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Article review on: The Effect of Sales Promotion on Marketing of

Cocacola Drinks In Anambra State;

Written by: Dr. Michael Okoye-Chine

Reviewed by: Halfiya Abdurahaman

Submitted to: - Malese Chala (Ass. Proff)

December 2021

Bale Robe, Ethiopia

The Effect of Sales Promotion on Marketing Of Cocacola Drinks In Anambra State;
by Dr. Michael Okoye-Chine

The purpose of the study is aimed to examine the effect of Personal selling, Rebates trade and
discounts onthe marketing of Cocacola drink in Anambra State.The objective of this review
paper was to examine the Article that titled as “The Effect Of Sales Promotion On Marketing Of
CocacolaDrinks In Anambra State”. The reviews are evaluating the article originality, structure
of the study and the contribution of the research and criticize as well as support study’s.
Originality of the Article
Determine the effect of personal selling on marketing of Cocacola , Ascertain effect of rebates
on marketing of Cocacola drink and Examine the effect of trade discounts on marketing of
Cocacola drink in Anambra State is the specific objective of the study and the article is the
recent article that issued to solve the perception of organization regarding Sales promotion which
is the very important point for the organizational and company benefit through enhancing their
capability of selling their products. As the issue is global case many studies is focused in the
problem this study is one of those study overlap in area but the study is different from those
related Articles and the study is developed based on really knowledge gap and study area so the
study is the originals works of the investigator.
Novel of the study is representing character and location with some degree of realism so this
Article is depended on the reality and great problem that too challenge different organization as
well as interested issue for the publication.

The article is add the basic knowledge in the sales promotion on the marketing as well as how
the industry is negatively affected because of their sales promotional marketing strategies and
determinate factors to that affect personal sales strategies, add canon knowledge in Ascertain
effect of rebates on marketing of Cocacola drink.

Research question of the study is the crucial part of that to be getting great attention to minimize
the faced challenge based on the recommendations of the researchers. The study is raised basic
three questions which are very important to feat the generally and specific objectives of the
research those questions are: To what extent does personal selling affect marketing of Cocacola
drink in Anambra State?,To what degree does rebates on marketing affect Cocacola drink in
Anambra State? and To what extent do discounts trade effect on marketing of Cocacola drink in
Anambra State? This three question the most important tools for the study ofThe Effect Of Sales
Promotion On Marketing.
The study is novel because the study is different from those related study and the study finding is
more similar with the reality and supported by the different theoretical empirical study to accept
and reject the study hypothesis.

Structure of the Article

The articles is laid out with basic research process start from the Abstract to the Reference but
the study layout is difficult to beginner researches to understanding the progress of the study
because the writer try to display sub elements inside the paragraph for example the writer not
include the basic term definitions.

The study is aimed to examine The Effect Of Sales Promotion On Marketing Of CocacolaDrinks
In Anambra State. In fact, the title selected by investigator is researchable title and the most
important title for the resent marketing system as well as short and precise title.


The inquires aimed to investigate the impact of sales promotion activities on sales of soft drink
(coca cola). In the interdiction, part of the articles the authors stated each thing what going
achieve and the problem investigate.

The world of business is going to complex day to day. Competition in every sector is increasing
high. In This situation, especially companies find the situation cry though to sell their product in
the market Smoothly. Therefore, the executives are using various tools and techniques to sell
their products. Today market is growing so rapidly. Several studies are conducted to face the
challenge and different scholar’s state different outcomes. This articles are summarize contextual
relevant studies related to the issues and state their finding as well as the show the really gap and
explain experimental research question briefly but the authors are not showed the experimental
design that he going to adapt to outcome data.
The authors described briefly how they collected data. They collected data from the respondents
through online in addition they also informed the time data was collected and from where data
was collected.

The Article is employed the descriptive study design which is prefer the collated data in
descriptive way this design is appropriate for answering the questions and describe the specific
objectives of the study.

The study is proved the sufficient information and appropriate to the readers and other concerned
body to understand the impact of Sales Promotion On Marketing Of Cocacola Drinks In
Anambra State. Community perception regarding tourist and the absent of tourists on economy.
The information they delivered is good to understand the level of tourism industry at the study
area because of the pandemic.

The Article is identified some procedure to fellow for example; how to collected and analyze the
data as well as how to determine the population size for the study and how to communicate with
the study participants. The authors are used exist method in the all methodologies part of the
study they use descriptive design techniques which is more known before however its better if
the study is employ both explanatory and descriptive design to explain more about the impacts of
sales promotion.

They adequately describe the equipment and the material they use to collect and analyze the data
to overcome the stated problem and the article is make Cleary about all requirements and
recorded data. The article is described all measurement instrument using a one-dimensional, 4-
item scale. In generally the methodologies parts of the study is clearly identified and stated but
the sample size determination is not described clearly.

The result section of the study is where the authors report the findings of their study based on the
information gathered as a result of the methodologies without bias of interpretation and
arranging in the logical sequence. The author is clearly laid out he’s findings in logical sequence
based on the specific objective sequence. In the laying in logical sequence he did a beast to be
attracting the reader and give a meaning for the data collected and the objectives derived.
In the data analyzes section he analyzes all data as its important and interpreted the data in good
way. In addition, the author really show the interrelation and interdependent if each variable by
offering their statistical analyzing and show deeply how one variable are related to another and
their significant with brief mathematical interpretation analysis. The statistics of study data was
calculated in good manner and interpreted in appropriate way.

The articles are discussed the result of the fending by competing with different finding. In the
articles discussion section he try to explain how the result expectation related to the other studies
conducted before the study show how the hypothesis is related to other Articles, theory, practical
implication and study limitations discussed in the very well in this section. In generally the
author is related he’s expectation with earliest researches based on the result in acquired manner.

Tables and Figures

A table in the study is describing the all-important data that use to describe the information
collected from study participatory. The tables in the article inform the reader about the data and
the entered and important data in the table is analyzed and interpreted in appropriate way but
figure is not included in this article is better if the author is use figures to describe conceptual
framework of study variables.

In the conclusion part the author had to state summery of their findings and discussion to
memorize and express paper over aspects to reader but the authors are not clearly express this
section as one section they try to summarize in each part as sub topics. It is better if they have
express this section to remind over all findings articles objectives.

Recommendation is recommended based on the result of the study indicate the specific
measurement of directions that can be taken. In a section the author is clearly showed what have
to done and by whom the action should have to be take.

The recommendation he given based on he is findings are stated the problem solution, which is
possible way to reduce the challenges. By whom or which stockholders should have to
responsible to address the solution stated and by what means the identified problem will be
solved. Based on the study recommendation sequence the suggestion they give to overcome the
problem is stated everything its specific to whom may concern and action to be taken. In
generally the author, recommend everything in the sequence they have to do.

The author is fellow the right procured to writing references based on APA (American
Physiologic Association) he fellow the right ways of the styles. All cited in the text are properly
recorded in the references section of the articles very well. The referred material is very
significant because they are more related with the stated objectives of the study’s in all referred
papers are acknowledged in the reference parts very well by the author.

Contribution of reviewed article

 Problem identification: The research is identified the problems that are most challenges
currently in the world for company sales management.
 Theoretical analysis: The study is analysis different theories that add more knowledge for
the readers.
 What should currently being worked: the research stated what have to done to overcome
the faced problems
 The study is stated the limitation the articles have this help other study to reduce the
number of limitation when they are focus in the same study area
 The study is used as source of information for other researches.

Language Problem
The article is used appropriate language which fit the standard Journal of International Journal of
Innovative Social Sciences & Humanities Research as the language is basic requirement to be
published on the journal but they use high degree language vocabulary that is difficult to those
whom the English not their mother tang its better if they consider the familiar English
vocabulary to describe about the issue.

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