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Civil Engineering November 2020 Review Innovations Differential Calculus 3


The first derivative of a function represents the
slope of the tangent lines to the curve at the 1. Identify the locations of all local minima and 1. Find the point on the parabola y2 = 2x that is
instant. maxima of the function f(x) = 2x3/3 + x2/2 – closest to the point (1, 4).
3x + 4. A. (2, 2) C. (0.5, 1)
B. (4.5, 3) D. (2.42, 2.2)
Maxima and Minima (Critical Points) 2. Suppose that x years after founding in 1975,
a certain employee association had a 2. A man is at point A on a bank of a straight
Consider the graph of y = f(x). At the maximum
membership of f(x) = 100(2x^3 – 45x^2 + river, 3 km wide, and wants to reach point
and minimum points of the curve, the tangent
264x), at what time between 1975 and 1989 B, 8 km downstream on the opposite bank,
line is always horizontal. Therefore, the value of
was the membership smallest? as quickly as possible. He could row his
the first derivative of the function at the critical
boat to point C directly across the river and
points shall be equal to zero.
3. Determine the shortest distance from point then run to B, or he could row directly to B,
dy (4, 2) to the parabola y2 = 8x. or he could row to some point D between C
slope of tangent line at C.P. = = y' = 0 and B and then run to B. If he can row at 6
4. A cable is to be run from a power plant on km/hr and run at 8 km/hr, find the time for
The highest and lowest points can be relative to one side of a river 900 m wide to a factory quickest possible route?
some open interval of the curve. on the other side 3 km away upstream. The A. 2.19 hrs C. 1.91 hrs
cost of running the cable over land is $4.00 B. 1.33 hrs D. 2.91 hrs
per meter while the cost under water is
Rate of Change of Slope $5.00 per meter. What total length of the 3. A woman at point A on the shore of a
The second derivative of a function represents cable must be run at most economical cost? circular lake with diameter 4 mi wants to
the rate of change of the slope. arrive at point C diametrically opposite A
5. A store has been selling 200 DVD players a on the other side of the lake in the shortest
week at P15, 750 each. A market survey possible time. She can walk at the rate of 4
y '' = rate of change of slope indicates that for each P450 rebate offered to mi/hr and row a boat at 2 mi/hour. At
the buyers, the number of sets sold will what angle to the diameter AC should she
increase by 20 a week. How large a rebate row?
▪ If y ''  0 , the curve is concave upward should the store offer to maximize its A. 0 (row all the way) C. 30
▪ If y ''  0 , the curve is concave downward revenue? B. 90(walk all the way) D. 45

6. Find the highest and lowest points on the 4. A 5-meter line AD is perpendicular to
Points of Inflection curve x2 + xy + y2 = 12. another 5-meter line BC. The two lines
Point of inflection is a point at which the curve intersect at point D so that BD = 2 meters
7. A cardboard box manufacturer wishes to and DC = 3 meters. Point P on line AD is x
changes its curvature.
make boxes from rectangular pieces of meters away from A. The total length of the
cardboard 30 cm by 40 cm by cutting lines linking P to points A, B, and C is
squares from four corners. Find the largest minimized. Find x.
y '' = 0 at points of inflection volume contained by each box. A. 3.593 m C. 2.983
B. 2.017 m D. 1.407
8. Find the area of the largest rectangle that
can be inscribed in the ellipse 36x2 + 25y2 =
Manila: Cebu FB: Excel-RI CE Review Specialist Inc. Davao:
Civil Engineering November 2020 Review Innovations Differential Calculus 3
5. A certain travel agency offered a tour that 10. The sides of a triangle are 4.25 m, 8.62 m and the shorter pole should the stake be for the
will cost each person P1500.00 if not more 9.61 m. A rectangle is inscribed in such a wire to be of minimum length?
than 150 persons will join, however the cost way that one of its sides is along the 9.61-m A. 9 ft C. 11 ft
per person will be reduced by P5.00 per side of the triangle. Find the length of the B. 10 ft D. 12 ft
person in excess of 150. How many persons rectangle if its area is maximum.
will make the revenue a maximum? A. 6.46 m C. 4.31 m 16. Find the largest area of a rectangle that can
A. 75 C. 225 B. 4.81 m D. 7.21 m be inscribed in a triangle whose dimensions
B. 150 D. 250 are 10 m, 12 m and 12 m.
11. The strength of a rectangular beam varies A. 20.45 m2 C. 54.54 m2
6. A tour bus has 80 seats. Experience shows directly to the product of its width and the B. 40.91 m2 D. 27.27 m2
that when a tour costs P28, 000, all seats on square of its depth. Find the depth of the
the bus will be sold. For each additional strongest beam that can be cut from a log 17. A uniform rod 20 cm long rest on a smooth
P1, 000 charged, however, 2 fewer seats will whose diameter is 85 cm. hemispherical bowl 12 cm in diameter. Find
be sold. Find the largest possible revenue. A. 69.40 cm C. 57.66 cm the angle that the rod makes with the
A. P29, 000 C. P28, 900 B. 44.29 cm D. 49.07 cm horizontal when equilibrium is attained.
B. P28, 500 D. P28, 700 A. 29.50° C. 23.18°
12. Find the slope of the line that passes B. 25.08° D. 19.00°
7. The number of newspaper copies produced through (1,2) if the area in the first quadrant
from 1995 to 2002 is given by C = 50t2 – 200t bounded by this line and the coordinate 18. If the horizontal distance reached by the
+ 10,000, where t is the number of years axes is to be a minimum. projectile is 150 m, find its minimum
after 1995. Find the minimum copies of A. -1/3 C. -1/2 velocity at the point of release. Use g = 9.81
newspapers produced. B. -2 D. -3 m/s2.
A. 10,000 C. 9,800 A. 41.22 m/s C. 54.24 m/s
B. 9,850 D. 10,250 13. Find the shortest distance from the point (6, B. 38.36 m/s D. 36.18 m/s
0) to the curve x2 – y2 =4.
8. Find two numbers whose sum is 30, and the A. 3.74 units C. 4.37 units 19. The cost of fuel per hour for running a ship
sum of whose cubes is a minimum. B. 3.47 units D. 4.73 units is proportional to the cube of the speed and
A. 15 and 15 C. 13 and 17 is P1, 350 per hour when the speed is 12
B. 14 and 16 D. 12 and 18 14. A box of weight W = 120 N is pulled along a miles per hour. Other costs amount to P6,
horizontal plane by a force F inclined at an 400 per hour regardless of the speed. Find
9. It is estimated that between the hours of angle θ measured from the horizontal. The the speed that makes the cost minimum.
noon and 7:00 PM the speed of a highway coefficient of friction between the plane and A. 16 mph C. 15 mph
traffic flowing past the intersection of EDSA the body is 0.30. Find the least value of the B. 13 mph D. 20 mph
and Ortigas Avenue is approximately S = t 3 - force F to impend motion.
9t2 + 15t + 45 kph, where t is the number of A. 31.02 N C. 39.16 N 20. The total cost of producing a commodity is
hours past noon. What is the slowest speed B. 36.00 N D. 34.48 N given by C = 60x2 – 0.01x3, where x is the
the highway traffic is moving within the number of units produced. Determine the
said hours? 15. Two vertical poles 15 ft and 20 ft above the value of x so that the average unit cost is
A. 30 kph C. 35 kph ground and 21 ft apart are to be reinforced maximum.
B. 20 kph D. 25 kph by a wire connected to the top of the pole A. 2,500 units C. 4,000 units
and tied to a stake driven in the ground B. 2,000 units D. 3,000 units
between the poles. At what distance from

Manila: Cebu FB: Excel-RI CE Review Specialist Inc. Davao:

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