Hazardous Substances Policy OCL

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Document No: H&S/LOTO/01/00


Revision No: 02
Hazardous Substances Policy Date of Issued: 02/04/2020
Page No: Page 01 of 1

Hazardous Substances Policy

1. Introduction

Ocean Lanka is committed to ensuring that all substances used in the course of employment by
employees/subcontractors will be identified, assessed and controlled so that all employees are safe
from injuries and risks to their health while they are at work.
Management will also comply with the requirements of the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare
provisions of Factories ordinance No 45 of 1942, the Consolidated Regulations and the Approved Code
of Practice for the Control of Workplace Hazardous Substances and BOI norms, customer, and buyer
or certification requirements.
2. Policy Objectives

The objectives of this policy are to:

 Supply information required by Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare legislation to
employees using hazardous substances and to ensure containers have correct and meaningful
 Identify, assess and control all substances currently in use or planned to be used in the future
for their hazardous nature and dangers to persons using the substance
 To ensure that wherever possible a hazardous substance is substituted by a less harmful

3. Management Responsibilities
Managers and Supervisors responsible for authorizing purchase requisitions for hazardous substances
are required to ensure a hazard assessment is completed and the relevant Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
is obtained before the use of any such substance.
3.1 Material Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Managers have a responsibility to ensure a SDS is obtained for each substance being used within their
area of responsibility. Copies of the SDS must be made available to all employees using the substance
and copies are located at the actual points of use.
SDS’s are to be sourced only through the Manager, to ensure they are current.
3.2 Hazardous Substances Register
A hazardous substance register containing a list of all substances used within Ocean Lanka is
maintained and kept by the Manager.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health, and is concerned primarily with the safe handling, usage
and storage of chemicals and substances that pose a danger to the health of either those handling the
substances or to other people

Reviewed By: Assistant Manager Health & safety Signature: Date :02/04/2020

Approved By: Managing Director Signature: Date : 02/04/2020

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