques • Chart
system e.g. explain • Models clutch of diagnosis • Models
clutch judder and each. • Marker assembly • Allow student to • Marker
clutch slip • Discuss the • Instructional material by try on their own • Instructional material
3.2 State the causes most • Lesson notes inspection to detect faults • Lesson notes
of the common common 3.2 Identify the • Assess students • Tools
faults in clutch faults and type of
• Clutch Units
system e.g. the remedy faults
uneven wear of and give diagnose
the friction notes.
plate. • Discuss and
3.3 State the effect of give notes.
such common • Use notes
faults e.g. worn to explain
out friction the remedy
plates. according
3.4 List common to faults.
faults, e.g.
friction plates.
3.5 Explain the
procedures for
the identification
of faults on a
clutch system.
General Objective 4.0: Understand how to carryout repair or replacement of clutch assembly.
4.1 Describe the • Show • White Board 1.1 show • Guide student to • White Board
steps involved to students the • Chart students effect repairs in • Chart
dismantle a clutch procedure • Models how to faulty clutch • Models
system. to • Marker identify system • Marker
4.2 Explain the dismantle a • Instructional material worn out or • teacher should • Instructional material
process of clutch dry plate • Lesson notes replaceable allow the • Lesson notes
Component clutch using • Tools components students to try • Tools
examination for wear the 1.2 show their hands on the • Clutch Units
and tear. appropriate students job
4.3 Explain tools how to • assess the
a. Clutch • Help carry out students to test
adjustment students to repairs and their
b. Clutch carry out replacement understanding
bleeding. the of worn-
necessary out
adjustment components

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Steering Systems
CONTACT HOUR: 4 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 3Hours/week

1. Understand the steering systems and safety practices involved in its repair
2. Know the main components of steering systems, their functions and the operating principles.
3. Understand the routine maintenance and system adjustments running on vehicle steering systems
4. Understand diagnostic procedures and faults rectifications on vehicle steering systems

COURSE: Steering Systems COURSE CODE: 24 CONTACT HOURS: 4Hrs/week
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the steering systems and General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the steering systems and safety
safety practices involved practices involved
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Activities Resources Objective Activities Resources
1.1 Identify types of steering •Explain to • Chart 1.1 Show students the types • Ask the students • Chart
systems students the types • Overhead of steering systems to identify the • Overhead
1.2 Identify the different types of of steering projector 1.2 State the different types of types of steering projector
steering boxes systems. • Models steering boxes. systems. • Models
1.3 State the advantages of the • Explain with • Lesson notes 1.3 State their advantages and • Assess the • Lesson notes
different types and their notes and model applications. students • Tool box
applications the different types 1.4 Apply the safety • Show the students
1.4 Explain the safety precautions of steering boxes. precautions involved in the different types
and practices involved in • List the steering repair works. of steering boxes.
steering works. applications and • List applications
advantages of the and advantages.
types • Engage students
• Use chart to to dismantle a
illustrate the steering box and
safety guide towards
precautions. safe application.
General Objective 2.0: Know the main components of steering systems, their functions and the operating principles.
2.1 Identify the main components • List the main • Chart 2.1 Dismantle the model • Guide the
of a steering system components of a • Models to show the various students to
2.2 Explain the functions of the steering system. • Overhead components of dismantle the
main components of the • Assess the projector steering system. model.
steering system. students • Lesson notes 2.2 State the function of • Assess students to
2.3 State the operational principles • State the • White board the main identify
of the steering system. functions of the • Marker components. components
main components. • Instructional 2.3 State the operating • Use the
2.4 Describe the steering gear • Give detailed materials
principles. dismantled
notes to explain. components to
layout of: • Give detailed explain the
notes to explain functions.
a. beam type the operating • Assess the
b. Independent front suspension principles. students,
• Test the students’ • Use model to
comprehension of explain the
2.5 State “ACKERMAN” the operating operating
Principle in relation to steering principles. principles.
General Objective 3.0: Understand the routine maintenance and system adjustments running on vehicle steering systems.
3.1 List the common steering • State the common • White Board 3.1 State the common • Demonstrate to • White Board
system faults e.g. faults in steering • Chart faults associated students how to • Chart
- Alignments systems. • Models with steering system. detect the • Models
- Steering • Assess the • Tool box 3.2 Identify the causes common faults. • Tool box
- under steer students • Overhead and the effects • Demonstrate the • Overhead
- Toe in and toe out, projector associated with use of tools and projector
etc. • Wheel equipment wheel alignment. equipment used in • Wheel equipment
3.2 State the causes and effects of • State likely 3.3 State the importance wheel alignment.
common faults. causes of the and the purpose of • Guide the
3.3 Define wheel alignment. common faults wheel alignment. students to carry
3.4 Explain the purpose, • Explain the 3.4 Demonstrate the out wheel
importance and types of effects of such effect of defects in alignment and
alignment. faults. steering on tyre wear emphasize the
3.5 Explain the general steps • Use lesson notes key terms used in
involved in steering to explain the wheel alignment
maintenance. steps involved in
the maintenance
General Objective 4.0: Understand diagnostic procedures and fault rectification on vehicle steering system.
4.1 Understand the standard Use note charts and Notes, data, textbooks 4.1 Apply standard • Demonstrate Manufacture data
procedure for fault diagnosis. manufacturer data procedure in the standard Note book
to explain the diagnosing procedures. CD roms
need for standard faults and Board.
procedures. rectification
using the optical
and electronic
4.2 Conduct
checks and
adjust toe-in,

toe-out, King
pin inclination,
camber, caster

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Diesel Engine Electronics
CONTACT HOUR: 4 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 3 Hours/weeks

1. Understand Electronic Diesel Engine Operation.
2. Understand Diesel Fuel Electronic Injection pump
3. Understand the procedures for electronic diesel engine maintenance

COURSE: Diesel Engine Electronics COURSE CODE: CMV26 CONTACT HOURS: 4Hrs/week
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0 Understand Electronic Diesel Engine Operation. General Objectives: 1.0 Understand Electronic Diesel Engine Operation
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Learning Specific Teachers Learning
Activities Resources Learning Activities Resources
1.1 Explain the need for electronic • Provide materials • Charts 1.1 Use charts as • Guide students to • Charts
diesel engine and guide • Models well as models to identify the main • Models
1.2 Differentiate the constructional students learning. • Tools show the components of • Tools
features between an electronic • List the main • Instructional students electronics diesel • Instructional
diesel engine and the components of materials electronic and engine. materials
mechanically controlled diesel an electronic • Over head mechanical • Assess the • Over head
engine. diesel engine projector controlled diesel students projector
1.3 Identify the operational • Assess the engine and performance
differences in 1.2 above. students highlight their
1.4 List the main components of an understanding differences
electronic diesel engine and state
their functions.
1.5 Explain the applications of diesel
electronic engine
1.6 State the advantages of diesel
electronic engine.
General Objective 2.0: Understand Diesel Fuel Electronic Injection pump

2.1 State the function of diesel fuel • Provide materials • Charts 2.1 Demonstrate the • Guide the • Charts
injection pump. and guide students • Models application and students to carry • Models
2.2 Mention types of diesel fuel learning. • Tools function of diesel out identification • Tools
electronic injection pump • List the main • Instructional fuel injection pump of faults and • Instructional
2.3 State the operational principles function of an materials maintenance materials
of 2.2 above. electronic • Over head 2.2 Demonstrate the • Allow students • Over head
2.4 Explain the applications of injection pump projector identification of try their hands projector
various electronic fuel injection • List the common faults and the • Assess the
pumps. faults and necessary students
2.5 State the advantages of diesel remedies of diesel maintenance, service
electronic fuel injection pumps. electronic fuel and adjustments to
2.6 Identify common faults, causes injection pumps students.
and remedies of diesel electric • State the routine
fuel injection pumps. maintenance
2.7 List procedures for the service procedures for
and maintenance of electric fuel fuel injection
injection pumps. pumps
• Assess the
General Objective 3.0: Understand the procedures for electronic diesel engine maintenance.
3.1 List the service/maintenance • Provide materials • Charts 3.1 Show tools and • Guide students to • Charts
tasks on an electronic diesel and guide students • Models equipment to students identify the • Models
engine. learning. • Tools 3.2 Apply the tools/equipment. • Tools
3.2 State the tools and equipment • Use charts and • Instructional tools/equipment to • Allow the • Instructional
used in performing 3.1 above. models to explain materials carry out the students to materials
3.3 Identify the safety measures the tools/equipment • Over head maintenance practice • Over head
relating to 3.2 used projector procedures in the • Assess the projector
3.4 State the procedures for diesel • Use manufacturers • Manufacturers manufacturers students • Manufacturers
electronic maintenance service. manual to explain manual manual manual
- Manufacturers Data the procedures to
- Tools Selection, etc. students

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Diesel engine maintenance
CONTACT HOUR: 5 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 4 Hours/weeks

On completion of this module, the trainee should be able to:

1. Understand the operations of the compression ignition engine and carry out repairs of the components of fuel delivery
2. Understand the working principles of inline and rotary fuel injection pumps, effect overhaul and carry out repairs
3. Understand working principles of a diesel engine and carryout engine tune up and test for efficiency.
4. Understand the fuel injection bleeding procedure.
5. Understand the working principles of different types of fuel injection pumps and governors.
6. Understand the constructional differences between petrol and C.I. engine main component parts.
7. Understand the engine wet sump lubrication system layout and methods of oil distribution.
8. Understand the dry pump lubrication system, crank case ventilation and the action of pressure gauges and oil warning
9. Understand the cams and camshafts drive arrangements for side and overhead camshafts.
10. Understand the valve and valve port timing diagrams for both spark and compression ignition engine.
11. Understand the principles of crankshaft balancing and vibration damping.


COURSE: Diesel engine maintenance COURSE CODE: CMV 34 CONTACT HOURS: 5Hrs/week
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the operations of the compression General Objectives: : 1.0 Understand the operations of the compression
ignition engine and carry out repairs of the components of fuel delivery system. ignition engine and carry out repairs of the components of fuel delivery system
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning
Objective Activities Resources Objective Resources
1.1 Describe the pump room • Explain pump • Lesson plan 1.1 Demonstrate to • Use chart and • Lesson plan
and test equipment room • Chalk board students the working models to describe • Chalk board
observing the safety and • Machines (e.g. • Overhead operation in pump the pump room and • Overhead
health precautions Injector pump projector and room test equipment. projector and
associated with fuel oil tester, nozzle transparencies 1.2 Show students how to • Allow students to transparencies
testing procedures. tester). • Injector Pump and use the test use the test • Injector Pump
1.2 Explain the principles of a. State the nozzle testers equipment equipment and nozzle testers
atomization and how this is necessary safety 1.3 Apply the safety • Allow students try • tools
used in motor vehicle precautions to precautions in to remove, adjust
engine. be observed working on pump and assemble
when handling room injectors
diesel fuel. 1.4 Demonstrate to the • Assess the students
• Explain students what
atomization as happens in the
related to motor combustion chamber
vehicle engine. 1.5 Show to students the
• Assess students various types of
nozzle and explain
the characteristics of

1.3 Explain the types and • Explain the • Lesson plan 1.6 show students how to • Demonstrate •
functions of the combustion functions and • Chalk board remove, assemble, adjust each practical for
chamber as related to types of • Overhead and test injectors the student to
compression ignition combustion projector and learn
engine. chambers transparencies • Ensure that the
1.4 Explain the characteristics • With neat • Injectors students use the
of various types of nozzle diagrams correct tools
designs and pressure illustrate • Ensure the
collapse in injector nozzles. characteristics observation of
1.5 Identify and correctly use of various types safety rules
the various tools and of nozzle • Assess students
equipment for removing, designs and
assembling, adjustment and pressure
testing of injectors. breaking points
of injector
• Explain the uses
of various types
of tools and
equipment for
testing injectors.
Ask questions
on injector
• Assess students.
General Objective 2.0: Understand the working principles of inline and
rotary fuel injection pumps, effect overhaul and repairs on them.
2.1 State the working principles • Explain the • In-line and rotary 2.1 show the types of • Demonstrate • In-line and rotary
of in-line and rotary pumps functions of in- pumps. pumps and list their each practical for pumps.
2.2 State the need and define line and rotary • Injectors. functions the student to • Injectors.
the process of phasing the pumps. Name • Tools 2.2 identify the main learn • Tools
in-line pump. their component • Instructional components of fuel • Ensure that the • Instructional
2.3 Describe the functions of parts. materials injection system students use the materials
all types of injectors. • Explain the • Manuals 2.3 Demonstrate to correct tools • Manuals
2.4 Sketch in good proportion meaning of the • Charts students how to adjust • Ensure the • Charts
the various component term phasing. governors
• models observation of • Models
parts of the fuel injection • List types of 2.4 demonstrate to safety rules • Phase machine
system. injectors. Draw students how to carry out • Assess students • Pressure test
neat sketch of timing of in-line pump on
each type. C.I. engine
• Explain reasons
for high
precision of
component parts
of fuel injection
• Assess students.
2.5 Describe the provision for • Explain the • Lesson plan 2.5 show students how
adjustment of the following need for • Chalkboard to detect and remedy such
types of governors: adjustment of • Overhead faults in governors
a. hydraulic various types of Projector and
b. mechanical governors. transparencies
c. pneumatic • Draw sketches • Hydraulic
2.6 Describe the method of of governors in • Mechanical and
timing in-line pump on C.I.
engine. use on engines. pneumatic
2.7 Explain with the aid of • Emphasize the governors.
diagrams the operations of significance of • In-line pump.
the distributor type pump. accurate pump
2.8 Explain the action of the timing on
mechanical (centrifugal) engine. Ask
governor in relationship to questions on
the distributor type pump. timing process
2.9 List common faults which and procedures.
could make the mechanical • State
governor in-operative. advantages of
in-line and
distributor type
of pump.
Sketch and
operation of
distributor type
• With neat
explain the
action of
mechanical and
governors in
relation to the
distributor type.
• Explain the
common faults
associated with
each type of
governor and
give possible

General Objective 3.0: Understand the working principles of a diesel engine

and carry out engine tune up and test for efficiency.
3.1 Explain the principles of • With neat • Lesson plan 3.1 Demonstrate the • Dismantle with • Diesel engine,
operation of the diesel diagrams • Chalkboard model to show the student and show different types of
engine. explain the 4 • Diesel engines working principle of necessary engine fuel pump
3.2 Explain the concepts of stroke cycle and • Feeler gauge, the engine components. • Injector nozzles
pressure, (negative and 2 stroke cycle assorted hand 3.2 Show the various • Physically examine • Pressure gauge
positive) and relationship principles of tools and effects on the the variation of • Assorted hand
between volume and operation of equipment. combustion pressure with tools
pressure. diesel engine. chambers student on the • Feeler gauge
3.3 Explain the working of the • Explain the 3.3 Show and explain the piston within the • Dial indicator
fuel injection system. concepts of component parts of cylinder • Vernier caliper.
3.4 Observe the need for pressure the fuel injection • Trace the fuel part
correct engine valve (negative and system e.g. the EC, with the student on
clearance setting to positive) and the motor pump the displayed
minimize engine noise. relationship nozzle. components.
between volume 3.4 Show component • Ask the students to
and pressure. through which noise trace the fuel line
• Draw and could result if not through the
explain the properly checked. displayed
functions of the components.
fuel injection • Show the clearance
component of valves using the
parts. feeler gauge and
• State procedure how to adjust valve
for accurate clearance
valve setting to • Explain the
maker’s replacement of
specifications. shims using the
• Assess students dial indicator
General Objective 4.0 Understand the fuel injection bleeding procedure
4.1 Explain the purpose of • Define the term • Injection pump 4.1 Demonstrate injector • Guide students to • Diesel engine,
bleeding bleeding and • Fuel lift pump pump bleeding. undertake injector spanners and
a diesel engine and how the explain why it is • Live diesel engine bleeding procedure. screw drivers.
presence of air in the fuel necessary to • Spanners and • Emphasize safety
system affects the carry it out. screw drivers. • Assess the students
performance • Assess students. by asking
of an engine. questions.
General Objective 5.0: Understand the working principles of different types
of fuel injection pumps and governors.
Describe the common faults and • List diesel • Lesson plan 5.1 Show the visible • Apply the tools to • Diesel engine,
symptoms attributed to engine common • Chalkboard effects of the known check the various different types of
diesel engine. faults and • Live diesel and faults on the various affected parts with fuel pump
symptoms (e.g. petrol engines component in the students • Injector nozzles
engine emitting engine e.g. the valve • Assess the students. • Pressure gauge
black smoke clearance above the • Assorted hand
etc). recommended tools

• Assess students standard using the • Feeler gauge
filler gauge to • Dial indicator
measure it. • Vernier caliper.
5.2 Demonstrate the use
of the pressure gauge
to check low pressure
with students.
General Objective 6.0: Understand the constructional differences between
petrol and CI engine main component parts.
Compare the following engine • Give reasons for • Lesson plan 6.1 Demonstrate to show • Dismantle with • Lesson note
components of the petrol differences in • Chalkboard the various students while books]
and compression ignition the physical • Live diesel and components of both showing the major • Chalkboard
engine stating differences construction of petrol engine the S.I. and C.I. difference in the • Live petrol and
in construction and main engine engine, showing the combustion process diesel engine.
materials used: components of major differences in between the two • Dead petrol and
a. Injection pumps petrol and diesel construction, engines S.I. and diesel engine
b. Injectors engines. material and mode of C.I. system. • Complete tool
c. Air Horn] • Sketch each operation of ; • Assess students by box.
d. Governors component part - Injector asking questions.
e. Crankshafts neatly on the pumps-
f. Valves chalkboard. - injectors
g. Cylinder head • Assess students - airhorn,
h. Cylinder blocks - Valves-
i. Connecting Rods - cylinder
j. Pistons etc. heads,
Piston, etc.

General Objective 7.0: Understand the wet sump lubrication system layout
and methods of oil distribution.
7.1 Draw a line diagram to • Explain major • Lesson plan 7.1 Demonstrate to show • Guide the student • Chalk board
show the layout of wet differences • Chalkboard the various layout of through the • Life diesel engine
sump engine lubrication for between full • Live diesel engine wet sump engine activities in 7.1 to with wet sump
full flow and by-pass flow. flow and by- with wet sump lubrication for full 7.9. lubrication
7.2 Explain how oil is pass flow lubrication. flow and by-pass manufacturer’s
distributed by splash mist system of flow on the model. specification/data
and pressure feed systems. lubrication. 7.2 Dismantle model .
7.3 Sketch three types of oil • List application engine to
pump. of each system demonstrate,
7.4 Explain the operation of • Identify each examine and explain
pressure relief valves. type. the activities of 7.2 –
7.5 Sketch the construction of • Draw neat 7.9
oil flow path through diagram to
engine oil lubricating explain the
filters. function of
7.6 Describe with the aid of pressure relief
sketches the types of gasket valve.
and seals used in the • Explain the
retention of engine oil. need for
7.7 Explain the importance of efficient oil
using correct types and filtration in
grades of oil. engines.
7.8 • List sealing
State the effect of incorrect
oil level in engine. devices
7.9 State the sources of oil commonly used
contamination and the in automobile
necessity of regular renewal engines.
of oil on time or mileage • List and explain
basis. properties of oil
and their
• Explain the
causes and
effects of
incorrect oil
• Explain the
need for strict
adherence to
service manual
on oil change.
• Assess students.
General Objective 8.0: Understand the dry sump lubrication system, Crankcase ventilation and the action of pressure gauges and oil warning lights.
8.1 Explain the operation of • Explain in • Lesson plan 8.1 Dismantle the • Dismantle the • Model
dry sump lubrication details, the • Chalkboard model crank case model while • Note book
system. construction and • Dry sump engine and show the oil students participate • Tool box
8.2 Draw a line diagram of a operation of dry supply from the in the action. • Black board
dry sump. sump sump to the upper • Ask students • Chalk
8.3 Explain the need for lubrication. lubricating part questions
crankcase ventilation • With neat through the oil gallery • Observe student
system. sketches explain method of carrying
8.4 Sketch a typical crankcase the principle of out job and make
ventilation system. dry sump 8.3 On the dismantled correction where
8.5 Explain with the aid of a lubrication. crank case discuss
sketch the operation of an •Ask questions the need of necessary.
oil pressure gauge. on lubrication ventilation and
8.6 Draw a line diagram of an system in show the vent way
oil warning light circuit. general. of the crank case.
8.7 Draw a cross-sectional • Illustrate with 8.5 Show how the
view of an oil pressure sketch pressure affects the
switch. crankcase oil oil gauge and its
8.8 Describe the operational ventilation. electrical circuit.
principle of an oil cooler. • Ask students to 8.8 Show how oil is
draw – oil cooled.
warning light
circuit, oil
pressure switch
and describe the
principles of oil
• Assess the
General Objective 9.0: Understand the cams and camshafts drive arrangements for side and overhead camshafts
9.1 Sketch and label a typical • Inspect valve • Lesson plan 9.1 Dismantle the engine • Dismantle the • Live engine
cam shape showing valve arrangements • Chalkboard model and identify engine with C.I.E. & S.I.E.
lift, valve open period and and operating • Overhead various types of students and • Model
its variation. mechanism projector and valve arrangement explain. • Charts
9.2 Sketch the method of • Explain the transparencies 9.2 Examine the valve • Engage students in • Tool box
locating the drive gear to construction, • Live engine arrangements and studying the • Freeler gauge
the camshaft function and name the component components and • Petrol
9.3 Explain how end float of operation of parts e.g. drive gears, ask questions. • Emerate cloth
the camshaft is controlled cams and cam lobe etc. • Distinguish
9.4 Describe the methods of camshaft drives. 9.3 Carryout checks on between a worn out
camshaft drive (e.g. chain • Check for wear the camshaft. component and
gear or toothed belt) on valve 9.4 Distinguish between good component.
9.5 Draw a chain tensioner and operating chain gear, belt and • Make a general
fix tensioner. mechanism toothed belt. examination of the
9.6 Describe methods of using feeler 9.5 Carryout replacement camshaft and valve
camshaft lubrication gauge and by of tension and mechanism.
9.7 Locate drive gear to visual adjuster. • Ask students to
camshaft correctly. inspection. 9.6 Carryout camshaft, describe different
• Ask the students crankshaft timing types of camshaft
to describe correctly. drives and draw
camshaft drive any types chain
methods, draw tensioner.
chain tensioners
and fix them • Assess them while
• Assess the they assemble.
General Objective 10.0: Understand the valve port timing diagram for both spark and compression ignition engine.
10.1 Sketch and label a typical • Explain the • Lesson plan 10.1 Distinguish between • Show the • Live engine both
valve timing diagram for function of • Chalkboard S.I.E. combustion difference on the petrol and diesel.
spark ignition engine. valves, valve • Overhead processes and C.I.E. model • Spark ignition
10.2 Distinguish valve timing construction and projector and on the model • Demonstrate on the system model
diagram for compression valve timing. transparencies 10.2 Demonstrate on the live engine and • Tool box
ignition engine with that of • Explain the • Inlet valves live engine what while student • Feeler gauge etc.
spark ignition engine. effects of 10.3 • Exhaust valves happen during the watch.
10.3 Describe the following on engine • Valve timing following: • Allow students to
terms: performance. diagrams a) valve overlap examine the
a. Valve overlap • Ask the students b) Valve lead arrangements and
b. Valve lead to describe the c) Valve lag ask them question.
c. Valve lag following valve 10.3 Carry out valve • Carryout valve
overlap, valve clearance setting clearance setting
lead, valve lag. using feeler gauge. and ask students to
replicate the action.
General Objective 11.0: Understand the principles of crankshaft balancing and vibration damping.
11.1 Explain the principles of • State the • Lesson plan 11.1 Demonstrate the • Show the students • Lesson plan
crankshaft balancing functions of • Chalkboard principles of crankshaft the effect of • Chalkboard
11.2 Describe the causes of crankshaft and • Crankshaft balancing vibration in 1.2 • Crankshaft
crankshaft vibration. the need for • Measuring tools 11.2 Demonstrate the • Guide students to • Measuring tools
11.3 Sketch the method of engine (e.g. gauge) effect of crankshaft mount damper (e.g. gauge)
mounting crankshaft- crankshaft vibration and method of • Tools
damper balancing mounting damper • Chart
• List instruments • models
available for
• State effects of
• Assess the

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Petrol Engine Electronics
CONTACT HOUR: 5 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 4 Hours/week


1. Understand the principles of operation of petrol engine electronics

2. Understand petrol engine electronics main components networking system.
3. Understand petrol engine electronics maintenance procedures
4. Understand safety and legal requirement for petrol engine electronics operations


COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the principles of operation of General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the principles of operation of
petrol engine electronics. petrol engine electronics.
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Activities Resources Objective Activities Resources
1.1 Explain the need for petrol • Provide materials • Chart 1.1 Use charts as well Guide students to Tools
engine electronics and guide • Models as model to show identify themain Charts
1.2 Explain the principles of students learning • Tools the students component parts Models
operation of a patrol engine • Assess the • Instructional electronic and of electronics Manual
electronics students materials mechanical petrol engine. Overhead projector
1.3 Differentiate the constructional understanding • Overhead controlled petrol Demonstrate with White marker board
features between an electronic projector engine and apply modem the
petrol engine and the • White marker the difference operating
mechanical controlled petrol board 1.2 Dismantle and principles of
engine in 1.3 above. assemble with electronics petrol
appropriate tools, engine.
to show the parts Allow students to try
to students their hands.
General Objective 2.0: Understand petrol engine electronics main components networking system
2.1 List the main components of a • Provide materials • Model 2.1 Dismantle and • Guide students to • Tools
petrol engine electronics and guide • Chart assemble a model practice • Model
networking systems. students learning • Instructional and identify the • Assess the • Chart
2.2 State the functions of the • List the main materials main parts and students • Manual
component parts in 2.1 above. component of a • Overhead state their • White board
2.3 Explain the application of petrol engine projector functions. marker
petrol engine electronics electronic. • White marker 2.2 Compare with the
2.4 State the advantage of petrol • Use model or flip board use of model the
engine electronics chart to identify electronic and
the main mechanical
components controlled engine
• Assess the and highlight
students. advantages.
General Objective 3.0: Understand petrol engine electronics maintenance procedures.
3.1 List the service/maintenance • State the routine • Tools 3.1 Perform routine • Demonstrate this • Tools/equipment
tasks on an electronic petrol maintenance • Manual maintenance on maintenance • Manual
engine procedures • Charts an electronic procedures • Testing tools
3.2 State the tools and equipment involved in • Instrument and petrol engine • Guide students to • Models
used in performing 3.1 above electronic petrol materials 3.2 Show students identify faults • Charts
3.3 Identify common faults, causes engine • White board how to detect • Guide students to • Instructional
and remedies of petrol engine • Use manufacturer marker faults using rectify the faults materials
electronics manual to explain • Models appropriate • Assess the
• Apply tools and tools/equipment students
equipment in the 3.3 State the causes
maintenance of such faults in
• List the common 3.2
faults, causes and 3.4 Show students
ways of rectifying how to rectify
such faults. such faults.
General Objective 4.0: Understand safety and legal requirement for petrol engine electronics operations.
4.1 State the safety procedures for • Show students the • Tools/equipment 4.1 Apply safety • Guide students to • Tools/equipment
petrol electronic maintenance need for the • Model precaution apply precaution • Model
service safety precautions • Manual 4.2 Show student • Assess the • Manual
- manufacturer data • Explain some • Charts how to get students on their • Charts
- tools selection etc. common • White board information from understanding of • White board
accidents when marker the manufacturer safety and legal marker
working on • Instructional manual regard requirement from • Instructional
electronic petrol materials safety, manufacturer materials
engine maintenance and • manual
• Explain the legal
procedure of requirements.
using the
manufacturer data
and tools

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics

COURSE: Engine Fault Diagnosis II
CONTACT HOUR: 4 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 3 Hours/week


1.0 Understand how to identify symptoms of complex system faults

2.0 Understand how to select and use diagnostic equipment and procedures to identify and confirm faults
3.0 Understand how to identify and describe alternative rectification strategies
4.0 Understand how to rectify faults and confirm system integrity.

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor Vehicle Mechanics

COURSE: Engine Faults Diagnosis II COURSE CODE: CMV 29 CONTACT HOURS: 4Hrs/week

GOAL: To enable learners to apply fault diagnosis and rectification techniques to a range of vehicle mechanical, electrical and electronic systems.
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objective 1.0 Understand how to identify symptoms of complex system faults
Week Specific Learning Objective Teachers Activities Learning Resources Specific Learning Objective Teachers Activities Learning Resources
1.1 Explain faults relating to • Identify and • Videos, 2.1 Perform test to diagnose • Guide the • Videos,
vehicle mechanical, describe fault • Simulations the following: students, to • Simulations,
electrical and electronic symptoms • Recommended • Serviceability carry out • Diagnostic
systems, individually and • Associate textbooks • Correct ignition timing diagnosis Equipment
in combination symptoms with • White Board & • Correct mixture process in • Live Vehicle Engine
1.2 Describe mechanical specific vehicle Maker adjustment 2.1 & 2.2 • Compression Tester
systems such as; engine systems and • Models of engine • Leaking induction system • Explain • Exhaust Gas Analyser
and ancillary systems, components • Lecture notes. • Exhaust systems tests • Rigs, a range of
transmission, steering, • Analyse • Workshop • EGR Exhaust gas procedures vehicle types and
suspension and brakes complex system recirculation to students.
Manual equipment
1.3 Describe electrical and test results and • Compression • Exhaust gas analyser. • Assign • Manufacturer/vehicle-
electronic systems such as recommend them to
Tester specific equipment
starting, charging, ignition, actions needed carry out
• A variety of hard- and non
lighting and auxiliary to rectify the tests
copy and IT data manufacturer/vehicle-
systems, vehicle problems procedure
sources will be specific equipment
instrumentation, driver for each
required to (eg meters,
information systems, item.
support the oscilloscopes, etc). A
engine management
lecture. variety of hard-copy
systems, chassis control
and IT data sources
systems (eg ABS, stability
will be required to
control, transmission
support the training.
control), security and alarm
General Objective 2.0 Understand how to select and use diagnostic equipment and procedures to identify and confirm faults
2.1 Describe diagnostic • Select and access • Videos, 2.1 Determine ignition system • Justify • Videos,
equipment associated appropriate • Simulations, operations using the selection of • Simulations,
with the range of vehicle sources of data • Recommended following: Meters, test diagnostic • Diagnostic Equipment
mechanical, electrical • Select, prepare textbooks lams, cathode-ray, and repair • Live Vehicle Engine
and electronic systems and use • White Board & oscilloscope, fault code equipment • Compression Tester
such as hand and service appropriate Maker analysis. and • Exhaust Gas Analyser
tools, measuring diagnostic • Models of engine 2.2 Diagnose the following processes • Rigs, a range of
equipment, electrical and equipment • Lecture notes. using electronic engine • Accessing vehicle types and
electronic test equipment • Correctly identify tester; Injectors, cold start appropriate
• Workshop equipment
, steering and suspension and locate injectors, Thermal sensors data sources
Manual • Manufacturer/vehicle-
alignment and geometry complex system • Variety of hard-
and Pressure regulators • Present specific equipment
equipment, wheel faults 2.3 Demonstrate the reports
copy and IT data and non
balancing and brake • Justify and use sources
following test relating to manufacturer/vehicle-
testing equipment alternative procedures: diagnosis
2.2 Explain diagnostic diagnostic • Compression test and repair, specific equipment
procedures associated equipment to • Cylinder leak test complete (eg meters,
with the range of vehicle diagnose faults • Abnormal oil pressure documents oscilloscopes, etc). A
mechanical, electrical • Analyse and • High/low/intermittent and records variety of hard-copy
and electronic systems explain the • Cylinder balance test and IT data sources
and equipment such as characteristics, will be required to
visual, aural, advantages and support the training.
performance monitoring, disadvantages of a
road and roller tests, range of
procedures employed diagnostic
with electrical, equipment and
electronic and systems justify their use
diagnostic equipment, for given system
with particular reference applications
to considerations of
safety and
protection, assessing
vehicle information
systems and data in a
variety of formats (eg
workshop manuals,
diagnostic information,
CD-Roms, IT-based data
retrieval systems and
fault code analysers)

General Objective 3.0 Understand how to identify and describe alternative rectification strategies
3.1 Explain dismantling, • Carry out • Whiteboard, & 3.1 Provide opportunities for • Guide the • Videos,
inspection and rectification Marker students to compare the students • Simulations,
assessment and compare processes in • Duster advantages and to carry • Diagnostic Equipment
against manufacturers’ conformity with • Recommended disadvantages of alternative out 3.1 & • Live Vehicle Engine
specifications, vehicle manufacturers’ textbooks strategies and equipment in 3.4 • Compression Tester
data, operational, safety specifications and • Maintenance practical situations under a • Explain • Exhaust Gas Analyser
and legal requirements safety and legal variety of conditions. some
schedule sheet • Rigs, a range of
3.2 Explain adjustments requirements • Lecture notes. 3.2 Plan for diagnostic and reasonabl vehicle types and
associated with the range • Describe at least • Vehicle owner maintenance procedures e number equipment
of vehicle mechanical, two alternative 3.3 Select materials and of
handbook • Manufacturer/vehicle-
electrical and electronic rectification research for information (eg condition
• Preventive specific equipment
systems with reference strategies for a maintenance safety, diagnostic and repair s to and non
to manufacturers’ range of vehicle data) students
chart manufacturer/vehicle-
specifications, systems requiring • Videos,
3.4 Research for methods and • Assign them specific equipment
tolerances, operational fault rectification • Simulations procedures to carry out (eg meters,
limits, safety and • Identify and 3.5 Carry out diagnostic and tests oscilloscopes, etc). A
performance describe the repair procedures procedure for variety of hard-copy
3.3 Discuss replacements advantages of 3.6 Plan, and interpret each item. and IT data sources
using new, overhauled alternative practically, the information will be required to
and factory or third- diagnostic from two different types of support the training.
party reconditioned procedures sources, including a large
components and units. including the use data set.
3.4 Compare cost of of dedicated test
replacement/repair to equipment
include consideration of
service life expectancy,
reliability, warranty
3.5 Carry out multi-stage
calculations to do with:
• Amounts and sizes
• Scales and
• Handling statistics
3.6 Interpret results of
calculations, present
findings and justify
methods with at least
one graph, one chart and
one diagram.
General Objective 4.0 Understand how to rectify faults and confirm system integrity
4.1 Explain how to test • Ask the students • Whiteboard, & Encourage students to keep a • Carry out • Signal tester
against manufacturers’ to calculate Marker ‘logbook’ of evidence performance • Worksheet
specifications and data, maintenance • Duster which would typically tests • Engine test bench
legal requirements, interval. • Recommended include workbooks, • Evaluate • Endoscope
performance test data • Perform routine textbooks incomplete handouts, diagnostic • Handtools etc
4.2 Make comparisons with test using engine • Maintenance drawings and assessment and repair • Engine analyser
vehicle/system/unit of test bench. schedule sheet material. strategies Engine SCAN Tool
equivalent type, • Use appropriate • Lecture notes.
performance or equipment and • Vehicle owner
specification procedures to handbook
confirm system • Preventive
integrity maintenance
• Compare test chart
results with • Videos,
data and make • Simulations,

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics

COURSE: Auto Electrical/Electronics
CONTACT HOUR: 5 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 4 Hours/week

1. Understand the principles of electricity generation as applicable to automobiles diagnose faults and effect repairs to
2. Understand the procedure for effective maintenance and repairs of all units of the charging system in a motor vehicle
without supervision.
5. Understand
4. Understand the
Understand the operation
the operation of
of the starter motor,
all electrical
wiring diagrams of a motor diagnose
vehicle andofbeand effect
a able
vehicle, repairs
to use and
such torectify
a faulty
diagrams, them.
symbols and signs as an aid in
rewiring a faulty system.
7. Understand
Understand the
the operation
operation of
of the
the coil ignition system,
transistorized diagnose
ignition system,faults and faults
diagnose rectifyand
rectify them.


COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0: Understand the principles of General Objectives: : 1.0: Understand the principles of electricity
electricity generation as applicable to automobiles diagnose generation as applicable to automobiles diagnose faults and effect repairs
faults and effect repairs to batteries. to batteries.
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Teachers Activities Learning Resources
Objective Activities Resources Learning
2.4 Explain the principle of • Describe the • Lesson plan 1.1 demonstrate to • Demonstrate each • Lesson plan
electricity generation and process of • Battery students how to practical for the • Battery
electrolysis, chemistry of current • Battery charger generate A.C students to learn • Battery charger
reaction in a lead acid generation in • Volt meter and D.C currents • Allow students to try • Volt meter
battery e.g. vehicle battery. both A.C and • Hydro meter 1.2 Demonstrate the their hands • Hydro meter
2.5 Explain storage procedure D.C. • 12-13 Spanner process of • Assess the students • 12-13 Spanner
for batteries. generators • Charts storing • Charts
• Explain the • Sulphuric acid
electricity in
• Sulphuric acid
chemical chemical form
• Distilled water • Distilled water
reaction that and physical
takes place storage of the
during charge battery
and discharge 1.3 Diagnose
process in the common battery
battery. faults and their
Emphasize symptoms
basic battery 1.4 Conduct initial
maintenance. battery charge
• Explain the and recharge
process of 1.5 Carry out bench
storing test of
electricity in - D.C
chemical form generat
and physical or
storage of the (dynam
battery o)
• Assess the - A.C
students. generat
- Control
General Objective 2.0: Understand the procedure for effective maintenance and repairs of all units of charging system in a motor vehicle without
2.1 Explain the principles of • Explain the • Lesson plan 2.1 apply the • Demonstrate each • Lesson plan
electromagnetism in action process of • Chart principles in 2.1 and practical for the • Chart
and generation of electricity generating • Chalk board 2.2 students to learn • Chalk board
(A.C and D.C) electric current • Alternator 2.2 demonstrate the • Allow students to try • Alternator
2.2 Explain the principles of using electro- • Volt meter process of their hands • Volt meter
commutation, rectification magnetism in • Ammeter generating • Assess the students • Ammeter
and regulation of electricity A.C and D.C electric current on the function of a
forms using electro- regulator
• Explain how magnetism in
the A.C and D.C
commutators forms
are used to 2.3 carry out bench
rectify current test on regulator
output from assembly
the dynamo.
• Explain the
function of a
2.3 Explain the principles of Describe how the • Semiconductor
operation of semi conductor semi conductor
devices functions.
General Objective 3.0: Understand the operation of the starter motor diagnose and effect repairs to a faulty one.
3.1 State the principles of • With the aid of • Lesson plan 3.1 Apply the • Demonstrate to • Lesson plan
operation of the starter sketches, • Chart principles in 3.1 and students how • Chart
motor explain the • Starter motor 3.2 Show students magnetism is • Starter motor
3.2 Explain the principle of operation of • Ammeter the various types of produced using • Ammeter
electro-magnetism the starter • Volt meter starter motor system electric current • Volt meter
3.3 Describe the part played by motor • Armature with the aid of an • Guide students to • Armature Growler
electro-magnetic induction • Explain how Growler overhead projector or carry out this • Over head projector
in the conversion of magnetism is flip chart practical on their • Tester
electrical energy to produced using 3.3 Show students own
• Live vehicle
mechanical energy electric current how to diagnose • Demonstrate to
3.4 Sketch the various types of • Explain how common starter students how
starter motor system. magnetic field motor faults using magnetic field aid in
helps in test equipment, such generating currents
generating as voltmeter,
currents ohmmeter and
• With the aid of ammeter with shunt
sketches, 3.4 Determine wear • Guide students to
explain the on drive pinion of a determine the
various types starter and ring gear serviceability of
of starter and adjust pinion components
system clearance where • Assess the students
available, applicable in their ability to
explain starter 3.5 Demonstrate how diagnose starter
motor common to assemble starter motor faults
faults motor component
• Assess the appropriately and
students. bench test starter
motor (pre- engaged
and co-axial)
General Objective 4.0: Understand the operation of all Electrical Components of a vehicle, trace and rectify faults in them.
4.1 State the principles of light • Explain how • Lesson plan 4.3 Identify and • Demonstrate • Lesson plan
reflection and refraction. to set • chalkboard state the practical for the • • Relevant tools
4.2 State the characteristics of headlamp characteristics of students to learn • Manufacturer's
various types of lamp unit, beam, various types of • Students to manual
e.g. sealed beam flash unit) characteristic lamp unit e.g practice till they • Live vehicle
s of various sealed beam become
types of lamp flash unit competent
unit 4.4 Trace and • Assess the
rectify faults in students
the following
a. lighting
circuit/repair fuse,
light units,
b. direction
c. windscreen
wiper circuit and
drive system
d. heater circuit
e. windscreen
washer circuit
f. petrol pump
g. warning light
h. instrument
panel circuit
i. door glass circuit
j. Fit replacement
units where
k. Select correct
cable size length
l. Test circuit for
excessive resistance
m. Renew all types
of cable termination
n. Trace and rectify
faults in a circuit
using the appropriate
instruments e.g.
voltmeter, ammeter
o. Diagnose
common coil ignition
system faults and
explain possible
p. Carry out tests on
ignition system
q. Trace and rectify
faults on
r. Use Hand Held
Tester (HHT) to
s. Use star
diagnostic machine
to diagnose
electronic faults in
t. Carry out checks
on High Energy
Ignition system

General Objective 5.0: Understand the Wiring Diagram of a motor vehicle and be able to use such diagrams, symbols and signs as an aid in rewiring a
faulty system.
5.1 Identify the symbols used • With the aid of • Electrical 5.1 Show the symbol • Demonstrate • Electrical symbols
in electrical wiring sketches, show symbols to students practical for the
5.2 Interpret wiring diagrams common 5.2 Show students students to learn
of an automobile electrical how to interpret the • Students to
5.3 Interpret the various symbols with various systems of practice till they
systems of wiring e.g. reference to wiring become
insulated and earth return automobile competent
system. • Explain a • Assess the
wiring diagram students
as it applies to
the motor
• Explain the
advantages and
of earth return
and insulated
return systems
• Assess the
General Objective 6.0: Understand the operation of the Coil Ignition System, diagnose faults and rectify them
6.1 Explain the theory of • With the aid of • Lesson plan 6.1 Diagnose • • Demonstrate the • Lesson plan
current generation by sketch, explain • Overhead common coil ignition process of each of • Overhead
electro-magnetic induction. the function of • Projector with systems faults and the items on the • Projector with
6.2 Describe the operation of coil ignition transparencies explain possible practical guide transparencies
the coil. system. • Chalkboard remedies • Students should be • Chalkboard
6.3 Explain the relationship • Explain how to • Diagrams 6.2 demonstrate how allowed to practise • Diagrams
between correct gap size set contact • Relevant to set contact breaker till they become • Relevant measuring
and dwell angle for breaker points measuring tools points and its effect competent tools
distributor contact breaker and how it • Circuit diagram
on dwell angle • Assess the students • Circuit diagram
points affects the • Coil
6.3 carry out test on • Use model to • Coil
6.4 Describe the action of a dwell angle. transistorized demonstrate the
• Condenser • Condenser
speed sensitive advance and • Explain the ignition system process of ignition
retard mechanism. • Distributor 6.4 trace and rectify • Distributor
need for and combustion and
6.5 Describe the distribution of • C.B. Points faults on • C.B. Points
advancing and understand the firing
the high tension supply. transistorized • Relevant tools
retarding the order of a four and
6.6 Describe the action of the ignition in ignition • Live vehicle
six cylinder engine.
spark plug and the relation to the 6.4 carry out checks
importance of correct gap speed of the on high energy
setting. engine. ignition system
6.7 Explain the need for correct • With the aid of 6.5 apply safety
ignition timing and the diagram, precaution
effect of incorrect ignition explain the necessary when
timing. function of the working on
6.8 Describe and discuss the spark plug and ignition systems.
risks of accidents when how it is
working on electronic adjusted.
ignition system. • With the aid of
6.9 Identify and explain the diagrams,
items of electrical explain the
equipment and wiring operation of
methods. the distributor.
6.10 Explain and show the • Explain the
effects of open and short process of
circuits using a number of ignition and
conductors wired in series combustion
and parallel. and understand
the firing order
of a four and
six cylinder
• Explain in
detail the
when working
on ignition
• Explain and
identify the
items of
• State the
wiring system
Series wiring
• Parallel wiring
• Explain with
diagrams and
• Assess the
6.11 Explain the limitations of • List the • Lesson plan
conventional ignition limitation of • Overhead slides
system. the • Chalkboard
6.12 State the use of capacitors conventional • Measuring
a. Spark quenching e.g. ignition instruments
as surge absorbers system. • Diagrams
b. By-passing alternating • Explain how • Diodes circuits
currents capacitors can
c. Timing purpose e.g. as be used to:
neon lamp flashers Absorb
6.13 Explain the process of electrical surge
measuring forward and By-pass
reverse resistance of typical alternating
diodes. current
6.14 Explain the types and • Describe the
function of diodes. function of
• Discuss
methods of
• Assess the
General Objective 7.0: Understand the operation of the transistorized ignition system
7.1 Explain the operation, • Discuss safety • Lesson plan 7.1 Carry out test • Demonstrate • Lesson plan
function and repairs of: when work on • Wall charts on practical for the • • Relevant tools
a. Transistorized coil this system is • Overhead slides transistorized students to learn • Manufacturer's
ignition with contact being done • Chalkboard ignition • Students to manual
breaker control] • Illustrate with system practice till they • Live vehicle
b. Breakless the aid of 7.2 Trace and become
transistorized oil sketches rectify faults competent
ignition different on • Assess the
c. Transistorized coil methods of transistorized students
ignition with inductive transistorized ignition
pulse generator ignition
d. Transistorized coil system.
ignition with Hall • Explain with
effect generator the aid of
7.2 Explain the operation and sketches, the
function of high tension operation of
(HT) capacitor ignition. transistorized
7.3 Compare different methods ignition
of the transistorized system.
ignition systems. • Explain with
7.4 Explain the sketches the
function/operation of operation of
magneto ignition system. magneto
7.5 Describe the process of • With the aid of
high tension capacitor sketches
magneto ignition. illustrate
7.6 State the functions of major different types
components of high energy of high energy
ignition system such as ignition
a. Electronics spark system.
control (ESC) • Assess the
b. Electronic module students.
retard (EMR)
c. Electronic spark
selection (ESS)

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor Vehicle Mechanics
CONTACT HOUR: 6 Hours/week
Theoretical: 2 Hours/week
Practical: 4 Hours/week


i. Understand the basic principles and processes of heat treatment of metal in the workshop;
ii. Produce simple engineering components by forging; and
Ii.Understand the basic principles and techniques of gas and metal arc welding and apply them in fabricating
simple metal components.

For practical competence, students will be able to achieve the following at the end of the module:

i. Carry out heat treatment of metal in the workshop;

ii. Produce simple engineering components by forging; and
iii. Carry out gas/arc welding and apply them in fabricating simple engineering components.

COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents/THEORY: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the basic principles and processes of heat treatment of metal in the workshop.
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Activities Resources Objective Activities Resources
1.1 Explain briefly the structural • Prepare detailed • Recommend Text Heat Treatment • Demonstrate heat • Furnace, Forge
behaviour of plain carbon steel notes that will books 1.1 Carryout the treatment tongs ,quenching
as it is heated from room explain the • Lesson notes, etc. following heat processes and medium and its
temperature to about 1000oC structural treatment explain the container or
for: behaviour of plain processes: stages. cooling medium.
a. hardening carbon steel as it Hardening, • Demonstrate the
b. temperature is heated from tempering, annealing process
c. annealing room temperature annealing, on brass, copper
d. normalizing to about 1000oC normalizing, case and aluminium
e. case-hardening • Prepare detailed hardening on for various
1.2 Explain the meaning of notes that will given plain purposes
hardening metal work. explain the carbon steel, • Assess the
1.3 Outline safety precautions meaning of engineering students.
relating to heat treatment hardening in components or
processes and apply them for a metalwork. tools
given situation. • Prepare notes that 1.2 Anneal copper,
will outline safety brass and
precautions aluminium for
relating to heat various purposes.
• Assess the
General Objective 2.0: Produce simple engineering components by forging.
2.1 Explain with outline sketch the • Prepare detailed Forging Process • List and identify • Anvil, swage
main features and working notes and 2.1 Select appropriate gas and metal arc block, leg vice,
principles of the black smith’s diagrams that will forging tools and welding forging hammers,

forge. explain the main produce to equipment hot set, cold set,
2.2 Describe and state the features and specifications • Demonstrate with sets of hammer,
functions of common forging working given engineering appropriate punchers, drifts,
tools, e.g. anvil, swage block, principles of the components by forging tools how fillers, top swage,
leg vice, forging hammers, hot black smith’s forging processes to produce some bottom swage,
and cold sets, set hammer, forge. a. upsetting engineering flatter, open
punches and drifts, hand • Prepare notes and drawing components and tongs, hallow bit.
fullers, top and bottom swages diagrams that will down let the students
flatter, tongs (open mouth, describe the b. setting down – practice till they
closed mouth, hollow bit, etc.) functions of twisting] become
2.3 Describe with sketches the common forging c. forge welding competent
following forging operations: tools. (scarf and • Assess the
upsetting • Prepare detailed spice welds) students
drawing down, notes that will d. bending, tubing
setting down, describe the closed ring
twisting following forging e. forming an eye
forge welding (scarf and splice operations:
welds) upsetting,
bending, drawing down,
forming closed ring, forming setting down,
an eye. twisting, for
welding, bending,
forming closed
ring, forming an
• Assess the
General Objective 3.0: Understand the basic principles and techniques of gas and metal arc welding and apply them in
fabricating simple metal components
• • Welding Processes • List and identify • Acetylene
3.1 Set up and operate gas and metal arc regulators
gas or metal arc welding • Oxygen,
welding equipment cylinders,
equipment in • Demonstrate the welding machine,
given situations. use of both gas goggles, shield,
Note: Equipment and metal arc electrodes,
operation should welding diagrams and
include choice of equipment; for all charts covering
correct nozzles or the students to various welding
electrode. practice joints.
Adjustment for • Demonstrate to

correct gas the students how
pressure/flame or to prepare joints
voltage. for welding
3.2 Prepare joints for purposes
welding in given • Guide students to
situations weld various
3.3 Weld sample of components using
given components both gas and arc
by arc or gas welding processes
welding methods and state
and state safety associated safety
precautions to be precautions.

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Car Air Conditioning
CONTACT HOUR: 4 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 3 Hours/week


1.0 Understand the working principles of a car air- conditioning system

2.0 Diagnose and rectify faults in the air-conditioning systems.
3.0 Select and install new automobile air conditioners
4.0 Carry out routine service

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor Vehicle Mechanics
COURSE: Car Air-Conditioning COURSE CODE: CMV 32 CONTACT HOURS: 4 Hours/week
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: COURSE SPECIFICATION: Practical Contents:
General Objective: 1.0 Understand the working principles of a car air-conditioning system. General Objective: 1.0 Know the components of automotive air
conditioning units and their functions.
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Objective Teachers Learning
Resources Activities Resources
1.1 Explain the working • Ask the students to draw • Chalk. 1.1 Explanation of the main • Explain unit • Disassembled
principle of air- and explain the working • Board. components of an automotive components car air
conditioning system. principle of car air- • Diagrams air conditioning unit: • Ask the conditioning
1.2 Explain the function of conditioning system. of air • Compressor students to unit.
different parts of the • Identify the components of conditioni • Condenser compare the • Drawings
system. a car air-conditioning ng system • Liquid reservoir components • Illustrations
a. compressor. system. • Projector. • Expansion valve of domestic
b. condenser. • Show the parts of the • Textbook • Evaporator air
c. liquid receiver. system to students and ask • Diagrams conditioners.
d. sight glass. them to identify purpose of of the • Ask the
e. Refrigerant each part. parts of students
control. system about the
f. thermostat. • Identify the components of • function of
1.3 Identify the necessary a car air-conditioning each part.
precautions to be taken system.
when working on the car • Ask the students to : draw
air-conditioning system. and explain the working
1.4 Describe the operation of principle of car air-
a car air – conditioning conditioning system
system. • Ask the students to : draw
and explain the working
principle of car air-
conditioning system.
• Identify the components of
a car air-conditioning
General Objective: 2.0 Know how to diagonise and rectify faults of the air- General Objective: 2.0 Know the types of compressors and refrigerants
conditioning systems used in automotive air conditioning units.
2.1 Diagnose any faults in • Ask the students to • Chalk. 2.1 Explanation of types of • Explain the • Compressors of
automobiles. draw and explain the • Board. compressors used in practical different types.
2.2 2.2 Knowing the correct tools functions of various • Charts. automotive air conditioning exercise. • Sectioned
and equipment to use. components. • Projector. units: • Ask the models.
2.3 Discharge and vacume. • Textbook • Reciprocating students to • Drawings.
2.4 2.4 Installing and testing a new compressors work on the • Illustrations.
air-conditioning system in a • Rotary compressors exercise. • R12 cylinder
car. 2.2 Disassembling the • Evaluate the • R134A cylinder
2.5 Diagnose faults such as: compressor, checking students’ • Thermodynamic
a. Shortage of gas. internal valves and works. properties tables
b. Blockage of air- filter. reassembling • Explain the of each
c. Faulty evaporators and 3.1 Explanation of the types of practical refrigerant
condensers. refrigerants used in exercise.
d. Faulty compressor. automotive air conditioning • Ask the
2.6 Leakage of gas hose and tube. units: students to
2.7 Rectify faults such as: • R12 work on the
a. Complete change. • R134a exercise.
b. Cleaning the filter. • Evaluate the
c. Replacing evaporators and 2.4 Comparing the refrigerants. students’
condensers. works
d. Replacing compressors. • Explain the
e. Replacing the tubes. types and
2.8 Charge the unit with properties of
lubricating oil. the
• Ask the
about the
possibility of
replacing a
with another
type and
what kind of
s should be
made, if

General Objective: 3.0 Understand how to select and install new automobile General Objective: 3.0 Explain causes of problems, diagnosis and repair
air conditioners.
3.1 Design the layout of the • Ask the students to • Chalk. 3.1 Explaining the problems that • Explain the • A car air
equipment within the car. draw and the wiring • Board. may happen in the unit and its problems that conditioning
3.2 Install the components and circuit of a car with • Charts. troubleshooting methods. may happen unit.
connect the components A/ C. • Projector 3.2 Checking the cooling cycle. in the unit. • Charging gauge.
together 3.3 Interpretation of reading of • Ask students
3.3 Wire the circuit. measuring devices to explain the
3.4 Pressure test the system. indications of
3.5 Vacuum the system. trouble and
3.6 Charge the system. how to repair
3.7 Carry out efficiency test on the them.
system. • Explain how
to interpret
the readings
of measuring
devices (high
and low

General Objective: 4.0 Explain the procedure for routine service. General Objective: 4.0 Explanation of discharging, charging and testing the
4.1 Explain the importance of • Ask the students to • Chalk. 4.1 Explanation of how to • Explain the • Discharging
routine service to air design a routine • Board. discharge the unit and the practical pump.
conditioners. service chart. • Charts. connection of discharging exercise. • R 134a
4.2 Design a routine service chart • Projector pump. • Ask students cylinder.
for use in the service of an air- 4.2 Explanation of the steps of to explain the • Propane flame
conditioning system charging the units with exact consequence • Freon leakage
4.3 Service the various component amount of proper s of excess detector
of the system: refrigerant. and lack of
a. cleaning of condenser, 4.3 Leakage inspection and charge.
filters evaporator. stopping • Explain
b. checking of joints for leak. 4.4 Testing the unit performance leakage tests.
c. check and clear water
drain pipe.
d. check the operation of the

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics

COURSE: Engine Repair and Overhaul
CONTACT HOUR: 5 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 4 Hours/weeks


1 Understand the safety procedure and their applications in relation to automobile engine reconditioning.
2 Understand the operation of all types of automobile engine
3 Understand how to recondition worn out engine to good working condition
4 Understand the process of carrying out cylinder reboring
5 Understand the method of grinding crankshaft to manufacturer’s specifications.

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor Vehicle Mechanics
COURSE: Engine Repair and Overhaul COURSE CODE: CMV 33 CONTACT HOURS: 5 Hours/Week
GOAL: The trainee will acquire knowledge and skills to recondition a worm out engine (petrol or diesel) to a satisfactory working condition.
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: COURSE SPECIFICATION: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0 Understand the safety procedure and their applications in relation to automobile engine reconditioning.
Week Specific Learning Teachers Activities Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Objective Resources Objective Activities Resources
1.1 Explain general safety and  Explain the various • Lesson plan 1.1 Demonstrate safety • Guide students • Complete tool
safety at work place. safety precautions to be • Wall charts procedures required in carrying out box
1.2 Analyse the application of observed at working • Films for the following: activities define • Damaged
service manual places. • Chalkboard • valve gasket under 1.1 engine
1.3 Identify the service tools  Ask the students to • Service manual replacement • Assign them to • Engine in good
1.4 Discuss manufacturers’ mention the importance • Assorted tools • Timing identify working
specifications. of safety at work places. gear/chair and appropriate condition
 Discuss when to apply spocket tools. • Service manual
safety precautions in • Removal of (manufacturer’s
engine reconditioning. cylinder bear specification)
• Explain the importance • Replacement of • Flip charts
of service manual to valve guide etc. • Video.
ensure the long life of 1.2 Demonstrate the
the engine use of appropriate
• Explain the advantages tools for specific
of using the correct tools job.
• Explain the danger of 1.3 Assess the students
ignoring manufacturers’

General Objective 2.0: Understand the operation of all types of automobile engine.

2.1 Explain the operation of all Explain:: • Lesson plan 2.1 Demonstrate Guide students on • Lesson plan and
types of automobile • The 4-stroke spark • Wall charts different types of how to use notes
engines ignition engine • Chalk board limits and fits, measuring • Tool box
2.2 State the operations construction and • Engine Hoist interference fits, instruments such • Service manual
involved in engine operating principles • Assorted push fits, clearance as vernier caliper, • Vehicle
overhaul. • The diesel engine design Vehicles jobs, and relate their micrometer, dial diagnostic tool
2.3 Identify and use various features • Limits and Fits applications to gauge to • Micrometric
tools and equipment for • The four stroke diesel • Measuring tools
various components determine the dial indicator
repair or adjustment of engine operating of the automobile extent of wear on •
• Service manuals Vernier caliper
components parts of the system e.g. Piston a component
principle and • Life and dead
engine assembly. • Explain the different manufacturer’
and cylinder making reference
2.4 Explain how to diagnose to a variety of
cylinder arrangements, specifications • Model engine
faults by inspection and by principle of fitting service manuals.
• Lesson plan parts
Road Test. cylinder liners, valves, • Wall charts • Piston ring
2.5 Describe cam shaft valve guide, and set
arrangements for side and • Chalkboard compressor,
overhead camshafts • Demonstrating cramps, mallet,
• Select tools for valve guide etc.
2.6 Explain the concept of models
identified jobs • Complete
force, torque and brake • Select special tools for
horse power as applicable Engine
special jobs
to motor vehicle. • Explain the procedure
2.7 Explain the process of
for removal of different
replacement of defective
engine types from
components e.g. bearings,
cylinder sleeves, Pistons,
Crank shafts, connecting
rods, valve assembly etc.
2.8 Explain ways of
reassembling engine
components in given
sequence, adjust and test
run engine.

General Objective: 3.0 Understand how to recondition worn out engine to good working condition
o Remove engine from • Explain the use of lifting • Lesson plan • Demonstrate steps • Carryout • Lesson plan and
vehicle for overhauling. devices • Wall charts and action to be activities listed notes
o Dismantle engine following • Explain dismantling • Chalk board taken during engine under 2.1 and • Tool box
a proper sequence. procedure • Engine Hoist overhaul. test students • Service manual
o Apply the concept of limits • Explain the process of • Assorted • Guide students to comprehension • Vehicle
and fits in relation to examining and Vehicles undertake engine • Guide students diagnostic tool
effects and requirements of measuring parts using • Limits and Fits faults diagnosis and to perform task • Micrometric
engine components and manufacturers’ manual • Measuring tools parts replacement. under 2.10 dial indicator
other parts in assembling as a guide. • Service manuals • Demonstrate steps • Guide students • Vernier caliper
operation e.g. Piston free • Describe simple and involved in setting in undertaking • Life and dead
play, crank shaft sizes treatment of bell cranked manufacturer’ tappet, valve guide, the processes in engines
o Know how to assess pivoted levers to show specifications and cylinder liners. 2.12 • Model engine
suitability of existing parts (a) the perpendicular • Lesson plan • Demonstrate the use • parts
for possible re-use. forces and (b) Inclined of measuring
• Wall charts • Piston ring
o Know how to measure and forces. Simple instrument in
• Chalkboard compressor,
determine sizes of worn calculations involving determining worn
crank shaft journals and • Demonstrating cramps, mallet,
moments as applied to crankshaft journal valve guide etc.
crank pins. clutch and brake • Demonstrate • Complete
mechanisms, calculation crankshaft Engine
of torques positioning for
• Demonstrate the DIHC, single
processes involved in overhead and side
assembling pistons and crankshaft.
rings using clamp, • Demonstrate the use
Fitting cylinder liners, of pullers.
Fitting of valve guides • Demonstrate the
and valve seat inserts, current use of cramp
Fitting of roller & ball filling piston rings,
bearing and use of valve guide tools
torque wrenches. and mallet for
• Describe sequentially cylinder liner
the reassembling of • Demonstrate steps
engine components and in engine
how to make necessary component
adjustments. assembly.
• Explain the test run
General Objective: 4.0 Understand the process of carrying out cylinder reboring
4.1 Explain the processes of • Explain the process of: - • Lesson plan 4.1 Demonstrate • Guide students • Boring machine,
cylinder reboring • Setting the cylinder on • Service manual cylinder re-boring on how to micrometer,
4.2 Explain the use of sizes in process
determining the bore size reboring machine • Flip chart determine piston rings,
4.3 Explain how to rebore • Setting the boring tools • Boring machine correct bore size service manual,
cylinder to the required on the reboring machine • Vernier calipers and selecting manufacturers
specification and select • Checking the accuracy • Chalk board right sizes of manual for
rings and piston sizes to of the boring tool and • Sizing tools piston and ring. selecting the
match. cylinder setting • Pistons • Assess the correct sizes of
• Using service manual to • Rings etc. students rings.
determine the correct
bore size
• Selecting correct sizes of
rings, and pistons from
the manufacturers’
• Assess the students
General Objective 5.0 Grind Crankshaft to correct specifications
5.1 Explain the process of • Explain, using diagrams • Lesson plan, Measure crankshaft sizes • Guide students • Service manual
crank shaft grinding and models the process chalk board, to determine to achieve micrometer,
5.2 Explain the sizes of bearing of crank shaft grinding crankshaft, bearing to match defined goals in crankshaft
to fit what sizes of crank • Using the grinding tools Demonstrate steps 5.1 to 5.3 grinding tools,
shafts manufacturer’s manual, • Service manual involved in models, etc.
5.3 Explain how to check crank find the size of bearing chalk board crankshaft grinding
shaft sizes before grinding to suit the crankshaft • Lesson plan, Grind crankshaft to size.
5.4 Explain how to grind size. service manual,
crankshaft to appropriate • Ask the students to: micrometer,
sizes and fits. • Measure the crankshaft • Models,
size using micrometer Crankshaft
looking up for next Grinding tools.
correct size from
• Demonstrate the process
of mounting crankshaft
on the crankshaft-
grinding machine.
Grind to the correct size
using outside
micrometer to check.
• Assess the students.

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Computerized engine diagnosis
CONTACT HOUR: 4 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 3 Hours/weeks

1. Understand Electronic Engine Diagnosis
2. Understand sensors, Actuators and Electronic Control Units
3. Understand the application of different diagnostic tools equipment.

COURSE: Computerised engine diagnosis COURSE CODE: CMV 27 CONTACT HOURS:4Hrs/week
COURSE SPECIFICATION: Theoretical Contents: Practical Contents:
General Objectives: 1.0: Understand Electronic Engine Diagnosis. General Objectives: 1.0: Understand Electronic Engine Diagnosis
WEEK Specific Learning Objective Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
Activities Resources Objective Activities Resources
1.1 Explain the function and • Provide materials • Text books, 1.1 Demonstrate the • Allow students • Text books,
purpose of modern diagnosis. and guide journal, lecture application of try demonstration journal, lecture
1.2 State the advantages of students learning. notes. computerized on their own notes.
computerized diagnosis. • Assess the • Various diagnosis in a modern • Teacher should • Various
1.3 Identify the safety precautions students diagnostic vehicle. assist students to diagnostic
to observe while performing performance tools/equipment diagnose a fault tools/equipment
p.c. based diagnosis. using computer in • Live vehicle
1.4 Describe the various a live vehicle
applications of computerized • Assess the student
diagnosis in a modern vehicle.
General Objective 2.0 Understand sensors, Actuators and Electronic Control Units.
2.1 Define sensors, actuators and • Show the sensors, • Text books, 2.1 Demonstrate the • Allow students • Text books,
ECUs actuator and journal, lecture application of sensors, try demonstration journal, lecture
2.2 Explain the functions of 2.1 in ECUs to students notes. actuators and ECUs on their own notes.
a modern vehicle. • Provide materials • Sensors, actuators to students in a live • Teacher should • Sensors, actuators
2.3 Identify the various types of and guide and ECUs and modern vehicle assist students to and ECUs
2.1 and their applications. students learning. • Charts use the sensors, • Live vehicle
2.4 Explain the operations of 2,1 • Assess the • Instructional actuators and • Other materials
and their relationship. students materials ECUs in a live necessary
2.5 Discuss common sensor, performance vehicle
Actuator and ECU faults, • Assess the
symptoms and remedies. students
General objective 3.0: Understand the application of different diagnostic tools equipment.
3.1 List the various types of • State the various • Text books, 3.3 Guide • Demonstrate for • Text books,
diagnostic tools in use. of diagnostic journal, lecture students to students to journal, lecture
3.2 Differentiate between tools and notes. differentiate practice notes.
customized and universal highlight their • Various customized • Allow students • Various
diagnostic tools in vehicle differences diagnostic and universal try demonstration diagnostic
diagnosis. • Assess the on tools/equipment diagnostic on their own tools/equipment
3.3 State the safety precautions in their tools. • Assess the
diagnostic tools handling, understanding of 3.4 Apply the students
usage and applications based the safety safety
on manufacturer’s data. precautions precautions
3.4 Outline the procedures for involved when enumerated
computerized engine handling in 3.3 to
diagnosis. diagnostic tools drive home
the points

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor vehicle mechanics
COURSE: Wheels Alignment, Balancing, Chassis and Suspension
CONTACT HOUR: 4 Hours/week
Theoretical: 1 Hour/week
Practical: 3 Hours/weeks


1.0 Understand the techniques of wheel alignment and the application of computerized wheel alignment
3.0 Understand the techniques for fitting, inflating and balancing wheels
3.0 Understand the concept /functions of chassis system
4.0 Understand the vehicle suspension system

PROGRAMME: NVC in Motor Vehicle Mechanics
COURSE: Wheels Alignment, Balancing, Chassis and Suspension Systems Course Code: CMV 35 Contact Hours: 4 Hours/Week
Course Specification: THEORETICAL CONTENT Course Specification: PRACTICAL CONTENT
Week General Objective: 1.0 Understand the techniques of wheel alignment and the application of computerized wheel alignment

Special Learning outcome Teachers Activities Special Learning

Learning Resources Teachers Activities Learning Resources
1.1 Define wheel alignment. Explain the concept • Whiteboard & 1.1 Demonstrate • Guide the students on • Live Vehicle
1.2 Describe the implication of of wheel alignment Marker procedures for how to carry out the Engine
the non alignment of a  Guide the students • Recommended checking/adjusting procedures in 1.1. • White Board &
wheel to textbooks wheel alignment • Explain causes of Maker
1.3 List the various methods of (a) list the various • Lecture notes etc. 3.1 Check wheel mis-alignment in • Wheel alignment
wheel alignment method of wheel . alignment using motor vehicles. equipment
1.4 Define Camber, castor and alignment computerized • Guide students on • Hand tools
king pin inclination. (b) Identify the alignment gauge. hoe to perform wheel • Services manual
1.5 State the measuring units elements that make alignment using the etc.
for castor camber angles up the computerized
and king pin inclination. computerized alignment equipment
1.6 Identify the elements that wheel alignment
make up the computerized machine.
unit system. (c) Apply
1.7 State the different types of computerized units
camber and castor angles. for alignment and
measuring of castor
and camber angles
including Toe-in
and toe-out
General Objective: 2.0 Understand the techniques for fitting, inflating and balancing wheels.

2.1 Describe the procedure for • Explain the • Maker 2.1 Demonstrate • Guide the students • White Board &
tyre inflation and fitting procedure for tyre Whiteboard, procedures for on how to perform Maker
2.2 Explain the implication of inflation and fitting Duster checking/adjusting wheel balancing • Inflated tyres
under inflation and over techniques e.g. tyre • Recommended wheel balancing. operations • Wheel balancing
inflation positioning and textbooks 2.2 Check wheel • Explain tests equipment
2.3 Identify various types of safety precautions. • Lecture note etc. balancing using procedures to • Hand tools
tyre valves • Explain dynamic and computerized students. • Services manual
2.4 Define Wheel Balancing static balancing balancing gauge. • Assign them to carry etc.
2.5 Establish the need for wheel• Describe a wheel out tests procedure
balancing balancing machine individually.
2.6 State the types of balancing• Discuss the
methods. implication for tyre
under inflation or
over inflation.
General Objective: 3.0 Understand the concept /functions of chassis system.
3.1 Identify types of wheels • Explain the need for • Marker White 4.1 Show tyre thread • Guide the students to • Workshop air
tyres. tyres. board, Duster pattern and rims identify tyre pattern compressor.
3.2 (a) state the purpose of • Explain functions of • Recommended tyre sizes/marking and perform tyre • Pressure gauge
rims/tyres wheel/tyres. textbooks 4.1 Carryout wheel fitting and inflation • Hand tools
3.3 Describe the construction • Explain tyre • Models of balancing • Guide the students on • Services manual
of tyres and state the rims construction and wheel/rim and tyres 4.1 Carryout tyre how to; etc.
tyre sizes/marking markings. • Lecture notes etc. inflation and fitting  gauge correct
3.4 Distinguish between tyre • Help students to 4.1 Carryout pressure
designs e.g. radial, cross- identify various rims maintenance on  Positioning of the
ply and tubeless tyres. and tyres steering system tyre and rim
3.5 Discuss tyre servicing. • State the safety 4.1 Carryout wheel  Safety precaution
precautions in tyre alignment exercise to be observed
servicing. using computerized  Carryout steering
alignment gauge. maintenance
 Explain tyre

General Objective: 4.0 Understand the vehicle suspension system.

4.1 Explain how the  Discuss the  Chalk, 4.1 Inspect suspension  List various ways to  White Board &
suspension system affects functions of a chalkboard, system for carry out Maker
the steering and stability of suspension system in Duster component inspections of  Loose
a vehicle motor vehicles  Recommended malfunction and suspension systems Suspensions/abso
4.2 List the different types of  Describe the textbooks draw up repair  Assign students to rbers
suspension system. function and  Lecture notes etc. procedures. identify body  Hand tools
4.3 Describe with the aid of operation of a 4.2 Identify body designed,  Pressure Guages
diagram, the component leveling valve in a designs, construction and  Handling/Holding
parts of a compressed air suspension system construction and safety features tools, etc.
suspension system  Describe with the aid safety features  Assess student’s
4.4 Explain the operation of of diagram, the 4.3 Identify the ability to identify
reactive and non-reactive component parts of a function and faults and
suspension compressed air operation of the corrective action.
4.5 Describe with sketches:(a) suspension system main components
coil spring (b) torsion bar  Explain how driving of independent
(c) rubber springs (d) leaf and braking torque front and rear
springs in multi-axle vehicle suspension
4.6 Describe with sketches suspension systems
hydro-pneumatic and arrangements are 4.4 Produce a list of
fluid/gas suspension affected by load typical faults and
systems. distribution. state the corrective
4.7 Describe independent  Explain the action to take for a
suspension utilizing, difference between . suspension system.
system etc reactive and non-
4.8 Describe rigid reactive types of
suspension. suspension system.
 Explain hydro-
pneumatic and
fluid/gas suspension
 State the advantages
of hydro-pneumatic
over gas suspension
 List the reasons for
the use of
independent front

Required Workshops/Laboratory for the Programme

A standard Automobile Workshop is required for the smooth commencement of the National Vocational Certificate in Motor Vehicle Mechanics
Programme. This standard workshop must have the following Sections:

1. Machine section
2. Welding section
3. Fitting section
4. Automobile section (the underlisted sub-sections should make up the Automobile section)

 Charging/Electrical section
 Pump room
 Engine room
 Auto pit/Wheel balancing/Alignment/Vulcanizing section
 Diagnosis/computer/Simulator section
 General store/Tool room

List of Books and References
1. Motor Vehicle Technology and Practical Work by Dolan
2. Fundamentals of Motor Vehicle Technology by Hillier
3. Technology for Motor Mechanics: 1-5 By S.C. Mudd
4. Automobile Workshop Practice by Staton Abbey
5. Automoive Fault-Tracing by Staton Abbey
6. Automotive Mechanics by William H. Crouse and Donald L. Anglin

List of Equipment

S/No Tools/Equipment Minimum Quantity Required

10 tool boxes with keys each comprising one of the following items:
1. Set of flat, round, half round and triangular files 10 each
2. Set of warden files 10 sets
3. Flat chisels 10
4. Cross cut chisels 10
5. Diamond point chisels 10
6. Set of pin punches parallel and taper 10 each
7. Hollow punches of various sizes 10 each
8. Ball pein hammesr 10
9. Plastic hammers/mallets 10
10. Hacksaws with extra blades 10
11. 300mm engineers rule 10
12. Centre punch 10
13. 6-32mm socket spanner sets with ratchet, brace, extension, U.J and handles 10
14. 6-32mm open and flat spanners 10 sets
15. 6-32mm ring spanners 10 sets
16. Emery stone/block or cloth 10
17. Plug spanners 10
18. Magneto spanners 10
19. Allen keys 10 sets
20. Philips screw drivers 10 sets
21. Feeler gauges 10
22. Oil cans 10
23. Grease guns 10
24. Mole grip 10
25. File card or cleaner 10
26. Spark plug files 10
27. Combination pliers 10
28. Long nose pliers 10
29. Wire cutter and stripper 10
30. Tyre pressure gauges 10
31. Metal scrappers 10
1. Electric Hand Drill 2
2. Drill bits 3 sets
3. Set of stock and dies - UNC, UNF and metric 2 sets
4. Taps and wrenches - UNC, UNF and metric 2 sets
5. Thread file 2
6. Roller type thread restorer 2
7. Screw (stud) extractor set 2
1. Vernier caliper 5
2. Vernier calipers with clock 5
3. Surface plates 2
4. Vee blocks 8
5. Vernier height gauge 2
6. Vernier calipers (metric) 3
7. Micrometer 0-25m 25-50mm, 50-75mm 3
Internal & external 25-50mm; 75-100 3
8. Dial indicator (gauge) with magnetic stand 2
1. Grinding machine with assorted wheels 1
2. Bench grinder with wheels 1
3. Workshop plain goggles 20
1. Blow lamps 5

2. Soldering iron 5
3. Electric soldering iron 5
4. Solder and flux 1pkt/tin
1. Compressor (3 phase motor driven type complete with spray gun, grease, horse reels)
2. Wheel balance (rim 13-15) 1
3. Air line gauge 2
4. Portable tyre inflator 2
5. Steam cleaner (complete) oil fired or electric 1
6. High pressure washer 1
7. Weld master vulcanizer 1
8. Various sizes wheel braces 3 sets
9. Tyre changer complete with bead breaker 1
10. Heavy duty tyre changer (air separated type) 1
11. Tyre repair kit comprising: rasp. Scissors, tyre knife, stitcher, spiral wound wire brush etc. 3 sets
12. Wire brush set 3 sets
13. Battery charger 1
14. Service station set of tool kit plus special wrenches for removal of oil filter 2 sets
15. Pipe wrench, clamp or vice 3 sets
16. Pipe cutter 2
17. Wheel alignment gauge 2
18. Plug spanners (long and short) 2
19. Battery service kit 2 each
20. Adjustable wrench 3
21. Clutch alignment gauge 5
22. Clutch set-screw gauge 2
23. Valve grinders 2
24. Injector repair machine 1
25. Injector needle service kit 1
26. Hydrometers 4
27. Vacuum tester 4
28. Pullers (different sizes) 2

29. Spark plug tester 4
30. Work bench with vices 2
31. Portable engine hoist 3
1. Diesel phasing & calibration machine 1
2. Electrical test bench 1
3. Cylinder boring machine with accessories and assorted tools 1
4. Honing machine with accessories and assorted cutters 1
5. Bottle jack (hydraulic) light vehicle type 4
6. Bottle jack (hydraulic) heavy vehicle type 2
7. Ram up to 6 tonne capacity 1
8. Trolley jacks 2
9. Dynanometer 1
10. Motor scope (engine analyzer) 2
11. Timing light 4
12. Tachometer 2
13. Hydraulic press 1
14. Inspection pits 2
15. Dwell tester 2
16. Armature growler 1
17. Compression gauge 2
18. Ammeter 2
19. Voltmeter 2
20. Ohmmeter 2
21. Avometer (multimetre) 2
22. Auto Electrical system instructional chassis 1
23. Valve spring compressor kit 2
24. Coil spring compressor 2
25. Torque wrench pre-set type (metric graduation) 2
26. Torque wrench dial type (metric) 2
27. Hydraulic nipple forming tool 1
28. Flaring tool for steel tubing 1

29. Small bore pipe bending tool 1
30. Carburetor service kit 1
31. Piston ring compressor 2
32. Exahust gas analyzer 2
33. Axle stands 8
1. Fire extinguishers 4
2. Sand buckets 4
3. Water buckets 4
4. First aid box 1
5 Safety Charts/Posters Lots


Pre critique for NVC in Motor Vehicle Mechanics

1 Ibrahim Salisu Government Technical College, Minna, Niger State
2 Suleiman Muhammed National Board For Technical Education, Kaduna
3 Engr. Donald Odiyoma National Board For Technical Education, Kaduna

National Critique for NVC in Motor Vehicle Mechanics

1 Engr. Abolade Olaniyan The Polytechnic Ibadan, Oyo State 08035752848
2 Engr. Odetoro W.K National Automotive Council 08036908292
3 Engr. Abubakar Dalhat National Automotive Council
4 Ibrahim Salisu Government Technical College, 08067361707
Minna, Niger State
6 Emmanuel Imejebe Training Centre, Peugeot 07032164666
Automobile Nigeria LTD
7 Lawan Abdulkarim National Board For Technical 08037013711
Education, Kaduna
8 Suleiman Muhammed National Board For Technical 08036423172
Education, Kaduna
9 Engr. Donald Odiyoma National Board For Technical 08036301795
Education, Kaduna

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