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Water balance analysis and identification of issues on water
resources management for the whole Sudan
October 2017

Hafir in Khartoum, Feb. 2017

Port Sudan
Northern Red Sea
※ :Disputed Boundary
State Boundary

Capital City
River Nile
Main City

River Kassala
North Darfur Khartoum Kassala
North Kordofan

West Gezira
El Fasher
Geneina Gedaref
El Obeid
Umm Ruwaba Situation of the Gash River,
Sennar Kassala, Aug. 2016
West Kordofan White Nile

Darfur East Darfur South Kordofan
Muglad Blue Nile
South Darfur Kadugli

1. Background and issues use sectors. Currently, 90% of water is consumed

for agriculture, then only 3% for drinking water.
The Sudan has suffered from limited water
Another issue is improvement of water resources
resources such as low annual rainfall less than 300
management such as hydrological observation
mm in most of the country and it became constraints
system for groundwater and dam operation.
for economic development and daily life of people.
In this water conditions as above, it needs to update
“Water and Sanitation Policy of Sudan”, prepared
water use strategy at national level and water
by National Water Corporation in 2010, analyzed
resources development plans based on scientific
that water demand, 32.1 km3 per year, have already
data. Besides, water resources management with
exceeds water resources amount of the whole
improved coordination mechanism among
country, 29.5 to 31.5 km3 per year. Besides,
stakeholders to reduce conflict for water allocation
increasing national population with 3.2% of annual
and enhance water use efficiency.
growth rate put pressure on water balance further.
Water resources unevenly exist in regions; Non- Issues on implementation of integrated
water resources management (IWRM)
Nile area has suffered from water shortage
Issues of Evaluation of Water Balance (Potential-
compared to Nile area. It is one of the main reasons
Demand) Based on the Scientific Evidence
of low access rate of safe water, 55%, in Sudan.
It is necessary to monitor water resources for water
Other challenge is water allocation to each water-
resources development and management. In Sudan,

although data on rainfall and discharge in the Nile cases without any sufficient analysis of need,
River have been collected and accumulated for priority and fairness, meaning that unnecessary
more than 100 years, these data cannot be directly facilities have been constructed while others are
utilized due to delays in converting them into a being poorly operated and maintained.
digital database. As water quality monitoring has In terms of the rural water supply, operating and
only been done in emergencies. Moreover, water maintaining the facilities constructed by the
levels and discharge in wadis (dry riverbed that government will be transferred to water users’
contains water only during times of heavy rain) had organizations, however, the technical transfer and
been monitored before decentralization, but it is not support will be insufficient, resulting in limited
currently being performed. operation and maintenance activities by water users.
From the above, historical and locational data
Current Legal Issues
management and monitoring system formulations
The Water Resources Act and the National Council
are insufficient, which in turn increases the need to
for Water Resources have been established and the
implement a water balance evaluation based on the
basic principles and the roles are clarified. However,
scientific evidence.
those are not functioning sufficiently because the
Issues of Coordination by Various Stakeholders detailed regulations and rules and so on for
and Active Participation
implementation are not formulated.
The decentralization policy has encouraged them to
Local Society and Cultural Background
implement water resources development on their
own terms, albeit without sufficient coordination There are over 300 tribes in Sudan and their

with neighboring states. As a result, a number of traditional administration system coexists alongside

water-use-related problems have occurred, such as the governmental system. This traditional system,

water conflicts between water users of upstream and which has a big influence over conflict resolutions

downstream of water resources, conflicts between between tribes, cannot be ignored when consulting

farmers and nomads, and unplanned water with nomads and farmers. For nomads in particular,

resources development. Enhancing the problem- the traditional system should be respected, as

solving capacity of the federal government and the nomads (who make up about 10% of the population)

negotiation and coordination capacity of state move around Sudan, such that it is difficult to place

governments are needed. them under the auspices of the government’s

administration system.
Conflict over
Change in grazing route of nomads water The social awareness of citizens is low regarding
the necessity for them to participate in the operation
and maintenance of water facilities. Therefore,

Expansion of living and

many rural water facilities are abandoned or the
agriculture area of farmers
facilities’ performance falls well below the full
Figure 1 Conflict between nomads and farmers
capacity because of a lack of maintenance.
Due to insufficient cooperation and coordination
Changing the mindset of both citizens and the
between the federal government and state
government for water user’s participation and
governments, facilities are constructed in some
cooperation is necessary.

to continue the IWRM activity and expand the pilot
2. Approach for problem-solving
activities to the other areas led by Sudanese C/P
Project objectives and outputs organizations even after the project completion.
This project aims to enhance the C/Ps’ capability of Therefore, the Japanese Experts supported for
the IWRM and to accomplish the project objectives implementation of the project activities by the C/Ps
and outputs considering the above issues. and capacity building was conducted through on-
Table 1 Project objectives and outputs the-job training.
To make recommendations for a
practical strategy, institutional and 10 full-time C/Ps committed to the project activities
organizational framework; to improve
es of the in the first phase. Moreover, the colleagues of the
the policies, strategies and plans for
IWRM; and to contribute to the full-time C/Ps were involved in the project activities
improvement of related projects
Output 1 Water balance analysis and supported for data organizing and water
Analyses of issues on water resources resources potential calculation.
Output 2
Implementation of IWRM in specific
Output 3
regions (pilot activities)
Recommendations for a strategy, legal
Output 4 framework and implementation

This project is to be conducted in the two terms and

the flowchart of the project is shown in Figure 2.
Participation of all the stakeholders
Phase1 Phase2-1 Phase 2-2 After Project Sustainable!
Analyses of Water Pilot activities Recommendations •Materialization of Project Output
Balance and on strategic and strategies
Contribution to the Project

Issues on WR institutional •Realization of

Management framework of IWRM Recommendations
C/P Team

C/P Sustainable
Figure 2 Flowchart of the project
Support by

Participatory activity by the C/P and participation of JICA Team Time 3 years

Figure 4 Implementation Organization

all the stakeholders are the main policies of the
project. Recommendations for practical strategy
and institutional framework and so on, which will
contributes to the fair use of water among various
stakeholders and the sustainable development,
management and use of water resources, will be
made through implementation of the IWRM.
Conventional Water Resources Integrated Water Resources
Assistance by the department of Wadi and
Development Planning Management
Groundwater for organizing of wadi discharge data
Water volume

Water volume

Supply capacity Supply capacity

to be increased to be increased Water balance analysis (Output1)
Shortage Shortage

Existing supply capacity

Enhanced supply capacity by
efficiency improvement
Output 1 is the water balance analysis based on

2016 2030 Year 2016 2030 Year

scientific grounds. Workflow of the output 1 is as
Figure 3 Image of promotion of water use shown in Figure 5. Water balance analysis is consist
efficiency by the IWRM
of 3 elements: Water resources potential, capacity of
Implementation organization and on-the-
facilities for water resources development and
job training
Capacity development of C/P is necessary in order supply, and water demand.

1. Water resources potential
Working Item
Identification of issues on water resources
(WRP) Working Item with
consensus building management (Output2)
Water balance analysis Three element Output 2 is identification of issues on water
To be evaluated by balance of three elements 1 to 3 will be
analyzed at
Understanding of methodology and model the same time resources management. Workflow of the output 2 is
Collection of necessary data
Discussion (PCM) in small seminar
as shown in Figure 8.
Water shortage will be analyzed Training in the
when?/where?/how serious? (Output-2) Identification of issues
Third Country(1 time)
on WR management
2. Capacity of facilities for water 3. Water demand With Discussion
resources development and supply (existing and future ) (PCM)and
(existing and planned) Data collection Small seminar…

Introduction and case study

Alternatives considering strategic environmental assessment Identification and analysis
of water issues of Japan
of current issues
Result of Output-1 and other countries
Figure 5 Workflow of the output 1 (water balance analysis)

Formulation of IWRM plan and

Water resources potential is calculated in individual Recommendation of IWRM menu Working Item

Criteria for selection of pilot activity area Working Item with

sub-basins giving the daily rainfall and and preparation of scoring for selection consensus building

evapotranspiration data. Model parameters is set Figure 8 Workflow of the output 2

based on the soil classification. River runoff
Several workshops regarding problem analysis
represents a surface water potential and
using the PCM method are held in each C/P’s
groundwater recharge represents a groundwater
organizations in order to enhance C/P’s capability
potential (refer to Figure 6).
of identification of issues on water resources
piration Rain Surface management C/P. Problem analysis is conducted
Intermediate and organized by category / sector, such as water
River supply, agriculture and so on. Genealogical tree of
Recharging runoff
Soil Base flow “Cause – Effect” is organized in the analysis (refer
to Figure 9).
Infiltration to deep groundwater
Deep aquifer
Figure 6 Image of evaluation of water resources
As for water demand, water demands for domestic,
industry and agriculture use are calculated
following the flowchart shown in Figure 7.
Population in Water Supply
Project Area Penetration Rate

Served Population for Living Unit

Figure 9 Image of Problem analysis tree
Water Supply Water Content

Living Average Daily Business and Commercial Industrial Average Average Daily Amount Training in a Third Country
Amount of Water Average Daili Amount of Water Daily Amount of Water of Water for Others

Preparatory Water for
Underground seepage loss
Average Daily
Water Consumption
Rate of Leakage
(Leakage Amount)
Training in third country is a part of capacity
development and 3 trainings will be conducted
Net Water
Irrigation Efficiency
Surface Water Source (waterway loss),
Groundwater Source
through the project. This training is one of the main
Gross Water
Current and Planed
Cropping Pattern
objectives to establish independence and strengthen
Unit Water Duty
Land Area sustainability on the Sudanese side. By upgrading
Average Daily Water Other Water
Water Demand for Water Demand for Supply Demand
Irrigation Water Livestock and Aquaculture (Living, Commercial and Industry) (Hydroelectric power, etc.) knowledge and awareness of C/Ps on the IWRM,
: Necessary Data Water Demand
this training shall contribute to the ongoing
Figure 7 Flowchart of water demand calculation
implementation of IWRM activities after project

completion and practical implementation in pilot Atbara River and the outside of Sudan.
activity areas. In addition, taking into account
meteorological and hydrological conditions, such as
Northern Red Sea

annual rainfall with 10 ~ 800 in mm, as well as rural

River Nile

water supply conditions, such as taking water from North Darfur

Kassala Legend
North Kordofan
groundwater, wadis and hafirs (rainwater collection Gezira
Surface Water
Average Annual Discharge
West (MCM/y)
Darfur 0 – 0.50
pond), training in a third country in Africa will be White Sennar 0.51 – 1.00
West Nile 1.01 – 10.00
Central Kordofan
10.01 – 30.00
more effective, from the view point of the similarity Darfur

South Darfur
Kordofan Blue Nile 30.01 – 100.00
More than 100.00

in meteorology and water resource conditions. In States


terms of similarities, such as language, religion, Figure 10 Calculation result of surface water
resources potential
culture and appropriate engineering technology, it is
possible to carry out efficient training.
Table 2 Tentative training program Northern Red Sea

Sites/fields for Explanation of selection and

training adoption North Darfur

Morocco: Khartoum
Kassala Legend
Until about 20 years ago, there were North Kordofan
Training center Gezira
Water Demand (MCM/y)
many water-related issues. However, 0 - 400
and treatment West
400 - 800
they were overcome by infrastructure Darfur
800 - 1,600
facilities in White Sennar
developments and challenges relating Central
West Nile 1,600 - 2,400

water supply , Darfur

2,400 - 4,000

to the self-help efforts for human South East Kordofan Blue Nile More than 4,000
Water user Darfur Darfur
resource development. States
association, etc. River

Training to promote efficient

management techniques and Figure 11 Future (2035) Water Demand for
Tunisia: Irrigated Agriculture
sustainable water resource use based
on hydrology has been carried out.
agriculture One of the results of water balance analysis is as
Training in a third country has also
institutes, etc.
been carried out in order to consider
efficient farming in arid areas.
shown in Figure 12. Tight water supply is assumed
Methods for operating and maintain especially in Port Sudan, Kassala, El Obeid and so
rural water supplies will be learned
Senegal: after receiving training on ASUFOR, on in 2035, and it will need more facilities for water
ASUFOR which offers residents autonomous
project site, etc. management of water supply facilities resources development and supply and the IWRM
and democratic organizational
approach to optimize the water use. Moreover,
Figure 13 shows the calculation result of the
3. Practice result of the approach required capacity of new facility for surface water

Water balance analysis (Output1) from 2015 to 2035.

Water balance analysis for the whole Sudan was

conducted based on the calculation results of Northern
Red Sea

surface water resources potential (refer to Figure

10), water demand (refer to Figure 11) and capacity North Darfur

Kassala Legend
North Kordofan
of facilities for water resources development. Gezira
Water Demand/Water Resource
Gedaref 0
As a result of the surface water resources potential, West
White Sennar
- 0.5%
0.5 - 1%
Central Kordofan 1 - 10%
Darfur South 10 - 50%
total annual discharge of surface water in the entire South Darfur
Kordofan Blue Nile 50 -99.9%
More than 100%

Sudan was estimated as 4.05 BCM/year, which is River

exclusive of the water from the Nile Rivers, the Figure 12 Result of water balance analysis
(Projection for 2035)

Bad water quality is caused by contamination of
hafir water by animals, river water pollution by
discharge of untreated industrial wastewater and
Northern Red Sea

seawater intrusion to the river and the groundwater

in the Red Sea State, groundwater salinization in an
North Darfur Required New Facility
Capacity (1,000m3)
10 - 300
inland area and so on.
300 - 600
North Kordofan
Gezira 600 - 900

West Gedaref
900 - 1,200
1,200 - 1,500 Social, institutional and organizational problems
Darfur 1,500 - 1,800
White Sennar 1,800 - 2,100
2,100 - 2,400 include famers-nomads conflicts, upstream-
Darfur South 2,400 - 2,700

South Darfur East

Kordofan Blue Nile More than 2,700
downstream conflicts, the lack of water users’
Darfur States

River participation in water resources management, the

Figure 13 Required Capacity of New Facility for lack of coordination among related ministries and
Surface Water from 2015 to 2035 organizations, unlimited approval of agriculture
Identification of issues on water resources investments without technical assessment of their
management (Output2) impacts on water resources, the flat rate water tariff
system for urban water supply, uncontrolled
The problems in water resources management in
issuance of permits to well digging, the lack of
Sudan were clarified through a series of problem
industrial wastewater control mechanism, limited
analysis workshops with the officers of the central
application of the environmental assessment system
government ministries and organizations and some
and inadequate coordination among the general
state governments, the workshops with the Japanese
directorates and sections within MWRIE.
experts and the information collected by field
surveys and discussions with related officers. Figure The problem structure explained above captures all
17 presents the overall structure of the water kinds of water related problems observed in Sudan
problems in Sudan. Figure 14 presents its summary. and organized them according to the cause-effects
“The shortage of water and bad water quality for
relation. This kind of problem structure is observed
water users” was identified as the fundamental
problem. It was clarified that the factors causing this more or less everywhere in Sudan. Problem
fundamental problem include supply side factors, structures could be established in different ways in
demand side factors, water quality related factors each basin and area reflecting the different levels
and social, institutional and organizational factors, and importance of each problem there.
which are affecting all the problems.
The supply side factors are various, including
underdevelopment of surface water and Core Problem:
groundwater such as dams, hafirs and wells and Water shortage &
deficiency of the existing facilities caused by bad quality

sedimentation, leakage and declining capacities of

the wells and irrigation canals. These problems are Supply Side Demand Side
caused by the lack of information, limited technical Issues Issues

capacity for planning, designing and

Water Quality
implementation, inadequate budget and operation
and maintenance. The demand side factors include
an increase in water demand as a result of increasing
population and wasteful use of water, which is Social, institutional and
organizational issues
caused by the flat rate water tariff system for urban
water supply and the lack of farmers’ knowledge on Figure 14 Problem Structure
crop water requirements for irrigation water supply. Kassala and El-Obeid are selected as representative

regions of water issues of Sudan. These areas are This will accurate a depletion of Bara aquifer.
proposed as target regions of the Pilot Activities Content of Pilot Activity :
Outline of the Pilot Activities are proposed as Groundwater development potential of Al Sidir well
shown below. filed will be analyzed to propose safe groundwater
Kassala city area yield. The plan for optimal operation will be
Water Issue : formulated for the south water sources to
Groundwater which is recharged by Gash River is compensate groundwater sources of Al Sidir well
extracted for city water supply and horticultural use field. Moreover, the current groundwater use of
in Kassala city area. Huge amount of groundwater Bara aquifer will be surveyed,and discussion will
is pumped up from Kassala aquifer for the be held among various stakeholders to implement
horticultural activity which is causing continues aquifer management.
draw-down of groundwater level. There is high risk Training in a Third Country
of drying up of large number of wells in the near Training in a third country was held in Morocco in
future if the current extraction is continued. May 2017. Trainees were the project manager,
Content of Pilot Activity : director and the full-time C/Ps and in total 13 people.
Groundwater recharge of Kassala aquifer will be
evaluated, and safe groundwater development
potential will be proposed by local organizations in
charge of water management. Lowering of
groundwater level will be predicted under the
assumption that the current water extraction is
continued, and safe groundwater extraction rate will
be proposed in order to prevent depletion of Kassala
aquifer. Countermeasures to stop over-pumping will
be discussed among stakeholders for Site visit and group discussion about the
comparison of IWRM in the training in Morocco
“Institut International de l’Eau et de
El Obeid city and Bara groundwater basin
l’Assainissement under l’Office National de
Water Issue :
l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable (ONEE-IEA)” and
Water supply of El-Obeid city has two water
“Agence du Bassin Hydraulique de Souss Massa et
sources; groundwater sources (Al Sidir well field)
Draa (ABHSMD)” led the two weeks training and
in the north and surface water sources (Bagara dam)
the trainees learned the good practice of the
in the south. There is large question in sustainability
practical IWRM and its effects of implementation.
of El Sidir well field because there is no
Moreover, the trainees discussed and made some
groundwater monitoring in spite of the prediction
action plans to reflect the good practices and the
that groundwater level will continuously decline in
lessons learned through the training in Sudan.
Al Sidir well field. Al Sidir well field is located in
“Clear social and institutional frameworks,
Bara aquifer area. Groundwater level of Bara
strategies and plans”, “Scientific data for planning,
aquifer has been declined by groundwater
involvement of stakeholders and operation (it needs
development of agricultural use without control.

presenting the advantages of implementation of the presentation skill of C/Ps.
Water potential calculation (especially,
IWRM, such as saving water and energy and cost surface water) and water balance
analysis were shared and conducted by
reduction)”, “Financial and operational support by Involvement
all the full-time C/Ps as an on-the-job
of C/Ps in the
training. The whole Sudan was divided
the stakeholders, such as the Water User analysis and
into approximately 180 sub-basins and
Association, and capacity development and public C/Ps learned the very practical way of
water balance evaluation, which have a
awareness for the stakeholders to enable it” and so scientific basis.
Other C/P’s organization and C/Ps
on are the detailed examples of actions to be taken. other than the full-time C/Ps supported
the project activities, such as data
It requires taking actions by the C/Ps in line with the of other C/P’s
organizing of wadi discharge,
action plans through this project or after the project calculating of surface water resources
and C/Ps other
potential, and demonstrating of
than the full-
completion. ArcSWAT. The project team
time C/Ps
Social and Institutional
Important things encouraged the involvement of other
Strategies and plans and flowchart for
frameworks (with Stakeholders)
implementation of Full-time C/Ps were enables to conduct
IWRM learned
Scientific Data for Planning, Involvement from the case a round of the IWRM spiral & process,
Scientific of Stakeholders and Operation study in Morocco especially “Recognizing &
Capacity Practicing a identifying”, “Conceptualizing”, in the
With Clear strategy, plan and role Development round of the very practical way as an on-the-job
Involvement of Stakeholders
Financial & Operational support IWRM spiral training as above mentioned. Since
(Fderal, States, Community, WUAs, PS, Donor and etc)
Awareness & process C/Ps had little practical experience of
Law, Legislation
and Regulation Technical & the IWRM, it will contribute to the
Operation & Maintenance Management
Modern (Fderal, States, Community, WUAs, and etc) sustainable process and activity by the
Technology Evaluation
C/P-led in the future.
Social and Institutional Frameworks + Strategy & Plan Project leaflet was made as a publicity
 Social and Institutional
 The water use institutions work on basin
 The role of federal, states, organization
material (both English and Arabic
frameworks level with : should be clear
 Organization review to - Clear Responsibility, Good Coordination,  Formation of WUA (water supply, irrigation), versions) as shown in Figure 16. It
develop technical expertise Engagement, Transparency and capacitate and support them to take
for river basin management
and planning
 Association are very active
 Advanced technology in basin management
their role in manging and using the water
Publication contributed to a deepening of
and multi disciplinary expertise  Awareness campaigns to stakeholders for
the participatory work understanding on “participatory
 Institutional reform
 Establishment of IWRM unit for better water
activity by C/P and participation of all
 Strategies and plans
 No integration between units
 Clear strategies and plans at different levels
most of the time being implemented
 Review and update the existing strategies
and plans and insure their implementation.
the stakeholders”.
in the planning process  Updating plans periodically  Gather all the cross sectoral in preparing
 Coordination among  Systematic approach and co-ordination of water strategy
stakeholders agencies in planning and implementation
 There is a strong coordination and
 Strengthen coordination among
stakeholders (DWSU-SWCs-community
As for the lessons learned on the project
collaboration between relevant departments associations etc. as well as between line

*Discussion result of Group A(□), Group B(●), and Group C(✔)

implementation, the full-time C/Ps evaluated the
Figure 15 Example of the action plan support and commitment by the Japanese Experts.

4. Efforts and lessons learned on the As the evaluation result, some of the activities were
project implementation substantively implemented by the Japanese Experts
Efforts on the project implementation is as shown in depending on the fields and the opportunity to take
Table 3. part in by the C/Ps was limited. This lesson shall be
Table 3 Efforts on the project implementation reflect in the second phase of the project.
Efforts Result / Impact
Each full-time C/P facilitated the
workshops of problem analysis and Implementation period
Facilitation at
organized the results of consultation in
the workshops Whole length: From August 2016 to August 2019
line with the Japanese Expert’s
of problem
guidance. C/Ps understood one of the 1st phase: From August 2016 to October 2017
analysis by the
process of the IWRM spiral & process,
“Recognizing & identifying” in a 2nd phase: From November 2017 to August 2019
practical way.
C/Ps made presentations on the
progress of the activities timely at the
Weekly weekly regular meeting. Minutes of
regular meeting were made by C/Ps by rotation
meeting as well. It contributed to information
sharing among the Japanese Experts
and the C/Ps and enhanced the

Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat (2012): “State of the River Nile Basin 2012”
UNESCO (2009): “IWRM guidelines at river basin level”
K. Okamoto, T. Iguchi, N. Takahashi, K. Iwanami and T. Ushio (2005): “The global satellite mapping of
precipitation (GSMaP) project, 25th IGARSS Proceedings, pp. 3414-3416”
* GSMaP_NRT is used as a part of the rainfall data (daily). “Global Rainfall Map in Near-Real-Time (GSMaP_NRT) by

JAXA Global Rainfall Watch” was produced and distributed by the Earth Observation Research Center, Japan Aerospace

Exploration Agency.

Figure 16 Publicity material (Project leaflet, adverse side)

Poor quality Constraint in
of life economic growth

Water users suffer from shortage

and bad quality of water (urban
people, rural people, farmers,
business, animals)

Decreasing Inadequate supply Inefficient

availability of water in of water for utilization of
natural condition various purposes rainwater

Lower Lack of water Limited Inadequate urban Limited access to

availability of Water run-off at
rainfall resources & rural water water points for
irrigation water slanted farmlands
supply animals

Climate Unauthorized Priorities in Inadequate coordination Reduced carrying High variable Poor condition of Inadequate Inadequate Lack of Lack of utilizing
Inadequate supply Lack of Improper
change extraction of allocating water not for trans-boundary rivers capacity of canals flow water supply capacities water leveling modern
of water resource electricity distribution
water matching demands and aquifers network points technology
of water
along (compacting soil
points along
Inadequate Deterioration & Inadequate Irrigation water stock etc.)
Inadequate Old Difficulty in stock routes
enforcement Sedimentation mismanagement routes
malfunctioning weeds control maintenance network expanding
& lack of laws Limited supply Limited of facilities
and regulations of water by dams supply of (pumps) urban water
& hafirs groundwater Irrigation & drainage Lack of spare supply
law not executed parts system
Improper Poor condition and Poor Excessive Inadequate
Sedimentation development of Financial Rapid &
inadequacy of

operation condition of discharge of
groundwater deficits uncontrolled
dams & hafirs wells groundwater
resources expansion of
Social Limitation in Inadequate Inappropriate Inadequate & Dependence on Emphasis on Inadequate Inadequate & High cost Inadequate
constraints budget maintenance & design inappropriate traditional development rather enforcement inappropriate of High costs
(opposition rehabilitation planning process irrigation method than on of regulations planning developing
by people) management to control process GW
Inefficient GW use Flat rate water
utilization of Planning not Low priority Lack of tariff system
Lack of data Non-utilization of
budget based on on planning technology research outputs
basin unit
Devolution and Increasing Water quality not
Duplication of Limited access to
institutional demand for water matching the standard
functions between Duplication Low priority water facilities
Inadequate Lack of unified instability in the
DIU and other

Figure 17 Overall Problem Tree for Sudan

monitoring database and water sector of research on research
general directorates functions
software Increasing Bad security Inadequate Pollution Seawater
& sections Inefficient use
of water by population in some areas treatment process intrusion into
water users groundwater
Limitation of No cooperation
hardware, software among different Conflicts Stealing of No data on Deficient Various pollution Lack of regulations
Low Civil war Old network
& technique sections between animals water quality facilities sources (industry, to enforce
farmers and agriculture, environmental laws
nomads animals, untreated
Inadequate Inadequate wastewater, No data on
water quality maintenance people) pollution level

Lack of spare
parts Inadequate Lack of
utilization of inspection


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