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Gas storage technology involves much of the knowledge used in natural gas production.
Differences however, consist of annually renewed reservoir pressures, high rates of gas injection
and withdrawal and use of pressures above discovery. The coupling of well temperature changes
with pressure changes and the use of bottom hole chokes pressure changes and the use of bottom
hole chokes to avoid consumption of fuel for heating in controlling pressures and temperatures at
the surface gas gathering system are topics of current interest.

Recent developments affecting natural gas production and storage industry prompted production
and storage industry prompted reassessment of design procedures related to flow of gas through
tubing, casing or casing-tubing annulus. Control and regulation of pressure at the surface,
prevention of cooling the gas beyond hydrate prevention of cooling the gas beyond hydrate
thresholds require that temperature and pressure effects to be well understood and properly
attended for optimum design. Under certain conditions flow through casing or casing-tubing
annulus and use of properly sized down hole chokes permit more optimal properly sized down
hole chokes permit more optimal temperature and pressure conditions at the well head by taking
advantage of heat exchange with prevailing geothermal gradients near the well bore. prevailing
geothermal gradients near the well bore. Also, recent interest in and prospects for geothermal
energy as well as storage of compressed air or hydrogen require that our understanding of
pressure-flow relations in the well bore be pressure-flow relations in the well bore be augmented
to include more realistic concepts of nonisothermal flow.

Source: Temperature And Pressure Gradients In Gas Wells | SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition | OnePetro

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