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John Halamka, MD, MS;

Paul Cerrato, MA
Harvard Medical School,
An FP’s guide to AI-enabled
Boston, Mass, and New
England Healthcare
Exchange Network (Dr.
clinical decision support
Halamka); Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center,
New York, NY, and
To better understand the capabilities and challenges of
Warwick, NY (Mr.
Cerrato; affiliated
artificial intelligence and machine learning, we look at
independent medical
journalist). Dr. Halamka and
the role they can play in screening for retinopathy and
Mr. Cerrato are coauthors
of Realizing the Promise
colon cancer.
of Precision Medicine and
The Transformative
Power of Mobile

omputer technology and artificial intelligence (AI), PRACTICE have come a long way in several decades:
• Between 1971 and 1996, access to the Medline da-
❯ Encourage patients with
The authors reported no tabase was primarily limited to university libraries
potential conflict of interest diabetes who are unwilling
relevant to this article. and other institutions; in 1997, the database became
to have a regular eye exam to
have an artificial intelligence- universally available online as PubMed.1
based retinal scan that can • In 2004, the President of the United States issued an ex-
detect retinopathy. B ecutive order that launched a 10-year plan to put elec-
tronic health records (EHRs) in place nationwide; EHRs
❯ Consider using a machine
learning-based algorithm are now employed in nearly 9 of 10 (85.9%) medical
to help evaluate the risk of offices.2
colorectal cancer in patients Over time, numerous online resources sprouted as well,
who are resistant to including DxPlain, UpToDate, and Clinical Key, to name a few.
screening colonoscopy. B These digital tools were impressive for their time, but many of
❯ Question the effectiveness them are now considered “old-school” AI-enabled clinical de-
of any artificial intelligence- cision support.
based software algorithm In the past 2 to 3 years, innovative clinicians and tech-
that has not been validated nologists have pushed medicine into a new era that takes
by at least 2 independent advantage of machine learning (ML)-enhanced diagnostic
data sets derived from aids, software systems that predict disease progression, and
clinical parameters. B advanced clinical pathways to help individualize treatment.
Strength of recommendation (SOR) Enthusiastic early adopters believe these resources are trans-
A Good-quality patient-oriented forming patient care—although skeptics remain unconvinced,
cautioning that they have yet to prove their worth in everyday
   B Inconsistent or limited-quality
patient-oriented evidence clinical practice.
 C Consensus, usual practice, In this review, we first analyze the strengths and weak-
opinion, disease-oriented nesses of evidence supporting these tools, then propose a po-
evidence, case series
tential role for them in family medicine.

Machine learning
takes on retinopathy
The term “artificial intelligence” has been with us for longer
than a half century.3 In the broadest sense, AI refers to any

A software
platform has
been developed
that is capable
of diagnosing
or screening for
diabetic retinopathy
without the
involvement of
an experienced

computer system capable of automating a ing an operating point for high specificity, the
process usually performed manually by hu- algorithm generated sensitivity of 87% and
mans. But the latest innovations in AI take 90.3% and specificity of 98.1% and 98.5% for
advantage of a subset of AI called “machine 2 validation data sets for detecting referable
learning”: the ability of software systems to retinopathy, as defined by a panel of at least
learn new functionality or insights on their 7 ophthalmologists. When AUROC was set for POLL
own, without additional programming from high sensitivity, the algorithm generated sen-
human data engineers. Case in point: A soft- sitivity of 97.5% and 96.1% and specificity of Are you (or other
ware platform has been developed that is ca- 93.4% and 93.9% for the 2 data sets. members of your
pable of diagnosing or screening for diabetic These results are impressive, but the re- organization)
retinopathy without the involvement of an searchers used a retrospective approach in taking steps to
experienced ophthalmologist. their analysis. A prospective analysis would learn more about
The landmark study that started clini- provide stronger evidence. how AI can benefit
cians and health care executives thinking That shortcoming was addressed by your practice?
seriously about the potential role of ML in a pivotal clinical trial that convinced the n Yes, we are doing
medical practice was spearheaded by V ­ arun US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to preliminary
Gulshan, PhD, at Google, and associates from approve the technology. Michael Abramoff, investigations
several medical schools.4 Gulshan used an ar- MD, PhD, at the University of Iowa Depart- now.
tificial neural network designed to mimic the ment of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences n Yes, we are
functions of the human nervous system to an- and his associates6 conducted a prospective aggressively
alyze more than 128,000 retinal images, look- study that compared the gold standard for de- looking into ways
this technology
ing for evidence of diabetic retinopathy. (See tecting retinopathy, the Fundus Photograph can help us to
“Deciphering artificial neural networks,” page Reading Center (of the University of Wiscon- improve care.
490, for an explanation of how such networks sin School of Medicine and Public Health), to
n No, we have

function.5) The algorithm they employed was an ML-based algorithm, the commercialized taken no steps to
compared with the diagnostic skills of several IDx-DR. The IDx-DR is a software system that investigate AI.
board-certified ophthalmologists. is used in combination with a fundal camera
Using an area-under-the-receiver oper- to capture retinal images. The researchers
ating curve (AUROC) as a metric, and choos- found that “the AI system exceeded all pre- familymedicine

specified superiority endpoints at sensitivity thalmology points out that “6 out of 10 people
of 87.2% ... [and] specificity of 90.7% ....” with diabetes skip a sight-saving exam.”9
The FDA clearance statement for this When a patient is screened with this type of
technology7 limits its use, emphasizing that device and found to be at high risk of eye dis-
it is intended only as a screening tool, not ease, however, the advice to see an eye-care
a stand-alone diagnostic system. Because specialist might carry more weight.
­IDx-DR is being used in primary care, the
FDA states that patients who have a posi-
tive result should be referred to an eye care Screening colonoscopy:
professional. The technology is contraindi- Improving patient incentives
cated in patients who have a history of laser No responsible physician doubts the value of
treatment, surgery, or injection in the eye or screening colonoscopy in patients 50 years
who have any of the following: persistent vi- and older, but many patients have yet to realize
sion loss, blurred vision, floaters, previously that the procedure just might save their life. Is
diagnosed macular edema, severe nonprolif- there a way to incentivize resistant patients to
erative retinopathy, proliferative retinopathy, have a colonoscopy performed? An ML-based
radiation retinopathy, and retinal vein oc- software system that only requires access to a
clusion. It is also not intended for pregnant few readily available parameters might be the
patients because their eye disease often pro- needed impetus for many patients.
A large-scale gresses rapidly. A large-scale validation study performed
validation study Additional caveats to keep in mind when on data from Kaiser Permanente Northwest
performed on evaluating this new technology include that, found that it is possible to estimate a person’s
data from Kaiser although the software can help detect reti- risk of colorectal cancer by using age, gender,
Permanente nopathy, it does not address other key issues and complete blood count.10 This retrospec-
Northwest for this patient population, including cata- tive investigation analyzed more than 17,000
found that it is racts and glaucoma. The cost of the new tech- Kaiser Permanente patients, including 900
possible to nology also requires attention: Software must who already had colorectal cancer. The analy-
estimate a be used in conjunction with a specific retinal sis generated a risk score for patients who did
person's risk of camera, the Topcon TRC-NW400, which is not have the malignancy to gauge their like-
colorectal cancer expensive (new, as much as $20,000). lihood of developing it. The algorithms were
by using age, Speaking of cost: Health care providers more sensitive for detecting tumors of the ce-
gender, and and insurers still question whether imple- cum and ascending colon, and less sensitive
complete blood menting AI-enabled systems is cost-­effective. for detection of tumors of the transverse and
count. It is too early to say definitively how AI and sigmoid colon and rectum.
machine learning will have an impact on To provide more definitive evidence to
health care expenditures, because the most support the value of the software platform,
promising technological systems have yet a prospective study was subsequently con-
to be fully implemented in hospitals and ducted on more than 79,000 patients who
medical practices nationwide. Projections had initially declined to undergo colorectal
by Forbes suggest that private investment screening. The platform, called ColonFlag,
in health care AI will reach $6.6 billion by was used to detect 688 patients at highest
2021; on a more confident note, an Accenture risk, who were then offered screening colo-
analysis predicts that the best possible appli- noscopy. In this subgroup, 254 agreed to the
cation of AI might save the health care sector procedure; ColonFlag identified 19 malig-
$150 billion annually by 2026.8 nancies (7.5%) among patients within the
What role might this diabetic retinopa- Maccabi Health System (Israel), and 15 more
thy technology play in family medicine? in patients outside that health system.11
Physicians are constantly advising patients (In the United States, the same program is
who have diabetes about the need to have a known as LGI Flag and has been cleared by
regular ophthalmic examination to check for the FDA.)
early signs of retinopathy—advice that is of- Although ColonFlag has the potential
ten ignored. The American Academy of Oph- to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer,

Deciphering artificial neural networks
The promise of health care information technology relies heavily on statistical methods and software constructs, in-
cluding logistic regression, random forest modeling, clustering, and neural networks. The machine learning-­enabled
image analysis used to detect diabetic retinopathy and to differentiate a malignant melanoma and a normal mole is
based on neural networking.
As we discussed in the body of this article, FIGURE
these networks mimic the nervous system,
in that they comprise computer-­generated How does a neural network operate?
“neurons,” or nodes, and are connected A neural network designed to distinguish melanoma from a normal mole scans tens of
thousands of images to teach itself how to recognize small differences between normal
by “synapses” (FIGURE 5). When a node in and abnormal skin growths (A). During the process of differentiating normal tissue and
Layer 1 is excited by pixels coming from a abnormal tissue, a neural network makes many mistakes. Backpropagation (B) looks back
scanned image, it sends on that excite- at these mistakes to help the program readjust its algorithms and improve its accuracy.
ment, represented by a numerical value,
to a second set of nodes in Layer 2, which, A Input Output
in turns, sends signals to the next layer—
and so on.
Eventually, the software’s interpretation
of the pixels of the image reaches the
output layer of the network, generat-
ing a negative or positive diagnosis. The
initial process results in many interpreta-
tions, which are corrected by a backward
analytic process called backpropagation.
10,000 images
The video tutorials mentioned in the main of melanomas Not
text provide a more detailed explanation and normal

of neural networking.

Layer one Layer two Layer three

B Input Output


10,000 images
of melanomas Not
and normal melanoma?

Layer one Layer two Layer three

Source: Cerrato P, Halamka J. The Transformative Power of Mobile Medicine.5 Reproduced with
permission of the authors and publisher.

other evidence-based screening modalities Beyond screening to applications

are highlighted in US Preventive Services in managing disease
Task Force guidelines, including the guaiac- The complex etiology of sepsis makes the
based fecal occult blood test and the fecal im- condition difficult to treat. That complex-
munochemical test.12 ity has also led to disagreement on the best


course of management. Using an ML al- research studies, reviews, and opinion pa-
gorithm called an “Artificial Intelligence pers suggesting that the future of medicine
Clinician,” Komorowski and associates13 is closely tied to innovative developments in
extracted data from a large data set from 2 this area. This Web page also addresses the
nonoverlapping intensive care unit databas- potential use of ML in detecting lymph node
es collected from US adults.The research- metastases in breast cancer, the need to tem-
ers’ analysis suggested a list of 48 variables per AI with human intelligence, the role of AI
that likely influence sepsis outcomes, in clinical decision support, and more.
including: The JAMA Network also discusses a few
• demographics, of the challenges that still need to be over-
• Elixhauser premorbid status, come in developing ML tools for clinical
• vital signs, medicine—challenges that you will want to
• clinical laboratory data, be cognizant of as you evaluate new research
• intravenous fluids given, and in the field.
• vasopressors administered. ❚ Black-box dilemma. A challenge that
technologists face as they introduce new
Komorowski and co-workers concluded that programs that have the potential to improve
“… mortality was lowest in patients for whom diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis is a phe-
clinicians’ actual doses matched the AI de- nomenon called the “black-box dilemma,”
cisions. Our model provides individualized which refers to the complex data science, A randomized
and clinically interpretable treatment deci- advanced statistics, and mathematical equa- clinical trial has
sions for sepsis that could improve patient tions that underpin ML algorithms. These found that an
outcomes.” complexities make it difficult to explain the ML program
A randomized clinical trial has found mechanism of action upon which software is that uses only 6
that an ML program that uses only 6 common based, which, in turn, makes many clinicians common clinical
clinical markers—blood pressure, heart rate, skeptical about its worth. markers can
temperature, respiratory rate, peripheral cap- For example, the neural networks that improve clinical
illary oxygen saturation (SpO2), and age—can are the backbone of the retinopathy algo- outcomes in
improve clinical outcomes in patients with rithm discussed earlier might seem like patients with
severe sepsis.14 The alerts generated by the voodoo science to those unfamiliar with severe sepsis.
algorithm were used to guide treatment. Av- the technology. It’s fortunate that several
erage length of stay was 13 days in controls, technology-savvy physicians have mastered
compared with 10.3 days in those evalu- these digital tools and have the teaching
ated with the ML algorithm. The algorithm skills to explain them in plain-English tutori-
was also associated with a 12.4% drop in in-­ als. One such tutorial, “Understanding How
hospital mortality. Machine Learning Works,” is posted on the
JAMA Network (https://sites.­ jamanetwork.
com/machine-learning/#multimedia). A more
Addressing challenges, basic explanation was included in a re-
tapping resources cent Public Broadcasting System “Nova”
Advances in the management of diabetic reti- episode, viewable at
nopathy, colorectal cancer, and sepsis are the watch?v=xS2G0oolHpo.
tip of the AI iceberg. There are now ML pro- ❚ Limited analysis. Another problem
grams to distinguish melanoma from benign that plagues many ML-based algorithms is
nevi; to improve insulin dosing for patients that they have been tested on only a single
with type 1 diabetes; to predict which hos- data set. (Typically, a data set refers to a col-
pital patients are most likely to end up in the lection of clinical parameters from a patient
intensive care unit; and to mitigate the opioid population.) For example, researchers devel-
epidemic. oping an algorithm might collect their data
An ML Web page on the JAMA Network from a single health care system.
( Several investigators have addressed
learning/) features a long list of published this shortcoming by testing their software on

2 completely independent patient populations.
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not going to solve multiple complex medi- 12. US Preventive Services Task Force. Final recommendation state-
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13. Komorowski M, Celi LA, Badawi O, et al. The artificial intelligence
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14. Shimabukuro DW, Barton CW, Feldman MD, et al. Effect of a
A recent commentary in Gastroenterol- machine learning-based severe sepsis prediction algorithm on
ogy17 sums up the situation best: “It is now patient survival and hospital length of stay: a randomised clinical
trial. BMJ Open Respir Res. 2017;4:e000234.
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cessed November 1, 2019.
CORRESPONDENCE 17. Byrne MF, Shahidi N, Rex DK. Will computer-aided detection
Paul Cerrato, MA,, and diagnosis revolutionize colonoscopy? Gastroenterology.
John Halamka, MD, MS, 2017;153:1460-1464.E1.

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