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Long Quiz in English 9

Grade & Section:
I. Identification
Directions: Identify what is being asked in the following sentences. No Erasures.
1. It is the act of forbidding something.
2. It is used to talk about conditions that might happen in the future.
3. It is the act of giving, sharing and getting information.
4. A type of verb that contextually indicates a modality.
5. This is the act of allowing someone to do something.
6. It introduces a condition.
7. A group of sentences that tells about one subject or area.
8. Express true situations that are factual and very likely to happen.
9. This tells something about the subject.
10. This is someone’s duty or commitment.
11. This communicative style is private and practiced in dialogs between very close
individuals leading to a high chance of nonverbal communication.
12. It is often used when we regret something or imagine a past unreal situation.
13. This talk about something in the present, which is impossible and imaginary.
14. This is the result of a condition.
15. It convey untrue situations, hypothetical conditions, or imaginary present.
16. It allows the speaker to use the participation and feedback of the listener.
17. It is a group of words that has both a subject and predicate.
18. This is used when the results are always true, like a scientific facts and general truths.
19. It is used to talk about conditions that might happen in the future.
20. The highest form of communication, identified as fixed speech.

II. Real and Unreal Conditionals

Direction: Determine if the sentence is real or unreal condition. Write Real and Unreal.
1. If you freeze water, it turns into ice.
2. If we mix blue and red, we will get pink.
3. If you touch a fire, you get burned.
4. If I were you, I would stop smoking.
5. If I won a million dollars, I would buy a beach house.
6. Babies will wakes up, if we makes too much noise.
III. Types of conditionals
Directions: Write if the sentence is a Zero, First, Second and Third conditional.
1. If I wake up early, I will go jogging.
2. If it snows, the ground gets icy.
3. If I pass the exam, I will organize a celebration.
4. If I had met Susan last week, I would have given her the book.
5. If I were the president, I would lower taxes.

IV. Enumeration
Write the pattern for Zero Conditional.

Write the pattern for First Conditional.

Write the pattern for Second Conditional.

Write the pattern for Third Conditional.

Enumerate the five communicative styles


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