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Name: Mutiara Rahmadani

Class/NIM: PBI 1B/226121070


Indonesia is a fertile agrarian country of land. The proof is advancing in the plantation
sector and the best-selling export commodity in the foreign market. One of the exported
goods of plantation products is coffee. Indonesia is very synonymous with this crop, from the
colonial time until now it has never recede interest in its request. Coffee has various types of
flavors and shapes and benefits. The benefits of coffee diverse from hair to the skin if used
there will be positive results. In coffee there are substances known as caffeine. This substance
has a function to relieve headaches, as an antioxidant, and relieve muscle pain. No wonder if
coffee is one of the favorite drinks of men.

There are two types of coffee, namely Arabica and Robusta. To distinguish it can be
seen from the shape of the coffee bean. For the type of Arabica type the seeds are a bit
elongated and the size is large. As for Robusta coffee the shape of the seed is more rounded
and its size is smaller. The characteristics of Arabica coffee are fragrant aromas, living in
cold and cool areas, having a little taste of acid, thick taste is burdened, bitter, and also has a
smoother texture. While Robusta coffee has a taste that is more like chocolate. The smell
produced is also sweet. The texture of this coffee tends to be rude and has varied colors. This
type of coffee bears fruit at warmer air temperatures.

Whereas in Indonesia it has 5 types of coffee that is in demand on the foreign market.
Among them Aceh Gayo coffee, Bali Kintamani coffee, Luwak coffee, Toraja coffee and
Papua Wamena coffee. Of the five types of coffee have its own characteristics both taste and
the aroma. The first Aceh Gayo coffee from Gayo's highlands, Central Aceh, Indonesia. This
Gayo coffee has a powerful coffee flavor character and has a very sharp aroma so that this
coffee is like a lot. Secondly, the Coffee of Bali Kintamani this coffee comes from Arabica
coffee plants planted in the Kintamani highlands. This coffee has a distinctive taste with
bitter taste and orange flavor. The typical taste of this coffee itself is produced because the
coffee farmer is neighboring orange gardens makes the fresh taste on this coffee. Third, civet
coffee is coffee produced from the remaining luwak (ferret). These coffee beans are believed
to have different flavors after eating and out of the digestive tract of Luwak. The long process
makes this coffee expensive. The best civet coffee is a coffee bean that is eaten by wild luwak
and is collected in the remaining shape of dirt and is processed to become a coffee drink.
Fourth, coffee Toraja has the best quality of coffee in Indonesia. This coffee comes from
Toraja's land, South Sulawesi. Toraja coffee has a low acid content and distinctive taste
character because it has a touch of cinnamon and cardamom. And the last is the Coffee of
Papua Wamena in the Arabica type cultivated in the Wamena Papua plateau. This coffee has
a unique taste, ranging from the scent of chocolate and floral. The emergence of the aroma is
influenced by the way of planting that does not use any pesticides and chemical compounds.
Because the aroma of this coffee is often used as a mixture of house bland by roastery and

It was concluded that coffee had a variety of flavors, types and shapes. Because of the
different conditions of land in every country or region. Making these coffee has its distinctive
characteristics for the area. From the kinds of coffee, various processed coffee menu was
born. Not only food and drinks, coffee is even utilized in the field of beauty. Coffee also has
the benefit of reducing the risk of diabetes and the heart. But the frequency of consuming
coffee also has a negative impact on the body. Like the emergence of anxiety and continuous

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