Prompt and Prompt Fading Strategies For

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At present, young autism and disabilities people have been facing different types of
problems in their normal daily activities. They do not have minimum learning to expose
them to others. Many recent research and experience reveals and acknowledge that
such kinds of disabilities can be improved through practice of skills and receiving
feedback from them. There are different mechanisms to control the stimuli of the
disabilities referred as prompt fading, which is discussed and summarized below:
 Different prompting procedures
 Verbal prompts: It means the instructions, questions, and different words that
can direct a person to show a specific response (G.S. MacDuff, 1999).
 Manual prompts: It means to guide the youth through physical contacts. For
example, parents can put the child’s hand on the home row of the keyboard,
which the child is going to learn (Carr, Binkoff, Kologinsky, & Eddy, 1978).
 Gesture prompts: It refers to mentioning, pointing nodding something to indicate
for the specific action to be performed (G.S. MacDuff, 1999).
 Photographs and line drawing: Different types of photographs, picture, and line
drawings can help the child to learn specific actions (Wacker & Berg, 1983).
 Textual prompts: It refers to the written clues or instructions like scripts,
checklists to instruct the youths to do something specials.

 Approaches to use prompts effectively

 Increasing assistance (least-to-most prompts): When, the disabled children
are trained through different prompts, the learning to be in repetitive ways, which
can increase the concentration of the children and helps them to response. For
example, if teacher takes any action but the learner does not response within a
time like in 5 seconds then the instructor should repeat it further to make the
learners response.
 Decreasing assistance (Most-to-least prompts): In this system, the teacher
should record the learning process for any successful response of the disabled
and gradually reduce the level of attempts up to the level the learner response to
the stimuli without any help (Cooper, 1987).
 Delayed prompts: Besides these, the learner can be prompted delaying the
system (Oppenheimer, Saunders, & Spradlin, 1993). For example, the instructor
teaches the learner to response to the question ‘what is your name?” at a time
the learner response to saying its name. Then suppose the teacher waits
10minute and again ask the same questions and the learner response. After
that, the teacher asks to it after 20minue and so far.
 Graduate guidance: It is a manual process where the teacher lessens intensity
gradually and change locations to get the learners learn it. For example, at first
the mother to make her child to walk at first take hand-to-hand prompts and after
that decrease intensity like holding wrist, then forearm and so on. All these
attempts are the best example of this system (Cooper, 1987).
 Stimulus fading: A physical intensity to help the learners to response in a
certain way intensity of prompts is reduced to transfer the learning to the
learners (Gorden & Mann, 1988).
 Stimulus shaping: in this case, physical stimuli are used to teach the learners
(Etzel & Leblanc, 1979). For example, the mathematical figures like $1.22 or
$2.22 given to utter accurately, increase the figure, and let them utter them
accurately to judge how much the learners can read.

 Prompts dependence
There are different strategies of stimuli are discussed earlier. But Koegel, Russo,
Rincover, and Schreibman (1982) said a prompts can be effective only of it works
but it the prompts do not works then it should be replaced and another approaches
need to be taken. In this case, learning through natural environment can be an
effective way. That is why, prompt dependence is a good idea by which a person
without any clue response to a prompt and show target behavior (Cameron et al.,
1992). Besides, the word prompts dependence can be related to stimuli over
selectivity where a stimulus has different components. There are different types of
reinforcement and prompting system, which let the autism to response without clues.
These are discussed below:
 Rewarding unprompted responses: Though, the teacher rewards to the
learners for every successful response to the prompts but if they the learners
are also rewarded for any unsuccessful attempts, then, they become more
motivated. For example, learners are taught to “Sit Down” and “Stand Up”
then irrespective of the learners successful or unsuccessful response, it they
are given snacks then the learner become more satisfied.
 Focusing teaching on relevant environment clues: Though unprompted
responses help to diminish the dependence of prompts, the teacher must also
be careful about the use of the relevant social stimuli and teaching materials.
If the people with autism are directed to use the same environmental stimuli
like the people without disabilities then, prompting strategies has to follow
distinctive features of stimuli (Etzel & LeBlanc, 1979).

 Determining effectiveness of prompting procedures

Many research and analysis about this issue have defined different level of errors that
arise whenever the teachers are going to generalize and maintain the prompted skills
(Albin & Horner, 1988). Errors increase the likelihood of further occurrences of errors.
Nevertheless, many researches evidence reveal that it is very much important to
different teaching procedures to lessen and avoid the errors. Besides, if we are going to
compare the most-to-least prompting system to least-to-most prompting system it will be
shown that least-to-most prompting system makes more errors.
Selection of prompting procedures
The prompts systems are to be effective enough to be successful in teaching the
learners. Different practical guidelines are given below:
 It should be used correctly enough to get response;
 Prompts should not fade abruptly;
 Increasing assistance should be used to assess the current skills;
 Decreasing assistances are more preferable to teach the new skills.

To promote the talent of the disabilities of the disabled, they need to be taught in the
right ways. In this cases, different prompts system are used here which can make the
people with disabilities and autism to behave in a certain way likely to the people
without autism. The researchers have generated different ideas in these issues.

Albin, R. W., & Hornor R, H. (1988). Generalization with precision. In R, H. Horner, G
Dunlap, & R, L. Koegel, Generalization and maintenance: life-style change in applied
Carr, E, G & Durand, V. M. (1985). Reducing behavior problem through functional
communication training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Cooper, J.O. (1987) Stimulus control. In J.O. Cooper, T. E. Heron, & W. L. Heward.
Applied Behavior Analysis.
Etzel, B. C., Leblance, J. M. (1979). Journal of Autism and Development Disorders
Groden, G, & Mann, L., (1988), intellectual functioning and assessment. In Baron (Eds),
autism: Strategies for change.
Keogel, R. L., Russo, D.C., Rincover, A., & Schhreibman, L (1982). Assessing and
training teachers.

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