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B1 PRELIMINARY Audio scripts


Preliminary English Test. Listening. Test 5. Man: Very true. Let’s do that then.
There are four parts to the test. You will hear each PAUSE 5 SECONDS
part twice. For each part of the test there will be
Now listen again.
time for you to look through the questions and
time for you to check your answers. REPEAT
Write your answers on the question paper. You will
have six minutes at the end of the test to copy your
answers onto the answer sheet. The recording will 3 What did the man forget to bring to the picnic?
now be stopped. Woman: This looks like a good place for a picnic, don’t
Please ask any questions now, because you must you think?
not speak during the test. Man: It does, yes! Now, do you want to put out the
food? I’m glad you offered to bring a blanket.
PAUSE 5 SECONDS I didn’t think we’d need it, but the ground’s not
very dry.
Now open your question paper and look at Part 1.
Woman: It’s not. I’ll pour drinks, shall I?
Man: Yes. The cups are there, in the car – can you
PAUSE 5 SECONDS Woman: Oh yes. Now, I brought a knife too, for the
Now we are ready to start. For each question,
Man: Well done. I got one out, ready to bring, but it’s
choose the correct answer. still on the table at home!
1 Where is the woman’s new house? Woman: No problem!
Woman: Hi, James. You must come and see our new
Man: Oh, you’ve moved. Congratulations! Do you Now listen again.
know I always thought you’d stay in your place
near the mountains? REPEAT
Woman: I know. It was beautiful there. PAUSE 5 SECONDS
Man: So, are you still in the countryside?
4 Where did the friends go for a walk?
Woman: Oh yes, actually not too far from the mountains
Woman 1: That was a lovely walk, wasn’t it? It was nice
– the opposite side of the lake, though, from
looking across the bay at the boats.
where we were before.
Woman 2: Yes, because the park’s on the top of a hill,
Man: Oh. Are you by the water? Lovely.
you really can see for miles.
Woman: We’re a bit further on actually. It’s one of the
Woman 1: Although it’s a bit of a shame the town’s so
new houses on the edge of the forest. It’s really
big. It does spoil the view a bit!
Woman 2: Oh, I don’t know, I quite like being able to
Man: Sounds great!
see the old buildings. I think they’re rather
PAUSE 5 SECONDS lovely. I wouldn’t mind spending a few hours
exploring them, if that’s OK with you?
Now listen again.
Woman 1: Sure. Let’s do that tomorrow.
PAUSE 5 SECONDS Now listen again.
2 What are the people having for dinner? REPEAT
Man: So, what shall we have for dinner?
Woman: Well, I had chicken for lunch today at work, but PAUSE 5 SECONDS
there’s some in the fridge, isn’t there? I don’t 5 What kind of exercise is the man going to do
mind having it again.
this weekend?
Man: OK, it’d be quick. Or we could have burgers? I
Woman: I’m so glad it’s Friday! It’s been a busy week. Are
could make a salad to go with them or with the
you doing anything nice this weekend, Ben?
Man: Well, my daughter’s running in her first long-
Woman: Actually, just that on its own will be enough for
distance race quite soon, so I’m helping her
me, without any meat. We’ve got that nice fresh
lettuce and tomatoes. That’ll be much better for
Test 5
B1 PRELIMINARY Audio scripts
Woman: Oh right. I knew you played badminton a lot, but PART 2
I didn’t know you were a runner too. Good for
you! Now turn to Part 2, questions 8 to 13. For each
question, choose the correct answer.
Man: Ah, well, actually I’m training her from my bike.
I can’t run and shout advice to her at the same 8 You will hear a woman talking to a friend about
time and to be honest, she’s faster than me! a painting course she is doing.
Woman: Ha ha! Good for her! It still sounds exhausting
Man: How’s the painting course going?
Woman: Oh, OK thanks. But it’s quite hard. I’ve been
Now listen again. working on the same thing now for weeks!
Man: Oh dear. Aren’t you getting any help?
Woman: It’s not that. The teacher does her best to get
PAUSE 5 SECONDS round to everyone. But I just look at everyone
else’s work and feel really disappointed in mine.
6 Who does the woman have an appointment
Man: It can’t be that bad. Why don’t you just start
with tomorrow?
again with something new?
Man: Hi, Jayne. You look worried. What’s up?
Woman: Well, it’s a picture for my dad’s birthday, of
Woman: I want to leave early for an appointment his favourite place, so I’m really keen to get it
tomorrow, and I haven’t asked for time off yet. finished for him.
Man: Don’t worry. I mean, we’re allowed time off
for things like going to the doctor’s. And the
manager let you go to the dentist’s that time Now listen again.
before, didn’t she? I’m sure it’s not like you’re
just going off to get your hair cut! REPEAT
Woman: Well, actually, I’m going out on Saturday,
and tomorrow afternoon’s the only available
appointment, so yes, I am! 9 You will hear two friends talking about local
Man: Oh! Well, er, good luck! transport.

Now listen again. Man: How should we get home from town tomorrow?
Woman: What about the train? At least we know what
REPEAT time it’ll leave – not like the bus. I waited 45
minutes yesterday!
Man: The bus I get is usually on time – although it
7 Where does the man think he has left his coat? costs as much as the train. What about a taxi? It
Man: Hi, Sandra, thanks for a great party. wouldn’t be too much between us.
Woman: I’m glad you and your wife could come. Woman: Well, unless you book one in advance, you’ve
Man: Now, I’ve left my coat somewhere … got no chance of getting one on the street.
There aren’t enough around!
Woman: OK, where is it?
Man: True. And we don’t know what time we’ll want
Man: When we arrived, we went into the living room. one, so we can’t book. So the train’s the best
I took it off there, but I’m sure I was carrying it option.
after that.
Woman: Yes, OK.
Woman: You didn’t hang it in the hall, did you?
Man: You’re right. I remember putting it on a chair PAUSE 5 SECONDS
outside later in the evening. That’s the last time Now listen again.
I remember having it.
Woman: I’ll check the garden, sitting room, and hall for REPEAT
Man: Thanks!
10 You will hear a man talking about a special
museum exhibition.
Now listen again.
REPEAT Woman: I hear you went to the special exhibition at the
museum. What was it like?
Man: Not bad. I liked the way you first see the earliest
That is the end of Part 1. things – pots and bowls mostly – and work your
way around the room.
Test 5
B1 PRELIMINARY Audio scripts
Woman: Uh-huh. Now listen again.
Man: And you finish with the most modern things
near the end. It meant you could see really
clearly how styles have changed.
Woman: Sounds good.
13 You will hear two friends talking about going to
Man: And there were notes on the walls about each
item. It’s a shame there weren’t more things on a café.
display though. I finished in hardly any time, but PAUSE 8 SECONDS
there’s plenty more to do in other parts of the
museum. Woman 1: I’m looking forward to this evening. Shall we
meet at the Central Café before the film? Or
Woman: Yes.
the one in the square?
PAUSE 5 SECONDS Woman 2: Oh the Central Café. The music in the other
one’s so loud. There’s usually a band playing,
Now listen again.
and I won’t be able to hear you properly. We’ll
REPEAT be able to get a table easily in the Central Café
PAUSE 5 SECONDS Woman 1: We will. I can’t believe more people don’t go
there really. It’s great!
11 You will hear two friends talking about doing
exercise at a sports centre. Woman 2: I guess it’s because it’s new. It’s such good
value compared to other places. I’m sure more
PAUSE 8 SECONDS people will come when they hear about it.
Man: Hi, Hanna, you look happy! PAUSE 5 SECONDS
Woman: Well, I’ve just signed up for that new yoga class.
Now listen again.
Man: Oh yes, you were talking about that before.
Woman: I find yoga such fantastic exercise. You use the REPEAT
gym, don’t you?
Man: Yes – nearly every day!
Woman: Wow! Well, there are still a couple of places That is the end of Part 2.
left in my class if you want to try something
different. Actually, I haven’t used the gym yet. I’d
like to do an introduction class for it first.
Man: Good idea. I did that and it was really useful.

Now turn to Part 3, questions 14 to 19. For each
question, write the correct answer in the gap.
Now listen again. Write one or two words or a number or a date or a
REPEAT time. You have 20 seconds to look at Part 3.
You will hear a man called Alex giving some
12 You will hear a woman telling her friend about
information about a race to a small group of
a holiday.
PAUSE 8 SECONDS Alex: Hello, and welcome to the running club! I’ve got
Man: So how was your holiday? some information for you about next month’s race.
Woman: Really relaxing, thanks. We spent a lot of the Now, to enter, you need to register online on our
time by the pool, to be honest. website. I’ll give you the address. It’s WWW dot
Man: Nice. hawkthorne – that’s H-A-W-K-T-H-O-R-N-E – dot
run dot org. It’s easy to find, and doesn’t take long.
Woman: Yes, it was great. Most of the other guests swam
in the sea, so that was good. And the people When you register, you’ll need to pay straight away
working there were great – never too busy to enter. The prices are £3.50 for under-18s, and
to chat, and they made everyone feel really for everyone else it’s £7.30. If you’re running with a
welcome. We ate out in the town for dinner group, there’s a special price of £6.50 each for 10
– the choice in the hotel was the same every or more people.
evening. The receptionist told us about a little Once you’ve registered online, print out your number,
place by the beach, where I had loads of dishes which you’ll need on the day to attach to your back.
I’d never tried before. There’ll be people checking it when you finish to
Man: Lovely. work out your race time. We’ll be handing out water
along the route, so you don’t have to carry any.

Test 5
B1 PRELIMINARY Audio scripts
Please make sure you arrive in time to start at the different languages, but actually we used
11.30. If you’ve run our races before, you’ll know English when we were working.
we usually have lockers for your sports bags, but Interviewer: How easy was it to get to know the other
that building’s currently closed for repairs. There’ll people on the base?
be a hut where you can put your things – just don’t
Vanessa: Well, we tended to work with the same
leave anything valuable.
people every day, and you wouldn’t
Now, you might have family watching. The race necessarily meet many others. So having set
goes through town but starts and finishes in the mealtimes for everyone gave us a chance
park. People like to be there to support the runners, to talk about something other than our
but the view’s pretty limited. There’s space outside research for a couple of hours a day. It
the library for a few people, or I’d suggest the area became a social activity really.
around the museum. You’ll be able to see all the
Interviewer: What about when you’d finished work for
runners most easily there.
the day? What did you do in the evenings?
Finally, there’ll be photographers from the paper
Vanessa: There was a games room, with a big selection
taking pictures during the race. They’ll be published
of books – most of which I’d already read!
the next day, and you can buy copies of any ones
I had my camera with me. It was too
you like. There’s a T-shirt for each competitor, and
dangerously cold to take pictures outside,
we’ll be selling burgers and drinks on the day. You’ll
so I focused on people relaxing after work,
probably be ready for those after you’ve finished
playing computer games, that sort of thing,
the race.
as a record of my time there.
So, any questions?
Interviewer: What about your family? Could you keep in
PAUSE 5 SECONDS contact with them?
Vanessa: Yeah. We had a satellite phone. But because
Now listen again.
there was only one, we had to limit the
REPEAT length of our calls. When it was my turn, it
was like my mom was standing in the next
PAUSE 5 SECONDS room – her voice was so clear! And it was
fantastic hearing about home life. Rather
That is the end of Part 3. than talking about myself, I wanted to know
PAUSE 10 SECONDS what my sister was up to, how the dog was
– you know, the important stuff.
Interviewer: Mm, I can imagine. And now, what are your
next plans?
Now turn to Part 4, questions 20 to 25. For each Vanessa: I’d love to go back again – it’s just that at
question, choose the correct answer. You have 45 the moment, the centre’s closed. But that
seconds to look at the questions for Part 4. gives me time to prepare some lectures
I’ve been asked to give at my old university.
PAUSE 45 SECONDS It’ll be strange being there again, but I’m
You will hear a radio interview with a scientist looking forward to helping other students
understand why my work’s important.
called Vanessa Hyde, who has worked in the Arctic.
Interviewer: Vanessa – thank you.
Interviewer: I’m talking to scientist Vanessa Hyde, who’s
spent a year working in a research centre Now listen again.
in the Arctic. Vanessa, tell us why you were
Vanessa: Well, scientists from all over the world do PAUSE 5 SECONDS
projects there, from looking at growing
plants in cold conditions to seeing how That is the end of Part 4.
global warming’s affecting animals there.
So, there are people spending months in
difficult situations, and I was interested in You now have six minutes to check and copy your
how they cope with stressful environments. answers on to the answer sheet.
Interviewer: It sounds difficult. What was the most
challenging part of the experience for you? PAUSE 5 MINUTES

Vanessa: The work was the same as I’d done Sound effect
previously, although in harder conditions. You have one more minute.
For example, we had over 100 days where
the sun didn’t rise at all. This impacts on PAUSE 1 MINUTE
sleep, which certainly caused me the most
Sound effect
problems. I wondered how I’d understand all
That is the end of the test.

Test 5

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