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Today I am here to talk about how to make use of your fragmentation time to study.

Fragmentation time refers to a small piece of relatively short time. Nowadays, the amount of time
available for people to control is diminishing. You think you're using your phone to fill your
fragmented time, but actually the phone is fragmenting your time.

large capacity, high efficiency and fast pace of learning have become the mainstream

There are two main characteristics

First, learning content fragmentation, which means the desired message can be delivered in a
concise but disorganized way, like a picture or a short video

Second, attention fragmentation, which means in the process of learning new knowledge, students'
attention is reduced, and their thinking is often lack of deep comprehension

Therefore, I will project some advice

First, enhance self-discipline and improve information processing ability
Faced with massive information every day, students should have a clear purpose, effectively
identify practical information and filter useless information.

Second, organize your learning content properly

The fragmented knowledge should be organically integrated to generate knowledge groups, and
then the various knowledge groups can be gathered together to generate a close and hierarchical
logical framework

Third, Plan fragmentation time scientifically

For one thing, it should be clear which fragmented time should be used for study and which for
For another thing, scientific time planning should be made to ensure that short-term plans are
carried out in order under the long-term plans

[1]姚钰.高职大学生碎片化时间学习引领研究 [J].黑龙江教师发展学院学报,2021,40(07):71-

The stereotype is that adolescents are rebellious, disobedient and tough to get on well with if you
are not their peers. And I reckon in Chinese we have the similar situation. One of the symptoms is
that when we met someone on the internet who behaves impolitely, we will easily and regularly
view him as an adolescent. I think the reason why we generate such kind of stereotype is that we
often read some news, knowing that adolescents are more likely to argue with others and make
lots of mistakes. We gradually and unconsciously generate the stereotype. But actually most of the
adolescents are

The author suggests that early maturity is more beneficial than later maturity and boys benefit
from early maturity more than girls. Therefore, I think early-blooming boy is better to be. He will
have more experiences, which raises his status with his peers.

I think my parents’ style is between the authoritarian style and the democratic style. They will also
talk to me, caring about my feelings. However, they will also set some strict limits, like hard
curfews. For me, I don’t really like this style. It will still cause some tough problems and conflicts.
I want to be in favor of the complete democratic style, which maybe more beneficial for me to
form into helpful habits and reduce the obstacles and conflicts.

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