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2019 IEEE 14th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 18-20 Dec.

, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Identification of Medicinal Plants by Visual

Characteristics of Leaves and Flowers
T.G.A.G.D Amarawanshaline. D. P. Nawinna
A.D.A.D.S. Jayalath
Faculty of Computing Faculty of Computing
Faculty of Computing
Malabe, Sri Lanka Malabe, Sri Lanka
Malabe, Sri Lanka

H.P Jayasuriya
P.V.D. Nadeeshan
Faculty of Computing
Faculty of Computing
Malabe, Sri Lanka
Malabe, Sri Lanka

Abstract In Ayurveda medicine, correct identification the relevant medicinal plant, for what disease it is used for
of medicinal plants is of great importance. Plants are and what are the other alternative names used from district
identified by human experts using their visual features to district.
and aroma. Incorrect identification of medicinal plants
may lead to adverse results. Plant identification can be II. RELATED WORKS
automated using visual morphological characteristics In most of the research; Siraj et al have focused their
such as the shape, color, and texture of the leaves and attempt by using the color and texture of the flower as the
flowers. This paper presents how rare medicinal plants features [1]. As the methodology, they have followed
were identified with high accuracy by applying image three phases namely the image capturing, image
processing and machine learning capabilities. For this processing and Neural Network phases. The images were
study, a database was created from scanned images of captured using a digital camera. The flowers have placed
leaves and flowers of rare medicinal plants used in Sri at the center of the camera. The dataset has 18 categories
Lankan Ayurveda medicine. Both the front and back of flower images. Flower identification and classification
sides of leaves and flowers were captured. The leaves are are the most important task that needs to get accuracy.
classified based on the unique feature combination. This phase consists of four steps for image processing as
Identification rates up to 98% have been obtained when image filtering, image segmentation, region detection, and
tested over 10 plants. feature extraction. NN was used to classify the images
based on color and texture. The overall results differ from
Keywords the types of flowers. Some flowers get 69% accuracy and
some have 100% accuracy. At the conclusion they have
medicine, Ayurveda, Neural network concluded that the number of images of flowers depends
on getting the accuracy of the training result.
Ayurveda is an ancient medical system practiced in Sri Almogdady et al have used the image processing
Lanka and its origin dates back to around 3000 years ago, techniques for the identification. Color, texture, and shape
in Vedic times. The main ingredients of Ayurvedic are the features of identifying flowers [2]. For the
medicine are plant leaves, flowers and roots, and other methodology they have divided their approach into four
parts of plants such as bark. In ancient, the Ayurveda steps as image enhancement, image segmentation features
doctors themselves collect medicinal plants to prepare extraction and classification. They have used Chan-vese
medicines. Today only a few Ayurveda doctors follow the image processing segmentation technique for segmenting
ancient methods. Because the manufacturing of Ayurveda flowers from the rest of the image in order to simplify and
medicines has become a marketing factor. Today the enhance the features extraction process. For the extraction
plants are collected from forest areas or gardens. Those of features the have used HSV color descriptor, Gray
who collect them are not professionally trained in Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) as texture
identifying accurate medicinal plants. Because of these descriptor and Invariant Moments (IM) as a shape
manufacturing units of medicine and the people who are descriptor. The images of flowers are cropped to get the
searching for them often receive incorrect or substituted relevant size. They have done cropping a single flower
medicinal plants. Most of these units lack adequate quality from bunch of flowers, cropping but keeping the full
control mechanisms on identifying the correct medicinal bunch and keeping the same structure (No cropping). For
plant. When plants arrived in dry mode, makes the manual the classification part BACk Propagation ANN was used.
identification task much more complicated. Incorrect use As the overall result they have included all flower species
of medicinal plants may cause the Ayurveda medicine with 20 images and acquired 80% accuracy.
ineffective. In this situation, identification of correct
medicinal plants conduces as an important task. In this Most of the researchers have used the image processing
system we implement a feature to get the description of techniques for feature extraction and CNN for the

978-1-7281-3706-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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2019 IEEE 14th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 18-20 Dec., Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

classification. One of the attempts they have used color, III. MATERIALS AND METHODS
texture, and shape as features on identifying flowers [3].
In their approach consists of four steps as pre-processing, A. Data Collection
segmentation, hand-design feature extraction and At present, a standard image database of Ayurvedic
classification. To segment the flower from the background medicinal plants is not available. The research team
they have used saliency-segmentation-based approaches initially conducted a set of interviews with Ayurvedic
to select the Region-Of-Interest (RIO) on flower images. doctors in Ayurveda General Hospital Rajagiriya and
And have used a common segmentation technique called identified a set of rare plants used for Ayurvedic medicine
mean-shift algorithm. They have used CNN for to be included in the prototype. Images of these medicinal
optimizing the parameters. As the overall result shows plants were collected mainly from the Botanical division
effectiveness of CNN for flower identification. And the in Ayurveda Department, Navinna, and several private
accuracy was 90%. botanical gardens in Sri Lanka.

When we study leaf identification researchers furthermore The leaves and flowers were harvested in natural habitat,
we could found some researchers have done leaf and the selection of leaves, flowers, and plants was based
identification by edge detection. [4] Mostly they have on rare plants. The images were colored images and stored
used existing algorithms to grasp their objectives. In their in jpeg format for further processing. The resolution of
approach of identification of a leaf, they have used the leaf and flower images are changed into uniform
Structural Decomposition for the feature extraction of the resolution as 3120×4160 and the size between 200kB-
leaf image. They have mainly focused on color mapping 500kB. For each plant, we collected 500 images of leaves
by using pre-processing techniques and using four major and flowers. Accordingly, 5000 images of leaves and
phases. Those steps that they have mentioned are flowers were collected in the database. The database of
thresholding, edge detection, segmentation, and the images of flowers and leaves is shown in Figure 1.
classification. The local names and botanical names are given in Table 1.

They convert the same test image into three images by Fig. 1: Leaf and flower images
changing the components of the image. In their research
paper, we can observe, considering Hue, Saturation
intensity they have converted them into grayscale images.
After-ward all the three images converted to binary image

Ela Nitul Maha Dathkatiya Maduruthala Thippili

When identifying a leaf they have used morphological
features to clarify the exact leaf. Initially this research
paper, [5] they have extract features of the leaf and used
some machine learning techniques to train a model to do
the leaf classification. In their study, they have used
Shallow Neural Network (SN), Radial Basis Function
(RBF) and Deep Belief Neural Network (DBN). Ankenda Iriveriya Koboneela Podi Arasi Thippili

Training the model with the above-mentioned techniques

B. Analysis
are can be categorized as supervised learning. The process
happening in this method is the model learns from a Analyzing large amounts of data manually is tough work.
named or labeled dataset constitute of different varieties It may take time and more effort. Therefore to overcome
of leaf images. They have mainly focused on several these problems a technique was introduced as a Machine
features on a leaf image. Color, shape, and texture of the Learning technique.
leaf are the features that they have considered. In the In Machine Learning techniques there are several
image pre-processing once the test image is ready the first classifications. One of is Tensorflow. It is an open-source
step they have done is noise removal. The purpose of for machine learning. It provides all the libraries and
doing noise removal is to maximize the accuracy of resources to do the classification of data [7].
getting features. Color-based feature extraction has done C. Convolutional Neural Network
by considering pixel values in the Red, Green and Blue
Modern technology is based on computer models known
channels of the image that going to be tested. To extract
as artificial neural networks. There are different types of
the shape based features mainly the authors have
neural networks. One of them is the Convolutional
considered the boundary of the leaf. By extracting the
Neutral Network (CNN). It is also a type of Machine
boundary they have come up with the method to find out
Learning network that applied to image displaying
the shape of the leaf.
problems. One image displaying problem is classification.
It is used to detect what is the image and what is involved
in the image. A CNN consists more than on convolutional
layers. It is a series of fully connected, grouped
convolutional layers and pooling. The convolution layer in

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wollongong. Downloaded on May 31,2020 at 20:18:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2019 IEEE 14th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 18-20 Dec., Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

the series takes the convolutional operations as the input. affect. Epoch is a measure of the number of times the
In the convolutional operation, there are three components training is done. Once the number of epoch increases
as the input image, feature detector, output image. The between 40- 60, high accuracy can be obtained.
feature detector is known as the mask or kernel. There are
masks as 3x3, 5x5, and 7x7. But for the convolutional Fig. 3: System model
purpose 3x3 mask is used. During this process some
features of images will be neglected [9]. But CNN
identifies the images with higher accuracy.

Fig. 2: Convolutional layers

D. Model of the proposed system

The system diagram of the proposed system is shown in
Figure 2. First, we dedicated most of the time to create the Fig. 4: Steps of extracting features on CNN
data set by capturing images of flowers and leaves of rare
medicinal plants. We visited the Botanical garden in
Ayurveda Department, Navinna to capture the images.
When the data collection was completed using CNN
created a model to train each of the images of the leaves
and flowers.
In CNN, the convolutional consist of the three
components as the input image, feature detector or mask
and output image. To get the accuracy, the mask is taken
3x3 form. An example is shown in Figure 4, the input
image and 3x3 mask are taken to identify the features of
the image. The 3x3 mask overlaps the input image as Fig. 5: Steps of extracting features on CNN
shown in Figure 5. By overlapping the input image, the
maximum value pixel will be extracted by applying the
3x3 mask continuously. The output image will be 2x2
image as shown in Figure 5. In this process, some features
of the input image will be neglected. But by extracting the
maximum value pixel the identification of the plant is
done in higher accuracy. The trained images will be stored
in the database to proceed with the identification.
In the testing phase, the trained images will be
tested through the predictions and give the result on
identifying the rare medicinal plant. To get the accuracy,
the number of images and the number of epochs will

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2019 IEEE 14th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 18-20 Dec., Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Table 1: Botanical names

Fig.4: Accuracy graph on training set

Local Name Botanical Name

1 Ankenda Acronychia
2 Ela Nitul Plumbago
zeylanica l
3 Maha Aniththa
4 Thippili (Leaf) Piper longum
5 Dathkatiya
6 Maduruthala Ocimum
7 Iriveriya Plectranthus
8 Koboneela Bauhiniya
variegata Fig.5: Validate-Accuracy graph on training set
9 Podi Arasi Croton officialis
10 Thippili (Flower) Piper longum

The trained model for the neural network is tested on the
test set to get their respective classification accuracy. The
regularization parameters change to obtain the best model
characteristics from the data. The classification accuracies
are tabulated in Table 2.
The training set accuracy of using the model
obtained 100%. This accuracy depends on the number of
epochs that commits. And the test set accuracies were
between 95% - 99% when tested on 500 images each of
10 rare medicinal plants. Figure 4 shows the accuracy we
obtained by training the images using the model. Figure 5 Fig.6: Loss graph on training set
shows the loss or the errors that occurred during the
training. This graph shows that the loss decreases. That
means there is a high accuracy during the training. Figure
6 shows the validate accuracy. The validate id done due to
the overfitting and underfitting of the training of images.
Since when the training is done there is highest possibility
to achieve the highest accuracy on the training set.

Table 2: Classification Accuracies (100%)

Plant name Training Test Accuracy

Accuracy (%)
1 Ankenda 100 99
2 Ela Nitul 100 98
3 Maha Aniththa 100 98
4 Thippili 100 98
5 Dathkatiya 100 98
6 Maduruthala 100 99
7 Iriveriya 100 98
8 Koboneela 100 99
9 Podi Arasi 100 99
10 Thippili (Leaf) 100 98

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2019 IEEE 14th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 18-20 Dec., Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

[7] Identification of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants by
The article proposed a robust technique using CNN for the Image Processing of Leaf Samples. Available at:
identification of rare medicinal plants. Test accuracy of
90% was obtained by using the TensorFlow on the dataset _Identification_of_ayurvedic_medicinal_plants_by_i
that we created. This immunity was obtained from the mage_processing_of_leaf_samples[Accessed 8 Mar.
extraction of the relevant characteristics of the leaf image.
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recognition of statistical models. The accuracy increases with Python, Tensorflow and Keras Available at:
with the number of training which is meant by epoch.
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VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT [9] A Complete Guide to Types of Neural Network.

Available at:
We would like to thank the Department of Ayurveda in
Navinna for providing the images of plants and their networks/[Accessed 9 Mar. 2019]
[10] Plant Identification Using Tensorflow. Available at:
gi?article=1271&context=cpesp[Accessed 9 Mar.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Wollongong. Downloaded on May 31,2020 at 20:18:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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