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Daily Lesson Plan

Week No. 3 Learning Area : Grade Level :FOUR Quarter :2 Duration:_____

MELC : Identify the specialized structures of terrestrial and aquatic Code:
plants S4LT -IIe - f - 9

Domain: At the end of the lesson the learner can :

I-Knowledge - Identify the characteristics of terrestrial plants.
Skills -
Attitude/ Values -
II-Subject Matter: Terrestrial Plants
Learning Science-4_SLM_Q2_W3_M3 released-29Dec2020.pdf
Resources/ Sci.4_LM_Q2.pdf
A.Introductory Plants grow everywhere. You are most familiar with plants that grow in
( Activity your community and those that are planted by the farmers.
/Motivation/ Majority of plants grow directly on soil, but there are some that grow on
Review/Drill ) rocks. Plants have different specialized structures that will make them grow
in such conditions.

Directions: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your answer
1. It produces seeds. A. fruit
2. It transports water to all parts of the plant B. root
3. It absorbs water and nutrients from the soil C. stem
4. The organ that carries out photosynthesis D. leaves
5. The tiny openings for the passage of gases E. stomata
B. Presentation
-Activity 1. Go outside your classroom and observe the plants around.
2. Choose five plants that you find growing outside.
3. Identify the parts of the plants.

Plants grow in land Parts of the plant

-Analysis • Plants have three basic parts: the leaves, stem and roots.
Others bear flowers while others do not.
• Plants that grow on land are called terrestrial plants. Some terrestrial
plants are small, others are big. There are plants with big trunks (woody
stem) while others have soft stem.
• There are plants that need plenty of water to grow, while others need very
little water in order to survive.
• Terrestrial plants grow in different places. There are plants that grow
directly on soil while others grow on rocks. Other plants cling to a fence.
Some climb up a tree.
• All plants have roots, stem and leaves. Many also have flowers which will
develop into seeds.

1. What are the common parts of terrestrial plants?
2. How does the stem of a mango differ from the stem of a Mayana?
3. Give three kinds of terrestrial plants that is used as food. Which part of these
plants can be eaten?
-Abstraction 1. Look for three plants near your school and observe their parts.
(Discussion) 2. Wear your gloves and touch them carefully. Examine the leaves, stems,
roots, and flower of the plant.
3. Uproot the plant with a shovel. Remove the soil in its roots and place the
plant on a newspaper or dry banana leaves.
4. Record your observations in your Science notebook.

-Application Do the plants live in water or land? Please the correct answer.

________1. ________ 4.

________2. ________5.


B. Fill in the blank

1. What are the 3 common parts of terrestrial plants
a. _________
b. _________
c. _________
2. In what way the stem of the mango differ from the stem of mayana? ______
C. Generalization/ Plants live in different types of habitats. There are plants that grow on
Conceptualization land. We call them the terrestrial plants. Other plants also grow in water. These are
called as aquatic plants. There are also plants that cling or hang above the trees.
These kinds of plants are called as the aerial plants. A plant may be terrestrial, aerial
or aquatic. Whatever they may be, they have special parts or specialized structures
that will make them adapt better to the kind of habitat where they grow.
IV- Assessment/ Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Evaluation 1. Plant adaptations for survival in desert climates include all of the
following EXCEPT:
A. Long deep roots C. Small leaves
B. Thick and water-storing stems D. Wide leaves
2. Terrestrial plants grow on land. Which set of plants DOES NOT belong to
the group?
A. Lilies and lotus C. Banana and herbal plants
B. Grass and trees D. Bamboo and coconuts
3. Which of the following adaptive structures can help protect plants from
A. Thick barks and rough stems C. Thorns and spines
B. Strong deep roots D. Aerial roots
4. Which is NOT TRUE about plants?
A. They need water, air, and sunlight. B. All have roots, stems, and leaves.
C. All plants are God’s creation. D. They are all terrestrial.
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Waxy leaves of gabi protect it from being eaten by animals.
B. Cactuses have thick stems because they grow near rivers.
C. The roots of orchid plants get water from the ground.
D. Wide leaves help capture more energy from the sun.
V- Assignment/ Make a journal of what you have learned. Write it in your Science notebook. You
Homework may begin with the statement:
Now I know that _________________________________
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Prepared by:
Position/Designation Cel. No.
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Daily Lesson Plan

Week No. 3 Learning Area : Grade Level :FOUR Quarter :2 Duration:_____
MELC : Identify the specialized structures of terrestrial and aquatic Code:
plants S4LT -IIe - f - 9

Domain: At the end of the lesson the learner can :

I-Knowledge -Identify the characteristics of aquatic plants.
Skills -
Attitude/ Values -
II-Subject Matter: Aquatic Plants
Learning Sci.4_LM_Q2.pdf
Resources/ Science-4-Q2-Module-3-Wk-3-pdf

A.Introductory There are plants that have adapted to grow in aquatic environment. We call
( Activity these kinds of plants as aquatic plants. They have special structures that enable them
/Motivation/ to live in marine or freshwater environments.
Review/Drill ) Aquatic habitats are different from terrestrial habitats. There is limited supply of
oxygen in aquatic systems. For this reason, aquatic plants need specialized structures
to adapt to this kind of habitat.

B. Presentation
1. Observe the different water plants that you see in these
2. Describe the parts of the aquatic plants. Write your
description in your Science notebook.

Water plant

Data Table on the Characteristics of Aquatic Plants

1. What plants did you observe?
2. What are the parts of each plant that you observed?
3. What are the parts that are common among the plants?
4. What can you say about the characteristics of aquatic plants that you have observed?
5. What are the similar characteristics of terrestrial and aquatic plants?

-Analysis Directions: Compare and contrast aquatic plants from terrestrial plants using the Venn diagram

Aquatic Plants Terrestrial Plants

-Abstraction • Aquatic plants are plants that have adapted to living within aquatic environments.
(Discussion) They are also referred to as hydrophytes. These plants require special adaptations for
living submerged in water or at the water’s surface.
• Aquatic plants can only grow in water or in soil that is permanently saturated with
• The leaves, stem and roots of aquatic plants grow underwater. In some, the leaves
float on water. Their flowers are raised above the water surface.
• Aquatic plants have specialized structures that allow them to live under the water.
Others have specialized structures to make them float on the surface of water.

1. What are the parts of an aquatic plant?
2. How do aquatic plants differ from terrestrial plants?
3. Give one example of an aquatic plant that is growing in your community. Identify the
specialized structure that made the plant adapt to aquatic environment.

-Application A. Directions: Draw a HAPPY (  ) face if the statement is CORRECT and a SAD ( ) face if it is
1. All plants that grow in water are called aquatic plants.
2. The broad leaves and soft bodies allow them to float in water.
3. Aquatic plants can also grow on land.
4. Stem, roots, flowers and leaves are common parts among aquatic and terrestrial plants.
5. Woody stems of terrestrial plants become soft when placed in water for long period of time.

B. Tell whether the following plants are terrestrial or aquatic.

__________1. Coconut __________ 6. Gumamela
__________2. Water lily __________ 7. Hydrilla
__________3. Lutos __________ 8.water hyacinth
__________4. Mango __________ 9. rose
__________5. Oregano __________ 10. bougainvillae

C. Generalization/ Complete the sentence.

Conceptualization 1. I have learned that aquatic plants differ from terrestrial plants because ________________
2. Aquatic plants are similar to terrestrial plants because _____________________

IV- Assessment/ Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer.

Evaluation 1. Which of these plants are aquatic?
A. Bougainvillea C. Lotus B. Gumamela D. Santan
2. What characteristic makes the water hyacinth float on water?
A. Light weight of the plant. B. Light rounded waxy leaves.
C. Spreading, feathery root system. D. Leaf stalk with air filled with air (bulbous system).
3. What are the SIMILAR characteristics between terrestrial and aquatic plants?
A. They have stem, flowers, and roots. B. Both need air, and water.
C. A and B D. None of the above
4. Instead of putting flowers in a clear and wide mouth flower vase, you decided to make use
of an aquatic plant. Which of the following plants would you use?
A. Onion B. Rosal C. Orchids D. Water lily
5. In which of the following, aquatic plants differ from terrestrial plants?
A. Roots of aquatic plants do not touch the ground. B. Terrestrial plants do not need water.
C. The leaves of aquatic plants are not green. D. Aquatic plants cannot do photosynthesis.
V- Assignment/ Make a journal of what you have learned. Write it in your Science notebook. You may
Homework begin with the statement:
Now I know that _________________________________

(Ex. 24 out of 60 got 75%
performance level)

Prepared by:
Position/Designation Cel. No.
Name of Email Ad

Daily Lesson Plan

Week No. 3 Learning Area : Grade Quarter :2 Duration:_____
MELC : Identify the specialized structures of terrestrial and aquatic Code:
plants S4LT -IIe - f - 9

Domain: At the end of the lesson the learner can :

I-Knowledge -Identify the specialized structures of terrestrial and aquatic plants.
Skills -
Attitude/ Values -
II-Subject Matter: Specialized Structures of Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants
References Sci.4_LM_Q2.pdf
A.Introductory Like animals, plants have specialized structures in order to adapt to their environment.
( Activity
/Motivation/ Directions: Rearrange the scrambled words inside the parenthesis to answer the
Review/Drill ) following questions.
1. It lives in the garden. It has wide red colored petals. Insects keep on visiting it. What
plant is it? (umalameg)
2. It lives in water. It has light and spongy stalks that enable it to float. What plant is it?
( inthayhc)
3. It is the national fruit of the Philippines. What plant is it. (onamg)
4. It has a bitter taste but nutritious. What plant is it? (paamyala)
5. People call this as a “tree of life” because all of its parts can be used for different
purposes. What plant is it? (ococunt)
B. Presentation
-Activity Study the information given in the table below.

Directions: Answer the following questions. Write the letter of the correct answer in your Answer
Sheet/Science Notebook.
1. What specialized structure is common between cogon and pineapple?
A. Stinging hairs B. Thorny stems C. Sharp leaves D. Fibrous fruits
2. Which of the following plants have fleshy stems that store water for a long time?
A. San Francisco B. Mayana C. Santol D. Cactus
3. It has a thick covering that guards the plant from strong light and against excessive water loss.
A.Birds of paradise B. Banana C.Mango D. Cactus
4. It has a stem full of thorns..
A.Cogon B. Rose C.Gumamela D. Avocado

-Analysis Specialized structures are important to plants in order to adapt to their environment.
Plants growing in different places are exposed to varied conditions. Their structures are
suited to what they need in that place in order to survive.
1. Forest trees grow tall and sturdy to get sunlight.
2. Cactuses have large thick stem to store water.
Thorns and hairs are some of the specialized structures of plants.

Not all plants have thorns and hairs. Thorns and hairs protect the plants from animals.
1. Thorns in the stem or a rose plant.
2. Hairy stems and leaves of squash plant.

Shapes, sizes and nature of the leaves.

1. Banana leaves are big and wide to trap more energy from the sun.
2. Cactuses have tiny leaves to reduce evaporation of water.
3. Gabi leaves have waxy surface that serves as protection from dehydration due to
exposure to sunlight.
-Abstraction 1. Examine carefully the pictures of the different plants.
(Discussion) 2. Identify other parts of the plants which are different from other parts you have studied. Write
your observations in your Activity notebook.

-Application A. Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. Spongy stems with large internal air spaces are common in plants that are adapted to live in
A. desert B. grassland C. forest D. ponds
2. Plant adaptations for survival in desert climates include all of the following EXCEPT
A. long deep roots C. thick, water storing stems
B. small leaves D. wide leaves
3. Which is NOT true about plants?
A. All plants are terrestrial B. All plants have roots, stems and leaves.
C. All plants need air, water, and sunlight D. All plants interact with their environment.
4. Which of the following adaptive structures can help protect plants from animals?
A. thick barks and rough stems C. thorns and spines
B. aerial roots D. strong deep roots
5. Why do plants grow best in their natural habitat?
A. They have a wider place to grow in B. They are in the company of other plants.
C. They die when transferred to another habitat. D. They have structures fitted to their natural habitat.

B. Directions: Name the following plants. Choose you answer inside the box

C. Generalization/ Complete the concept chart below: Choose your answers from the box. Copy the chart and
Conceptualization write your answers in your Science notebook.

IV- Assessment/ Directions: Choose the letter of your chosen answer.

Evaluation 1. Which of the following is a function of a root?
A. produces seeds C. makes food
B. supports the leaves D. sips water and nutrients
2. What is the major function of leaves?
A. Transport materials to all parts of the plants.
B. Absorb energy from the sun to make food.
C. Absorb nutrients from the soil.
D. Produce fruits with seeds.
3. What specialized structure is common among roses and bougainvilleas?
A. stinging hairs C. thorny stems
B. sticky leaves D. fibrous fruits
4. Which of the following plants have hairs on its stem?
A. San Francisco B. Mayana C. Santol D. Gumamela
5. Which of the following plants grow in water?
A. Lotus B. Sampaguita C. Santol D. Durian
6. It has stingy hairs on its stems that break and release poison when touched?
A. Nipay B. Gumamela C. Santan D. Avocado
7. Water just slides on gabi leaf. What do you call this protective structure that prevents
damage on the inner part of the leaves?
A. thorns B. waxy stem C. waxy leaves D. itchy taste
8. Grazing animals don’t feed on cogon and talahib grasses because these plants have .
A. offensive odor C. poisonous leaves
B. razor-sharp leaf blades D. thorns
9. What characteristic/s of a cactus plant helps it to survive in the desert?
A. Absence of leaves where water can escape to the atmosphere.
B. Presence of spines that protect it from the enemies.
C. It has long deep roots.
D. It has fleshy stems.
10. Why can a mangrove tree withstand strong waves and shifting sand along seacoasts?
A. Its spreading branches easily bend with the wind.
B. It has spreading roots arising from the trunk.
C. It has big strong main trunk.
D. Its trunk and branches are covered with thick bark.
11. Desert plants can grow in dry soil and survive the heat of the sun over a long period
of time. What structure helps them respond to and survive in such environment?
A. Thick barks B. Sharp leaf blades C. Fine hairs D. Thick and fleshy stems
12. A farmer planted his field with corn and sugarcane. When removing weeds, he wears
shirts with long sleeves so that his skin won’t brush against the leaves of the plants. What
do these plants have which protect them from enemies?
A. Hair-like structures. B. Leaves that taste bitter.
C. Bad smell that sticks to the skin. D. Leaves have thorns.
13. What makes the water hyacinth float on water?
A. Leaf stalks have air-filled tissues. B. Thick and buoyant leaves.
C. Leaves are very wide. D. Roots are very long.
14. What is the function of the roots of orchid plants?
A. Absorb nutrients from the tree. B. Absorb water and minerals from the air.
C. Absorb water and nutrients from the ground. D. Absorb oxygen from the air.
15. What are the parts of an aquatic plant?
A. leaves, flowers, water B. roots, stem, water
C. leaves, stem, roots D. stem, leaves, water

V- Assignment/ Direction: Answer the following questions.

Homework 1. What are the specialized structures of Bird of Paradise? _________________
2. Why is not advisable to touch stringing nettle with your bare hands? _______
3. What you noticed on the stems of bougainvillea have? ___________
4-5. What are the two aquatic plants? ____________ ____________
6-8. Why do you think those specialized structures are important to water plants? _____

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performance level)

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Position/Designation Cel. No.
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Daily Lesson Plan

Week No. 3 Learning Area : Grade Quarter :2 Duration:_____
MELC : Identify the specialized structures of terrestrial and aquatic Code:
plants S4LT -IIe - f - 9
Domain: At the end of the lesson the learner can :
I-Knowledge -Identify the specialized structures of terrestrial and aquatic plants.
Skills -
Attitude/ Values -
II-Subject Matter: Specialized Structures of Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants
A.Introductory Observe the following terrestrial plants and identify their specialized structures
( Activity Terrestrial Plants are plants that live on land.
Review/Drill )

Identify the specialized structure of aquatic plants.

Specialized Structures of Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants

B. Presentation

-Activity A. Directions: Identify the plants and put color in which habitat they belong. Color
yellow for terrestrial plant and blue for aquatic plants
B. Directions: Identify the specialized parts of the following plants. Choose from the
box below. Choices can be answered repeatedly.

__________1. Bougainvillea __________ 6. raddish

__________2. Durian __________ 7. Potato
__________3. Euphorbia __________ 8. Banana
__________4. Gabi __________ 9. Ccactus
__________5. Water hyacinth __________10. Kalumpang Tree

-Analysis Aquatic plants, also termed as hydrophytes or aquatic macrophytes, live within watery
environments. In the ecosystem, aquatic plants serve as food and habitat for animals living in
the sea and prevent shorelines, ponds and lakes from eroding by providing soil stability.

Characteristics common to aquatic plants:

1. Most aquatic plants do not need cuticles or have thin cuticles as cuticles prevent loss of
2. Aquatic plants keep their stomata always open for they do not need to retain water.
3. On each side of their leaves are a number of stomata.
4. Aquatic plants have less rigid structure since water pressure supports them.
5. Since they need to float, leaves on the surface of plants are flat.
6. The presence of air sacs enables them to float.
7. Their roots are smaller so water can spread freely and directly into the leaves.
8. Their roots are light and feathery since they do not need to prop up the plants.
9. Roots are specialized to take in oxygen.

Adaptation of aquatic plants is evident by their structure: deeply dissected and waxy leaves,
specialized pollination mechanism and variation in growth pattern. These are the types of
plants based on adaptation:
1. Totally submerged plants – Are considered true water plants or hydrophytes. Example:
Water starwort submerged in a marsh pond.
2. Floating plants – Are rooted in floating water (example: water lily) or not rooted in the
sediment just on the surface (example: duckweed).
3. Swamp plants – Are emergent plants with their lower part submerged. (Example: reed
-Abstraction What are the characteristics of Aquatic plants?
(Discussion) What are the exmples of Aquatic plants found here in the Philippines.

Explain: Specialized structures are important to plants in order to adapt to their environment.
 The hyacinths have long roots so that they can reach the soil under the water.
 The water lily leaves have thick and bouyant leaves while lutos leaves are flat and
broad. Water lilies have wide flat leaves that help distribute weight over large area
thus helping them float.
-Application Let us classify the plant that can grow on terrestrial or aquatic habitat. Encircle the plants that belong
to their habitat.

B. Identify each of the following plant whether it is aquatic or terrestrial.

C. Generalization/  The deeper in size and shapes too

Conceptualization  These characteristics are determine by their function
 Plants with waxy leaves help to protect themselves from dehydration as a result of too
much exposure to sunlight.
 Some stems have thorns that provide protection.
 Some have thick stem that store water when the habitat does not provide it.
IV- Assessment/ Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.
Evaluation 1. These plants climb in the trellis
a. bitter gourd b. banana c. hyacinth d. cactus
2. It has fleshy stems to conserve water for a long time.
a. bitter gourd b. banana c. hyacinth d. cactus
3. It has long roots so that it can reach the soil under the water.
a. bitter gourd b. banana c. hyacinth d. cactus
4. It has big and wide leaves to trap more energy from the sun.
a. bitter gourd b. banana c. hyacinth d. cactus

Directions: Draw a happy face  if the statement is CORRECT and sad face  if it is not.
__1. All plants that grow in water are called terrestrial plants.
__2. The broad leaves and soft bodies allow them to float in water.
__3. The common specialized structure among roses and bougainvillea’s are thorns.
__4. Stem, roots, and leaves are common parts among aquatic and terrestrial plants.
__5. Stems of aquatic plants become soft when growing in water.
V- Assignment/
Homework Give more examples of terrestrial and aquatic plants and tell its specialized structures.
(Ex. 24 out of 60 got 75%
performance level)

Prepared by:
Position/Designation Cel. No.
Name of Email Ad

Daily Lesson Plan

Week No. 3 Learning Area : Grade Quarter :2 Duration:_____
MELC : Identify the specialized structures of terrestrial and aquatic Code:
plants S4LT -IIe - f - 9
Domain: At the end of the lesson the learner can :
I-Knowledge -Identify the specialized structures of terrestrial and aquatic plants.
Skills -
Attitude/ Values -
II-Subject Matter: Specialized Structures of Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants
References Aquatic-Plants
A.Introductory Let us guess….
( Activity Identify the name of some plants…
Review/Drill )

B. Presentation
-Activity Identify the specialized structures Name the plants

-Analysis *Are plants as important as other living things? Why?

*How will you take good care of the plants in your surroundings?
-Abstraction 
(Discussion) 

 What plants did you observed?

 Did you see plant parts that are different from other parts that you have already studied?
 What have you noticed on the stems on roses and calamansi?
 What are the different specialized structures of plants that we have studied today? Do all
plants have thorns and hairs?
 What are the aquatic plants did you observe?
 What are the characteristics of Lotus leaves which are different from hyacinth and Water
 Why hyacinth have long roots?
 Why do you think those specialized structures are important to water plants?

-Application Group 1: Know your plants

Group 2: List 2 plants that you are familiar with, Follow the chart in identifying the characteristics and
special structures of the plants.

Plant that grows on land Plant that grows on water

Name of plant Name of plant
Characteristics Characteristics
Specialized structures Specialized structures
C. Generalization/

IV- Assessment/ Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Evaluation 1. Which plants which grows well in the forest?
a. yakal b. corn c. water lily d. mangrove
2. Why do plants grow best in their habitat?
a. They have bigger place to live in
b. They don’t need the resources in other places.
c. They don’t need the resources in other places.
d. Their structures are adapted to their natural habitat.
3. Peter found out that some plants can bear flowers but do not bear fruits. Which of these
terrestrial plants bear flowers but do not bear fruits?
a. avocado b. gumamela c. calamnsi d. malunggay
4. Kalabasa, ampalaya, and upo are all Karen’s favorite vegetables. They have soft, small, and
fleshy stems. What characteristics of the plants do they belong?
a. vines b. shrubs c. herbs d. grasses
5.Alena observed that her indoor plant has spines that serve as protection from enemies. Which
is the best example of plant that has spines?
a. rosal b. cactus c. guava d. sampaguita
V- Assignment/ Make a scrapbook of plants with specialized structures following the table.

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performance level)

Prepared by:
Position/Designation Cel. No.
Name of Email Ad

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