EDM Vikor

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Optimization the machining parameters by using VIKOR

Method during EDM process of Titanium alloy

Pulse on Duty Cycle MRR TWR
Current (Ip) time(Ton) (Tau) Voltage (V) (g/min3 ) (g/min3 ) Ra
8 75 16 40 0.202 0.05 6.06
12 50 18 50 0.314 0.128 7.98
4 50 14 50 0.107 0.0211 7.62
8 75 16 40 0.20866 0.038 6.24
8 75 16 40 0.287 0.104 6.02
12 50 14 50 0.4913 0.5048 5.36
4 50 18 30 0.4169 0.1048 6.01
12 100 14 50 0.4569 0.42 6.64
4 100 14 30 0.292 0.1334 8.4
12 50 18 30 0.1203 0.1273 7.84
12 100 18 30 0.512 0.319 5.44
4 100 18 50 0.1543 0.0439 6.09
4 100 14 50 0.1768 0.0304 6.74
4 50 18 50 0.135 0.047 5.84
4 50 14 30 0.242 0.0679 4.94
12 100 18 50 0.358 0.162 6.46
8 75 16 40 0.3168 0.2279 7.3
4 100 18 30 0.279 0.119 7.33
12 50 14 30 0.635 0.7168 7.36
12 100 14 30 0.693 0.7889 7.39
8 75 18 40 0.2912 0.168 7.42
8 100 16 40 0.4032 0.27 7.58
8 75 16 40 0.265 0.183 6.58
8 75 14 40 0.4319 0.358 7.12
12 75 16 40 0.442 0.458 7.58
4 75 16 40 0.2734 0.8307 6.22
8 50 16 40 0.292 0.2116 5.32
8 75 16 50 0.313 0.2111 5.46
8 75 16 40 0.4116 0.3076 7.11
8 75 16 30 0.186 0.0343 6.65
Step -1 :- Normalization
MRR (g/min3) TWR Ra
0.162116 0.964303 0.676301
0.353242 0.867959 0.121387
0 1 0.225434
0.173481 0.979125 0.624277
0.307167 0.897604 0.687861
0.655802 0.402544 0.878613
0.52884 0.896616 0.690751
0.597099 0.507288 0.508671
0.3157 0.86129 0
0.022696 0.868824 0.16185
0.691126 0.632041 0.855491
0.080717 0.971838 0.66763
0.119113 0.988513 0.479769
0.047782 0.968009 0.739884
0.230375 0.942194 1
0.428328 0.825963 0.560694
0.35802 0.744565 0.317919
0.293515 0.879076 0.309249
0.901024 0.140687 0.300578
1 0.05163 0.291908
0.314334 0.818552 0.283237
0.505461 0.692564 0.236994
0.269625 0.800025 0.526012
0.554437 0.583869 0.369942
0.571672 0.460351 0.236994
0.283959 0 0.630058
0.3157 0.764699 0.890173
0.351536 0.765316 0.849711
0.519795 0.646122 0.372832
0.134812 0.983696 0.50578

1 1 1
0 0 0
Step 2:- Deviation Sequence:-

MRR (g/min3) TWR Ra

0.837884 0.035697 0.323699
0.646758 0.132041 0.878613
1 0 0.774566
0.826519 0.020875 0.375723
0.692833 0.102396 0.312139
0.344198 0.597456 0.121387
0.47116 0.103384 0.309249
0.402901 0.492712 0.491329
0.6843 0.13871 1
0.977304 0.131176 0.83815
0.308874 0.367959 0.144509
0.919283 0.028162 0.33237
0.880887 0.011487 0.520231
0.952218 0.031991 0.260116
0.769625 0.057806 0
0.571672 0.174037 0.439306
0.64198 0.255435 0.682081
0.706485 0.120924 0.690751
0.098976 0.859313 0.699422
0 0.94837 0.708092
0.685666 0.181448 0.716763
0.494539 0.307436 0.763006
0.730375 0.199975 0.473988
0.445563 0.416131 0.630058
0.428328 0.539649 0.763006
0.716041 1 0.369942
0.6843 0.235301 0.109827
0.648464 0.234684 0.150289
0.480205 0.353878 0.627168
0.865188 0.016304 0.49422

1 1 1
0 0 0
Step 3:- Gray Relation Coefficient
MRR (g/min3) TWR Ra
0.373724 0.933364 0.373724
0.436012 0.791089 0.436012
0.333333 1 0.333333
0.376926 0.959924 0.376926
0.41917 0.830018 0.41917
0.592278 0.455599 0.592278
0.514848 0.828659 0.514848
0.553771 0.503671 0.553771
0.42219 0.782827 0.42219
0.338454 0.792172 0.338454
0.618143 0.576064 0.618143
0.35229 0.946679 0.35229
0.362086 0.977542 0.362086
0.344301 0.939865 0.344301
0.393817 0.896368 0.393817
0.466561 0.7418 0.466561
0.437836 0.661871 0.437836
0.414427 0.805252 0.414427
0.834758 0.367833 0.834758
1 0.345216 1
0.421704 0.733732 0.421704
0.502745 0.619244 0.502745
0.40638 0.714311 0.40638
0.528785 0.545773 0.528785
0.538603 0.480931 0.538603
0.41117 0.333333 0.41117
0.42219 0.679993 0.42219
0.435364 0.680565 0.435364
0.510097 0.585563 0.510097
0.36625 0.968421 0.36625
Step 4:- Gray Relation Grade



Taguchi Analysis: GRG versus Current, Pulse on time, Duty Cycle, Voltage

Response Table for Signal to Noise Ratios

Larger is better
Level Current on time Duty Cycle Voltage
1 -5.051 -4.780 -5.344 -5.654
2 -5.266 -5.236 -5.726 -4.800
3 -5.424 -5.725 -4.671 -5.288
Delta 0.374 0.944 1.055 0.854
Rank 4 2 1 3

General Linear Model: GRG versus Current, Pulse on time, Duty Cycle, Voltage

Factor coding (-1, 0, +1)
Factor Information
Factor Type Levels Values
Current Fixed 3 4, 8, 12
Pulse on time Fixed 3 50, 75, 100
Duty Cycle Fixed 3 14, 16, 18
Voltage Fixed 3 30, 40, 50
Analysis of Variance
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
Current 2 0.000698 0.000349 0.11 0.897
Pulse on time 2 0.018810 0.009405 2.95 0.078
Duty Cycle 2 0.023981 0.011991 3.76 0.043
Voltage 2 0.015692 0.007846 2.46 0.114
Error 18 0.057428 0.003190
Total 26 0.116609

Adj MS
0.000349 1.064641
0.009405 28.6904
0.011991 36.57912
0.007846 23.9346
0.00319 9.731247
Total 0.032781
Model Summary
S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
0.0564839 50.75% 28.86% 0.00%
Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF
Constant 0.5540 0.0109 50.97 0.000
4 0.0063 0.0154 0.41 0.685 1.33
8 -0.0061 0.0154 -0.40 0.695 1.33
Pulse on time
50 0.0350 0.0154 2.27 0.035 1.33
75 -0.0062 0.0154 -0.40 0.692 1.33
Duty Cycle
14 -0.0128 0.0154 -0.83 0.415 1.33
16 -0.0284 0.0154 -1.84 0.082 1.33
30 -0.0258 0.0154 -1.68 0.111 1.33
40 0.0322 0.0154 2.10 0.051 1.33
Regression Equation
GRG = 0.5540 + 0.0063 Current_4 - 0.0061 Current_8 - 0.0002 Current_12
+ 0.0350 Pulse on time_50 - 0.0062 Pulse on time_75 - 0.0288 Pulse on time_100
- 0.0128 Duty Cycle_14 - 0.0284 Duty Cycle_16 + 0.0412 Duty Cycle_18
- 0.0258 Voltage_30 + 0.0322 Voltage_40 - 0.0064 Voltage_50
Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations
Obs GRG Fit Resid Std Resid
20 0.7817 0.6622 0.1195 2.59 R
21 0.5257 0.6622 -0.1365 -2.96 R

R Large residual

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