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Kinematics Based on Four bar Linkage

In partial fulfillment
For the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
In Department of Mechanical Engineering

Supervisor Name: Submitted By:

(Asst. Professor) 2. OM PRAKASH 12EGKME302





This is to certify that the project report entitled“Kinematics Based On Four bar Linkage”
and which is being submitted by names of all the students in partial fulfillment of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical as prescribed by Rajasthan Technical University, Kota
has been prepared under my guidance and supervision. The report is approved for submission.

Mr. Rajneesh Singh Mr. Jaspal Singh

Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof.
(Deptt. of Mechanical Engg.) (Deptt. of Mechanical Engg.)
I hereby declare that the work, which is being presented in the Project, entitled“Kinematics
Based on Four bar Linkage” for the award of Degree of “Bachelor of Technology” in
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gurukul Institute Of Engineering & Technology Kota,
Rajasthan Technical University is a record of my own investigations carried under the Guidance
of, Asst. Prof. Rajneesh Singh Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gurukul Institute Of
Engineering & Technology Kota. I have not submitted the matter presented in this Project
anywhere for the award of any other Degree.

Candidates Names Candidates Signature’s

Jai Prakash Singh Raghav

Om Prakash Sharma

Shubham Bisht

Shushil Meena

Gurukul Institute Of Engineering & Technology,

Counter Signed by Supervisor

Asst. Prof. Rajneesh Singh

I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude and respect towards my guide Asst.
Prof. Rajneesh Singh Department of Mechanical Engineering Gurukul Institute Of Engineering
and Technology. I am very much indebted to him for the generosity, expertise and guidance that
we have received from him while working on this throughout my studies. Without his support
and timely guidance, the completion of my Major Project would have seemed a farfetched
dream. In this respect I find myself Fortunate to have him as my guide. He has guided me not
only with the subject matter, but also taught us the proper style and technique of working and
I am also grateful to respected Head of the Department Mr. Jaspal sir and all the staff members
of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at GIET for their constant encouragement during
completion of my Endeavour.

Mechanisms are means of power transmission as well as motion transformers. A four bar
mechanism consists mainly of four planar links connected with four revolute joints. The input is
usually given as rotary motion of a link and output can be obtained from the motion of another
link or a coupler point. Straight line motion from a four bar linkages has been used in several
ways as in a dwell mechanism and as a linkage to vehicle suspension. This paper studies the
straight line motion obtained from planar four-bar mechanisms and optimizes the design to
produce the maximized straight line portion of the coupler point curve. The equations of motion
for four different four-bar mechanisms will be derived and dimensional requirements for these
mechanisms will be obtained in order to produce the straight line motion.

Fig 1.1 A Basic Four-Bar Mechanism
Chapter 2
Table 2.1 Motions for Each Class of Four-Bar Linkages
Fig. 2 .1 Simple mechanisms
Fig. 2.2 Degree of Freedom
Fig. 2.3 Four-Bar Linkage with Coupler Point on AB
Fig. 2.4 Links
Fig. 2.5 Kinematics joints and pairs
Fig. 2.6 Kinematics linkages
Fig. 2.8 Skeleton Diagram of a Planar Linkage
Fig. 2.9 Crank Rocker Mechanism
Fig. 2.10 Drag Link Mechanism
Fig. 2.11 A Double Rocker Mechanism
Fig. 2.12 Limiting Position of Crank Rocker Mechanism
Fig. 2.13 Another Limiting Position of Crank Rocker Mechanism
Chapter 3
Fig. 3.1 Crank-Rocker mechanism1
Fig. 3.2 Double-Crank
Fig. 3.3 Crank-Rocker mechanism 2
Fig.3.4 Double-Rocker
Fig.3.6 Parallelogram Four Bar Linkage
Fig.3.6 Deltoid Linkage
Chapter 4
Fig. 4.1 Working Model


1.1 A Brief History of the Development of the Kinematics of Mechanisms

Literature Review
2.1 Mechanism and Machine
2.2 Concept Analysis
2.3 Degree of Freedom
2.4 Four-Bar Mechanism
2.5 Mechanism and Its Components
2.5.1 Link
2.5.2 Frame
2.5.3 Joint or Kinematics Pairs
2.5.4 Kinematic Chain
2.5.5 Mechanism
2.5.6 Linkage
2.5.7 Planar Motion and Planar Linkages
2.5.8 Cycle and Period
2.6 Four-Bar Mechanism and Its Classifications
2.7 Classifications and the Grashof’s Criteria
2.7.1 Grashof’s mechanisms
2.7.2 Non- Grashof’s mechanism
Kinematic Inversion
3.1 Determine the Inversion Of A Mechanism
3.2 Inversions of a Four-Bar Mechanism
3.3 Parallel-Crank Four Bar Mechanism
3.4 Deltoid Linkage
Design specification
4.1 Dimensions of Construction
4.2 Dimension of four bar linkage
4.3 Calculation
4.4 Cost Estimation
4.5 Application & drawbacks
4.6 Limitations
Chapter 1


One of the main objects of designing a mechanism is to develop a system that transforms motion
in a specific way to provide mechanical advantage. A typical problem in mechanism design is
coordinating the input and output motions. A mechanism designed to produce a specified output
as a function of input is called a function generator. Such a function generator which is capable
of producing a straight line output has found a wide variety of applications.
A system that transmits forces in a predetermined manner to accomplish specific work may be
considered a machine. A mechanism is the heart of a machine. It is a device that transforms one
motion, for example the rotation of a driving shaft, into another, such as the rotation of the output
shaft or the oscillation of a rocker arm. A mechanism consists of a series of connected moving
parts which provide the specific motions and forces to do the work for which the machine is
designed. A machine is usually driven by a motor which supplies constant speed and power. It is
the mechanism which transforms this applied motion into the form demanded to perform the
required task. The study of mechanisms is very important. With the tremendous advantages
made in the design of instruments, automatic controls, and automated equipment, the study of
mechanisms takes on new significance.
Once a need for a machine or mechanism with given characteristics is identified, the design
process begins. Detailed analysis of displacements, velocities and accelerations is usually
required. Kinematics is the study of motion.
The study of motions in machines may be considered from the two different points of view
generally identified as kinematic analysis and kinematic synthesis. Kinematic analysis is the
determination of motion inherent in a given mechanism. Kinematic synthesis is the reverse
problem: it is the determination of mechanisms that are to fulfill certain motion specifications.

1.1 A Brief History of the Development of the Kinematics of Mechanisms

The history of kinematics, the story of the development of the geometry of motion, composed of
evolvement in machines, mechanisms and mathematics. The recent investigation of mechanism
design by mathematicians and engineers have been stimulated in part by the increase in operating
speeds of machines and in part by the expectation of evolving more logical approaches to the
development of mechanisms.



AB Coupler


Fig. 1.1 A Basic Four-Bar Mechanism

Franz Reuleaux was the first scientist who systematically analyzed mechanisms, deviced
machine elements, studied their combinations, and discovered those laws of operation which
constituted the early science of machine kinematics. His now classical
"Theoretische Kinematik" of 1875 presented many views finding general acceptance then that
are current still and his second book, " Lehrbuch der Kinematic" (1900), consolidated and
extended earlier notions. Reuleaux comprehensive and orderly views mark a high point in the
development of kinematics. He devoted most of his work to the analysis of machine elements.
In the one hundred years that followed Reuleaux, the contributions of such scientists as W.
Hartmann, H. Alt, F. Wittenbauer and L Burmester developed the science of constructing
mechanisms to satisfy specific motions, namely, kinematic synthesis. The techniques they used
were based on mechanics and geometry.
It was not until 1940 that Svaboda developed numerical methods to design a simple but versatile
mechanism known as four-bar linkage (Figure 1.1) to generate a desired function with sufficient
accuracy for engineering purposes. The input crank is and the output crank is . The scale
to input crank indicates the values of the parameter of a function, and that on the output crank
indicates the result of the function. Naturally, this four-bar linkage can generate only a limited
number of functions because of the nature of the linkage itself. In 1951, the publication by
Hrones and Nelson of an "atlas" containing approximately 10,000 coupler curves offered a very
practical approach for the design engineers. The Kinematics of mechanisms has gradually
become a popular field for scholarly and engineering investigation.
Chapter 2
Four-bar linkage or simply a 4-bar or four-bar is the simplest movable linkage. It consists of four
rigid bodies (called bars or links), each attached to two others by single joints or pivots to form a
closed loop. Four-bars are simple mechanisms common in mechanical engineering machine
design and fall under the study of kinematics. If each joint has one rotational degree of freedom
(i.e., it is a pivot), then the mechanism is usually planar, and the 4-bar is determinate if the
positions of any two bodies are known (although there may be two solutions). One body
typically does not move (called the ground link, fixed link, or the frame), so the position of only
one other body is needed to find all positions. The two links connected to the ground link are
called grounded links. The remaining link, not directly connected to the ground link, is called the
coupler link. In terms of mechanical action, one of the grounded links is selected to be the input
link, i.e., the link to which an external force is applied to rotate it. The second grounded link is
called the follower link, since its motion is completely determined by the motion of the input
link. Planar four-bar linkages perform a wide variety of motions with a few simple parts. They
were also popular in the past due to the ease of calculations, prior to computers, compared more
complicated mechanisms.

Fig. 2.1 Simple Mechanisms

2.1 Mechanism and Machine

A combination of number of bodies (usually rigid) assembled in such a way that the motion of
one causes constrained and predictable motion to the other is known as a mechanism.
Thus, the function of a mechanism is to transmit and modify a motion.
A machine is a mechanism or a combination of mechanism which apart from imparting defines
motions to the parts, also transmits and modifies the available mechanical energy into some
kind of desired work. It is neither a source of energy nor a producer of work but helps in proper
utilization of the same. The motive power has to be derived from external sources.
A slider crank mechanism converts the reciprocating motion of a slider into rotary motion of the
crank or vice versa. However, when it is used as an automobile engine by adding valve
mechanism, etc., it become a machine which converts the available energy (force on the piston)
into the desired energy (torque of the crank shaft) .The torque is used to move a vehicle.
Reciprocating pumps, reciprocating compressors and steam engines are other examples of
mechanics are typewriters, clocks, watches, spring toys, etc In each of these, the force or energy
is not more than what is required to overcome the friction of the parts and which is utilized just
to get the desired motion of the mechanism and not to obtain any useful work.

2.2 Concept analysis

 Degree of freedom
 Four Bar Mechanism
 Links
 Frame
 Linkage
 Joint or Kinematics Pairs

2.3 Degrees Of Freedom

An unconstrained rigid body moving in space can describe the following independent motions
(figure 2.2)

1. Translation motions along any three mutually perpendicular axes x,y and z
2. Rotational motions about these axes

Thus, a rigid body possesses six degree of freedom. The connection of a link with another
imposes certain of their relative motion. The number of restraints can never be zero (joints is
disconnected) or six (joint becomes solid).
Degree of freedom of pairs is defined as the number of independent relative motions,
both translational and rotational ,a pair can have

Degrees of freedom = 6 number of restraints

Fig. 2.2 Degree of Freedom

2.4 Four-Bar Mechanism

A four-bar linkage is a versatile mechanism that is widely used in machines to transmit motion or
to provide mechanical advantage. Four-bar linkages can also be used as function generators.
Their low carry load, ease of manufacturing, and reliability of performance in spite of
manufacturing tolerances make them preferable over other mechanisms in certain applications. It
is also the most fundamental linkage mechanism, and many more complex mechanisms contain
the four-bar linkage as elements. Therefore, a basic understanding of its characteristics is
essential. A four-bar mechanism (Figure 2.2) consists of four rigid members: the frame or fixed
member, to which pivoted the crank and follower, whose intermediary is apply termed coupler.
These members are connected by four revolute pairs. A point on the coupler is called the coupler
point, and its path when the crank is rotated is known as a coupler point curve or coupler curve
and the number of such curves are infinite. By proper choice of link proportions and coupler
point locations useful curves may be found. A curve’s usefulness depends on the particular
shape of a segment, for example, an approximate straight line or a circular arc, or on a peculiar
shape of either the whole curve or parts of it. The coupler point because of its motion
characteristic is now the output of the linkage.
Fig. 2.3 Four-Bar Linkage with Coupler Point on AB

Four-bar mechanism has wide range of applications such as in the pantograph, universal drafting
machine, Boehm's coupling, Poppet-valve gear, Whitworth quick return mechanism and Corliss
Valve-gear. A straight line output from a four-bar mechanism has been used in several ways and
a few such applications are linkage for vehicle suspension, linkage for posthole borer, in textile
industries and in material handling devices. This work studies mechanisms and, in particular, the
four-bar mechanisms. Four popular planar four-bar mechanisms that are capable of generating
straight line motion will be analyzed. The equation of the coupler curve for these four-bar
mechanisms will be derived and dimensional requirements for these mechanisms will be
obtained in order to produce the straight line motion.

2.5 Mechanism and Its Components

Configurations of mechanisms have been incorporated into machines for centuries. In the last
forty years, the kinematics of mechanisms has emerged as an engineering science and consistent
terminology and definitions were necessitated to assist research and communication. A
mechanism has been defined by Reuleux as a combination of rigid or resistant bodies so formed
and connected that they move upon each other with definite relative motion. It is the device that
transforms one motion, for example the rotation of a driving shaft, into another, such as the
rotation of the output shaft or the oscillation of a rocker arm. A linkage or linkwork might be
called the universal mechanism, since almost any conceivable motion can be produced by this
device. A linkage, as applied to mechanisms, means a combination of a number of pairs of
elements, such as levers, cranks, slides, etc., connected by rigid pieces or links, all the parts
being connected by pin or pivoted joints allowing relative motion between the parts. All the parts
must be so connected that when any one part is moved, definite motion is imparted to all the
other parts. A few terms of particular interest to the study of kinematics and dynamics of
mechanisms are defined below.

2.5.1 Link
A mechanism is made of a number of resistance bodies out of which some may have motions
relative to the others. A resistance body or a group of resistance bodies with rigid connections
preventing their relative movement is known as a link.
A link may also define as a member or a combination of member of a mechanism, connecting
other member and having motion relative to them. Thus, a link may consist of one or more
resistance bodies. A slider-crank mechanism consists of four links: frame and guides, crank,
connecting-rod and slider. However, the frame may consist of bearing for the crankshaft. The
crank link may have a crankshaft and flywheel also, forming one link having no relative motion
A link is also known as kinematic link or element.
Links can be classified into binary, ternary and quaternary depending upon their ends pn which
revolute or turning pairs can be placed. The links shows in figure are rigid links and there is no
relative motion between the joints within the links.

Fig. 2.4 Links

A link is one of the rigid bodies or members joined together. The term rigid link or sometimes
simply link is an idealization used in the study of mechanisms that does not consider small
deflections due to strains in machine members. A perfectly rigid or inextensible link can exist
only as a textbook type of model of a real machine member.
For typical machine parts, maximum dimension changes are of the order of only a one
thousandth of the part length. It is justified to neglect this small motion when considering the
much greater motion characteristic of most mechanisms. The word link is used in a general sense
to include cams, gears, and other machine members in addition to cranks, connecting rods, and
other pin-connected components.

2.5.2 Frame
The fixed or stationary link in a mechanism is called the frame. When there is no link that is
actually fixed, one link may be considered as being fixed and determine the motion of the other
links relative to it. A frame is the reference from which all motions of the mechanisms are
accounted for. In an automotive engine, the engine block is considered the frame, even though
the automobile may be moving.

2.5.3 Joint or Kinematics Pairs

Definition: The connections between links that permit relative motion are called joints. An
unconstrained rigid body has a mobility of six degrees of freedom. Each joint reduces the
mobility of a system. The joint between a crank and connecting rod, for instance, is called a
revolute joint or pin joint. The revolute joint has one degree-of-freedom in that if one element is
fixed, the revolute joint allows the other only to rotate in a plane. A sphere joint has three
degrees-of-freedom. Some of the practical joints are made up of several elements.
A pair is a joint between the surfaces of two rigid bodies that keeps them in contact and
relatively movable

Fig 2.5 Kinematics Joints and Pairs

Example:-Door joint to the frame with hinges makes revolute joint (pin joint), allowing the door
to be turned around its axis. Either both of the links connected can move or one of the connected
links can move.

The members in a mechanism are connected by kinematic joints. A kinematic joint is formed by
direct contact between the surfaces of the members forming that joint. The contact between the
surfaces of the members can be point contact, line contact or area contact. The joints are
classified according to the type of contact and relative motion of the members. The contact
stresses developed will also depend on the contact type
There are two types of pair joints according to the type of contact:
1. Lower pair joint
2. Higher pair joint
1. Lower pair joint has area contact between the two mating surfaces of the members
forming joint, as in the case for slider, revolute and hinge
2. Higher pair joint has the contact between the mating surfaces as point or line contact as
in the case for cam pair and cam-follower.
Examples for higher pair include a pair of gears or a disk cam and a follower and it include
universal joint; ball and roller bearings that are represented by the revolute joint; ball slides
represented by the cylindrical joint; and ball screws represented by the helix.

2.5.4 Kinematic Chain

A kinematic chain is an assembly of links and joints. In a closed kinematic chain, elink is
connected to two or more other links.

2.5.5 Mechanism
A mechanism is a kinematic chain in which one link is considered fixed for the purr. of analysis,
but motion is possible in other links. As noted above, the link design as the fixed link need not
actually be stationary relative to the surface of the earth kinematic chain is usually identified as a
mechanism if its primary purpose is modification or transmission of motion.
2.5.6 Linkage
If kinematic chains are needed to be examined without regard to its ultimate use assemblage of ‘
rigid bodies connected by kinematic joints of lower pairs are iden as a linkage. Thus, both
mechanisms and machines may be considered link.
However in general, the term linkage is restricted to kinematic chains made lower pairs.
 Function of Kinematic Linkage:
Main Function of link Mechanism is to produce rotating, oscillating and reciprocating motion
from rotation of crank and vice versa. Link mechanism can be used to convert.
1. Continuous rotation into continuous rotation.
2. Continuous rotation into oscillation or reciprocation (or the reverse).
3. Oscillation into oscillation, or reciprocation into reciprocation.

Fig 2.6 Kinematics Linkages

 Kinematics of Linkages Mechanism
Function Generator: - Relative Motion between Links Connected To Frame
Path Generator: - Path of Tracer Point
Motion Generator: - The Motion of the Coupler Linkages

2.5.7 Planar Motion and Planar Linkages

If all points in a system move in parallel planes, then that system undergoes /motion. All the
links in a planar linkage have planar motion. This work concerned only with planar linkages. A
skeleton diagram of a planar linkage (Fig.2.6) is formed by connecting the pin centers by straight
lines and projecting these centerlines on one of the planes of motion. The linkages in which
motion be described as taking place in parallel planes are called spatial or three-dimension (3D)

Fig.2.7 Skeleton Diagram of a Planar Linkage

2.5.8 Cycle and Period

A cycle represents the complete sequence of positions of the links in a mechanism (all points
attained between two identical positions). In a four-stroke-cycle engine, one thermodynamic
cycle corresponds to two revolutions or cycles of the crankshaft but one revolution of the
camshaft and, thus, one cycle of motion of the cam followers and valves. The time required to
complete a cycle of motion is called the period.
2.6 Four-Bar Mechanism and Its Classifications
An important property of a classification system would be the aid it could furnish a designer in
finding the forms and arrangements best suited to satisfying certain conditions. The planar four-
bar mechanism which consists of four pin-connected rigid links gains its importance as a basic
mechanism because it is one of the simplest of all mechanisms to produce. The four-bar linkage
derives its renown from the fact that the members of a three bar linkage are incapable of relative
motion and a linkage composed of more than four bars has indeterminate motion with a single
input. Though it may assume many forms, often with little resemblance to the usual
representation, a four-bar linkage consists of two members in pure rotation about fixed axes,
called the driving and follower crank; a coupler in combined motion, which joins the moving
ends of the cranks; and a fixed frame, which establishes the relative position of the stationary
crank centers.

2.7 Classifications and the Grashof Criteria

There are two main classes of four bar mechanisms based on the rotational and Dimensional
limitations of its links called Grashof's criterion, which are:-
Grashof’s is applied to pinned linkages and states; The sum of the shortest and longest link of a
planar four-bar linkage cannot be greater than the sum of remaining two links if there is to be
continuous relative motion between the links

2.7.1 Grashof mechanisms, which are comprised of:-

1. crank rocker mechanism
2. drag link mechanism
3. double rocker mechanism
4. crossover-position or change point mechanism

2.7.2 Non-Grashof’s Mechanisms, which includes

Double rocker mechanisms of the second kind or triple rocker mechanisms.
A Grashof’s mechanism is a four bar linkage in which one link can perform a complete rotation
relative to the other three. This criterion would be considered if we plan to drive a linkage with a
continuously rotating motor. It will be shown that the Grashof’s criterion is met if:
Lmax + Lmin > La + Lb
Where link lengths are measured between bearing centers, Lmax is the length of the longest link,
Lmin that of the shortest link, La and Lb are the lengths of the remaining links.
Fig.2.8 Crank Rocker Mechanism

A Grashof’s mechanism in which the drive crank is the shortest

(And Lmax + Lmin < La+ Lb) will act as a crank rocker mechanism.
In Figure 2.7, the skeleton diagram represents a crank rocker mechanism where link 0 represents
the frame, links 1 and 3 are the side links and link 2 is the coupler.
The smallest side link, link 1, often acts as a driving crank.
The rocker link (link 3) will oscillate while the crank (link 1) is rotated continuously in one
Fig 2.9 Drag Link Mechanism
A Grashof’s mechanism in which the fixed link is the shortest (and Lmax + Lmin < La +Lb) will
act as a drag link mechanism, (see Figure2.9). The drive crank will rotate through 360 along with
the coupler and follower crank.
A Grashof’s mechanism in which coupler, the link opposite to the fixed link, is shortest and
Lmax + Lmin < La + Lb will act as a double rocker mechanism, (see Figure 2.10)
This is sometimes called double rocker of the first kind. Although the coupler can rotate
360, neither crank can rotate through 360. In a linkage of this type, the coupler can
be used as the drive member.
Fig 2. 10 A Double Rocker Mechanism
A Grashof’s mechanism in which Lmax+ Lmin = La + Lb may be considered a crossover-
position or change point mechanism. Relative motion of a crossover position may depend on
inertia, spring forces, or other forces when links become collinear.
Any of the above classes of linkages may be driven by rotation of the coupler (the link the fixed
link), although the range of coupler in some cases may be very limited. The coupler effectively
provides a hinge with a moving center. The coupler driven linkages may be called polycentric.
Four-bar mechanisms that do not satisfy the Grashof’s criterion,
Lmax + Lmin < La + Lb (2.1)
Are called double rocker mechanisms of the second kind or triple rocker mechanisms.
In this case no link can rotate through 360.
Proof of Grashof’s Criteria
To show the validity of the Grashof’s criteria, we may begin by examining a crank rocker
mechanism. Referring to Figure 2.10, we observe that the range of motion of link 3 is limited.
The limiting positions of link 3 occur when links 1 and link 2 are collinear. The linkage arranges
itself in the form of a triangle. Using the triangle inequality, we obtain the required relationships
between lengths of the crank rocker mechanism.
First, using Figure 2.10, we have an inequality relating the length of the fixed link to the others:
Fig 2.11 Limiting Position of Crank Rocker Mechanism

L0 < L2 – L1+ L3 (2.2)

Next, a similar expression is obtained for follower crank 3:
L3 < L2 - Li + L0 (2.3)

Fig 2.12 Another Limiting Position of Crank Rocker Mechanism

From Figure 2.12, the length of link 1 added to link 2 is related to the others to form inequality:
L1 + L2 < L0+ L3 (2.4)
Combining inequalities 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4, we have
L1+| L2-L3 | < L0 < L1 + L3 (2.5)
Actually, there are three additional possible inequalities based on the triangle formed but these
three inequalities are redundant.
Inequalities 2.2 and2.3, respectively, may be written in the following form:-
L1 < - L0 + L2 + L3 (2.6)
L1 < L0 + L2 - L3 (2.7)
In this from, the inequalities may be added to obtain
2L1 < 2 L2 or L1 < L2 (2.8)
Similarly using inequality 2 and 4, we have
L1 < L3 (2.9)
Using 2.3 with 2.4, we have
L1 < L0 (2.10)
Thus, if the driver crank (which we label link 1) is the shortest link in a four-bar mechanism, we
may have a crank rocker mechanism. If inequalities 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 are satisfied for the given
mechanism, the identification of the mechanism as a crank rocker mechanism is then positive;
link 3 will oscillate as link 1 rotates continuously.
Substituting Lmjn for L1| and Lmax for each of L0, L2, and L3 in turn, in inequality 2.5, we see
that it is identical to the more concise requirements for a crank rocker mechanism:-
(a) Lmax + Lmin < La + Lb and
(b) the crank is the shortest link. If link 0, the fixed link, is shortest, as in the drag link
mechanism, we may substitute L0 for L1,L1 for L2, L2 for L3 and L3 for L0 in inequality 2.2 to
L0 + |L1-L2| < L3 < L1 - L0 + L2 (2.11)
If link 2, the coupler link, is shortest, as in a double rocker mechanism, by similar permutation,
we obtain
L2 + |L3-L0| < Ll < L3 - L2 + L0 (2.12)
Substituting as we did in inequality 2.5 we see that in equalities 2.11 and 2.12 satisfy the
Grashof’s inequality:
Lmax + Lmin < La + Lb (2.13)
Each of these mechanisms may be considered as inversion of the others. Four-bar linkages that
violate the Grashof’s criteria are triple rocker mechanisms. Each Grashof’s mechanism has two
assembly configurations. The positions attainable in one assembly configuration are not
attainable in the other.
A summary of the results is given in Table 2.1
Summary of the Criteria of Motion for Each Class of Four-Bar Linkages
Lmin: shortest link;
Lmax: longest link;
La and Lb: links of intermediate links

Type of Mechanism Shortest Links Relationship Between Links

GRASHOF Any Lmax + Lmin ≤La + Lb

Crank rocker Driver crank Lmax + Lmin <La + Lb
Drag link Fixed link Lmax + Lmin <La + Lb
Double-rocker Coupler Lmax + Lmin <La + Lb
Crossover-position Any Lmax + Lmin = La + Lb
Double-rocker Any Lmax + Lmin > La + Lb

Table 2.1 Motions for Each Class of Four-Bar Linkages

Chapter 3
Every mechanism has moving members which move relative to each other about the joints
connecting them. These relative motions result in the trajectories of the points on members of the
mechanism. In any mechanism one link or member is fixed and acts as the frame. The
trajectories and motion characteristics of mechanism depend on the choice of the reference frame
link. Inversions of a mechanism are the different configurations of the mechanism with change
of the fixed reference link called frame. For different inversions of a mechanism although the
motion characteristics are entirely different but the relative angular displacements of the
members remain unchanged irrespective of the link chosen as frame.
The information obtained from one inversion of the linkage can be used to study other inversions
of that linkage. Inversion technique is used extensively for analysis and synthesis of

3.1 Determining the Inversions of a Mechanism

Before going into details of obtaining inversions of a mechanism I would like to make it very
clear that Inverse Kinematics is different from Kinematic Inversion. Read more about Inverse
Kinematics. Every mechanism is formed of a kinematic chain. When one of the links in the
kinematic chain is fixed it becomes a mechanism. To determine the inversions of a mechanism
consider the kinematic chain forming the mechanism and obtain the desired inversions by fixing
any one of the members as the frame link.

3.2 Inversions of a Four-Bar Mechanism

A typical four bar mechanism, as the name denotes, is formed of a kinematic chain of four
members connected by revolute joints. This mechanism can have four possible configurations
with a different link fixed as frame each time.

(a) Configuration 1
Link 1 is taken as the base link or frame. In this configuration the shortest link is jointed to
the base link and this joint can fully rotate and hence called as crank. The other link jointed
to the base link oscillates and called as a rocker. This configuration of the four-bar kinematic
chain is called as Crank-Rocker mechanism. (See figure 3.1)

Fig. 3.1 Crank-Rocker mechanism

(b) Configuration 2
Link 2 is fixed as the base link. In this configuration shortest link is the base and both joints to
the base can rotate completely. It is thus called as Double-Crank or a Drag Link. (see figure 3.2)

` Fig.3.2 Double-Crank
(c) Configuration 3
Link 3 is fixed as the base link. It can be observed that this configuration is same as the Crank-
Rocker mechanism. (See figure 3.3)

Fig.3.3 Crank-Rocker mechanism

(b) Configuration 4
Link 4 is fixed as the base link. In this configuration shortest link is the coupler and both the
links connected to the base link cannot rotate fully, both oscillate. In this configuration the four-
bar kinematic chain is called as Double-Rocker (see figure 3.4)

Fig.3.4 Double-Rocker
Everyone has seen a bicycle or used one and noticed that it is driven by a large driver gear wheel
with pedals attached. Smaller gears at the back are driven round, in turn driving round the back
wheel. As the back wheel turns the bicycle moves forwards. Gears driven by chains are used in
machinery, motorcycles, in car engines and have many more applications.

3.3 Parallel-Crank Four Bar Linkage

If in a four bar, linkage, two opposite links are parallel and equal in length, then any of the links
can be made fixed. The two links adjacent to the fixed link will always act as two cranks. The
four links form a parallelogram in all the positions of the cranks, rotate in the same sense as
shown in Figure 3.5

Fig.3.5 Parallelogram Four Bar Linkage

3.4 Deltoid Linkage

In deltoid linkage (figure 3.6), the equal links are adjacent to each other . when any of the shorter
links is fixed, a double-crank mechanism is obtained in which one revolution of the longer link
causes two revolution of the other shorter link.As shown in figure 3.6 (a), when the link c rotates
through half a revolution and assumes the position DC’,the link a has completed a full
revolution.When any of the longer link is fixed, two crank rocker mechanism are obtained
[figure 3.6(b) an d(c)]
Fig.3.6 Deltoid Linkage
Chapter 4

Design & Specification

Fig 4.1 Working Model

4.1 Dimensions of Construction

Total length : 128 cm
Total width : 2cm
Total height : 0.5 cm
4.2 Dimensions of Four Bar Linkage System
Length of crank (link4) : 20cm
Length of rocker arm (link2) : 28cm
Length of coupler rod (link3) : 38cm
Fixed Length (link1) : 42cm
4..3 Calculation According To Lengths Taken
Shortest link is of (S) 20 cm
Longest link is of (L) 42 cm
And other two links P & Q of lengths 28cm and 38 cm
Since 20+42<28+38
It belongs to the class 1st mechanism and according to Grashof’s law three distinct inversions are
Shortest link fixed, i.e., when with 20 cm length is, the chain will act as double crank mechanism
in which links with length of 28cm and 38cm will have complete revolutions.
Links opposite to the shortest link fixed, i.e., when the link with 38 cm length is fixed, the chain
will act as double rocker mechanism in which links with lengths of 42 cm and 28 cm will
Links adjacent to the shortest link fixed, i.e. when any of the links adjacent to the shortest link,
i.e., link with length of 42 cm or 28cm is fixed, the chain will act as crank-rocker mechanism in
which the shortest link of 20cm length will revolve and the links with 38cm length will oscillate

4.4 Cost Estimation

1) Bar = Rs. 500

2) Nuts & Bolts = Rs. 70
3) Nails, Hinge & screws = Rs. 30
4) Wooden stand = Rs. 500
5) Other expense = Rs. 350
6) Total cost = Rs. 1450

4.5 Application & drawback

1. A four bar linkage used as the suspension for a bicycle

2. It can be used in agricultural field for sowing
3. It can be used in automobiles
4. It can be used in power plants
5. It is used as a train suspension
6. It is less efficient.

4.6 Limitations

Limitations of the our project kinematics based on four bar linkage is that it come in the 3D so
the double crank is not possible double crank is only possible in 2D PLANNER only
Chapter 5

Our aim to use the four bar linkage and to demonstrate the calculation and analysis of path of
outermost linkage which has been done successfully. We get a linear displacement of outermost
linkage by one complete rotation of crank.

1) Theory of Machines by S.K. Gupta & R.S Khurmi

2) Theory of Machines by S.S Rattan
3) N. Berzak, Direct Derivation of the Symmetrical Coupler Curves of the Planar Four-Bar
4) Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery by Wilson, C. E., Sadler, J. P. and Michels, W.
6) ( animated sites for four bar linkage)

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