Vlog On God S Encounter - Scoring Rubric

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Scoring Rubric

Criteria 20 15 10 5
Relevance to the Consistently Sometimes Rarely Inconsistently
Theme demonstrates the demonstrates the demonstrates the demonstrates the
relevance of the relevance of the relevance of the relevance of the
theme theme theme theme

Depth of The reflection is The reflection is The reflection is The reflection is

Reflection deep, personal, quite deep, generally deep, not deep,
dignified and personal, dignified personal, impersonal,
displays a highly and displays a dignified and dignified and
reflective quality generally reflective displays a lack of does not display a
and demonstrates quality and reflective quality generally
evidence for demonstrates and demonstrates reflective quality
spiritual growth evidence for evidence for and
spiritual growth spiritual growth demonstrates
evidence for
spiritual growth

Speech and Vlog has Vlog may Vlog may Vlog may
Grammar originality contain one or contain several contain
and flair, two errors errors that significant
emphasizing that impede impede errors that
important viewer's viewer's may cause
points; understanding. understanding. confusion for
Speech lack the viewer.
fluency. Speech is
sentences or
clear topic.

Props and Use and choice of Use and choice of Use and choice of Use and choice of
Costumes props and props and props and props and
costumes is costumes is good costumes is costumes is
effective that that enhances sustainable and limited and does
enhances overall overall satisfies the not satisfy the
performance and performance and viewers. viewers.
attracts the attracts the
viewers. viewers.

Technicalities/ Excellent Satisfactory Fair presentation Poor

Techie presentation of presentation of the of the video in presentation of
Creativity/Use of the video in terms video in terms of terms of the video in
Media of technicalities technicalities or technicalities or terms of
or creativity of creativity of the creativity of the technicalities or
the vlog vlog vlog creativity of the

*Edited from Scribd/iRubric

100 points

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