PMSG For Wind Power

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N. Bianchi and A. Lorenzoni

University of Padova, ITALY

Abstract. A comparison between wounded rotor (WR) of tlie annual wind speed duration curve and the WEC
salient pole and superficial permanent niagnet (SPM) cost function.
synchronous generators for wind power industry is
reported. A comprehensive analysis of all tlie design DESIGN CONSIDEEUTIONS FOR WR AND SPM
implications and manufacturing and operating costs SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR
has been carried out for both WR and SPM
technologies, demonstrating the convenience of tlie This section points out that, in comparison with the
innovative SPM machine design. conventional WR salient pole generator, a SPM
synchronous machine has reduced boundaries in the
INTRODUCTION geometry, so that several solutions are possible. It can
be built in different sizes, characterised by suitable
Tlie growing interest in renewable energy iucreases tlie length-to-diameter ratiios. Moreover, it is not a difficult
scope for the improvement of energy conversion task to increase tlie number of pole pairs if a operating
technologies as shown by Johansson [ 11. Various improvement can be achieved. In this section a
energy sources and different electrical machines are comparison between tlie two generators is carried out,
currently studied for achieving high performance showing the key diflerlence of design solutions.
conversion. The dramatic improvement of performance
and cost reduction for power electronics have made Generill design equat'ions
synchronous generator in diffiised small size plant
attractive as well as the induction oue, which was In designing synchronous machines, only the
preferred for its simplicity, see Hunt [2] and Murthy et fundamental waveforms of tlie airgap flux density B,(9)
al. [3]. and of tlie stator electric loading (linear current
Tlie work aims at illustrating the optimal design of tlie density) K,(9) are considered. Thus, the rated power
generators for Wind Energy Converters ( W C ) with developed at tlie airgap can be written as
particular interest in the innovative Superficial
Permanent Magnet (SPM) synchronous generators. 71- *
P, = o m T =o n , - B , K , D 2 L ~ ~ ~ y (1)
A detailed analysis of the design criteria of traditional 4
synchronous Wounded Rotor (WR) and innovative
where T is tlie rated torque, D and L are the bore
SPM generators is carried out, showing that the
diameter and tlie stack: length respectively, and y is tlie
innovative generator design is less bounded than the
angle between tlie symmetry axis of the airgap flux
WR one. In fact, different machine forms can be
density distribution and the axis of stator electric
adopted with the purpose to decrease tlie operating
costs. Moreover, tlie SPM generator reaches a higher loading distribution. At last, mm is the mechanical
efficiency because of tlie absence of excitation winding speed, related with the electrical speed as o,=o/p
and corresponding Joule losses. In addition, it is shown where p is tlie number of pole pairs.
that even if the regulation of magnetic field is not Tlie comparison between tlie two generators is carried
allowable, a SPM generator is Characterised by liigli out with constant peak. values of the airgap flux density
power factor and efficiency in full as well as in partial B, and of tlie stator electric loading K,. For a medium
load operation. size generator, a suitable choice of airgap flux density
A technical-economic comparison is also performed is B,=O.Stl T. This flux density value can be obtained
among them by evaluating their performance in specific with a field winding in a WR generator or with a rare
wind conditions. A comprehensive analysis of all tlie earth PM, such as tlie Neodymium-Iron-Boron (NdFeB)
investment, operating and maintenance (O&M) costs magnetic materials, which are characterised by a
has been carried out for both tlie WR and SPM residual flux density B ~ l t l . T.
technologies. Tlie economic superiority of the SPM If tlie generator power P,, tlie electric loading K, and
technology is thus shown based on data relevant to a tlie airgap flus densily B, are constant, by using (1)
specific site in southern Italy, where many projects are with a fixed L/D ratio, tlie generator bore diameter D
under way (435 MW), are reported for a medium size can be valued proportional to
At last, a tool to individuate the optimal size of the
WEC generator is illustrated, based 011 the knowledge

Opportunities and Advances in International Power Generation, 18-20th March 1996,

Conference Publication No. 419, 0 IEE, 1996

On the contrary, the stack length is proportional to wc, =Ycu3NSc(L+k,,D) (6)

L E ;)T

(;F 7

where ycUis the copper weight density. By rearranging
(2), (3) and ( 5 ) in (6), it can be noted that the copper
weight is in relation with the L/D ratio as
Because of the assumed hypothesis of constant P,, K,
and B,, the airgap volume does not depend on the
length-to-diameter ratio, while it is proportional to the ,
machine torque. If the power is given and the (7)
mechanical speed decreases, a higher torque is
It assumes a minimum value when L/D=2kew.As L,
required, so that a bigger size of the generator is
can be estimated as 2.5/p, it is worth to observe that the
unavoidable. On the contrary, the airgap surface is
minimum copper weight is achieved with L/D=S/p.
connected to the L/D ratio and the pole pairs number as
Thus with the mentioned ratio, the SPM generator
needs a copper volume equals to (75+90)% of the WR
one, that is (25+10)% less. With the same stator current
(4) density J,, the copper losses
while the number of conductors per phase, with an 2 Pc 2
established winding factor, can be written as pcu = 3RI = -'-Wcu J,
-rc u
are proportionally reduced.
On the contrary, the necessary stator iron volume and
the correspondent losses increase with a high L/D.
By comparing ( 5 ) and (4), one can note that the Since in the two typologies of generators identical
conductors number decreases with an increase of the values of stator electric loading K, and current density
L/D and of the working frequency, or when the number J, are supposed, it is simple to verify that the slot height
of pole pairs is reduced. In fact, with a higher L/D, the is practically the same in the two cases. In addition,
conductor active length increases, while the end- with identical iron flux densities, the stator back iron
winding lengths decrease because of the smaller bore height is proportional to the ratio D/p; let a be the
diameter. proportionality coefficient. Nevertheless, by observing
(2) and (3), when the diameter decreases the stack
Effect of the length-to-diameter ratio length increases in a squared way, so that the stator
iron volume increases with L/D. By adopting a constant
In designing a WR generator the length-to-diameter coefficient k to consider that the slot height does not
ratio L/D is chosen quite small, to facilitate the field change with L/D, the stator iron weight can be
winding building and the correspondent cooling expressed as
system. Typical values can be L/D=0.5+0.7. On the -1 ,r
contrary, in the SPM generator the field winding is
absent, so there are not boundaries in the rotor design
and a higher length-to-diameter ratio can be chosen, (9)
i.e. L/D=1+3. Moreover, a rotor cooling system is not
necessary lacking rotor losses. -2 r -1 -1 1
From (2) the bore diameter can be reduced to 0.5;O.X
times the WR one in a SPM generator with a high L/D,
while the stack length (3) increases. As mentioned J

above the airgap volume does not depend on L/D, while (10)
the airgap surface increases with it as (4) shows. Higher L/D ratios in a SPM generator generally lead to
If a purpose of the design is to reduce the PM weight, higher stator iron volume and iron losses. By using the
that is the most expensive material in a SPM generator, previously defined L/D ratios, for a SPM generator the
an airgap surface as little as possible must be chosen. In stator iron volume increasing can be valued in the
fact, if constmt airgap and PM length 1, are region of (20+50)%.
considered, the PM weight is proportional to the airgap
surface. To reduce this surface corresponds to select a Effect of the number of pole pairs
low L/D.
Another possible aim in the design is to cut the copper An improvement in the design can be realised by
losses. By choosing the same current density, the SPM choosing a suitable number of pole pairs. Rearranging
and the WR generators require an equal copper section this number is not a difficult task with a SPM
S,. Let the end-winding length be proportional to the generator. In fact, while a high number of pole pairs
bore diameter D by using the coefficient kew,the copper implies an iitipracticable building of the WR generator
weight Wcu can be written as because of the salient poles, the operation results very
simple in the SPM case. In changing the number of

pole pairs two cases must be considered, with digerent

i. If the working frequency is kept constant, when tlie
generator must be connected to the grid, a low number
of poles should be chosen, In fact, with a higher pole (13)
pairs number, the mechanical speed is reduced, so that Since the PM relative differential permeability pr%l in
the machine torque increases, see (1). The generator the working region aind it is generally l m / e ( 3 + 6 ) , the
size and the materials weight become higher, thus the SPM reactance is (20+25)% times the typical d-axis
machine losses increase, causing a lower efficiency. As reactance of a salient pole WR generator. Then, the
a conclusion, a high pole pairs number gives rise to a torque angle 6 of a ISPM generator, between the full
bigger, expensive and inefficient generator. load voltage and the back e.m.f. E, is very little in
Nevertheless, an interesting solution in this direction is comparison with a salient pole generator.
to use a direct-coupled generator, as in Spooner and In a SPM generator the back e.1n.f. can be chosen to
Williamson [4-51.The attractiveness of this solution is obtain the lowest current in the full load working point,
that the gearbox is absent and in particular this so that a unitary power factor is achieved. Because of
synchronous SPM generator is suitable for low-speed tlie small reactances, the back e.m.f. is close to the
operation. The disadvantages of a gearless direct- output voltage, thus when a SPM generator works at
coupled machine are large radial diameter (2) and tlie reduced power, the power factor assumes high value as
high weight of the generator; the advantage of a well. Fig.1 shows the power factor of a SPM generator
gearless wind turbine is instead tlie reduced as a function of the torque angle. Fig.2 shows the vector
maintenance and the higher efficiency. Nevertheless, diagram of the electric quantities in p.u. value of a
today a gearless wind turbine is generally more SPM generator at full and at half load. At full load, the
expensive than a conventional one (see Table 1). nominal torque angle 6~ to achieve a unitary power
ii. In the second case, a constant mechanical speed is factor coscp=l is assurned, while at half load the power
considered, while the working frequency is proportional
factor angle 'p is still very small.
to the pole pairs number. This is when the macliine
It is worth to note that although the power factor
operates at frequency different from the grid one and a
regulation is not indispensable if the generator works
frequency converter is necessarily used. From (l), when
with a static converter, the power factor gives an index
O m is constant, machine torque T and size D2L do not
of the required current with an equal value of the
change; thus, when the pole pairs number increases, produced power.
end-winding length and back iron height decrease.
Copper weight (7) and iron weight (9)-(IO) decrease, as
well as the copper losses (8). The iron losses generally PJ.A
become a little higher because of the higher working
frequency. As an alternative, a lower iron flus density
can be chosen to obtain a high efficiency. At last, given
the mechanical speed, a cheap and eflicient solution
should be a SPM generator with both high number of
pole pairs and working frequency.

Reactance and armature reaction

I >s
Figure 1: SPM power and power factor as functions of
The values of the leakage reactances will be now
analysed. When the L/D increases, the end-winding torque angle li
reactance is proportionally reduced, while the slot
reactance remains almost the same. It is described a s
xslotC O N ~=Lp
3 (1 1)

Then, in a SPM generator designed with a higher L/D

the total leakage reactance is lower than in a WR
generator. Moreover, in the SPM generator, the
magnetising reactance is greatly reduced. In fact it
decreases when L/D increases; besides it greatly Figure 2: Example of SPM generator full load and half
depends on the distance between the stator and rotor load vector di,agram
iron. This distance takes into account the airgap g as
well as the PM length Im, so that the maglietising On the contrary, the bick e.m.f. E of the WR generator
reactance becomes can be arranged by the field winding, so that the
current phase can be regulated with respect to the WR generator, although the system efficiency can be
voltage. However, high excitation power is needed higher thanks to the gearbox absence, being the
because of the magne&ing reactances and the intense gearbox efliciency 2% per stage and its cost some 7%
armature reaction.- A higher difference between no of the total investment cost, as reported in Terrinoni
load and full load conditions can be observed. For and Ferrari [6]. Nevertheless, this solution is actually
example, the required nominal power in the field very expensive, as it requires a large PM volume.
winding can be evaluated as pfield=(2+4)% P, for a Moreover, when the generator rated power increases,
lOOkVA generator, which is a typical size for wind the dimensions become hardly manageable.
power applications. This power proportionally reduces
the generator efficiency. TABLE 1 - Parameters of generators (Pr=lOOkVA)
By using a SPM generator, the rotor winding and the
correspondent control are removed, so the excitation WR SPMl SPM2 SPM3
power is reduced to zero, and the total efficiency mm rads I 78.5 78.5 104.7 6.68
increases of 2+4 per cent. The high cost of the rare 2P 8 8 16 94
earth PM can be quickly neutralised by the minor losses D ni 0.463 0.3 10 0.356 0.96
during the machine operation as shown below. L m 0.185 0.390 0.222 0.48
OD m 0.626 0.444 0.463 1.05
Overload capability W C ~ kg 90 55 35 150
WF~ kg 3 60 3 15 150 605
The capability of the machine to resist torque higher WPM kg 23 15 90
than rated for short periods during gusts must be Wtot kg 450 393 200 845
verified. Since SPM generator works with a little torque losses W 6900 4170 4920 11000
angle ti^, a temporary overload is possible, as Fig.1 efik. % 93.6 96.0 95.3 90.2
shows. This overload can be estiinated as l/sin(6N) in revenue $ 12205 12660 12790 11985
P.u.. In the overload transitory, the current assumes ROI % 10.31 10.34 10.61 9.32
very high values: it is essential to verify that these
values do not irreversibly demagnetise the PM.
Fig.3 shows the different size of the generators
GENERATOR DESIGN EXAMPLES presented in Table 1. As explained above, it is worth to
note that SPM generators can be designed in different
This section shows some generator design solutions for forms and are generally more convenient than
wind-power industry. Designs have been proposed for a conventional WR.
turbine of 18 m swept diameter, rated power of 100
kVA and nominal blade tip speed supposed 60 ids, so
that the turbine angular speed results in 6.68 rads.
Table 1 shows four different generator geometries, and
their main dimensions, weight, losses and performance
are pointed out. WR represents a conventional salicnt
pole generator with electrical frequency 50 Hz, while
the remaining designs are based on surface mounted SPM 1
NdFeB magnet generators, where the PM is
characterised by a residual flux density of 1.1 T. The
L/D ratio is chosen to minimise the copper weight (7)
and the copper losses in all cases.
SPMl refers to a generator with speed, frequency and
number of pole pairs equal to the WR one. A reduction
of weight and losses is observed, although the use of
rare earth magnets entails a higher cost.
SPM2 is a generator with higher frequency and pole
pairs, designed for a lower torque: it necessarily
requires a power converter. It is noted an high dccrease Figure 3 : Diniensional comparison of studied wind-
of the weights, in particular of the PM one. The higher power generators.
iron losses due to higher frequency increase the losses,
but the efficiency remains high. ECONOMIC CONVENIENCE OF THE SPM
At last, SPM3 refers to a gearless direct-coupled GENERATOR
generator with angular speed equal to that of the
turbine shaft. The number of pole pairs has been chosen In order to compare effectively the considered
to give the same electrical frequency of WR. In this generators, their operation has been simulated in the
solution, weight and losses are higher. The generator same atmospheric conditions in a specific site in
efficiency decreases, becoming lower than that of the Southern Italy, where a wind farm has been installed.
Wind speed data measured in Frosolone (Isernia whole WEC life. With this generators size, SPM3
province) were available and have been taken as performs worse than others, due to lower vel and the
reference conditions: the wind speed duration curve is incidence of the PM cost, in spite of tlie cost reduction
reported in Fig.G(a). (both investment and O&M) and the qmcincrease.
The hypothesis is made to fit a WEC with WR and then Tlie analysis is focused on the average performing
with SPM generators and to compare their economic SPMl generator compared to the WR. Although the
performance. The characteristic of tlie reference WEC SPM generator is more expensive, it has two main
are reported in Table 2 and are derived from the advantages on WR: a higher efficiency and a lower
machines actually on the market [7]; the power output O&M cost. Moreover the cost of the generator accounts
P is given by for just some 5% of the total investment and only
P = 112 Cp q m c q e i p 7~ r2 vw3 partially compromises, its profitability.
(14) Tlie efliciency gain is straight reflected in an increase
where C, is the coefficient of performance, function of of the annual electricity yield, while the reduction of
tlie wind speed when variable pitch blades are adopted O&M cost is estimated in tlie range of 25%. In Fig5
(its value can be deduced from Fig.4); qmcand qe1 are tlie total yearly revenue, obtained from the difference
the mechanical and electrical efficiencies: q m c is bctwecn proceeds ancl costs, is shown in tlie two cases
constant at 95%, except in SPM3 which has qmc=98%, for different sizes of llie installed generator. As can be
while q.1 is evinced from Table 1 for both WR and easily secn in Fig.5 the SPMl is always convenient
SPM generators; p is the air density (1.224 kg/ni3). r is compared to the WR.
the blade length (8.92 ni), vw the wind speed (nds).
14000 T
TABLE 2 - Reference WEC parametcrs
swept area 250 m2
vwcut in 3 nds
vw cut off 26 nds 1 1000
revenue WR
total i w . cost WR (100 kW) 1184 US$/kW
total inv. cost SPMl (100 kW) 1224 US$/kW
O&M cost

WEC life
2.0% inv. cost WR
1.5% SPM I and 2,
1.2% SPM3
15 years
8000 L
50 80 110

140 170
200g [kW]
Figure 5 : Profitability of WEC with different
real discount rate 5 %o
electricitv unit mice D,~ 0.108 US$/kWh.
040 fl-1 Although it is not thinkable to change the size of the
generator in each application, it is interesting for a
given wind turbine to idcntify tlie optimal size for its
0.20 generator in wind conditions typical for a geographic
0.10 \ area (tlie Southern Appennines mountains in our case).
0.05 According to tlie concepts discussed above the total
WEC investment cost C has been written as a function
of the ratio pr between the rated power Pr and the
Figure 4: C, as a function of tlie wind speed reference 100kVA generator for both WR and SPM

The produced energy is priced like tlie wind encrgy

sold to the Italian electric power grid in 1995, i.e. 173.5 0 75 os
ItLire/kWh=O.108 US$/kWh. Tlie economic profita- cs,, = ccusp:' 25 + cFepr + C,Pr + Cpepr + cotp:' 85
bility of the investment has been evaluated wlicn tlie (15)
WEC is equipped with a WR and a SPM generators in Gus.CcU, C F and
~ are the costs of the materials
ceteris paribus conditions, i.e. having the machine tlic (stator and rotor copper, iron and PM), C,, is the cost
same blades and mechanical efliciency. Thus the of power electronics and Cot is the factor that keeps
comparison has been carried out on tlie revenues from into account all tlie other investment costs, supposed
energy produced and on the Return on Invcstmcnt identical in tlie two (cases. These functions have been
(ROI), as shown in the last two rows of Table 1. The designed to be as close as possible to the trend of the
convenience of the SPM generators is proved by the costs, nevertiieless different expressions could be
higher revenue as well as by tlic higher revenue to conceived if they would better describe the costs
investment costs ratio (ROI); although the yearly observed i n practice.
profitability gain is small, it is considerable in the

Incremental proceeds
and costs


produced energy
Frosolone duration
(Isemia, Italy) curve
h [hours]

Figure 6: Tool for the choice of tlie optimal size of the gelierators and nominal wind speed
The proceeds R instead are given by fitted with a 135 kW generator in the case of SPMl
generator and 126 kW when a WR would be preferred.
Very different results are obtained with others wind
conditions and electricity prices.
where pu is the electricity unit price, P,, is the power List of References
generated at vw cut in, and h(P) is the hour vs. power
curve shown in Fig.G(b). The integral in (16) is this the 1 T.Johansson, H.Kelly, A.K.N.Reddy, R.H.
energy generated under the power duration ciirve in Williams (editors), 1993: "Renewable Energy,
Fig.b(b). sonrces for fuels and electricity", Island Press
Demonstrated the improvement achievable with SPM Washington D.C. & Earthscan London
generators at all rated wind speeds, a tool is shown to
evaluate the optimal size of the generator and the 2 V.D.Hunt, Wind Power - A handbook on wind
optimal rated vw when the wind speed duration curve energy conversion systems, 1981, Van Nostrand
and the wind turbine are given. In fact, it is essential to Reinhold Company
evaluate the sensitivity of the profitability of the 3 S.S.Murtliy, O.P.Malik, A.K.Tandon, "Analysis
investment to the size of the generator: tlie power rate of self-escited induction generators", 1982,
Pr can be augmented as far as tlie yearly cost Cy Proc.,vo1.129, Pt.C, no.6
(investment plus O&M cost) growth is covered by the
4 E.Spooner and A.C. Williamson, 1992, "The
growth of the produced energy. The economic theory
feasibility of direct-conpled permanent-magnet
says the optimum is reached when tlie marginal
generators for wind power applications",
investment cost dC,/dP, equals to the marginal
SPEEDAM COIif., 105-1 11
proceeds dR/dPr; the optimal size is thus given by the
condition 5 E.Spooner and A.C.Willianison, 1992,
"Permanent-magnet generators for wind power
applications", JCEM Conf, 1048-1052
6 L.Terrinoni and G.Ferrari, Tosts and benefits
The trend of the marginal costs and proceeds is shown of a wind farm" (in italian), 1994, Energia
in Fig.6(c) to calculate the optimal generator size. It is Ambiente e Innovazione, n.6, June
interesting to note that, given the same blades and wind 7 "Product Guide - Wind Turbines", 1990,
conditions, the optimal size is different for the SPM Modern Power Systems, October
and the WR case, as a consequence of the different
efficiency and costs. When Pr is calculated, the nuniber Address of authors
of operating hours at the rated power and the rated vw
are immediately found from the curves in Fig.G(a). The Dr. Nicola Bianchi, Dr. Arturo Lorenzoni
characteristics of the WEC for the optinial profitability Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
are thus all known. Padova, Padova (ITALY). Tel. ++39.49.827.7574;
Under the considered conditions (a fundamental role is FAX: ++39.49.827.7599
played by the price of electricity) we have found tlie
economic best for a nominal 100 kW WEC is to be

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