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Functions of Language  Biologically much of the language function is

Outlines:  processed in several association areas, and

 Defining language  there are two well-identified areas that are
 Defining function  considered vital for human communication:
 Language function processing   Wernicke area 
 Proponents of language functions   Broca area
 Aspects of language functions
a) General or micro Proponents of language functions:
b) Meta or macro  In the history of linguistics we find many
 Conclusion renowned personalities who worked on language
functions but some of the prominent are:
Defining language:  a) Roman Jakobson
The word function is often used in different b) Bronislaw Malinowski
senses in the literature of linguistics:  c) Micheal Halliday
 In sociological studies of language, function is d) Finch
often used to refer to the role language plays
in society.  Aspects of language functions:
 In ethnography, scholars use function to refer We can study language functions in two aspects:
to the specific uses of language.  1. General or micro aspects
 In systemic-functional linguistics, functions of 2. Meta or macro aspects
language are highly generalized categories of 1. General or micro aspects:
meaning which simultaneously underlie an Refer to the particular individual uses of
utterance language in a society. Finch (1998) lists seven
 An abstract system of symbols and meanings. general (micro) functions:
 a) Physiological
 Language is a purely human and non-  Emotive or expressive function
instinctive method of communicating ideas,  Releasing physical and nervous energy
emotions and desires by means of voluntarily  Such as our expression of fear and
produced symbols. (Sapir)  affection, surprise or our involuntary
 The method of human communication, either verbal reactions to beautiful things.
spoken or written, consisting of the use of  According to Finch instructions allow us
words in a structured and conventional way. to release inner feelings
 A great deal of so-called 'bad language'
Language function processing: or swearing fulfills this function.
 Language function is processed socially when b) Phatic function:
individuals make use of their tongue for  coined from Marlinowski
interaction.  express our willingness to be sociable
 helps us negotiate the start and end of  referential or prepositional function
exchanges whether in spoken or  We use language to express ourselves
written form to others
c) Recording function:  We also need language in order to
 denotes using language to make a understand what they are
durable record of things that ought to communicating to us
be remembered.  Requesting, apologizing, informing,
 The most significant function behind ordering as well as promising and
the development of language from refusing are all reasons for
being an oral medium to becoming a communicating our ideas.
written one. g) Pleasure functions
 It might be a short-term record, as in a  Language allows us to derive pleasure
shopping list or a list of things to do, or from it.
a long-term record, as in a diary or  A large part of the pleasure we derive
history of some kind from language comes from the
d) Identifying function: successful exploitation of linguistic
 allows us to identify an enormous array novelty at different levels of the
of objects and events with considerable language
precision  For example language often gives
 quick and accurate reference pleasure both to the speakers and
 helpful in proper arrangements listeners supported by the frequent use
 we use names to classify different of assonance, alliteration and
types of things, whether we call a car onomatopoeia in poetry.
anautomobile, a lorry, a van or a truck
makes a big difference. 2. Meta or macro aspects:
e) Reasoning function The term metafunction originates in
 A tool of thought systemic functional linguistics and is considered to
 Before we say something we think and be a property of all languages.
to do that we necessarily use A function which is capable of describing
language. one or more other functions.
 Speaking and writing comes from Michael Halliday, the founder of systemic
thought • functional linguistics, calls these three functions:
 Reasoning may vary in connotations
e.g., "black" may be associated with a) Ideational Function:
evil and death, and "white" with purity  the content function of language and allows
and goodness us to conceptualize the world for our own
f) Communicating function benefit and that of others
 language as a cording system which deals please them, to anger them, and influence
with the relation between man and nature their behavior, to get their help or sympathy
 The ideational function is further divided into: a) Textual Function:
1) Experiential function:  the relation of language to the verbal and
The experiential function refers to the nonverbal situational environment
grammatical choices that enable speakers to  when language is in use, playing the the
make meanings about the world around us and previous two metafunctions, it naturally forms
inside us a text
 it is through this process of humans  language as a system organizes messages in
making meaning from experience that a unified manner so that chunks of messages
language evolved fit logically with others around them and with
 For example when we watch small the wider context in which the talking or
children interacting with the objects writing takes place
around them we can see that they are
using language to construe a theoretical Conclusion: 
model of their experience  Functions of Language is an international
journal of linguistics which explores the
2) Logical function: functionalist perspective on the organization
 Those systems which set up logical– and use of natural language. 
semantic relationships between one  Language affords human beings the ability to
clausal unit and another communicate anything they can imagine. As a
 When two clauses are combined, a tool, language is infinitely flexible and can be
speaker chooses whether to give both put to multiple purposes. 
clauses equal status, or to make one  Functions of Language promotes the
dependent on the other. constructive interaction between linguistics
 In addition, a speaker choose some and such neighboring disciplines as sociology,
meaning relation in the process of cultural studies, psychology, ethology,
joining or binding clauses together communication studies, translation theory and
educational linguistics.

b) Interpersonal Function:
 It is the participatory function of language
 language servers as a medium between
 we use language to interact with others, to
establish and maintain relations with them, to

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