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Important Dates (Ch 1-5)


• From 1757-1857 – India was ruled by English East India Company.

• From 1857-1947- India was ruled by British Parliament/ Crown.

Ch 1 –

• 1757 – Battle of Plassey (1st battle) was fought by the British.

• 1850- Religious Disabilities Act was passed.
• 1854- Post Office Act was passed.
• 1856- General Service Enlistment Act was passed.
• 1856- Awadh was annexed by Lord Dalhousie.
• 1856- Enfield rifle was introduced in place of old fashioned musket
Brown Bess)
• 1856- By this year all the Indian states had either been annexed or had
enteredinto an alliance with the British.
• 1857-Revolt started

• 1858- Government of India Act

was passed
Ch 2-

• December 28, 1885 – Indian National Congress (INC) was officially started/
First session of INC was conducted.
• December, 1886- Second session of INC was conducted.

• 1885-1907-The Early Nationalist Phase.

• 1907-1916- The Assertive Phase.
• 1915-1947-The Gandhian Era.


• July 20, 1905- Lord Curzon announced the partition of Bengal.

• Aug 7,1905- Anti Partition movement initiated.
• October 16, 1905- The scheme of Partition of Bengal was implemented
• 1911- Partition of Bengal was annulled.


• December 30, 1906- All India Muslim League was set up./ 1st Session of
Muslim League.
• 1916- Lucknow Pact

• Declaration of Aug 20,1917.


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