FM Case Study Vipin

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nganiSab'on tnacture financial depontmunt

at Keala Electncal and licd Ergincening (KEL)

Kundara Unt, kelam Po Kenala

Vepin. V. ami ckn

Roll no: 5
Date Page O

Fetablished n 194, t knala Flectoia
arnd Allied Enginecaing lo: Ld (KEU ba maltitaceted
Company-dully oaned by th Stak ovcanmcmt: D
Compo mnuachseo and masketspoducs ire
AemLoak uapose boushlces altcanauas bnadhleos
alteanahw un ghtig and ain-Condshoning
ai achco nMedium powcn ad dhistizhion
taan}onnosGo M ao Stauchaah Sted hica-
biond: unibg KEL Conhisb Tun hshting-
Alteamcàn nsiam Tgnamen vson, Stuctuak
iion T ith acan nin (aot Reain stn-
men ivon

Snona dpontmomt l l a graegio ososing-

on aingnbng tteanada Augion stuatelL
at_Kumdana, kollam Hstott, Kenala: 2k_cmo2
Cotaslishel im the aecu laá6 m privakk Scchn
mudachua lo tonsion Sutho omn
don takem aabs noveaameme _Kenala n
1964ae aalg- ds t unt os diveaoyhl
n t ed bnuathosalttamatu ton
noilaaligaag s aont g diveasiticahtoza
Pspemaoma na Mechomaicak apiemcnts amd
Page o 2

pcikbio_ce _added to te umNt

AKnoun Veio depcamenb_

KEL kimdona Ut a Scponch den
tran nolco_GnConneched: fa cxammpla te
Bamam Keoomee dooadmemt epannhe ga-
making Sua tthat othea deporhnonb ae
emdugn Waakea tAth the ngat Skll>te
inama Japontmemt Cnne tnat tee ó monca
available to Cana out te ackibto acoss all
deportmema Makchng 0enko dm tr prockuchon
b roicling imom con about * rouch
th CAshamcno hamt, ohile matzulalo depocmcnt
hao the job maki An tat treieoe
Cmoua mateualo_dza_poduchah fa omutachne:
m KE2 kmdosa, te penchined dopaatmeat
Gne ao gollouss

Manwng & Vhoducdkm Lpendocnk

Snaaa depadbmemt mattaisl depombmmE
Moakch Aha &alsa 2 SAa lrpashmet
Pensornnd 2 Ammistbtn depondoonk
Seoipa 2 Delegom.nt cpahmxat
Mtub depahoment 2 ermeAal na
6zali A>SMama dopeobmnt 2 Denpo
Skagn_aorc exelapnat depstmont:
Date Page o3

iamee Deponhmcmt at kFL Kuodaa

r fmna kponhmale regaulaubo

t e nomcid iMBa.chim t Compcn
mamedumchon pravndio Quthon3tim omd
Comtal to ckt SubSushmo t ukiz mony
moce ekgicuty *tnnough a Dell-deoigned
mehamsm tk Compomg eporep P t cmd
oss Acouns Balnce Shccta. budge bnomcial
Penomama Stdmomt and Erondoce ast
Ral fnomaial Posabona Fatane Pospecks
Gmd mom otrea ahjeck: Stattacnst
Rcaarin9 OLulb denina Ee peaanmamea a
tmsacbroo: ] s Teitao r PAabal -
t a _concam duning thegea

finad Acowats in Tall Prime d Baa

Snyhaone ea Pagal and Pagsip omel n-
To Calaulatton Wimmam Sqtdoe in uoeel
D mon mchcma g anomatst dcpaatacmt Gw:|

Axdtinp amd nlgahtn g ank Atn the.

Sistamce o al_otre mmbras -drome dcpt
M acconts elahn n t Poconne
Date Page o 4

lrpcaci.cmg lagaolla Acamy g Pauchoar

1 (olaulahm o) lcatoal Exciax
Salao Accoana amd Salo Taa matto

Ongani Setn Staachn Smana Deparhmun

| Hoo fnanu

|Assstant Oicn

Jumien Opn


Prttonhn amd Repansabiliba

i Hrad m Depomhmenat (Hon) finomca

Page o s

( Monoge ard provca ongoing tminig to

atccumog pasonne
Conduct teckl omd monttl domcd aascosments
aganena nefoab 6k sanited h
Seiss moasgnacant ig Depuy ncaak Momogsa
d Fstaish badgb im alcdamcaArn e
eapiemmcm opama depastmem
C Allsk cundo dha onjecks ad oak wen
Produ chtm amd mazaida deponmcrnts d Cne
throt the Skag om toack
Jkvelop annuGk pnoncial plono ame Projecronn
aho compong
Concuct andes q nancisl sko ond
benchta an bmcn iticdive:

a KeopanS1ba dan allecbog d eccadny pmeancal

M aon, and-da makg 3e Kmak atcomt
bdomcaa e upto dak So a StonicnCam
monibaulçeh Spcondang Ondd prop
6) (mcude 2ecac s etrcidng_dnamcial
eatato sem ta ancial dat.bane, camCils
acosmt balamaa pepaarg inoica _neCipks,
mmtoinmin agall, cheking2 Connecking h.
accoumbma omputrhiowa, umns enans omd
Date Page lG

Pentdaming otna Vuhne aCoumfing actiibto

C Ot admmistaatw sttaska Sucdh 02 Setti-
up apoinbmcnk omd diect clb ht e
nok nccseany nelakei to fnonce:

c Junia Oicen o

Keogtase_dn gaerl boakkeepirg trat_mcdsa

Keepg tack eceptspapnent an
otnen dmamcisl tanaachcno:
loea Ca Gnalg1s epoab xed amd
vomca Cosb)
(C) SunQent mont pagaal Kecqp onganiSed ecandp
Racre Mecmd Al papaln2 Mc Deceiveuo
Paocon anico md gelloa up a clionts,
Supplienn,, amd ertnesa Go neeelcdL
G aoids admmistmtilx Suppont demeg bdeek
(02 Pcacaos tan pagaasonk
Par'eipak im auasten md aanual audia

FesrestPoesortig ot _KeL kundoaa

Ct t_nama -peapla Cmaplagyad at finsmce
depoatmt in approoat I520 Cmplayeea
LMtn imcludlsa bckn teape peasrnomsmE cmmplagtes
ptoe 1nkng mclen antad

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