Draft Storytelling Kelompok 6 Bit-B

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Group 6 BIT-B

Faras Kalfari Balansoa 712021049 Doni Mikha 712021052

Marlina Maya Taopan 712021053 Trifena Narwatsu Kamlasi 712021054

Jesus is tested in the Wilderness

(Matthew 4 : 1 – 11)
Script :
Opening and First Phase.
Hey everybody! It's time for a bible story! Today we'll be talking about, when satan or the
devil, tempted Jesus in the wilderness. Maybe some of you is wondering, how could be Jesus is
tempted by The devil? Well, inthough jesus lived a perfect life, but He was human, just like you
and me. So he was tempted to do things.
Today's story starts right after Jesus got baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River.
After getting out of the water Jesus was taken by the Holy Spirit to the desert, to be tested by the
devil. He was there for 40 days and 40 nights praying and fasting. When the Bible says he was
fasting, it means he didn’t eat any food for those 40 days. No food for 40 days?! Can you
imagine? That like over a month?! Wow it must have been pretty hard right? I can’t even go like
40 minutes without food. Okay, let's get back to the story.
Second Phase.
After 40 days, Jesus got hungry, and at this moment the devil showed up in the wilderness
and start talking to Jesus. The devil knew Jesus hadn’t eaten any food for a long time, so he said
to Jesus, “If you are really the son of God, command these stones to become loaves or bread.”
Do you think Jesus can do that? Well I think, he sure could, and he was really hungry. I bet bread
sounded so good to Him. But, it was more important to Him what the bible says, so he told the
devil “No”, and used god’s word to do it. He said, “bible says people should not live on bread
alone, but by every word that God says.” When the Bible says people should not live on just
bread, it doesn’t mean that you need cheese, chocolate, cake, and steak or more chocolate. That’s
not what he meant. He meant we can’t survive with just food. We need the word of God, the
Bible, to keep our spirits fit. That make sense right? One point to Jesus, give applause!
Third Phase.
But the devil wasn’t done, he had another way to tempt Jesus. The devil took Jesus up to a
really high place in the city and said to Jesus, “If you are the Son of God, jump off this building.
Because the bible says God will tell his angels to protect you. They’ll catch you with their hands
so your foot won’t even hit the ground.” The devil is challenging him, it’s kind of like he’s
saying, well prove it if you are really the son of God. You know, if someone were to challenging
me to do something I knew I could do, you bet I would do it. Well Jesus might have wanted to
prove it, but the devil was trying to trick Him into doing something he wasn’t supposed to do.
Even that’s something in the bible, but Jesus knew the Devil was trying to trick Him. So Jesus
said “No” and told him, “the bible says, do not put the Lord your God to the test.” The devil
was trying to trick Jesus into testing God. Yes there are angels to protect us, but we aren’t
supposed to do something dangerous just to see if god is telling the truth. So, one more point to
Jesus, give applause!
Forth Phase and Moral Message.
The devil wasn’t done, he had one more temptation up his sleeve. The devil took Jesus up
to a high mountain, so He could see all the kingdoms of the world. Then The devil said, “I will
give all of this to you. All you have to do is bow down and worship me.” Well Jesus knew that
the world did belong to the devil, because Adam and Eve sinned. And there was a plan for Jesus
to get it back. But it meant dying on the cross. So the devil was telling him if you do this, it would
be all yours without you having to die on the cross. Then Jesus said, “Away from me Satan, the
bible says, worship God only and only serve Him.” So the devil left, he couldn’t get Jesus to sin.
Of course he couldn’t, he can’t put nothing on Him. So, Jesus wins, give applause!
Wow what a battle and Jesus one with the word of God. It's so important to keep this story
in the heart and mind. Just like Jesus was tested in the wilderness, sometimes thoughts that don't
come from God, try to let us down, make us sad, or feeling lonely and incapable. But we can win
all of them declaring the word of God that says that we are his. We are beloved children of God.
In that we are more than winners. We can win many battles with it every day. He loves each one
of us. The end.

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