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Analyze the film, Coach Carter.

1. Describe what kind of superior or leader Coach Carter is.

To be honest, he is the perfect coach for everyone. He is conscientious, goal-oriented,

optimistic, and patient. In every scene, the way he manages the team is outstanding. He is not
only a great coach for the Richmond team, but also a wonderful father and friend. Furthermore,
one of the things I admire about Coach Carter as a leader is his competitiveness and concern for
his team. His authoritative actions enable the players to achieve the unthinkable; as a result,
they have become the best versions of themselves.

2. Apply the stages of group development using the story line of the film Coach Carter

Richmond's basketball team has a new coach, Ken Carter. When he met the players for the first
time, they were rude and disrespectful to him. As a result, he instructs them to perform push-
ups and suicides as part of their training, to win every match and to be the best version of

The players struggle to what Coach Carter is instructing to them. They feel like they are being
manipulated throughout the training, as a result, some players decided to leave the team. Mr.
Cruz is one of them, he engaged in illegal acts after he leaves the team. Kenyon is in a difficult
situation where he is not ready to be a father. The parents of the players started to complain
against Coach Carter about their academic grades qualification for to be able to proceed playing.
Coach Carter and Principal Garrison started to argue about the academic grades qualification
that Coach Carter implemented. Principal Garrison is questioning the role of Coach Carter as a
basketball coach. After discovering the failed grades of the players, Coach Carter decides to lock
the gym leading to controversies and misbehavior of Richmond students towards him.
Before the season, all of the boys and their parents signed written contracts agreeing to attend
every class, sit in the front row, maintain a 2.3 grade point average, and wear coats and ties to
school on game days. Coach Carter seek help from the players' professors. He summoned the
team to the library to study in order to maintain their 2.3 grade point average. Coach Carter and
the people of Richmond High School reached an agreement on the court about Coach Carter
implementing this rule, but the court is not in favor of him and the people of Richmond High

Ever since when Coach Carter became the new basketball coach of Richmond High, they won in
every game than they did before. Coach Carter is surprised when he enters the gym, the boys
are there studying quietly. All the hard work of Coach Carter and the boys paid off.

The team sneak out to party after winning the winter tournament. Even though Richmond High
basketball team did not win the final match, the people in Richmond are there cheering,
showing their banners, and support for playing a nice game. In the end, Coach Carter leadership
skills is a success as well as the boys’ attitudes and their perspective in life.

3. Choose two characters in the film and explain what kind of self-interest behavior they have.
Justify your answer. 

First, I chose Coach Carter. I can say that Coach Carter’s self-interest behavior is significant
throughout the movie, because he is strict yet concerned on the players situation. His self-
interest leads them to success, after facing countless arguments towards the principal, the
people in Richmond and the team. In conclusion, Coach Carter self-interest behavior employs
Second, I chose Mr. Cruz. At first, his self-interest behavior is toxic, he’s rude the way he argues
towards Coach Carter. He did not realize that his actions are wrong specially when he leaves the
team and engaged in illegal activities. Luckily, the team is there for him as well as Coach Carter,
it turns out that Mr. Cruz is just lost in the void and needed to be pulled out.

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