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We all have heard that data is the new Oli or that people who own

data can rule the future, but I often think that is why data is so
important. Why it should be protected? How a company or a person
can get benefited from my data? After watching the documentary
"the social dilemma" I got to know that AI is controlling our
intelligence, various former Facebook, Google, and Apple engineers
go into great detail about the ways tech giants are manipulating their
users through a range of services. These sites are hacking our
psychology, collecting and analyzing our data, they are knowing that
what can make us trigger, emotional, happy, or sad, and everything
they are using these data to manipulate us to sell us the product we
often don't need or use us to build a narrative in the society, they
know our buying pattern, our political interests and they also know
to it can be changed this is how tech giant make lots of money by
these unethical practices. We are gradually becoming the slave of
these social media sites and the worst part is we are not realising
that at all. They are controlling us with our data only. Social media
manipulates election, trigger extremist views, and increase the
spread of fake news and fake narrative. According to a study, there is
an increased risk of civil war in the next ten years due to fake news in
big democracies. It's high time that we have to take a stand for our
privacy and security, according to the supreme court order in 2018
privacy is our fundamental right, we have to ask Government to take
action against these tech giants and put strict regulatory body above
them which can regulate their operations and prevent them from
any unethical practices.

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