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AY 2022 – 2023



A. Title of the Documentary: Titser Annie

B. What do you think you will see in this documentary? List three concepts or ideas
that you might expect to see based on the title of the documentary. List some
people you might expect to see based on the title of the documentary.

Concept/Ideas People
The persistence of being a teacher despite the Teacher
hardships that will be felt.
The willingness to learn of the less fortunate Children or students
3. The life in the remote forest and how difficult it is. Reporter


Record the tactics you see the community utilizing to affect the Teaching Profession.

Tactic Who is Doing it? Purpose

Having a documentary Reporter -For her to discover and feel what
video about teaching in the the life of a teacher is like.
remote forest. -For everyone to know how
difficult it is to be a teacher and
how a teacher can love his/her
-So that she can help in the
situation that is being
experienced in that place and be
one of the bridge to pay attention
to the extreme hardship that is
being experienced there.
-So that we can able to know how
important it is if there is love in
our profession

Still teaching even if the Teacher - To let us know that there is no

way to do it is very difficult. impossible if we have missions.
She was also learning from
her students and -To acknowledge the importance
understanding their stories of the quote “Once a teacher,
in life where she can able forever a student” because we
to use it in teaching. are also learning every day and
by that, we can be the best
teacher because you know by
yourself that your heart is open to
understand everything.
The willingness to learn Children/Students -To convey that no matter the
despite of their challenges situation, if you want to learn
and status in life there is a way to learn
- To show that the teacher is very
important because what will
happen to them if they really want
to learn but no one wants to


A. What is the central message of this documentary?

The central message of this documentary is to let us know exactly what things a
teacher should have and how to stand up for being a teacher. So that we can take
to heart what the definition of a teacher is, especially for those of us who will be
teachers someday. This documentary is a way to stir our hearts by showing
scenarios that hurt but are more self-encouraging. Because of this, I now like to be
a teacher more so that I can show and apply everything I’ve learned.

B. Consider the effectiveness of the documentary in communicating its message. As

a tool of communication, what are its strengths and weaknesses?
Its strengths are they were able to deliver it properly by inspiring a lot of people
and its weakness is people might be scared of being a teacher after they watched
the video because they think they might assign in that same situation because they
might be closeminded to understand the point of the video.

C. How do you think the documentary wanted the audience to respond?

I thought it through my understanding and positivity where I immediately got the
point of the documentary. The desired response of this documentary from the
audiences is to teach and inspire them about life and being a teacher that they can
apply in the future.

D. What did you learn from this documentary?

I learned a lot from this documentary and what impressed me the most was how to
stand up for being a teacher. You should not only be a teacher of what you know
but your students and other people should also feel it by inspiring them. Everything
you do should be done with a heart and with a desire, because then you will be
surprised that you have already helped other people so much and it will give a good
impact on their lives.

E. Describe a moment or scene in the documentary that you found particularly

disturbing or moving.
The moment or scene in the documentary that I found disturbing was when I saw
how difficult it was to live in that place and only two female teachers were assigned
to that school which required a huge adjustment but it was happy to see that they
also liked teaching there and they even loved it more.

F. Did anything in the documentary surprise you? Why?

Yes and this is the part of the documentary where I saw how many children were
there in that place and how interested they were in learning. Without the teachers,
what will happen to these children, they will grow who know nothing about things
like one of the students there said that when they sell, they are only paid small
amounts because they do not know how to count and understand.

G. If you could ask anyone in the documentary a single question, whom would you
ask and what would you want to know?
If I could ask anyone in the documentary a single question, I would like to ask the
reporter and what I will ask is how difficult she experienced the first time she went
there and what will it feel like when we witness their lives because if I am given the
opportunity, I want to go there so I want to know the feeling of the reporter for me
to be prepared as well as going and witnessing there for the first time.

SUBMITTED BY: _______Samantha Princess F. Aguilar________

Name of CPE101 Student & Signature

_____________October 20, 2022_____________

Date of Submission


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