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we will talk you about information of cats like her senses the way they
communicates , the importance of have one and how will help you in your health
have one.

®The cat is an animal that is a subspecies domesticated by living with humans,

The way of they communicates is through vocalizations gestures and postures
®They have very good vision, audition, smell and tact
Have a cat will help you in you heath; they can prevent allergies in children, can
help with heart disease, improve mood and even increase self-esteem.

Cats have very developed night vision as if the structure of their eyes allows them to
take advantage of dim light
They have a third eyelid,a membrane that is thin opaque sheet that acts as additional
It has a hearing range similar to a person; however, cats can hear sounds at much
higher pitches, up to 65 kHz in frequency, they can rotate the ears independently to
pinpoint the source of the sound
The man has five million olfactory cells, while the cat has four times more, since
smell is a vital factor in their behavior. In addition, related to this sense, it has in the
palate the organ of Jacobson, communicated with the oral cavity
Cats have numerous mechanical receptors in the skin, but the so-called vibrissae,
which are on the upper lip, on the cheeks, on the eyes and on the chin, are
especially notable.

®If your cat puts his ears forward, is that he is alert, interested in something or happy
®If his back curves when you reach out to caress him, it is a sign that he is interested and
that he like
®When his tail is erect, it means that is alert for something or happy. If the hair at the end of
the tail is standing up, it is a sign that it is scared or upset
thank you

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