Comidas Europeas

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Alemania: Sauerkraut

• 1/2 white cabbage
•1 onion
• 1/2 green apple
• 3/4 cup alcohol or apple vinegar
• 1 teaspoon of sugar
•1 teaspoon salt

Start peeling the apple and then cut it into
pieces. Chop the cabbage in strips, with a
fine julienne. Cut and peel the onion too.
Take everything to a pot.
Add the vinegar, sugar and salt. Let macerate for 30 minutes.
Heat over low heat with the pot covered. Cook for an hour.

Andorra: Trinxat de
• 800 g of kenebeq potatoes
• 1 kg of green cabbage
• 800 g of boletus (pinícola or edulis)
• 10 g of dried dehydrated boletus
• 2 sprigs of parsley
• 1 dl of olive oil
• Salt
• 70 g of garlic

Wash the cabbage, including the green leaves. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes of about 30
grams. In a pot full of boiling and salted water, put the cut cabbage, cook about 20 minutes, add
the potatoes and cook about 15 more minutes. Peel and cut the garlic into thick slices, fry in the
oil until it is blond and remove from heat. Drain the potatoes with the cabbage, squeeze the
excess water out. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into thick slices, sauté them with garlic oil.
Put the oil in a casserole, add cabbage, potato, sauteed and powdered boletus. With a spatula,
cut the preparation by hitting it until you get a uniform mixture but with small pieces. Rectify in
salt. In a pan over medium heat put a little garlic oil and the four steel rings. Fill with Trinxat and
tighten well. Let caramelize and then turn, caramelize equally. Put each circle on a plate, take
out the molds. Decorate with slices of golden boletus in oil, cherry tomatoes, herbs.

Austria: Linzer torte o Tarta de linz

• 225 gr of flour
• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 90 g unsalted butter, diced
• 55 gr of icing sugar
• 100 gr of ground almonds
• 1 beaten egg yolk
• 2 tablespoons lemon juice
• 1 jar of strawberry or raspberry jam (300 gr approx.)
• 1 egg yolk
• 80 gr of apricot jam

In a bowl, put the flour, cinnamon and butter. With clean hands we mix
well, until a crumb texture is left. When you have that crumbled texture,
add the icing sugar and the almond and mix. We make a hole in the
center and add the egg yolk and lemon juice. Mix with a spatula until
you have a homogeneous dough, form a ball and let stand in the
refrigerator 20 minutes.
After that time, we spread the dough between two sheets of baking
paper, and give it about 5 mm thick. Then we pass the dough into the
mold and arrange it with our hands, covering the sides well. We
remove the excess by cutting the dough by the upper edges. Fill the
cake with the chosen jam, in our case strawberry jam (here you can
see our recipe for homemade strawberry jam).With the rest of the
dough, we extend it again and cut long strips with which we will form
the lattice of the cake. This step is the most laborious, but it is worth it.
Paint with beaten egg and bake at 180º for about 30 minutes, until the
dough is golden brown. It is necessary to put in the middle part of the
oven and with heat up and down. When we take the cake out of the
oven and still hot, we paint the surface with apricot jam that we will
melt a few seconds before in the microwave.
Bélgica: mejillones con papas fritas

 2 kg of mussels
 3 potatoes
 1 branch of celery
 1 scallion
 1 tablespoon butter
 1 glass of white wine
 150 ml of evaporated milk
 Extra virgin olive oil
 Salt
 Pepper
 Parsley
Melt the butter in a pan with a drop of oil. Chop the celery and the scallion into
small cubes, and add them. Sauté briefly and add a pinch of pepper. Pour the
white wine and let reduce. Add evaporated milk and stir.
Clean the mussels, removing the beards and any shell that may have attached to
the shell. Add to the pan, cover and cook for 5 minutes, so that they open.
Peel the potatoes, cut them into sticks and fry them in a pan with plenty of hot oil.
Add some parsley branches. Drain on a plate lined with paper towels. Salt pepper.
Serve the mussels with the fries and sprinkle with chopped parsley on top.

Bulgaria: Tarator:
 250 g of natural yogurt
 300 ml of water
 1 small cucumber
 1 clove garlic
 2-3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill
 1 handful of nuts, black pepper and salt.
Peel the cucumber and chop it into very small pieces, discarding the inner seeds if
desired, although personally I do not think it is necessary. Remove the inner heart
of the garlic clove and chop it very thinly. Arrange both ingredients in a bowl or
bowl. Beat the yogurt well until it is creamy and add it to the cucumber. Add water,
mixing gradually, until leaving a smooth soup texture, neither too liquid nor too
Split the nuts and chop or grind them well. Chop the fresh dill. Add both to the soup
and salt and pepper to taste. Let stand in the fridge for at least 1 hour.

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