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Nama : Dhea Dwi Ananda

NIM : 21121016
Kelas : PSIK A Tingkat I
Mata Kuliah : EPP : Basic ESP
Dosen Pengampu : Maria Octa Elsavana, M.Pd


Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Hello everyone!, Let me introduce my self
My name is Dhea Dwi Ananda
You can call me Dhea or Nanda
I’m from Palembang
I was born in Palembang, on October 24th 2003
I’m 17 years old
I’m the second child of 3 siblings
I have 2 brothers
I’m studying in IkesT Muhammadiyah Palembang
I’m a nursing college student
I’m a big fan of swimming
I have 2 fun fact that are, I always sleepy in the morning and I always sleep too
I think is enough, Thank You for your attention
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

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