EAPP W-3Template-WLAS

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Agusan del Norte
Brgy, Crossing, Kitcharao Agusan del Norte

English for Academic

Professional Purposes
Subject Teacher
Learning English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Grade SHS GRADE-11/12

Quarter: 1st
Most Essential
Competency Outlines Reading Texts in Various Disciplines

Code: CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Iac-8
Month: November , 2020
Week Covered
(Please specify
WEEK 3 –NOVEMBER 3-16, 2020
the dates):

Title of the
Objective(s) At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. define outlining;
2. identify the various techniques in outlining; and
3. make an outline of the various academic texts.
Materials  Worksheets
 Activity Sheets
available at

Procedures Day 1;
(direct and
Let’s Answer This!
Directions. Identify whether or not the following statements support the
principle of outlining. In your notebook, write the letter of your answer.

1. Leo is writing a story about native birds in Virginia. Which fact for outlining
idea doesn't belong?
A. The amount of colors on the male Cardinal
B. Flamingos get their color from eating shrimp
C . How many species are there of the Blue Jay?

2. Which technique is used to outline a successful essay?

A. Writing down all possible essay topics
B. Finding quotes by unknown people to backup essay
C. Writing down the main idea and all paragraph topics

3. Tavis is writing an essay on the features of the ocean floor, which idea
doesn't belong in his essay?
A. The ocean floor is a very interesting part of Earth.
B. Volcanoes can spew hot lava everywhere.
C. There are many parts to the ocean floor.

4. Thesis statements should preview what each topic sentence is about.

A. True b. False

5. What is a hook?
A. opening sentence that captures the reader's attention
B. the last sentence of a paragraph
C. a tool used to catch a fish
D. a boring sentence

What is Outlining?
Outlining is a tool we use in the writing process to help organize our
ideas, visualize our paper's potential structure, and to further flesh out and
develop points. It allows the writer to understand how he or she will connect
information to support the thesis statement and the claims of the paper.

It is a helpful guide in organizing your paper. Outlines give a visual

structure to your work and are used to show relationships and hierarchies
within your content.

To outline, you must create a linear, organized plan for your paper
that shows the main ideas that you will discuss as well as their relationships
within the paper.

Organizing your idea in an outline

• Begin by answering the question that leads to your thesis statement.
• Use the two or three main ideas from this technique as your main heading.
• Write subtopics for each main idea.
• Write the supporting details for each of the subtopics.

Use various outlines based on the structure you prefer

• Sentence outline – Using complete sentences as entries
• Topic outline – Using words and phrases as entries.
• Paragraph outline – Using paragraphs as entries.
Guidelines in Writing an Outline:
• Place the title at the center above the outline.
• Every level of the outline must have at least two items (I and II, A and B, 1
and 2).
• Put a period after each numeral and letter.
• Indent each new level of the outline.
• All items of one kind (roman numerals, capital letters, Arabic numerals)
should line up with each other.
• Capitalize the first letter of each item.
• The terms Introduction, Body, and Conclusion do not have to be included in
the outline. They are not topics; they are merely organizational units in the
writer’s mind.

Basic outline form

A. Subsidiary idea or supporting idea to I
B. Subsidiary idea or supporting idea to I
1. Subsidiary idea to B
2. Subsidiary idea to B
a. Subsidiary idea to 2
b. Subsidiary idea to 2


A. Subsidiary or supporting idea to II
B. Subsidiary idea to II
C. Subsidiary idea to II


 It is up to the writer to decide on how many main ideas and supporting
ideas adequately describe the subject. However, traditional form
dictates that if there is a I in the outline, there has to be a II; if there is
an A, there has to be a B; and so forth.

Example Sentence Outline

The following outline is for a 5-7-page paper discussing the link

between educational attainment and health. Review the other sections of this
page for more detailed information about each component of this outline!

I. Introduction
A. Current Problem: Educational attainment rates are decreasing in the
United States while healthcare costs are increasing.
B. Population/Area of Focus: Unskilled or low-skilled adult workers
C. Key Terms: healthy, well-educated

Thesis Statement: Because of their income deficit (cite sources) and general
susceptibility to depression (cite sources), students who drop out of high
school before graduation maintain a higher risk for physical and mental health
problems later in life.

II. Background
 A. Historical Employment Overview: Unskilled laborers in the past
were frequently unionized and adequately compensated for their work
(cite sources).
 B. Historical Healthcare Overview: Unskilled laborers in the past
were often provided adequate healthcare and benefits (cite sources).
 C. Current Link between Education and Employment Type:
Increasingly, uneducated workers work in unskilled or low-skilled jobs
(cite sources).
 D. Gaps in the Research: Little information exists exploring the health
implications of the current conditions in low-skilled jobs.

III. Major Point 1: Conditions of employment affect workers' physical

 A. Minor Point 1: Unskilled work environments are correlated highly
with worker injury (cite sources).
 B. Minor Point 2: Unskilled work environments rarely provide
healthcare or adequate injury recovery time (cite sources).
IV. Major Point 2: Conditions of employment affect workers' mental
 A. Minor Point 1: Employment in a low-skilled position is highly
correlated with dangerous levels of stress (cite sources).
 B. Minor Point 2: Stress is highly correlated with mental health issues
(cite sources).

V. Major Point 3: Physical health and mental health correlate directly

with one another.
 Minor Point 1: Mental health problems and physical health problems
are highly correlated (cite sources).
 B. Minor Point 2: Stress manifests itself in physical form (cite

VI. Major Point 4: People with more financial worries have more stress
and worse physical health.
 A. Minor Point 1: Many high-school dropouts face financial problems
(cite sources).
 B. Minor Point 2: Financial problems are often correlated with
unhealthy lifestyle choices such unhealthy food choices,
overconsumption/abuse of alcohol, chain smoking, abusive
relationships, etc. (cite sources).

VII. Conclusion
 A. Restatement of Thesis: Students who drop out of high school are
at a higher risk for both mental and physical health problems
throughout their lives. 60
 B. Next Steps: Society needs educational advocates; educators need
to be aware of this situation and strive for student retention in order to
promote healthy lifestyles and warn students of the risks associated
with dropping out of school.

Example of Topic Outline

Several aspects must be considered in writing a topic outline.

1. Recall that all headings and subheadings must be words or phrases, not

2. Also, the wording within each division must be parallel.

3. Finally, as in any outline, remember that a division or subdivision cannot be

divided into one part; therefore, if there is an "A" there must be a "B," and if
there is a "1" there must be a "2."

I. Family Problems
A. Custodial: Non-custodial Conflicts
B. Extended Family
C. Adolescent's Age
II. Economic Problems
A. Child Support
B. Women's Job Training
C. Lower Standard of Living
D. Possible Relocation
1. Poorer Neighborhood
2. New School
III. Peer Problems
A. Loss of Friends
B. Relationships with Dates

Day 2
Let’s Practice!

Directions: The column on the left contains a list of points that are not in any
specific order. Plug the unorganized points into the classic outline format on
the right to achieve a logical, organized structure. Write your answer in your
notebook following the outline on the right column.

Thesis: College provides an environment for intellectual, social, and

physical growth.

Unorganized points Outline Structure

Open recreation center I. _________________________

Dorm contacts A. ______________________
Intramural program 1. ___________________
Campus sponsored events 2. ___________________
Laboratories ___________________
Intercollegiate sports programs 3. ___________________
Class contacts B. ______________________
Guest speakers 1. ___________________
Physical growth ___________________
Informal social structure 2. ___________________
Discussions II. _________________________
Clubs in major field A. _____________________
Out-of-class 1. ___________________
experiences 2. ___________________
Greek organizations ___________________
Lectures 3. ___________________
Classroom experiences B. _____________________
Social growth 1. ___________________
Intellectual growth ___________________
Formal social structure 2. ___________________
III. _________________________
A. ____________________
B. _____________________
C. ____________________
Day 3

Activity ;
Directions: Read and analyze the text very carefully and create a topic
outline or a sentence outline. Write your answer in your notebook.
Your teeth and the structure of your mouth play important roles in your
ability to eat, speak, and stay healthy. Everyone has several different types of
teeth. Each type has a unique name with specific number of teeth, has
development, has a slightly different shape, and performs different jobs and

The teeth in the front of your mouth, and the easiest to see, are called
incisors. There are four incisors on the top and four on the bottom. Incisors
are usually the first teeth to erupt — at around 6 months for your baby teeth,
and between ages 6 and 8 for your adult set. Incisors are shaped like tiny
chisels with flat ends that are sharp. These teeth are used for cutting and
chopping food. They are the first teeth to chew most food we eat.

The pointed teeth on either side of your incisors are called canine
teeth. People have a total of four canine teeth, two on top and two on the
bottom. Primary canines generally appear between 16 and 20 months, with
the upper canines coming in just ahead of the lower canines. Because they
are pointed and sharp, they are used to tear food.

Next to your canine teeth are the premolars. You have eight
premolars in all, four on top and four on the bottom. The first premolars
appear around age 10, with the second premolars arriving about a year later.
They have a completely different shape than both the incisors and canines.
That is because premolars are bigger, stronger, and have ridges – all of which
makes them perfect for crushing and grinding food.

Finally, there are your molars. You have eight of these, four on the top
and four on the bottom. Molars are the toughest of the teeth. They are wider
and stronger than premolars, and they have more ridges. Molars work closely
with your tongue to help you swallow food. The tongue sweeps chewed food
to the back of your mouth, where the molars grind it until it is mashed up and
ready to be swallowed.

By age twenty, four more molars grow in the back of the mouth, one in
each corner. These are called the wisdom teeth. They appear between 12 and
28 months, People do not need wisdom teeth now, but many years ago these
teeth were necessary to help people chew tough plants, which were an
important part of the human diet. Now, many people get their wisdom teeth
pulled by a dentist, a doctor who takes care of teeth, to keep them from
crowding their other teeth.

The next time you eat, pay attention to which teeth do which jobs.
Having a cookie? Incisors do a good job of biting into that tasty treat. What
about a carrot? Those molars get the job done, not the teeth in front. How
about a slice of pizza or a piece of bread? Your canines will help you tear at
the food, and your premolars and molars will help you grind up that pepperoni
pizza or peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Day 4


Directions: Study the outlines based on the passages and answer the
questions that follow. Write the letter of your choice in your notebook.

Read this passage and look at the outline:

The English Lab, housed in the Administration building, consists of two
adjoining rooms which contain 70 Macintosh computers and 2 laser printers.
In addition to a server which allows instructors to make assignments and
materials available over the Internet and to the local intranet, each computer
in the lab contains a word processor, a web browser, telnet and hundreds of
commercial and teacher-authored programs appropriate for students who are
building their English skills. There are also 3 video stations, and a terminal to
the college VAX machine which is used for record-keeping.

I. English Lab
A. Physical Plant
1. in Administration building
2. two adjoining rooms
B. Resources
1. computers
2. video stations

2.In the above outline, which is the most important idea?

A. English Lab
B. Resources
C. Computers
D. Two adjoining rooms E. Physical Plant
3.In the above outline, which is the more important idea?
A. Physical Plant B. Resources
C. Physical Plant and Resources are equal adjoining rooms
D. Two adjoining rooms E. computers

4.In the above outline...

A. you could substitute "in the Administration building" with "two adjoining
B. you could flip "Resources" with "computers"
C. you could exchange "Physical Plant" with "English Lab"
D. and still not change the meaning of the outline.
E. you should be in the Administration building

Read this passage and look at the outline:

The Internet is an incalculable tool for research. It is a network of

thousands of computers across the world. Researchers, students, government
agencies, schools, businesses and individuals have left multi gigabytes of free
information on these computers, available to anyone with a computer and an
Internet connection. There are thousands of "web sites", as they are called,
with text, pictures, sounds, and movie clips. You can see this material by
simply sending out the appropriate Internet address, and after a few moments,
it appears on your screen. You can type in the address directly, or you can
automatically invoke an address by tapping on an icon or an underlined "link"
on the home page of a web site that you already have on your screen. Often
the information can be printed or downloaded (copied) directly to your local
computer and saved on your own diskette.

I. The Internet
A. What it is
B. Web Sites
1. How to see them
2. How to save the information

4. In the above outline, which is the most important idea?

A. Web Sites
B. What it is
C. How to see them
D. How to save information
E. The Internet

5. In the above outline, which is the more important idea?

A. How to see them B. What it is
C. How to save the information
D. are all equal. E. What shall I do

6. In the above outline, you could...

A. substitute "Web sites" for "The Internet"
B. substitute "How to see them" for "How to save the information"
C. substitute "What it is" for "How to see them"
D….and still not change the meaning of the outline. E.all of the above

Look at this outline

I. Types of measurement
A. Volume
B. Length

II. Types of money

A. United States
1.Pesos 2.Cents
B. Other Countries

7. In the above outline, which is the most important idea?

A. Types of money
B. Types of measurement
C. United States
D. "Types of money" and "Types of measurement" are equal
E. volume

8. In the above outline, which is the more important idea?

A. Other countries
B. Francs
C. Inches
D. they are all equal.
E. Miles
9. In the above outline, which item is in the wrong place?
A. Pesos B. Yen C. Types of measurement
D. Pints E. Quarts

10. If you had to add the word "meters" to the outline, where would it go?
A. as number 4 under B - "Other Countries"
B. as number 4 under B - "Length"
C. as number 3 under A - "United States"
D. as C under II-"Types of Money" D. as new section III.
Guide 1. Why is it important for readers to know how to arrange ideas from a reading
selection in an outline?
2. What happens when reader organizes information from text into a
hierarchical structure of outlining?
3. How importance of arranging ideas into an outline ?
Concepts 1. Explain the important tool used in outlining.
2. differentiate the various techniques in outlining .
3. Apply an outline of the various academic texts.
References: Casinto, C. (2016) English for Academic and Professional Purposes.
Manila: Mega TEXTS Phil., Inc.
Saqueton. Uychoco (2016) English for Academic and Professional Purposes.

Online Sources

What I know What’s More
1. b Activity
2. c I. Physical growth
3. b A. Open recreation center
4. a 1. Intramural program
5. a 2. Intercollegiate sports programs
3. Campus sponsored events
B. Laboratories
1. Classroom experiences
2. Out of – class experiences
II. Social growth
A. Formal social structure
1. Greek organization
2. Clubs in major fields
B. Informal social structure
1. Dorm contacts
2. Class contacts
III. Intellectual growth
A. Discussions
B. Lectures
C. Guest speaker

Prepared by:
SHS Teacher II

Checked by;
SHS coordinator / MT 1
Noted by:

School Principal I

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