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Name : Galuh Putri Pembayun

Nim : 206121147

Class : PBI 5D


1. Definition: Descriptive text is a text that describes what a particular person, place, or thing looks
like, often providing a visual experience through the use of adjectives and adverbs.

2. Goal/purpose: Descriptive text has a purpose to explain about a particular person, place, or thing.
For example, a text that describes an object or animal, a celebrity, or a tourist spot.

3. Generic structure: a). Identification: This section, located in the first paragraph, aims to identify an
object to be described. Identification serves to introduce the reader to the object that we will describe,
before we tell about the object in more detail in the next paragraph.

b). Description: This section, located in the second paragraph and so on, contains the characteristics
inherent in something that you have introduced to the reader in the first paragraph.

4. Linguistics feature : Simple present tense

5. Example


Doraemon is one character in a Japanese comic series created by Fujiko Fujio . Doraemon is a
robotic cat . He has a small body and white hands and feet . Although he can hear perfectly well ,
Doraemon has no ears.

Doraemon has a large pocket that can produce many gadgets from the future . The pocket is called
yojiigen pocket or the fourth-dimensional pocket . His favorite food is dorayaki , a Japanese food filled
with red bean paste.

This robotic cat has a tendency to become panicky in emergency situations . He will frantically pull
out unnecessary gadgets from his pocket . Still , Doraemon is a good cat. He always helps Nobita.

6. Analysis

a). Generic structure : • Identification (first paragraph)

This section introduces the reader to Doraemon, which will be explained in detail in the next
paragraph. • Description (second paragraph)

Contains an explanation or description of Doraemon by describing some information such as: 1).
Doraemon has a large pocket that can produce many gadgets from the future. 2). Doraemon's
favorite food is dorayaki, a Japanese food filled with red bean paste.

3). Doraemon has a tendency to panic in emergency situations.

b). Some noun words in the text are: character, many, future, favorite, situations.
c). Using Simple Present Tense. In the example text above, all sentences use the Simple Present


1. Definition : Narrative text is a story with complications or problematic events and it tries to find the
resolutions to solve the problems. An important part of narrative text is the narrative mode, the set
of methods used to communicate the narrative through a process narration.

2. Goal/purpose : The purpose of narrative text is to entertain the reader with the story which can be
fiction or non-fiction. Narrative relationship with the reality experiences, imaginary, or the intricate
event that aims to the crisis that is finally find resolution. For example: folktale, legend, fable, etc.

3. Generic structure : a).Orientation

: Orientation is the opening paragraph in the text that introduces the characters involved, the time it
happened, and the location of the background of the incident (who, when, where)

b). Complication: Complication is located after orientation and consists of a paragraph describing the
original problem. This initial problem is the beginning of the storyline which continues to the conflict,
climax and anticlimactic of a story.

c). Resolution: Resolution is a paragraph that becomes the end of the story, which becomes the
completion and ends of a story. The problems that exist in a narrative text must be resolved and
closed with a happy ending (happy ending) or even tragic and sad (sad ending).

d). Reorentation: Reorentation is a closing sentence that tells the final state of the character in the
story and is a moral message in a narrative story.

4. Linguistics feature: The linguistic features of a narrative text consist of relevant vocabulary, past
tense, adjective, and time transition.

5. Example

Once, there was a kingdom in Priangan Land. Lived a happy family. They were a father in form of
dog, his name is Tumang, a mother which was called is Dayang Sumbi, and a child which was called
Sangkuriang. One day, Dayang Sumbi asked her son to go hunting with his lovely dog, Tumang. After
hunting all day, Sangkuriang began desperate and worried because he hunted no deer. Then he
thought to shot his own dog. After that, he took the dog liver and carried home.

Soon Dayang Sumbi found out that it was not deer lever but Tumang's, his own dog. So, She was
very angry and hit Sangkuriang's head. In that incident, Sangkuriang got wounded and scar then cast
away from their home.

Years go bye, Sangkuriang had travel many places and finally arrived at a village. He met a beautiful
woman and felt in love with her. When they were discussing their wedding plans, The woman looked
at the wound in Sangkuriang's head. It matched to her son's wound who had left several years earlier.
Soon she realized that she felt in love with her own son.

She couldn't marry him, but how to say it? Then, she found the way. She needed a lake and a boat
for celebrating their wedding day. Sangkuriang had to make them in one night before sunrise. He
built a lake. With a dawn just moment away and the boat was almost complete. Dayang Sumbi had
to stop it. Then, she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. It made the cock crowed for a
new day.

Sangkuriang failed to marry her. He was very angry and kicked the boat. It felt over and became
the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.

6. Analysis

a). Generic structures: 1). Orientation: In the first paragraph, which tells a story with a setting on
Priangan Island with the main characters Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi.

2). Complication : in the sentence "After hunting all day, Sangkuriang began desperate and worried
because he hunted no deer." This sentence shows the beginning of the problem, namely when
Sangkuriang was desperate because he had been hunting all day, but he got no results.

3). Resolution : It's in the sentence "Sangkuriang failed to marry her. He was very angry and kicked
the boat."

4). Reorientation: Found in the sentence It "felt over and became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu

b). Some noun words in the text are: Priangan Land, Dayang Sumbi, Sangkuriang, Tumang, Tangkuban
Perahu Bandung.

c). Language analysis

• Simple past tense


There was a kingdom in Priangan Land.

(There is was which is an auxiliary verb for the simple past tense)

Sangkuriang began desperate and worried because he hunted no deer.

(Began is a verb 2 type of irregular verb whose root word is begin. Then there is a regular verb that is
worried which is verb 2 of worry, then hunted is verb 2 of hunt)

• Action verbs

Examples are shot, took, carried contained in the first paragraph.

• Saying and thinking verb

For saying verbs like asked, then for thinking verbs an example is though. These two examples are
still located in the first paragraph.

• Conjunction of time

Examples are after (paragraph 1) and before (paragraph 4)

• Adjective

Happy family (paragraph 1), beautiful woman (paragraph 3)

Priangan Land, Dayang Sumbi, Sangkuriang, Tumang, Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.


1. Definition: Expository text is a type of writing that is done using objectivity as the most important
aspect to study or discuss a particular topic.

2. Goal/purpose: written to be able to inform or make different data or facts known to transmit
correct, clear and direct information covering a different set of general and specific goals.

3. Generic structure : a).Introduction: this is the first part of the text and it is aimed at making the
reader learn the topic to be discussed. This is one of the most important parts that sets the tone in a
text's theme and should ideally be written in a simple and practical way to guide people to read better.

b). Development: theme development is the place where, in a clear and orderly way, the ideas of the
text that will be related to the theme being executed are captured. This is the most basic part of all
expository texts and must follow a logical order so that it can be understood. The ideal is to be able
to start development with an objective analysis of the topic followed, if necessary, by a subjective

c). Conclusion: this is the final part of the text and contains a summary of the ideas that have been
obtained after the investigation. It is a synthesis or kind of recapitulation of what has been exposed
throughout the text.

4. Linguistics feature : an educational purpose, clear and concise language, the presence of factual
and organized information, and the use of reliable sources.

5. Example

Ants are small invertebrates found all over the world, with the discovery of the polar regions.

There are more than 12,000 species identified worldwide. Like wasps and bees, they are eusocial
and belong to the order Hymenoptera.

They are considered an invasive species, because they have been established in areas that are not
their habitat.

6. Analysis

a). Generic structures: 1). Introduction : Being in the first paragraph in the form of an explanation of
the subject of the text, to arouse the interest of the reader. 2). Development: Development in the
second paragraph that contains more data and ideas are formed that will form the paragraph.

3). Conclusion: The conclusion is in the last paragraph which contains a summary of the fundamental
aspects of the subject.

b). The nouns in the text are: discovery, species, areas


1. Definition: Argumentative text is a text whose contents are in the form of opinions that are
corroborated by evidence, reasons, and examples, so that readers can believe the author's arguments.

2. Goal/purpose: Has the aim of convincing or persuading readers to have the same thoughts as the

3. Generic structure: a). Introduction: Aims to attract the reader's attention, focus the reader's
attention on the argument to be presented, or show the basics why the argument is put forward.

2). Body of Argument: Intended to prove the truth conveyed in the argument. The truth presented
in the body of the argument must be analyzed, compiled, and presented through observation,
experimentation, compilation of facts and logical thinking.

3). Conclusion or Summary: Aims to prove to the reader that the truth conveyed through the
reasoning process can indeed be accepted as something logical.

4. Linguistics feature : Abstract noun, action verb, Temporal Connectives, Modal Auxiliaries,
Reasoning Connectives, Simple Present Tense.

5. Example

Essay Questions in the National Examination

News about the 2018 National Examination for elementary, middle and high school students
attracted the attention of many people in Indonesia. Most people consider it a “disaster” for students
because it will be more difficult for them to answer the questions in the exam. I think it's not only a
disaster for the students, but also for the teachers.

First of all, the essay-type exam is not efficient to administer widely. Students from different places
may have different abilities in explaining their answers in the exam questions. To carry out this type
of assessment, the teacher or the person making the questions need to prepare several possible
answers that may arise during the test which makes it inefficient compared to the multiple choice

Second, the type of essay test is included in the subjective test. Teachers or anyone checking
students' answers will have difficulty determining whether an answer is right or wrong, because they
will involve their personal assessment of each answer.

Finally, students will face more stress before, during and after the test if the test form is in the form
of an essay because they will not be able to make predictions based on answers when they do not
know the answer to an item. If the test questions are multiple choice, I believe students will feel
comfortable taking the test because they still have a chance to earn points even if they don't know
the answers to some questions by choosing one of the four possible answers.

6. Analysis

a). General structure: 1). Introduction: in the first paragraph

2). Body of argument: in paragraphs 2 and 3

3). Conclusion: in the last paragraph

b). Using Abstract nouns, action verbs, Temporal Connectives, Modal Auxiliaries, Reasoning
Connectives, Simple Present Tense,

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