Niez JeeHoney Activity3

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Niez, Jee Honey D.

English Activity #3

the five functions of language are:

Personal Function Language

-as you can see in the picture people are greeting each other by doing handshake. This shows
that the person is introducing their self and that belongs to personal function.

Interpersonal Function Language

-the given picture shows people e that is engaged in expressing their opinions or feelings. The act
of participating in a communicative act is a Interpersonal function language.
Directive Function Language

-directive function language requires a commanding action that may takes place between people .
In this picture I anticipated that someone is giving or assessing the receiver on what they should

Referential Function Language

-the context of this picture is that the speaker (on the left side) was saying or interpreting
something so that the receiver (right side) can understand it quickly. Referential function stated that it
requires a reference to back up the delivered message.

Imaginative Function Language

-can be seen in the picture is a girl/receiver (left side) was laughing, while the latter, which makes
the speaker (right side) was telling a joke or a story that made the receiver laughs. This create an
imaginative story to the receiver’s mind that makes them laugh not only the context of the joke
only. As it say the Imaginative function explores the imaginary systems or concepts.

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