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Team Project 2

One More Step Closer

a) Have you already chosen the university where you are going to study your career?
b) Which are the best options for you?
c) Has anyone recommended any possible option?

It’s time to make a good decision for the future you aspire for!

With this project you:

- Will inform your classmates of some different options they might have for their future
- Will search for, describe, and compare what universities in Queretaro offer highschool


1. In teams, choose one career you are interested in.

2. Choose two or three different universities where that career can be studied.

IMPORTANT: The career and universities you first chose can not be part of other
classmates’ projects.

3. Search for information about the different universities you chose. The information is:
a) University name and logo
b) Location and school infrastructure
c) Academic level
d) Students environment
e) Job facilities or agreements with companies

4. In one paragraph (more than 7 lines, less than 15), write the outline of the school with
the information you searched for.
5. Design a comparative chart or diagram, where you clearly show similarities or
differences between the universities.
6. Write three complete sentences to express similarity and three complete sentences.
Use the structure seen in class (the intermediate level one).
7. Use the articles, verb to be, adjectives, spelling, capitalisation and punctuation
8. The project has to be printed, arial 12, double space.
9. Draf delivery: November 3rd.
Number Team: ............... Class: .....................

Surname / Name




Team Project 2
One More Step Closer

2 1,5 1 0.5 0

Content It has one complete Minimal missing Just half of the The information is There is not the
school outline. It information either in information poor. information that
contains three the paragraph or in required is written. Most of the text was originally
similarities and the part of Some information lacks coherence. required. The
comparisons. The sentences. The lacks coherence. whole text is not
information is information is coherent.
coherent. coherent.

Format The task has the The task is printed. The task is written Font is not legible. Font is not
cover given by the Font is legible. by hand or it does Presentation is legible.
teacher. It is printed. It is missing some not have cover. not clean. The task is not
Font is legible. personal information. clean and it does
It has the students’ not have a cover.
name, surname and
It is on a clean (or
recycled) sheet of

Design It contains logos of The design is clear The design is The design is The whole
each university. The enough, a few details simple. The simple. The design makes
chart or diagram is need to be fixed. information lacks information and the text
appealing and some organization. images can’t be incomprehensibl
understandable. clearly read e.
Text and images are because of the
placed in a way that color combination.
it looks organized. The information
lacks some

Grammar Sentences are A few errors due to Some errors due Several errors The structure
complete and well structure, articles, to structure, due to structure, required was not
structured. Articles, verb to be, or articles, verb to be, articles, verb to used.
the verb to be, and adjectives. or adjectives. be, or adjectives.
adjectives are
acutely used.

Sp, Punc, Errors are minimal. A couple of errors Some errors affect Several affect the The text is
Cap don’t affect the the coherence of coherence of the incomprehensibl
coherence. the information. information. e.

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