Procedure UPV and Rebar Locatir

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1) Calibrated the equipment by placing the transducer and receiver at either ends of the
reference bar.
2) Choosed 4 suitable test locations for each transducer arrangement. The surface of test
location was cleaned, smoothen and dried. Preferably mould or formed surface, but if
troweled surfaces are unavoidable, rub smooth the surface using a suitable polish

3) Measured the path length using measuring tape or calipers

4) Applied grease to the surface of test location to ensure proper contact of the transducers
with the concrete surface

5) Position the transducers at the chosen test location. Ensured they are properly in
contact with the concrete surface
6) Three (3) readings per test location have been taken. For in-direct transmission, four (4)
was adequate to plot the best fit straight line.

7) Calculated the average reading for each test location. For the in-direct transmission,
plot the best fit. Slope of the best fit straight line
gives the average velocity
8) Estimated the compressive strength of the test specimen using the chart provided
9) For crack depth detection, use Figure 2 and the following expression.
1) Locating reinforcement bars
i. Connected measuring head to covermeter
ii. Selected required bar diameter on “DIAM” knob
iii. Switched “ZERO” knob to ON position
iv. Switched “MODE” knob to “LOCate” position
v. Holded the sensing head away from any metallic object and turn “ZERO” knob
until the red line on the analogue meter is in the center of the two red arrows
and the sound output is at low frequency (at this point the LCD should be at
vi. Placed the sensing head in direct contact with concrete surface and move over
surface until peak signal is obtained
vii. Marked bar position on concrete surface
2) Depth of concrete cover measurement
a. Connected the measuring head to the covermeter
b. Turn the “DIAM” knob to known bar diameter (or estimated)
c. Switched the “ZERO” knob to ON position
d. Turned “MODE” to “CAL”.

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