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Chapter II


This chapter presents the analyses and interpretations made on the data

gathered in the study to answer the problems raised in the previous chapter.

Copy SOP Problem 1. What is the profile of the Grade 12 Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students in terms of:

a. sex,

b. place of residence,

c. religious affiliation,

d. parent’s highest educational attainment,

e. parent’s occupation,

f. family monthly income, and

g. career path chosen?

Profile of the Respondents

Introduce Table Table 2 shows the profile of the Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students of the Senior High School (SHS) in

Ilocos Sur National High School (ISNHS).

Table 2

Profile of the Respondents in Terms of

Personal-related Factors

STEM A (f) STEM B (f)

Profile of Respondents
f % f %
Male 39 45.9 52 61.9
Female 46 54.1 32 38.1
TOTAL 85 100.00 84 100.00
On Sex. Majority (46 or 54.1%) of the Science, Technology, Engineering

and Mathematics A (STEM A) are females while a great number (39 or 45.9%) are

males. On the part of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics B (STEM

B), majority (52 or 61.9%) are males and a great percentage (32 or 38.1%) are


Always consider highest and lowest only

Guide: 100 – all

98 – 99 - Almost all
90 – 97 most
85 – 89 great majority
51 – 84 majority
50 – half
40 – 49 a great number or a great percentage
30 – 39 some
20 – 29 a little number or little percentage
2 – 19 few
1 only one

Copy SOP Problem 2. What is the level of career knowledge of the

Grade 12 students in pursing STEM degrees along:

a. specialized subjects,

b. college preparation,

c. life skills development,

d. market demand,

e. employability?

A. Career Knowledge

The career knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM) students of the Senior High School (SHS) in Ilocos Sur

National High School (ISNHS) along specialized subjects is presented in Table 3.

Table 3
Career Knowledge of STEM students along specialized subjects

x̅ DR x̅ DR x̅ DR
1. I feel excited when studying 3.47 A 3.38 N 3.43 A
2. I understand the concepts of life 3.91 A 3.90 A 3.91 A
presented through Biology.
3. I am happy every time I learn 3.62 A 3.48 A 3.55 A
something new in Mathematics.
4. I want to educate myself especially in 3.52 A 3.42 A 3.47 A
5. I am interested to solve problems 3.96 A 3.74 A 3.85 A
through my research subjects.
OVERALL 3.70 H 3.58 H 3.64 H
Range of Score Item Descriptive Rating Range of Score Overall Descriptive Rating
4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree (SA) 4.21 – 5.00 Very High (VH)
3.41 – 4.20 Agree (A) 3.41 – 4.20 High (H)
2.61 – 3.40 Neutral (N) 2.61 – 3.40 Moderate (M)
1.81 – 2.60 Disagree (D) 1.81 – 2.60 Fair (F)
1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree (SD) 1.00 – 1.80 Poor (P)

As revealed in the table, the overall mean rating of the Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students along specialized subjects is 3.64,

When it is taken by location, STEM A students obtained an overall mean rating of

3.70.28 while STEM B students got an overall mean of 3.58. All the mean ratings of

the STEM students were at an “high” level. This high level of perception of the

respondents gives more weight to the contents, concepts and ideas they acquired

from their specialized subjects in choosing their STEM degrees. Hence, the

respondents gave greater emphasis on the knowledge gained as their foundation in

deciding their careers along STEM degrees.

For STEM A, they rated item number 5, “I am interested to solve problems

through my research subjects” with the highest mean rating of 3.96 while they rated

item number 1, “I feel excited when studying Chemistry” the lowest mean rating of
3.47. Both mean ratings were rated on the level of “high”. This implies that the

knowledge gained in their research subjects are meaningful as they brainstormed

and collaborated to apply the skills acquired while it is evident that Chemistry is still

complex on their part needing more hands-on activities.

On the part of STEM B, they appraised item number 2, “I understand the

concepts of life presented through Biology” the highest mean of 3.90 interpreted as

“high” and they rated item number 1, “I feel excited when studying Chemistry” the

lowest mean of 3.38 interpreted as “neutral”. This means that the Biology concepts

are significant to them as it depicts the characteristics of life while they disregard

Chemistry concepts as quite difficult due to visualization of finite things.

Likewise, it is noted that all the items on specialized subjects are rated

“agree”. This depicts that the respondents demonstrated high value of the

specialized subjects as a predictor to coming up of a decision to what STEM careers

will be considered in their college education. Hence, there is a need to provide a

strong foundation in the subjects to motivate them to take up degrees in the subject

groups and become contributors of science and technology towards nation building.

The present finding is parallel with

Consider overall, then highest lowest means

Implicate by giving meaning of the data obtained

Next, get support from the highest lowest means of the groups of


Implicate by giving meaning of the data obtained

Then, as a whole means interpret

Implicate by giving meaning of the data obtained

Finally, corroborate, negate from previous findings, you may consider from

your RRL

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