Money Manifestation Bundle

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Chapter 1 : Generate
Abundance of Wealth
Chapter 2: Manifesting
Chapter 3: Law of
Universe in terms of
Chapter 4 : Simple ways
to change your old
Chapter 5: Gratitude
:Sanjeevani Booti
Chapter 6 : Affirmations
for Wealth
About the Author
Manjit Sargam Chawla is professionally an
Assistant manager in a national bank but
passionately a motivational speaker, corporate
trainer ,writer , Digital Marketor and a freelance
blogger. She used to give free motivational classes
for students and corporate to live their life tothe
fullest. She is a strong believer that you can
achieve anything in your life with a positive
mindset. She gives stress on gratitude, forgiveness,
unconditional love and humanity. She also wrote
three books "The Mystic Of Twin Flame
Relationship" on unconditional love , “Live Love
and Laugh” and "The Dream Manifester" on
positive mindset and how to manifest your
dreams with the power of good thoughts in
almost everything. She love to serve humanity and
is very spiritual. She strongly believe that
reincarnation occurs and souls unite in different
earthy planes. The aim of her life is to spread
smiles and happiness wherever she goes
orthrough prayers where she can't. Her dreams
comprises love, humanity and spiritual awakening
of each and every human being.
Attract Miracles through the Power of
your Mind and Thoughts
“A thought in this essential substance
produces what this thought imagines. An
individual can imagine things in his or her
mind, and if she prints this thought in the
amorphous substance, he or she will be
able to generate what the thought
imagines.” –The Science of Getting Rich by
Wallace Wattles
Like attracts like. Actually, you all are
magnets because you are made up of
energy which is vibrating constantly and
attracts the same vibrations. So ultimately,
what you are and what you want to be in
your life attracts each other. Perception in
your subconscious mind works for you and
it always comes in front of you. It’s the
vibrational frequency in which you are. You
attract the things, people and
circumstances having the same
frequencies. The thoughts you have related
to money, relationships, home, business or
any subject, cause a vibrational
environment that brings to you the people
and circumstances that surround you.
Everything that comes to you is about what
you’ve got going on a specific vibration, and
what you’ve got going on that specific
vibration is usually because of what you are
keenly observing. But it does not have to
necessarily be like this. A mind is like a
mirror, always reflecting back to you what
you see out there. So, the higher the
frequency of your thoughts and your
feelings, the more miraculous the outcome
will be. Therefore, think whatever is of high
vibrational frequency and you will get a
higher frequency in return; just like the
process of reflection. One of my favourite
poets is Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad Rumi, a
twentieth-century Sufi philosopher and
poet. He was an exceptional guide for
personal and spiritual growth with
extraordinary persuasive power. He said;
“That whatever you seek is seeking you.
Whatever you want is really wanting you,
you should just have that dedication and
desire to achieve it.” So whatever you think
of, whatever you want through your
conscious and subconscious minds, you
attract the same into your lives.
Money is a spiritual tool that fuels your soul’s
ability to have a full experience within its
physical plane. Money is nothing more than a
form of energy exchange that exists in itself.

You choose to engage in this energy

exchange every time you go to the
confectionery shop to buy the things you
need to survive.

You have chosen to come here and incarnate

into a physical being and experience your life.

Now, you are consciously aware that it is your

choice to use money as a form of energy
exchange within your life experience, you can
decide consciously what money really means
to you and it matters.

The universe is abundant; it has enough

resources to fulfill everyone’s needs and
The universe knows the shortest possible path
to fulfill your dreams, which is a miracle in
Anyone who lives within their means, suffers
from a lack of imagination; you need to dream
big to achieve big.
Yes, all your wishes, all your dreams can come
true, when
you are ready to manifest it.
we have already discussed how to demand from
the formless almighty.
Share your burning desires with the almighty in
your prayers.
When you dream, you feel good and you achieve
vibrations, and then the Almighty starts his work
to fulfill your dreams.
It’s the attractive force of love and gratitude
towards wealth that moves all the money in the
world and whosoever is giving love by feeling
good is a magnet for money.

Love is the greatest power of the universe.

Whatever the
thing is, whatever the wish is, whatever the dream
is, the only. reply to every question – the solution
to every problem is love, love and love.
The simple rule is to love money! After all, it’s just
and energy flows freely.

This principle is the reason why you can manifest

money at will.
Simply by putting out an intention and
following your inner guidance.
The Universe is abundant.
Money is a spiritual tool that
fuels your soul's ability to have a
full experience within this
physical plane.
Universe has enough resources to
fulfill everyone's needs and also
all wishes.
Universe knows the possible
shortest path to fulfill your
dreams which seems like
Anyone who lives within their
means suffers from lack of
imagination, you need to dream
big to achieve big.
Money is nothing more than a
form of energy exchange that
exists in this plane of reality
“Love in itself is the complete
highest healing power of
the universe.”
The greatest strength of the universe
is ‘love’.
Love is the source of all good
Every good feeling unites you with
the force of love.
If you feel good, you give love. If you
are feeling happy, you are on a very
high frequency of love.

If you see a child and feel happy,

then surely you love that child. All
the good feelings,
all the high vibrations, come from

Love is the greatest power that

exists in the universe and is a very
crucial part of manifesting each
desire in your life.
Whatever you desire, you
must want it with all your
heart and soul.
The wish or a desire is purely a
form of love. Until and unless
you have a burning desire in
your heart, you will not have
enough power to harness the
force of love.
So, you need to have a
burning and unshakeable
desire, the one which you love
the most.
It should always be in your
subconscious mind. So, you
must really desire about your
wanting, as a businessman
desires for a big business, a
dancer wants to dance, and a
kid wants a toy.
All you have to do is to make a list of
why you love money and Have
Emotions with it.

I love money because it helps

me to pay my bills.

I love money because it helps

me to travel the World as I love
to travel.

I love money because it helps

me to do good to others in the

I love money because it smells


I love money because I can help

others with it.

I love money because I love to do

shopping and money make it
“Money will come to serve
those who love the entire
creation of the creator.”
You need to see
yourself as having
manifested money
Your entire vision
needs to be that it has
already happened.
Forget what you see
going on in the world
around you.
There are some tasks, which are
capable of changing the old
perceptions of the
subconscious mind and
creating wonders in
manifesting money.
We all have some mind blocks
and restrictions regarding
money and prosperity.
To overcome old beliefs and old
perceptions, Here are some
simple ways to think vast and
feel abundance so that the
vibration of less be separated
from you and you feel
Star gazing
Look at the sky and see the
Use your creative
visualization skills and go
beyond the stars for a
Go deeper and wider and
allow yourself to realize that
you live in a vast and
abundant universe that is
greater than any tiny wish
that you have.
Realize that there are
endless unused possibilities
in the universe.
Feel the vastness of the sky
and abundance of the stars.
Talk with money
A great philosopher once said,
“Money can’t talk, but it can
Talk to money and say thank
you to the currency you have
in your hand. Call wealth into
your life on a daily basis using
positive affirmations.
Just as plants grow and bloom
with positive affirmations, so
will your bank account when
you start speaking to your
Declare that you are a money
magnet and you
are receiving all the wealth that
is meant for you now.
You have to sow before
you get what you want .
Money can be sow in
many ways , like power of
compounding , But on the
spiritual context money
can be sow by giving ;By
Charity; The more you
give the more you receive
.Sowing your money in the
field of Universe with
positive mental attitude
that it will come back in
manifolds will definitely
Charity: Freely Flow of Money

Charity is an art of giving. Charity is

absolutely and totally essential if
we ever want to be truly
Bear in mind that charity is more
about the act and process of
giving, and not the thing that has
already been given.
The energy always flows.
So when you give your money, it
comes into flow and gets back to
you from any other source.
Whatever you give with true
emotions ,everything will come
back to you manifolds. Universe is
a bank and giving is depositing in
your bank account and the
interest given by the Universe is
totally depends on emotions and
Make a Space for

Cleaning the
garbage and
making space for
what you want
is the important
part of
It’s a clear indication
that you are ready to
To Do List
Clear your wardrobe, Give your
old clothes to someone which
you don't wear.Doing this you are
giving the clear indiaction to the
Universe for more clothes.

Throw the old newspapers,

garbage from your home, it will
create a space for new and good

Clean the kitchen , whtaever is

old, not appropriate or expired,
be clear out and thrown so that
fresh things can take that space.

Throw the garbage and waste

papers from your purse, arrange
the money you already have in
your purse daily.
Gratitude :
Gratitude is a “brahmastra”. It
is a “sanjeevani buti”.
Gratitude is a stepping stone
for every success and for every
dream to come true.

Giving thanks and

appreciating each and
everything in your
life is an art.
Yes, thanksgiving is an art of
Look back into your past. Many
people gave you gifts at their
expense for your happiness;
acknowledge them with a
feeling of gratefulness and be
thankful in your heart.
Make a list of things from your
childhood which have not been
bought by money but gifted to
you by someone else, whether it
was from parents, siblings or any
other person. Remember all the
things from your baby clothes,
nappies, baby oil, baby powder,
cereals, food, shelter, clothes,
studies, enjoyment, toys, luxuries,
to your smallest needs which were
gifted to you by someone.
Say, “thank you” to them for this.
Feel really grateful to them for the
same. These were the things you
needed and the lord provided it at
that time. Say thank you to the
almighty for everything he has
given you.

Affirmations are statements

which are aimed to affect the
conscious and the
subconscious mind.
The words and statements
which compose of the
affirmation automatically
bring up mental images into
the subconscious mind which
cause visualization and
imagination, which could
inspire, energize and
Affirmations are easy to do and
they don’t take much time
at all. In just a few minutes, you
can change your daily life.
Repeating aloud the affirmations
will result in giving you the
energy you need for the day. By
reflecting on your prosperity
and abundance, you’ll soar above
your current highest height. It
relieves stress and it creates a
space in your subconscious mind
to practice gratitude into your
daily life. Eventually, it becomes
a part of your life
Repeating affirmations and the
resultant mental images affect the
subconscious mind by changing the
old perspective of thinking, which
was the old belief system and which
in turn, influences the behaviour,
habits, actions and reactions.

It means a paradigm shift takes place.

An affirmation mostly works because

it has the ability to program your
mind into believing the stated
concept by changing the old
perceptions of the subconscious
This is because the mind doesn’t
know the difference
between reality and fantasy.
The almighty pours
happiness into my life
every day.

It has my cup overflowing

with wealth, health and
unconditional love.

I am wealthy; I can help

anyone with the wealth
and money given to me.

I am grateful to the
almighty for free flowing
money into my life.

I feel gratification for

Almighty’s endless
treasures, which is
available to me every time
and everywhere
Books by Manjit Sargam Chawla

10 Day Daily Practice Worksheet

Manjit Sargam Chawla

Practice 1
Write down all the physical things that
money would get you. List At Least 10
things and feel it's yours already.

Practice 2
How much money you want in a
What will you spend it on?
Note It Should be the exact amount
you want to manifest.
Practice 3
Write the limiting beliefs about money, then cut
them with a pen and write the positive open
approach to that belief and negate them.
For Example: Some of the ideas that can stop you
from manifesting wealth:
“Money is a limited resource.”
No , Universe is Abundant so as the Money, it's just
an energy and It flows freely.
“You have to work (too) hard to get wealthy.”
No, Labourers working too hard, and my friend is
getting Rent of much much Amount without doing
anything, so For money Manifestation, Working
hard is not a solution, but our perception is.
“It’s selfish to want a lot of Money"
No, we are here in this earthy incarnation to live to
the fullest and enjoy everything in this
Asking for money is asking for our own rights.
“Money is the root of all evil.”
All bad and negative thoughts are root of All evil,
Money is a root to help, to nourish and to grow.
“The chances of becoming rich are really low.”
No, There are Enough resources, millions of ideas
and millions of land, immense and vast oceans , so
getting rich is easy.In order to create financial
abundance, you need to let go of these
disempowering beliefs.
Practice 3
Practice 4
Clear the Clutter: Write done after doing
this practice.

1. Wardrobe : Give away old

2. Cupboards: Throw all that
you don't need now
3. Throw away old plastic iron
or garbage
4. Throw all waste/expired
5. Clean your Purse
6. Give waste Newspaper and
extra paper to recycle
7. Clean your kitchen
8. Wash your curtains
9. Wash all Bedsheets
10. Arrange and Pile up the
books in Library.
Practice 5

Vision Board
Cut out some images of money, Gold
Surround them with other pictures like
quotes, drawings or photographs that
connect you with the things you’ll do when
you are successfully manifesting money.
Keep it in your bedroom or office

Send me a photograph on
my FB Page
or mail me at
Practice 6

Write 5 wishes here and try to
visualise that for atleast 6 mins per
Close your eyes , feel it , Say Thank
you to Almighty with strong

This practice will take atleast 30 min., you can listen

some good soft music along with this exercise.
Practice 7
Smell Money and Talk to Money

Atleast for 5 mins , talk to money, smell it

and feel good.
Do this practice thrice a day for 10 days.
Write what you feel the each day at night.
Practice 8

Money Tree
Sow a seed , take care of that
plant and see how its growing.

Growing a plant needs patience

and belief.
Seeing the sprout from a seed
and turn into a huge tree teaches
us the beauty of growth and
strength of Universe and connect
us with abundant formless.

If you want to share the picture of your

money tree tag me on any social media.
Practice 9

Star Gazing
I can spend hours and hours surfing the sky and
feeling the wonder and vastness of Universe.
Feel the vastness and deepness of Universe
create a feeling of abundance and change the
old perceptions of shortage.

Spent at least 15 mins for 10 days and then

you will love to watch it daily
Practice 10

Bless the Money

while Giving

Pay all your pending bills,

bless the money to go give
happiness to the vendor
you are giving and bless
the money to come back
to you manifolds.
Order the Money to come
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