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Nama : Dhea Dwi Ananda

NIM : 21121014
Mata Kuliah : Basic EPP
Dosen Pengampu : Miranti,S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep

Exercise 1 (Vocabulary)
1. Bacteria : Bakteri
2. Organisms : Organisme
3. Microscope : Mikroskop
4. Cell : Sel
5. Membrane : Selaput
6. Prevents : Mencegah
7. Harmful : Berbahaya
8. Cytoplasm : Sitoplasma
9. Chemicals : Bahan Kimia
10. Nukleoid : Nukleoid
11. Appear : Muncul
12. Spherical : Bulat
13. Intestine : Usus
14. Infection : Infeksi
15. Pathogens : Patogen
16. Vaccine : Vaksin
17. Illnesses : Penyakit
18. Sneeze : Bersin
19. Strengthen : Memperkuat
20. Digest : Intisari
Exercise 2 (Vocabulary)
1. Physical : Fisik
2. Tobacco : Tembakau
3. Cigarettes : Rokok
4. Poisons : Racun
5. Poisoned : Keracunan
6. Throat : Tenggorokan
7. Lungs : Paru-paru
8. Nicotine : Nikotin
9. Cyanide : Sianida
10. Doses : Dosis
11. Organ damage : Kerusakan organ
12. Vessels : Pembuluh
13. Nutrients : Nutrisi
14. Linger : Masih tertinggal
15. Peers : Teman sebaya
16. Decreased circulation : Sirkulasi menurun
17. Impair : Merusak
18. Tendons : Tendon
19. Ligaments : Ligamen
20. Restricts : Membatasi
21. Psoriasis : Psoriasis
22. Halitosis : Mulut berbau
23. Circulation : Sirkulasi
24. Ability : Kemampuan
25. Impair : Merusak
Exercise 3 (In regard of the previous text, say who or what the following words refer to).
Paragraph 2 – It This word refers to the human body
1. Paragraph 2 – This This word refers to the defense when the body being poisoned
2. Paragraph 2 – They This word refers to some people
3. Paragraph 3 – These This word refers to the cancer, emphysema, organ damage, and
health disease
4. Paragraph 4 – Which This word refers to the lose bone density
5. Paragraph 4 – Their This word refers to the older people
6. Paragraph 5 – They This word refers to the girls
7. Paragraph 5 – These This word refers to consequence smoking
8. Paragraph 7 – It This word refers to the smoking restricts blood vessels
9. Paragraph 11 – They This word refers to the people witth certain health condition
10. Paragraph 11 – Their This word refers to the teens
Exercise 4 (Answer the following questions about the previous text).
1. Why do people start smoking?
Because the body is smart, it goes on the defense when it’s being poisoned this reason,
many peoplefind it takes several tries to get started smoking
2. What are the long term consequences of smoking?
Over the long term, smoking leads people to develop health problems like cancer,
emphsema (breakdown of lung tissue), organ damage, and heart disease
3. What can smoking produce in your teeth, skin, and bones?
Smoking can develop wrinkless and yellow teeth, and also lose bone density
4. What happens with your athletic performance when you smoke?
People who smoke usually can’t compete with non smoking peers, because the physical
effect of smoking (like rapid heartbeat, decreased circulation, and shortness of breath)
impair sports performances
5. Write five consequences of smoking.
- Bad skin
- Bad breath
- Bad smelling clothes and hair
- Reduced athletic performance
- Increased risk of illness
Exercise 5 (Dialogue)
Dhea : Hi Fadillah, good morning!
Fadillah : Hi Dhea, good morning too!
Dhea : May I ask something?
Fadillah : Yes, of course
Dhea : What do you think about the EPP program?
Fadillah : I think, EPP program is very good for practicing student skill in speak English
Dhea : Yes, I think so too, because with the EPP program , we can understand and more
deepen English
Fadillah : How many times a week do you study this EPP program?
Dhea : I study this EPP program 2 times a week
Fadillah : Yes, that’s right , 2 hours a week we study the EPP program
Dhea : Ok, Thanks for your opinion about the EPP program
Fadillah : You’re welcome Dhea, see you in the next EPP program class
Dhea : See you too!

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