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Washing facilities There shall be provided and maintained in every factory according to the nature of factory for the use of employed persons adequate and suitable facilities for washing, depending on the nature of the industry and its operations. It shall include suitable means of clearing and the facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in orderly condition. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions the washing facilities shall be of the design standard laid down by chief inspector in case of each industry. (a) Every container of water for washing facilities shall have a smooth, impervious surface. (b) Suitable provisions will be made for sanitary disposal of the water from washings. For persons whose work involves contact with any injurious or noxious substance there shall be at least one tap for every fifteen persons. If female workers are employed, separate washing facilities shall be provided and so enclosed or screened that the interiors are not visible from any place where persons of the other sex work or pass .The entrance to such facilities shall bear the notice in the language understood by the majority of the workers. For Women Only and shall also be indicated pictorially.

The water supply to the washing facilities in case of industries involving contact with injurious or obnoxious substance shall be capable of yielding at least two gallons a day for each person employed in the factory and shall be from a source approved in writing by the health officer, provided that where the chief inspector is satisfied that such a yield is not practicable he may be certificate in writing permit the supply of a smaller quantity not being less than one gallon per day for every person employed in the factory.


All classes of factories mentioned in the schedule annexed here to, shall provide facilities for keeping clothing not worn during the working hours and for the drying of wet clothing. Such facilities shall include the provisions of such arrangements as are ordered by the chief inspector of factories in writing. SCHEDULE GLASS WORKS ENGINEERING WORKSHOPS IRON AND STEEL WORKS METAL FOUNDRIES OIL MILLS CHEMICAL WORKS AUTOMOBILE WORKS DYEING WORKS PRINTING PRESS


The first aid boxes or cupboards shall be distinctively marked with a red cross on white background and shall contain the following equipment:(a)

For factories in which the number of persons employed does not exceed ten or in the case of factories in which mechanical power is not used such number does not exceed fifty persons:-

i.Six small size sterlised dressing; ii.Three medium size sterlised dressings; iii.Three large-size sterlised dressings; iv.Three large-size sterlised burn dressings; v.One (60 ml)bottle of Letimide solution (1 per cent)or a suitable antiseptic solution; vi.One (60 ml)bottle of mercurochrome solution (2 per cent)in water; vii.One (30 ml) bottle containing salvolatile having the does and mode of administration indicated on the label; viii.One pair scissors; ix.One roll of adhesive plaster (2cms, XI metre); x.Six pieces of sterlised eyepads in separate sealed packets; xi.One bottle containing 100 tablets (each of 5 grains)of aspirin or any other analgesic; xii.Polythene wash bottle(1/2 litre,i.e 500cc)for washing eyes; xiii.One snake-bite lancet; xiv.One (30 ml)bottle containing Potassium Permanganate crystals; xv.One copy of first Aid leaflet issued by Director-General of Factory Advice Service and labour institutes ,government of India Bombay

(b) For factories in which mechanical power is used and in which the number of persons employed exceeds, ten but does not exceed fifty:i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi.

xiii. xiv. xv. xvi.

Twelve small size sterlised dressings; Six medium size sterlised dressings; Six large-size sterlised dressings; Six large-size sterlised burn dressings; Six(15 gm)packets of sterlised cotton wool; One(120 ml)bottle of certimide solution(1 per cent)or a suitable antiseptic solution; One(60 ml)bottle containing salvolatile having the does and mode of administration indicated on the label; One pair scissors; Two rolls of adhesive plaster (2cms x 1metre) ; One tourniquet; One dozen safety pins; One bottle containing 100 tablets (each of 5 grains)of aspirin or any other analgesic; One Polythene wash bottle(1/2 litre,i.e 500cc)for washing eyes; One snake-bite lancet; One (30 ml) bottle containing Potassium Permanganate crystals; One copy of first Aid leaflet issued by Director-General of Factory Advice service and labour institutes, government of India Bombay


For factories employing more than fifty persons:Twenty -four small size sterlised dressings; Twelve medium size sterlised dressings; Twelve large-size sterlised dressings; Twelve large-size sterlised burn dressings; Twelve(15 gm)packets of sterlised cotton wool; One(200 ml)bottle of certimide solution(1 per cent)or a suitable antiseptic solution; One(200 ml)bottle containing salvolatile having the does and mode of administration indicated on the label; One pair scissors; Two rolls of adhesive plaster (2cms x 1metre) ; One tourniquet; One dozen safety pins; One bottle containing 100 tablets (each of 5 grains)of aspirine or any other analgesic; One Polythene wash bottle(1/2 litre,i.e 500cc)for washing eyes; One snake-bite lancet; One (30 ml) bottle containing Potassium Permanganate crystals; One copy of first Aid leaflet issued by Director-General of Factory Advice service and labour institutes, government of India Bombay. One set of resucitator(for artifical respiration);

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii.

(d) In lieu of the dressings required under (I) and (ii) of clauses (a),(b) and (c) there may be submitted adhesive wound dressings approved by the chief inspector and other equipment or medicines that may be considered essential and recommended by him from time to time.

69-A Notice regarding first aid: A notice containing the names of the persons working within the precincts of the factory who are trained in first aid treatment and who are in charge of the first aid boxes of cupboard shall be pasted in every factory at conspicuous place and near each such box of cupboard. The notice shall also indicate workroom where the said person shall also be available. The name of the nearest hospital and its telephone one number shall also be mentioned prominently in the notice.

Rule: 70 AMBULANCE ROOM: (Every ambulance room shall be in the charge of at least one wholetime qualified medical practitioner (hereinafter referred to as medical officer) assisted by at least one qualified nurse or dresser-cumcompounder and one nursing attendant in each shift. No medical officer shall be required or permitted to do any work which is in-consistent with or detrimental to his responsibilities:Provided that where a factory works in more than one shift, the chief inspector, if he is satisfied that on account of the size of factory, nature of hazards or frequency of accidents, it is not necessary to employee a whole-time medical officer for each shift seprately,he may ,grant exemptions from the provisions of this subrules and permit employment of only one whole-time medical officer for more than one or all shifts subject to the conditions that :(i) There shall be no relaxation in respect of nursing staff and ; (ii) The medical officer is readily available on call during the working hours of factory.


There shall be displaced in the ambulance room (omitted)a notice giving the name, address and telephone no, of the medical practioner incharge .The name of the nearest hospital and its telephone no. shall also be mentioned prominently in the said notice. The ambulance room (omitted) shall be separate from the rest of the factory and shall be used only for the purpose of first-aid treatment and rest. It shall have a floor area of at least 24 square meters and smooth hard and impervious walls and floors shall be adequately ventilated and lighted by both natural and artificial means(there shall be attached to it at least one latrine and urinal of sanitary type) an adequate supply of whole-some drinking water shall be laid on and the room shall contain at least :Two stretchers Two buckets or containers Two rubber or hot water bags Six woolen blankets Six hand towels Two glass tumbler & two wing glasses Two clinical thermometers Two teaspoons Three chairs One screen One electric hand torch An adequate supply of anti-tetanus toxic Needle holder. One stethoscope Two medium size sponger Rubber bandage pressure bandage Oxygen cylinder with necessary attachments


i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii.

(3) The occupier of every factory to which these rules apply shall for the purpose of removing serious cases of accidents or sickness provide in the premises and maintain in good condition a suitable conveyance unless he has maid arrangement for obtaining such of conveyance

Rule 71- CANTEEN


Canteen or canteens shall be provided and maintained in all type of factories where in more than 200 hundred workers ordinary employed.

2) The occupier of every factory where in more than 200 hundred and 50 workers are ordinary employed shall provide in or near the factory and adequate canteen according to the standards prescribed in these rules The manger of a factory shall submit for the approval of the chief inspector plans and site plans, in (triplicate) , of the building to be constructed or adapted for use as a canteen. The canteen building shall situated not less than 15 m for any latrine, urinal, boiler house, coal stacks , smoke fumes or anything which may be considered in sanitary .



5) The canteen building shall be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the chief inspector and shall accommodate at least a dining hall , kitchen , store room with suitable fixtures and washing places separately for workers and for utensils.


In a canteen the floors and inside walls upto a height or 125cm.from the floor shall be made of smooth and impervious material, the remaining portion of the inside walls shall be made smooth by cement, plaster or any other manner approved by the chief inspector. The doors and windows of canteen building shall be of fly proof construction and shall allow adequate ventilation. The canteen shall be sufficiently lighted at all times when any person have access to it.



9) (a) In every canteen :All inside walls of rooms and ceiling and passages and stair cases shall be lime washed at least once in every year or painted once in three years dating from the period where last lime washed or painted as the case may be. ii. All woodwork shall be varnished or painted once in a three years dating from the period when last varnished or painted. iii. All internal structural iron and steel work be painted once in a three year dating from the period when last painted .Provided that inside wall of kitchen shall b e lime or color washed once every four months.

(b) Records of dates on which lime washing, color washing, varnishing or painting is carried out shall be maintained in the register. 10) The percints of the canteen shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Waste water shall be carried away in covered drains of suitable design and slope so as allow waste water to accumulate and cause nuisance suitable arrangements shall be made for the collection and disposal of garbage including provision of grease traps of adequate design.


1) The dining hall shall normally accommodate at a time 20 percent of the workers working at a time: Provided that, in any particular, factory or in any particular class of factories, the chief inspector by an order in writing in this behalf alter the percentage of workers to be accommodated. 2) The floor area of the dining hall, excluding the area occupied by the service counter and any furniture except tables and chairs , shall be not less than 75 square meter per diner to be accommodated as prescribed in sub- rule(1). 3) A portion of the dining hall and service counter shall be partitioned off and reserved for women workers in proportion to their number. Washing places for women separate and screened to secure privacy.

Sufficient tables, chairs or benches shall be available for the number of diner to be accommodated as prescribed in sub-rule (1).

(1) There shall be provided sufficient utensils, cutlery, the efficient furniture and any other equipment necessary for running of the canteen. Suitable clean clothes for the employees serving in the canteen shall also be provided. (2) The furniture, untensils and other equipment shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition. A service counter, if provided shall have a top of smooth and impervious material. Suitable facilities including an adequate supply of hot water shall be provided for the cleaning of utensils and equipment.



Food, drink and other items served in the canteen shall be sold on a non-profit basis shall be to theand the prices charged approval of the canteen managing committee(1-A) In computing the prices referred to in sub rule(1), the following items of expenditure shall not be taken in to consideration, but will be born by the occupier-

(a)the rent for the land and building; (b)the depreciation and maintenance charges of the building and equipment provided for the canteen; (c) the cost of purchase, repairs and replacement of equipments including furniture, crockery, cutlery and utensils; (d)The water charges and expenses for the providing lighting and ventilation; (e) The interest on the amount spent on the provision and maintenance of the building, furniture and equipment provided for the canteen. (2)The charges pre portion of foodstuff, beverage and any other items served in the canteen shall be conspicuously displayed in the canteen. (Provided that where the canteen is managed by a co-operative society of worker registered under the Punjab co-operative societies act,1954(Punjab act XIV of 1955), it map be allowed to include, in the charges to be made for the foodstuffs served a profit up to 5% on its working capital employed in running the canteen).

(1) All books of accounts, registers and other documents used in connection with the running of the canteen shall be produced on demand to an inspector. (2)The accounts pertaining to the canteen shall be audited once every twelve months by Registered accountants and auditors and shall be submitted to the canteen managing committee not later than two months after the closing of the audited accounts (provided that the accounts pertaining to the canteen in a government factory having its own accounts department may be audited in such department). (Provided further that where the canteen is managed by a co-operative society registered under the Punjab Co-operative Society Act,1954 (Punjab Act XIV of 1955), the accounts pertaining to such canteen may be audited in accordance with the provision of the act).


(1) The manager shall appoint a canteen managing committee which shall be consulted from time to time as to-

(a)the quality and quantity of foodstuffs to be served it the canteen; (b)the arrangements of the menus (c)Times of meals in the canteen, and (d)Any other matter as may be directed by the committee

(Provided that where the canteen is managed by co-operative societies registered under the Punjab Co-operative Societies Act,1954(Punjab Act XVI of 1955), it shall not be necessary to appoint a canteen managing committee.).

The canteen managing committee shall consists of an equal number of persons nominated by the occupier and elected by workers, the number of elected workers shall be in the proportion of 1 for every 1,000 workers employed in the factory provided that in no case shall be more than 5 or less than 2 workers on the committee. The manager shall in consultation with the works committees, if any determine and supervise the procedure for election to the canteen managing committee.


Rule 77. Life of the managing committee.

A canteen managing committee shall be dissolved by the manager two years after the last election no account being taken of a bye- election. 77-A Medical examination of canteen staff (1) Annual medical examination for the fitness of each member of the canteen staff who handles food stuffs shall be carried out by the factory medical officer or the certifying surgeon which should include the following: (i) (ii) Routine blood examination. Any other examination including X-ray that may be considered necessary by the factory medical officer or the certifying surgeon.


Any person who in the opinion of the factory medical office, or the certifying surgeon is unsuitable for the employment account of possible risk to the health of other shall not be employed as canteen staff.

78. Shelters, rest rooms and Lunch rooms

(1) This rule shall apply to all such factories where in more than 150 workers are ordinarily employed, (2) The shelter or rest rooms (omitted) shall conform to the following standards and the manger of factory shall submit for the approval of the chief inspector a (site plan and detailed plan in triplicate) the building to constructed or adapted:(a) The building shall be soundly constructed and all the walls and roof shall be suitable heat-resisting material and shall be water proof. The floor and walls to the height of 0.9 meter shall be so laid or finished as provide a smooth and impervious surface. (b) The height of every room in the building shall be not less than 3.65 meter from floor level to the part of the roof and there shall be at least 1 sq.m. of floor area for every person employed . provided that :

Workers who habitually go home for their meals dining the rest periods may be excluded in calculating number of workers to accommodate. (ii) In the case of factories in existence at the date of commencement of the act, where it is impracticable owing to lack of space to provide 1.1 square meter of floor area per persons such reduced floor area per persons shall be provided as may be approved in writing by the chief inspector.

(c) Effective and suitable provisions shall be made in every room for securing and maintaining adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air and there shall also be provided and maintained sufficient and suitable natural or artificial lighting . (d) Every room shall be adequately furnished with chairs or benches with backrests. (e) Sweepers shall be employed whose primary duty it is to keep the rooms building and precincts thereof in a clean and tidy conditions. Suitable provisions shall be made in every room for the supply of drinking water and facilities for washing.



(a)The lunch rooms shall comply with the requirements laid down in clauses(a)to(f) of sub-rule(2) (b)Every launch room shall be provided adequate numbers of table with impervious tops and suitable benches or chairs for the use of workers for taking food. Adequate means for warming food shall also be made .

79- Creches
In every factory where in more than 30 women workers are ordinarily employed the creches shall be conveniently accessible to the mother of the children accommodate there in and so far as reasonably practicable shall not be situated in close proximity to any part of the factory where dust or odours are given of or in which excessively noisy processes are carried on.

The building in which creches is situated shall be soundly constructed and all the walls and roof shall be of suitable heat resisting material and shall be waterproof. The floor and internal walls of the creches shall be so laid or finished as to provide a smooth impervious service.

The height of the rooms in the buildings shall not be less than 65cm. From the floor to the lowest part of the roof and there shall be not less than 185 of floor area for each child to be a accommodated.


Effective and suitable provisions shall be made in every part of creches for adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air .

5) The creche shallbe adequately furnished and equipped and in particular there shall be one suitable cot and cradle with the necessary bedding for each child atleast one chair or equivalent sitting accommodation for the use of each mother while she is feeding or attending to her child and sufficient supply of suitable toys for the older children. 6) The occupier of each factory shall provide for facilities for the mothers of children to feed them at regular intervals.

Rule:80 Wash room

1) There shall be in or adjoining the creche a suitable wash-room for the washing of the children and their clothing. The washroom shall conform to the following standards:a) The floor and interval walls of the room to the height of 0.9meter shall be so laid or finished as to provide a smooth impervious surface. The room shall be adequately lighted and ventilated and the floor shall be effectively drained and maintained in a clean and tidy condition.

There shall be at least one basin or similar vessel for every four children accommodated in the creche at any one time together with a supply of water provided if practicable through taps from a source provided by the Health Officer . Such source shall be capable of yielding for each child a supply of at least five gallons of water a day.

c) An adequate supply of clean clothes, soap and clean towels shall be made available for each child while it is in the creche .

Adjoining the wash-room refer to above latrine shall be provided for the sole use of the children in the creche.The design of the latrine and the scale of a accommodation to be provided shall either be approved by the Public Health Authorities, or , where there is no such a authority, by the Chief Inspector of factories.

Rule :81 Supply of milk and refreshment

At least half of pint of pure milk shall be available for each child on every day it is accommodated in creche and the mother of such child shall be allowed in the course of her daily work, two intervals of at least fifteen minutes to feed the child .For children above two years of age there shall be provided in addition an adequate supply of wholesome refreshment.

Rule:82 Clothes for Creche staff

The creche staff shall be provided with suitable clean clothes for use while on duty in the creche.

82-A. Exemption from the provision of creche


In factories where the number of married womens or widows employed does not exceed fifteen or where the factory works for less than one hundred and eighty days in a calendar year, or where the number of children kept in creche was less than five in preceding year ,the Chief Inspector of factories may exempt such factories from the provisions of section 48 and the rules 79 to 82 of the rules, if he is satisfied that alternate arrangements as specified in sub-rule(2) are provided by the factory . (a) The alternate arrangements required in sub-rule(1)shall include a creche building which has a minimum accommodation at the rate of 1.85 square meters per child and constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the Chief Inspector of factories; (b) The creche building shall have A suitable washroom for washing of the children and their clothes. ii. Adequate supply of soap and clean clothes and towels ;and iii. Adequate number of female attendants who are provided with suitable clean clothes for use while on duty to look after in the creche .



The exemption granted under sub-rule (1) may at any time be withdrawn by Chief Inspector of factories, if he finds such enquiry as he may deem fit, that factory has committed a breach of this rule.

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