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MIDTERM The Discoveries and Conquest


The Early Settlers in the Face of Colonial Rule ➔ Europe during the 13th to 14th century
➔ Writers/Scholars who wrote about the culture and ➔ Is the product of growth in industry and commerce,
practices of early Filipino ancestors and the significant much improved geographical knowledge and
lives of our Filipino ancestors before we were touched technology, and the growing competition between the
by Hispanic Cultures two Iberian countries - (SPAIN & PORTUGAL)
◆ Antonio Pigafetta - Writings about the ➔ They want to share to the in tierra incognita or the
Visayan people in the First Voyage around unknown lands to expand their knowledge and
the World technology to the different parts of the world
◆ Miguel de Loarca - Relación de las Islas ➔ European medieval knowledge of the Orient dated
FIlipinas back from the expedition of Alexander the Great and
◆ Fr. Francisco Colin, SJ - Jesuit Province in the accounts of the Crusaders
the Philippines, talks about the mission of ➔ Alexander the Great had conquered some parts of
the Jesuit Missionaries here in the Asia and gain knowledge of the Oriental products
Philippines such as:
◆ Charles Boxer - Boxer Codex ◆ Gold
◆ Antonio de Morga - Sucesos de las Islas ◆ Silver
Filipinas ◆ Sugar
◆ Dr. William Henry Scott - Barangay ◆ Milk
➔ Pre-Hispanic Philippines was significant that our ◆ Silk
Filipino ancestors had enjoyed kasaganaan, ◆ Spices
kaginhawaan, at kapayapaan during the early times ◆ Precious stones
➔ The Philippines Islands, even before the birth of any
western colonizers was already known to traders like MUSLIM TRADERS
INDIAN, ARABS, CHINESE, and other, marking a ➔ Dominated all maritime routes - tapping source
mark in trading, politics and other state affairs regions in the Far East and shipping these goods
➔ Before the coming of the Spaniards, we have already from India westward to Persian Gulf and Red Sea
influences from other neighboring countries in Asia
INDIAN TRADERS ➔ Wealthy merchants who are from Venice, Italy
➔ India has influenced the Philippines in nearly all ➔ First to monopolize the trade in Asia as the sole
aspects of life. The Philippines has been trading with distributor of goods until the fall of Constantinople
india as far back as the Sriwijaya Empire, which in 1453, barring the Europeans for a land route going
started in the 7th century to Asia that compelled Spain and Portugal to make use
➔ With the trade came influence in language, music, of the navigational systems
and writing
➔ India also brought the spread of religion, including European Exploration
forms of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam ➔ Portugal
◆ First mastered the sea navigational
ARAB TRADERS system with their technology
➔ In 1380, Karim ul’ Makhdum, the first Islamic ◆ is a country that has no coast along the
missionary to reach Sulu Archipelago, brought Mediterranean Sea so the country’s
Islam to what is now the Philippines, first arriving in advances in worldwide exploration centuries
Jolo. ago comes at no surprise. However, it was
➔ It was believed that the Muslim traders like Karim ul’ the passion and goals of one man who truly
Makhdum and also by his follower Shariff moved Portuguese exploration forward
Kabunsuan, who spread the Islamic religion in
Mindanao ➔ Prince Henry “The Navigator
◆ Taught our ancestors this so called
monotheistic worship or the worship of one
god An important figure in 15th
➔ Subsequent visits of Arab Muslim missionaries century Portuguese politics
strengthened the Islamic faith in the Philippines, and in the early days of the
concentrating in the south and reaching as far north as Portuguese Empire and the
Manila. Age of Discoveries
➔ Starting with the conquest of Malaysia by the
Portuguese and Indonesia by the Dutch, the
Philippines began to receive number of
Malaysian-Arab refugees including several Malaysian
princes and displaced court advisors ◆ Establishing seamanship and boatbuilding
to encourage voyagers
CHINESE TRADERS ◆ To find a way around Africa going to India,
➔ Influenced Filipinos way back 10th century nearest land during that time
➔ Chinese influence over ancient Filipinos has proved ◆ Invents the Astrolabe
to be holistic in nature in a sense that they have
affected the Filipinos in terms of economy, clothing, ➔ Bartholomew Diaz
language, and more importantly, values, and (1488)
beliefs ◆ Bartholomew
➔ It was believed as well that our Chinese ancestors Diaz was a
have improved the Filipinos’ art of cooking Knight of the
➔ Primary source: Archeological relics of ancient royal court,
Chinese pottery and jewelry were found in the superintendent
Philippines. Consequently, it was from them that of the royal
Filipinos learned the use of porcelain as well as warehouses
methods of mining. and sailing-master of the man-of-war,
◆ Sao Cristovao (Saint Christopher)
◆ King John II of Portugal appointed him, on ◆ Later on, the Fountain of Youth was
10 October 1487, to head an expedition to non-existent
sail around the southern tip of Africa in ◆ He also reported to found mermaids, which
the hope of for the lands ruled by Prester was actually manatees or sea cow
John, who was a fabled Chrisitan priest and
ruler. ➔ Vasco Núñez de Balboa (1513)

➔ Vasco Da Gama (1498)

◆ Was a Spanish explorer, governor, and

◆ He was the first European to reach India by conquistador.
sea, linking for the first time Europe and ◆ He is best known for having crossed the
Asia by ocean route, as well as the Atlantic Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean in
and the Indian oceans entirely and 1513 becoming the first European to lead an
definitively, and in this way, the West and the expedition to have seen or reached the
Orient. Pacific from the New World .
◆ This discovery was significant and opened
the way for an age of global imperialism and TREATY OF TORDESILLAS
for the Portuguese to establish a long-lasting ➔ First treaty or pact that was agreed by Spain and
colonial empire in Asia. Portugal about the ownership of lands they’ve
➔ Christopher Columbus (1492) ➔ On 7 June 1494 and authenticated at Setubal,
Portugal, divided the newly discovered lands
outside Europe between Portugal and Spain along a
meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde
islands (off the west coast of Africa). This line of
demarcation was about halfway between the Cape
Verde Islands (already Portuguese) and the islands
entered by Christopher Colombus on his first
voyage (claimed for Spain), named in treaty as
◆ Was a Genoese explorer, navigator, and Cipangu and Antilia (Cuba and Hispaniola).
colonizer, born in the Republic of Genoa ➔ The lands to the east would belong to Portugal and
(today part of Italy). Under the auspices of the lands to the west to Spain. This treaty was not
the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, he really promising, because there are some of the lands
completed four voyages across the that are disturbed by Spanish and Portuguese
Atlantic Ocean that led to general European conquistadores
awareness of the American continents. ➔ The treaty was ratified by Spain , 2 July 1494 and by
Those voyages, and his efforts to establish Portugal, 5 September 1494.
permanent settlements on the island of
Hispaniola, initiated the Spanish colonization TREATY OF ZARAGOZA OR SARAGOSSA
of the New World. ➔ The other side of the world would be divided a few
◆ First navigator to offer his services to the decades later by the Treaty of Zaragoza or
Monarch of Spain Saragossa, signed on 22 April 1529, which specified
◆ First to reach Novus Mundus, thinking the antimeridian to the line of demarcation
this land was Asia but was actually specified in the Treaty of Tordesillas.
referring to the American continents ➔ Promulgated by Pope Alexander VI
◆ 4 years later he failed to report to the ◆ That all lands belonging to east will be for
Monarch of Spain about his recent Portugal, all lands to the west will be for
discoveries of the Novus Mundus Spain
◆ The King and Queen of Spain sent ➔ Originals of both treaties are kept at the Archivo
Amerigo Vespucci in 1496, and believed General de Indias in Spain and at the Arquivo
that his name was used to name the Nacional da Torre do Tombo in Portugal
American continent
Pope Alexander VI
➔ Juan Ponce De Leon (1508) ➔ He is Spanish origin
➔ He issued a bull or the Inter Caetera on May 4, 1493
settling the conflicts of Spain and Portugal about
owning the new found worlds
➔ Portugal
◆ All lands discovered in the east of Azores
➔ Spain
◆ All lands in the west
◆ Was a Spanish explorer and conquistador.
He became the first Governor of Puerto Pre-Hispanic Era
Rico by appointment of the Spanish ➔ Trade among the early Filipinos and with traders
crown. from the neighboring islands was conducted through
◆ He led the first European expedition to barter.
Florida, which he named. He is associated ➔ Our ancestors were dominantly founded in trade,
with the legend of the Fountain of Youth, aside from basic hunting, aside from basic fishing,
reputed to be in Florida. aside from basic planting, and harvesting.
➔ Our ancestors have live in barter and exchanging Government
goods from other countries like the Indians, Malays, ➔ The government was called "BARANGAY"
Indonesians, etc. ➔ Chief executive was called the RAJA or DATU,
➔ The inconvenience of barter later led to the use of wherein in the barangay they holds many functions
some objects as medium of exchange. and powers
➔ Gold, which was plentiful in many parts of the ➔ There was no national government. There were many
islands, invariably found its way into these objects that independent Barangays and Datus. But there was no
included the PILONCITOS (money) Datu strong enough to unite the archipelago into one
◆ Small bead-like gold bits considered by the nation. Some barangays, however, united to form a
local numismatists as the earliest coin of the confederation.
ancient Filipinos, and gold barter rings.

➔ Long before the arrival of the Spaniards, ancient

Filipinos were living in scattered barangays and ruled
by different chieftains.
➔ It was known to some of the scholars who wrote about ➔ Implementing laws
Pre-hispanic Philippines, that Filipinos were divided in ➔ Maintaining peace and order.
different kingdoms or communities ➔ Giving protection to his subjects.
➔ Although, they were living separately, they were similar ➔ He also made the law, with the assistance of group of
in many ways, their religion, mode of dressing, elders
houses, system of government and marriage ➔ who gave advice
practices, and economic activities ➔ He acted also as a judge during trial
➔ In short, they were refined and civilized, far from
what the Spaniards told ALLIANCES
➔ The possessed a distinct culture that distinguish ➔ Like community of nations, alliances among
them from other race barangay were formed. The purpose of forming
alliances was for trade, peace and mutual
Social Classes ➔ An alliances was sealed through blood compact
➔ The first one that made Filipinos unique during that (sanduguan), to ensure conformity, sincerity and
time is the establishment of social stratification. commitment of the chieftains.
➔ Antas ng pamumuhay ng tao sa lipunan ➔ Connections with other communities
➔ Divided into 3 classes
Courtship and Marriage
➔ The man was required to give a dowry.
◆ was the type of dowry consisted of a piece
of land or gold.
◆ gift of the groom's parents.
➔ Highest people in the society ◆ was another payment for raising the future
➔ Who were composed of rulers and their families, bride during her infancy period, to be paid
occupied the highest class. They were usually by the groom's parent also.
addressed as Gat, Lakan or Lakambini, chieftains ➔ Including the bride's wet nurse received a share of
were addressed as Raja or Datu dowry, it was called “BIGAY-SUSO"
➔ Mixed marriage, that was marriage between
FREEMEN or TIMAWA couples belonging to different social classes were
➔ The working class, including soldiers and other not common.
working personnels, even the advisers of the Raja ➔ Early Filipinos practiced DIVORCE.
and Datu ➔ Several grounds of divorce were:
◆ Adultery
SLAVES or ALIPIN ◆ Abandonment on the part of the husband
➔ Lowest class of the society. Subdivided into two: ◆ Cruelty
◆ were not full pledge slave. Religious Beliefs
◆ They had their own respective families and ➔ Before Roman Catholicism and Islam were introduced,
their own houses. natives worshipped many gods and goddesses,
◆ They work as tenants or even soldiers they were polytheistic
◆ They were required to serve their masters ➔ Animismo, belief that all things have spirit or soul
only during planting and harvesting period. Bathala Supreme being
Sidapa God of Death
◆ were the real slaves
Balangaw God of Rainbow
◆ they were homeless, forbidden to form their
own families, required to stay in their Lalahon God of Harvest
masters' dwelling and they could be used as Idiyanale God of Agriculture
a payment for debt. Agni God of Fire
Mandarangan God of War
Siginarugan God of Hell
➔ These gods and goddesses were only from a specific
places and communities in Luzon
➔ In the past discussion, Visayans have other terms for
their gods and goddesses
➔ They also believed in the immortality of souls and
life after death.
➔ They worshipped sacred animals, which they
venerate like white monkey (manaul) and
➔ There were also sacred place and sacred trees,
which nobody was allowed to cut down. ➔ Examples of written literature are:
➔ They also worshipped the sun and the moon. ◆ Biag ni Lam-Ang (Ilocano epic)
➔ Regular sacrifices and prayers were offered to ◆ Indarapatra at Sulayman and Bidasari
placate deities and spirits. Reward and punishment (Muslim Epics)
after death was dependent upon behavior in this life. ◆ Handiong (Bicolanos)

Superstitious Beliefs
➔ As made mentioned by some of the writings of
Indians and Chinese, superstitious beliefs were one
of their influences until today
Natives believed in:
○ Aswang (witch)
○ Dwende (tiny creatures like humans)
○ Kapre (tall and apelike creatures smoking
cigarettes, usually found on trees)
○ Mangkukulam (an old lady capable of
harming others using a doll and a pin)
○ Tikbalang (half-man and half-horse creature)
○ Tiyanak (a baby that sucks blood on human)
➔ They also believed in magical power of amulets and
charms such as anting-anting, kulam, and the use
of gayuma or love potion

➔ To transmit knowledge, it was acquired through ➔ Literature is the improvement of our writing system
observation, imitation and practice. There was no from before
formal education during the pre-Spanish period. ➔ For example, the ALIBATA OR BAYBAYIN
Children were taught to read and write by their parents. ➔ Preserve until today, and there are movements to
It was fair to say that they were literate return this writing today
➔ The purpose of education during their time was for ➔ Even before colonization, Filipinos from before have
survival. Their father on hunting animals taught males, their own culture and stand
fishing, agriculture and other economic activities while ➔ According to Andres Bonifacion, our ancestors have
their mothers in managing the household taught 3K, the KASAGANAAN, KAGINHAWAAN, AT
◆ Males - soldier, hunter, harvester, build familu ➔ Our technology may be behind during that time but we
◆ Females - housewife, serving masters, lady are so proud our Filipino ancestors developed this
in the court, raising children, cooking, serve sense of living, culture, and heritage
their husbands
➔ THE CUSTOMS of the Tagalogs is a narrative on
the established culture of the Tagalogs in Luzon
written by Juan de Plasencia; a Franciscan
missionary in the Tagalog region since 1578 until
➔ This document was written as an answer to the
request of the monarchy in Spain which was to provide
pieces of information about the government,
administration of justice, inheritances, slaves, dowries,
worship. burials, and superstition of the "Indians' in the
➔ The early form of literature during pre-Spanish period colony. In addition, the document is to rectify previous
was a classified into written or oral reports about the people's way of life in the region.
➔ Literature is an early form of entertainment before Plasencia wrote:
(oral traditions or literature) ◆ "This people always had chiefs, called by
➔ Examples of oral literature consisted of: them datos, who governed them and were
◆ Maxims (sabi) captains in their wars, and whom they
◆ Bugtong (riddles) obeyed and reverenced. The subject who
◆ Boat song (talindaw) committed any offense against them, or
◆ Victory songs (tagumpay) spoke but a word to their wives and children,
◆ Lullaby (uyayi) was severely punished."
◆ Wedding song (ihiman) ◆ These chiefs ruled over but few people;
◆ War song (kumintang) sometimes as many as a hundred houses,
sometimes even less than thirty.
◆ This tribal gathering is called in Tagalog a
◆ It was inferred that the reason for giving
themselves this name arose from the fact as
they are classed by their language, among
the Malay nations) that when they came to the person aggrieved, to whom the money was to be
this. land, the bead of the barangay, which is paid. This was done in the following way:
a boat, thus called -as is discussed at length ◆ Half the cultivated lands and all their produce
in the first chapter of the first ten belonged to the master. The master provided
chapters-became a dato. the culprit with food and clothing, thus
◆ And so, even at the present day, it is enslaving the culprit and his children until
ascertained that this barangay in its origin such time as he might amass enough money
was a family of parents and children, to pay the fine.
relations and slaves. There were many of ◆ If the father should by chance pay his debt,
these barangays in each town, or, at least, on the master then claimed that he had fed and
account of wars, they did not settle far from clothed his children, and should be paid
one another. They were not, however, subject therefore...
to one another, except in friendship and ➔ In what concerns loans, there was formerly, and is
relationship. The chiefs, in their various wars, today, an excess of usury, which is a great hindrance
helped one another with their respective to baptism as well as to confession; for it turns out in
barangays. the same way as I have showed in the case of the one
under judgment, who gives half of his cultivated lands
and profits until he pays the debt.
Customs observed among natives in Laguna ➔ The debtor is condemned to a life of toil; and thus
Maharlicas or Maharlikas and Birthrights borrowers become slaves, and after the death of the
➔ In these three classes, those who are maharlicas on father the children pay the debt. Not doing so,
both the fathers and mother side continue to be so double the amount must be paid. This system should
forever, and if it happens that they should become and can be reformed.
slaves, it is through marriage as I shall soon explain.
➔ If these maharlicas had children among their Adultery, Punishment, and Inheritance
slaves, the children and their mothers became free ➔ In the case of a child by a free married woman, born
➔ If one of them had children by the slave-woman of while she was married, if the husband punished the
another, she was compelled, when pregnant, to give adulterer this was considered a dowry and the child
her master half of a gold tal, because of her risk of entered with the others into partition in the inheritance.
death, and for her inability to labor during the His share equaled the part left by the father. nothing
pregnancy. more. If there were no other sons than he, the children
➔ In such a case half of the child was free, namely, the and the nearest relatives’ inherited equally with him.
half belonging to the father, who supplied the child ➔ But if the adulterer were not punished by the
with food. If he did not do this, he showed that he did husband of the woman who had the child, the latter
not recognize him as his child, in which case the latter was not considered as his child, nor did he inherit
was wholly a slave If a free woman had children by a anything.
slave, they were all free, provided he were not her ➔ It should be noticed that the offender was not
husband. considered dishonored by the Punishment inflicted, nor
➔ If two persons married, of whom one was a did the husband leave the woman. By the punishment
maharlies and the other a slave, whether of the father the child was fittingly made legitimate.
namamahay or sa guiguilir, the children were divided
◆ the first, whether male or female, belonged to Dowries
the father, as did the third and fifth ➔ Dowries are given by the men to the women's
◆ the second, the fourth, and the sixth fell to parents. If the latter are living, they enjoy the use of it.
the mother, and so on. ➔ At their death, provided the dowry has not been
➔ In this manner, if the father were free, all those who consumed, it is divided like the rest of the estate,
belonged to him were free: equally among the children, except in case the father
◆ If he were slave, all those who belonged to should care to bestow something additional upon the
him were slaves and the same applied to the daughter.
mother. ➔ If the wife, at the time of her marriage, has neither
➔ If there should not be more than one child he was half father, mother, nor grandparents, she enjoys her
free and half slave. dowry which, in such a case, belongs to no other
➔ The only question here concerned the division, relative or child.
whether the child were male or female ➔ It should be noticed that unmarried women can own
➔ Those who became slaves fell under the category of no property, in land or dowry, for the result of all their
servitude which was their parent's, either namamahay labors accrues to their parents.
or sa guiguillir.
➔ If there were an odd number of children, the odd Summary:
one was half free and half slave. I have not been ➔ The above is what I have been able to ascertain clearly
able to ascertain with any certainty when or at what concerning customs observed among these natives in
age the division of children was made, for each one all this Laguna and the tingues, and among the entire
suited himself in this respect. Tagalog race.
➔ Of these two kinds of slaves the sa guiguille could ➔ The old men say that a dato who did anything contrary
be sold, but not the namamahay and their children, to this would not be esteemed; and, in relating
nor could they be transferred. However, they could be tyrannies which they had committed, some condemned
transferred from the barangay by inheritance, provided them and adjudged them wicked.. .
they remained in the same village
Worships and Beliefs
Slavery ➔ In all the villages, or in other parts of the Filipinas
➔ They condemned no one to slavery, unless he merited Islands, there are no temples consecrated to the
the death penalty. performing of sacrifices, the adoration of their idols, or
➔ As for the witches, they killed them, and their children the general practice of idolatry.
and accomplices became slaves of the chief, after he
had made some recompense to the injured person. ● Simbahan
➔ All other offenses were punished by fines in gold, ○ It is true that they have the name simbahan,
which, if not paid with promptness, exposed the which means a temple or place of adoration,
culprit to serve, until the payment should be made, but this is because, formerly, when they
wished to celebrate a festival, which they goats, fowls, and swine, which were flayed,
called pandot, or “worship,” decapitated, and laid before the idol...
○ They celebrated it in the large house of a
chief. Menstruation
○ There they constructed, for the purpose of ➔ In the case of young girls who first had their monthly
sheltering the assembled people, a courses, their eyes were blindfolded for four days
temporary shed on each side of the house, and four nights; and, in the meantime, the friends and
with a roof, called sibi, to protect the people relatives were all invited to partake of food and drink.
from the wet when it rained. ➔ At the end of this period, the catolonan took the
○ They so constructed the house that it might young girl to the water, bathed her and washed her
contain many people-dividing it, after the head, and removed the bandage from her eyes.
fashion of ships, into three compartments. ➔ The old men said that they did this in order that the
■ On the posts of the house they set girls might bear children, and have fortune in
small lamps, called sorihile finding husbands to their taste, who would not leave
■ In the center of the house they them widows in their youth.
placed one large lamp, adorned
with leaves of the white palm,
wrought into many designs. Manner of burial
○ They also brought together many drums, Their manner of burying the dead was as follows:
large and small, which they beat successively ➔ The deceased was buried beside his house, and, if
while the feast lasted, which was usually four he were a chief, he was placed beneath a little
days. house or porch which they constructed for this
○ During this time the whole barangay, or purpose.
family, united and joined in the worship ➔ Before interring him, they mourned him for four days;
which they call nagaanitos. The house, for and afterward laid him on a boat which served as a
the above-mentioned period of time, was coffin or bier, placing him beneath the porch, where
called a temple. guard was kept over him by a slave…
Idols ➔ These infidels said that they knew that there was
➔ Among their many idols there was one called. another life of rest which they called maca, just as if
Badhala, whom they especially worshiped. The title we should say "paradise" or, in other words, "village
seems to signify "all powerful," or "maker of all of rest."
things.” ➔ They say that those who go to this place are the just,
➔ They also worshiped the sun, which, on account of its and the valiant, and those who lived without doing
beauty, is almost universally respected and honored by harm, or who possessed other moral virtues.
heathens. They worshiped, too, the moon, especially ➔ They said also that in the other life and mortality,
when... there was a place of punishment, grief, and
Measure of time affliction, called casanaan, which was a “place of
➔ These natives had no established division of years, anguish," they also maintained that no one would go
months and days, these are determined by the to heaven, where there dwelt only Bathala. "the
cultivation of the soil, counted by moons, and the maker of all things," who governed from above.
different effect produced upon the trees when yielding ➔ There were also other pagans who confessed more
flowers, fruits, and leaves all this helps them in making clearly to a bell, which they called, as I have said,
up the year. casangan they said that all the wicked went to that
➔ The winter and summer are distinguished as place, and there dwelt the demons, whom they called
sun-time and water-time sitan…
➔ The latter term designating winter in those regions, ➔ There were also ghosts, which they called vibit; and
where there is no cold, snow, or ice.... phantoms, which they called Tigbalaang
➔ They had another deception-namely, that if any
Manner of Sacrifice woman died in childbirth, she and the child suffered
➔ Their manner of offering sacrifice was to proclaim a punishment; and that, at night, she could be heard
feast, and offer to the devil what they had to eat. lamenting. This was called patianac
➔ This was done in front of the idol, which they anoint ➔ May the honor and glory be God our Lord's, that
with fragrant perfumes, such as musk and civet, or among all the Tagalos not a trace of this is left; and
gum of the storax-tree and other odoriferous woods, that those who are now marrying do not even know
and praise it in poetic songs sung by the officiating what it is, thanks to the preaching of the holy gospel,
priest, male or female, who is called catolonan. which has banished it".
➔ The participants made responses to the song,
beseeching the idol to favor them with those things QUIPPER ASSIGNMENT
of which they were in need, and generally, by offering 1. Fray Juan de Plasencia indicated that tagalog people
repeated bealths, they all became intoxicated. were uncivilized.
➔ In some of their idolatries, they were accustomed to = FALSE
place a good piece of cloth, doubled, over the idol, and 2. Baranggay was never referred to as a dwelling place
over the cloth a chain or large, gold ring, thus because it was a form of government.
worshiping the devil without having sight of him. = FALSE
➔ The devil was sometimes liable to enter into the body 3. Ancient Philippines was a land comprise of one
of the catolonan, and, assuming her shape and kingdom and one ruler. (DAGHAN DATO)
appearance, filled her with so great arrogance he = FALSE
being the cause of it that she seemed to shoot flames 4. The Tagalog alipin was categorized into three:
from her eyes: her hair stood on end, a fearful sight sagigilid, namamahay, and banyuhay.(2 ONLY)
to those beholding, and she uttered words of = FALSE
arrogance and superiority. 5. Concept of immortality, life after death, were
➔ In some districts, especially in the mountains, when in popularized by the Spaniards during their integration of
those idolatries the devil incarnated himself and took catholic religion to the early Filipinos during the first
on the form of his minister, the latter had to be tied phase of Spanish colonization. (NAA NA PREHIS)
to a tree by his companions, to prevent the devil in = FALSE
his infernal fury from destroying him. This, however, 6. Spanish missionaries, during the early phase of
happened but rarely. The objects of sacrifice were Spanish colonization, immediately irradicated the
cultural practices of the early Filipinos. (SA VOYAGE THE “CRY OF BAHAY TORO"
= FALSE ➔ This version of the “Cry” was written by Santiago
7. The worship of the sun and the moon indicates the Alvarez, a well-known Katipunero from Cavite and
tagalogs' idea of animism. a son of Mariano Alvarez.
= TRUE ➔ Santiago is a relative of Gregoria de Jesus, who
8. Early katagalugans were decendants of the ancient happened to be the wife of Andres Bonifacio.
Austronesians. ➔ Unlike the author of the first version mentioned
= TRUE (Valenzuela), Santiago Alvarez is not an eyewitness
9. There was no unity among early Filipinos. of this event.
= TRUE ➔ As a result, this version of him is not given of equal
10. Early tagalogs does not have forms of languages and value as compared with the other versions for authors
education system. (MERON BAYBAYIN) of other accounts are actually part of the historic event.
= FALSE ➔ Below is his account:


HISTORICAL CONTROVERSIES As early as 10 o'clock in the morning, at the barn of Kabesang
Melchora (Melchora Aquino-Z.), at a place called Sampalukan,
barrio of Bahay Toro, Katipuneros met together. About 500 of
these arrived, ready and eager to join the “Supremo" Andres
IT IS SURPRISING that there are different versions on the dates
Bonifacio and his men..
for first cry of the revolution as well as its venue. This
controversy up to this time remains unsolved. It is believed that
the so-called Cry took place in Balintawak; but others would say
There were about 1,000 Katipuneros.... The “Supremo." decided
that it really happened in Pugad Lawin. Nevertheless, there are
to hold a meeting inside the big barn. Under his leadership, the
different versions to consider in knowing the real date and place
meeting began at 10 o'clock in the morning...
of the Cry. These include:
It was 12 o'clock noon when the meeting adjourned amidst loud
● Pio Valenzuela's Controversial "Cry of Pugad Lawin"
cries of “Long live the Sons of the Country” (Mabuhay ang mga
● Santiago Alvarez's “The Cry of Bahay Toro"
anak ng Bayan)!
● Gregoria de Jesus' version of the “First Cry"
● Guillermo Masangkay's "The Cry of Balintawak”.
(August 25, 1896)
➔ This version was written by no other than the
“Lakambini of the Katipunan" and wife of Andres
Bonfacio, Gregoria de Jesus.
(August 23, 1896)
➔ She has been a participant of this event and became
➔ This controversial version of the “Cry of Pugad Lawin”
the keeper of the secret documents of the Katipunan.
has been authorized by no other than Dr. Pio
➔ After the Revolution in August 1896, she lived with her
Valenzuela, who happened to be the eyewitness
parents in Caloocan then fled to Manila when she was
himself of the event.
told that Spanish authorities wanted to arrest her.
➔ In his first version, he told that the prime staging point
➔ Eventually, she joined her husband in the mountains
of the Cry was in Balintawak on Wednesday of
and shared adversities with him.
August 26, 1896. He held this account when the
➔ In her account, the First “Cry” happened near
happenings or events are still vivid in his memory.
Caloocan on August 25, 1896.
➔ On the other hand, later in his life and with a fading
memory, he wrote his Memoirs of the Revolution
"The activities of the Katipunan had reached nearly all corners of
without consulting the written documents of the
the Philippine Archipelago, that when its existence was
Philippine revolution and claimed that the “Cry”
discovered and some of the members arrested, we immediately
took place at Pugad Lawin on August 23, 1896.
returned to Caloocan. However, as we were closely watched by
➔ Below is his account on this topic:
the agents of the Spanish authorities, Andres Bonifacio and
other Katipuneros left the town after some days. It was then that
“The first place of refuge of Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto,
the uprising began, with the first cry for freedom on August 25,
Procopio Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata, Aguedodel Rosario, and
1896. Meanwhile, I was with my parents. Through my friends, I
myself was Balintawak, the first five arriving there on August 19
learned that Spanish were coming to arrest me. Immediately, I
and I, on August 20, 1896. The first place where some 500
fled town at eleven o'clock at night, secretly going through the
members of the Katipunan met on August 22, 1896, was the
rice fields to La Lorna, with the intention of returning to Manila. I
house and yard of Apolonio Samson at Kangkong. Aside from
was treated like an apparition, for, sad to say, in every house
the persons mentioned above, among those who were there
where I tried to get a little rest, I was driven away as if people
were Briccio Pantas, Alejandro Santiago, Ramon Bernardo,
therein were frightened for their own lives. Later, I found out that
Apolonio Samson, and others. Here, views were only
the occupants of the houses which I had visited were seized and
exchanged, and no resolution was debated or adopted. It was at
severely punished-- and some even exiled. One of them was an
Pugad Lawin, in the house, store-house, and yard of Juan
uncle of mine whom I had visited on that night to kiss his hand,
Ramos, son of Melchora Aquino, where over 1,000 members of
and he died in exile.”
the Katipunan met and carried out considerable debate and
discussion on August 23, 1986. The discussion was on whether
or not the revolution against the Spanish government should be
(August 26, 1896)
started on August 29, 1986. Only one man protested and fought
➔ This version is written by the Katipunan General
against a war, and that was Teodoro Plata [Bonifacio's
Guillermo Masangkay.
brother-in-law-Z]. Besides the persons named above, among
➔ He is an eyewitness of the historic event and a
those present at this meeting were:Enrique Cipriano, Alfonso
childhood friend of Bonifacio.
Pacheco, Tomas Remigio, Sinforoso San Pedro, and others.
➔ According to him, the first rally of the Philippine
After the tumultuous meeting, many of those present tore their
Revolution happened on August 26, 1896 at
cedula certificates and shouted “Long live the Philippines! Long
live the Philippines!"
➔ Correspondingly, the date and site presented were
accepted by the preliminary years of American
➔ Below is General Guillermo Masangkay's version of
The “Cry of Balintawak”,
Led by Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto and other leaders of the
"On August 26th [1896-Z.], a big meeting was held in Katipunan, the men were distributed in strategic positions and
Balintawak, at the house of Apolonio Samson, then the cabeza were prepared for attack of the civil guards. was with a group
of that barrio of Caloocan. Among those who attended, I stationed on the bank of a small creek, guarding the places
remember, were Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto, Aguedodel Rosario, where the Spaniards were to pass in order to reach the meeting
Tomas Remigio, Briccio Pantas, Teodoro Plata, Pio Valenzuela, place of the katipuneros. Shots were then fired by the civil
Enrique Pacheco, and Francisco Carreon. They were all leaders guards, and that was the beginning of the fire which later
of the Katipunan and composed the board of directors of the became such a huge conflagration.
organization. Delegates from Bulacan, Cabanatuan, Cavite and
Morong (now Rizal.) were also present.
At about nine o'clock in the morning of August 26, the meeting LESSON PROPER
was opened with Andres Bonifacio presiding and Emilio Jacinto The First Cry of Revolution
acting as secretary. The purpose was to discuss when the ➔ One of the historical controversies in the
uprising was to take place. Teodoro Plata [Bonifacio's Philippines; Happened in 1896.
brother-in-law-Z.], Briccio Pantas, and Pio Valenzuela were all ➔ The first cry of revolution is one of the controversies
opposed to starting the revolution too early. They reasoned that enlisted in the history of the Philippines―because
the people would be in distress if the revolution were started even until today, there are still debates from our
without adequate preparation. Plata was very forceful in his historians
argument, stating that the uprising could not very well be started ➔ with regards to when and where did the first cry really
without the arms and food for the soldiers. Valenzuela used happened.
Rizal's argument about the rich not siding with the Katipunan
organization Andres Bonifacio y de Castro
➔ Started and founded the revolution―paved way to
Andres Bonifacio, sensing that he would lose in the discussion fight for the freedom and rights of the Filipino
the, left the session hall and talked to the people, who were people during the 19th century.
waiting outside for the result of the meeting of the leaders. He ➔ Known as:
told the people that the leaders were arguing against starting the ◆ “Ama ng Rebolusyon”
revolution early, and appealed to them in a fiery speech in which ◆ “Ama ng Himagsikan”
he said: “You remember the fate of our countrymen who were ◆ “Supremo”
shot in Bagumbayan. Should we return now to the towns, the ◆ “Pangulong Hari ng Katagalugan”
Spaniards will only shoot us. Our organization has been ➔ Unofficial President of the Philippines
discovered and we are all marked men. If we don't start the ➔ To some historians, Andres Bonifacio is known as the
uprising, the Spaniards will get us anyway. What then, do you unofficial president of the Philippines―he was the one
say?" who really started, ignited, and founded the first
“Revolt!" the people shouted as one. government.
➔ Born in Tondo, Manila, on November 30, 1863
Bonifacio then asked the people to give a pledge that they were ➔ Died on May 10, 1897 (Maragondon, Cavite)
to revolt. He told them that the sign of slavery of the Filipinos
were (sic) the cedula tax charged each citizen. “If it is true that Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng
you are ready to revolt,” Bonifacio saved, “I want to see you Bayan (KKK)
destroy your cedulas. It will be the sign that all of us have ➔ Philippine revolutionary society founded by
declared our severance from the Spaniards." anti-Spanish colonialism Filipinos in Manila in 1892
➔ Its primary goal was to gain independence from
With tears in their eyes, the people as one man, pulled out their Spain through a revolution
cedulas and tore them to pieces. It was the beginning of the ◆ very opposite to the ways of Dr. Jose Rizal.
formal declaration of the separation from Spanish rule. With their ➔ The whole Katipunan movement was a secret
cedulas destroyed, they could no longer go back to their homes organization until it was discovered in 1896, which
because the Spaniards would persecute them, if not for being paved the way to the reason behind the first cry of
katipuneros, for having no cedulas. And people who had no revolution.
cedulas during those days were severely punished. ➔ On July 7 1982, it was founded by Filipino patriots
◆ Andres Bonifacio
When the people's pledge was obtained by Bonifacio, he ◆ Teodoro Plata
returned to the session hall and informed the leaders of what ◆ Ladislao Diwa
took place outside. “The people want to revolt, and they have ◆ Deodato Arellano
destroyed their cedulas,” Bonifacio said. “So now we have to ◆ Valentin Diaz
start the uprising; otherwise the people by hundreds will be ➔ The Katipunan was a secret organization until in was
shot.” There was no alternative. The board of directors, in the discovered in 1896
spite of the protests of Plata, Pantas, and Valenzuela, voted for
the revolution. And when this was decided, the people outside Philippine Revolution of 1896
shouted: “Long Live the Philippine Republic!" ➔ Tearing up of cedulas and proclaiming the start of
the fight for the independence on August 23, 1896
I still remember Bonifacio as he appeared that day. Although a ➔ The event happened after the Katipunan was exposed
mere bodeguero (warehouseman) and earning P25 (Mex.) a on August 19, 1896 and the Spaniards began to
month, he was a cultured man. He always wore an open coat, crack down on suspected rebels.
with black necktie, and black hat. He always carried an umbrella. ➔ There were actually raging controversies that arose
At the meeting that morning of August 26, Bonifacio took off his during that time.
coat and was wearing only his shirt, with collar and tie. ➔ Teodoro Agoncillo, one of our most prominent
Bonifacio's hobby was weaving bamboo hats. During his spare historians, chose to emphasize Bonifacio's tearing of
time he wove dozens of them and sold them in Manila. Thus he the cedula (fax receipt) before a crowd of Katipuneros
made extra money. who then broke out in cheers.
➔ However, Guardia Manuel Sityar never mentioned in
At about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, while the gathering at his memories (1896-1898) the tearing or inspection of
Balintawak was celebrating the decision of the Katipunan the cedula, but did note the Pacto de Sangre (blood
leaders to start the uprising, the guards who were up in trees to pact) mark on every single Filipino he met in August
watch for any possible intruders or the approach of the enemy, 1896.
gave the warning that the Spaniards were coming. ➔ He made mention that according to Guardia Manuel
Sityar, the tearing of the cedula did not occur.
➔ Says the decision to revolt was taken at Kangkong on
Raging Controversies August 23 (1911)
➔ The historian Teodoro Agoncillo chose to emphasize ➔ Says the decision to revolt was taken by the General
Bonifacio’s tearing of the cedula (fax receipt) before Assembly on August 23 at the house of Melchora
a crowd of Katipuneros who then broke out in cheers Aquino on Daan-malalim, “in Pasong Tamo, also
➔ However, Guardia Manuel Sityar never mentioned in known as Pacpac-lawin.” (1917)
his memories (1896-1898) the tearing or inspection of ➔ He says the revolutionists met in Kangkong on
the cedula, but did note the pacto de sangre (blood August 22, but the decision was taken on August 23
pact) mark on every single Filipino he met in August at Juan Ramos’ place at Pugad Lawin, and the “Cry”
1896 followed the decision. (1920)
➔ Based on the interview, he gave such accounts each
Geographical Set-up by the years: 1911, 1917, & 1920.
Where did it took place?
Pugad Lawin or Balintawak Santiago Alvarez’s Account of “First Cry”
➔ One of the leaders of the Cavite revolution
➔ Alvarez presents an account devoid of any dramatic
description as it is merely a narration of the events
that happened in Bahay Toro
➔ Although Alvarez himself was not there during the
event, but he just solicited some ideas from those who
attended the changes of the places during the time
(e.g., he asked revolutionist in the person of Ramon
➔ Internal evidence suggests that Alvarez’s account of
the meeting on August 24 is based on information he
obtained from Ramon Bernardo, a Katipunan leader
form Pandacan who was a participant in the “Cry”
About Map Gregoria de Jesus’s Account of “First Cry”
➔ Each of the stars represents the districts or places ➔ Second wife of Andres Bonifacio
found in Caloocan Poblacion.
➔ The yellow stars represent the places where the cry of General Guillermo Masangkay’s Account of “First Cry”
revolution happened. ➔ A friend and fellow Katipunero of Andres Bonifacio
➔ The barrios, hamlets and farmsteads where the ➔ In his interview with the Sunday Tribute magazine,
revolution began were all within the municipality of Masangkay said that the first Cry happened in
Caloocan in the province of Manila Balintawak on August 26, 1896
➔ Its total population in 1896 was tallied at just 7,829 ➔ In another interview published in the newspaper
➔ 2,694 lived in the town (Poblacion), 977 lived in the Bagong Buhay on August 26, 1957, Masangkay
largest barrio, Balintawak, and the remaining 4,158 changed his narrative stating that the revolution began
were scattered in ten other barrios on August 23, 1896, similar to the assertion of Dr.
◆ Baesa, Bagobantay, Bahay Toro, Banlat, Pio Valenzuela
Culiat, Kangkong, Loma, Marulas, Talipapa, ➔ At his very last breath, he made mention that the First
and Tangke Cry really happened in Balintawak, and not in Pugad
➔ No detailed maps of the municipality are known to Lawin.
have survived from the Spanish era, and perhaps none
➔ Many of sources on the “Cry” are consequently (arranged chronologically)
vague and inconsistent in how they identify and
locate the settlements, roads, and other features of Cry of Pugad Lawin: Version 1
the area ➔ Author:
◆ Pio Valenzuela
➔ Date:
Main Argument ◆ August 22, 1896
➔ The First Cry of the Revolution remains unsolved ● Pio also supported the August 23,
due to the different date and places that were 1896
mentioned by different eyewitnesses of the event ➔ Place:
➔ These include ◆ Kangkong, Balintawak, House and yard of
◆ Pio Valenzuela’s “Cry of Pugad Lawin” Apolonio Samson & Melchora Aquino
◆ Santiago Alvarez’s “The Cry of Bahay Toro” ➔ No.of Attendees
◆ Gregoria de Jesus’ “First Cry” ◆ 500 members
◆ Guillermo Masangkay’s “The Cry of ➔ Discussion:
Balintawak” ◆ Views were only exchanged, and no
➔ Main argument Includes: resolution was debated or adopted
◆ His arguments were actually unstable,
because as he was getting older, his
Dr. Pio Valenzuela’s Account of “First Cry” narratives kept changing
➔ Went to Dapitan and proposed to Jose Rizal about ◆ He was interviewed by:
the plans of the Katipuneros for a revolution; ● Teodoro Agoncillo
however, on Dr. Jose Rizal's accord, he is not in favor ◆ At the very end, he made mention that he
of the revolution. was not certain anymore of when and where
➔ National Historical Commission of The Philippines the first cry happened
(NHPC) claimed that, the First cry of the Philippine
Revolution of 1896 at Pugad Lawin, now part of Cry of Pugad Lawin: Version 2
Project 8 in Quezon City ➔ Author:
➔ The official date and place of the first Cry were largely ◆ Pio Valenzuela
based on Dr. Pio Valenzuela’s Account ➔ Date:
➔ Dr. Pio Valenzuela is an official of the Katipunan and a ◆ August 23, 1896
friend of Andres Bonifacio, who was also present ➔ Place:
during the event.
◆ Pugad Lawin House, storehouse and yard CAVITE MUTINY
of Juan Ramos TEXT
➔ No.of Attendees MANY BELIEVED that one of the factors that ignited the Filipino
◆ 1000 members sense of nationhood and eventually led to the Philippine
➔ Discussion: Revolution in 1896 was the Cavite mutiny. This event has been
◆ Whether or not the revolution should be remarkable among Filipinos because it prompted to the
started August 26, 1896. Protested by martyrdom of Gomburza (the acronym that represents the
Teodoro Plata. Attendees tore their cedula surnames of the priests Mariano Gómez, José Apolonio Burgos,
certificates and shouted Long Live and Jacinto Zamora, who were executed on February 17, 1872).
However, there are three versions that every Filipino student
Cry of Bahay Toro must read for them to articulate arguments that would support
➔ Author: their stand about the issue on the terms used, causes, effects
◆ Santiago Alvarez and the unraveling truth about the Cavite Mutiny.
➔ Date:
➔ Place: ➔ This version was written by Jose Montero y Vidal, a
◆ Barn of Kabesang Melchora Aquino, Spanish historian, in his book entitled, Historia General
Sampalukan. Barrio of Bahay Toro de Filipinas.
➔ No.of Attendees ➔ It was dolefully biased that Dr. T.H. Pardo de Tavera
◆ 1000 Katipuneros stated that he, "in narrating the Cavite episode, does
➔ Discussion: not speak as a historian; he speaks as a Spaniard bent
◆ It was 12 o’clock when the meeting on perverting the facts at his pleasure; he is
adjourned amidst loud cries of “Long Live mischievously partial".
the sons of the country” or Mabuhay ang ➔ The Spanish historian in his account overstated the
mga anak ng bayan. mutiny of some dissatisfied soldiers and laborers into a
◆ This is a solicited account of the First Cry revolt to bring down Spanish rule and this intricated
some patriots like Gomburza and others.
The First Cry ➔ Below is Montero y Vidal's version of the Cavite
➔ Author: episode of 1872 in English translation.
◆ Gregoria de Jesus
➔ Date: "With the Establishment in Spain of a government less radical
◆ August 25, 1896 than the one that appointed La Torre, the latter was relieved
➔ Place: from his post. His successor, D. Rafael de Esquierdo,
◆ Near Caloocan (No exact location) assumed control of the government of these islands April 4,
● Near Caloocan is just a hearsay 1871. The most eventful episode in his rule was the Cavite
➔ No.of Attendees revolt of 1872.
◆ Not specified
➔ Discussion: The abolition of the privileges enjoyed by the laborers of the
◆ The activities of the katipuneros had reached Cavite arsenal of exemption from the tribute was, according to
nearly all corners of the Philippine some the cause of the insurrection. There were, however, other
Archipelago. When it was discovered by causes.
Spanish authorities, some katipuneros were
arrested. Some were arrested and killed by The Spanish revolution which overthrew a secular throne; the
exiled propaganda carried on by an unbridled press against
monarchical principles, attentatory of the most sacred
The Cry of Balintawak respects towards the dethroned majesty; the democratic and
➔ Author: republican books and pamphlets; the speeches and
◆ General Guillermo Masangkay preachings of the apostles of these new ideas in Spain; the
➔ Date: outbursts of the American publicists and the criminal policy of
◆ August 26, 1896 the senseless Governor whom the revolutionary government
➔ Place: sent to govern the Philippines, and who put in practice these
◆ House of Apolonio Samson, Balintawak ideas were the determining circumstances which gave rise,
➔ No.of Attendees among certain Filipinos, to the they idea of attaining their
◆ Not specified independence. It was towards this goal that they started to work,
➔ Discussion: with the powerful assistance of a certain section of the native
◆ Discuss when the uprising was to take place. clergy, who out of spite toward the friars, made common cause
Opposed by Teodoro Plata, Briccio Panta, with the enemies of the mother country.
and Pio Valenzuela. Bonifacio sensing that
he will lose in the argument, he left the At various times but especially in the beginning of the year 1872,
session hall and convinced the people the authorities received anonymous communications with the
outside. He asked the people to pledge by information that a great uprising would wok out against the
tearing the sign of slavery which is the Spaniards, the minute the fleet at Cavite left for the South, and
cedula. that all would be assassinated, including the friars. But nobody
gave importance to these notices. The conspiracy had been
Overall: going on since the days La Torre with utmost secrecy. At times,
➔ Masangkay’s Cry of Balintawak, Valenzuela’s Cry the principal leaders met either in the house of the Filipino
of Pugadlawin, Bahay Toro, and Bahay Kangkong Spaniard, D. Joaquin Pardo de Tavera, or in that of the
have a commonality which are the places is located native priest, Jacinto Zamora, and these meetings were
in the same district. usually attended by the curate of Bacoor (Cavite), the soul of
➔ The Katipuneros when the Katipunan was revealed to the movement, whose energetic character and immense wealth
the Spaniards were being hunted enabled him to exercise a strong influence.
➔ From time to time, they need some people to support
their fight from Spain so they keep on switching from The garrison of Manila, composed mostly of native soldiers,
places to places were involved in this conspiracy, as well as a multitude of
➔ No one knows, that in every place they do the cry from civilians. The plan was for the soldiers to assassinate their
time to time officers, the servants, their masters, and the escort of the
Captain-General at Malacañang, to dispose of the government
himself. The friars and other Spaniards were later to have their On the 3rd of April, 1872, the Audiencia suspended from the
turn. The pre-concerted signal among the conspirators of Cavite practice of law the following men: D. Jose Basa y Enriquez, D.
and Manila was the firing of rockets from the walls of the city. Joaquin Pardo de Tavera, D. Antonio Ma. Regidor, D. Pedro
The details having been arranged, it was agreed that the Carillo, D. Gercasio Sanchez and D. Jose Mauricio de Leon.
uprising was to breakout in the evening of the 20th of
January, 1872. Various circumstances, however, which might Izquierdo had requested the sending to Manila of Spanish troops
well be considered as providential, upset the plans, and made for the defense of the fort as most of these found here were
the conspiracy a dismal failure. natives. In pursuance of Izquierdo's request, the government, by
decree of April 4, 1872, dissolved the native regiment of
In the district of Sampaloc, the fiesta of the patron saint, the artillery and ordered the creation of an artillery force to be
Virgin of Loreto, was being celebrated with pomp and splendor. composed exclusively of Peninsulares. The latter arrived in
On the night of the 20th, fireworks were displayed and rockets Manila in July, 1872. On the occasion of the arrival of the
fired into the air. Those in Cavite mistook these for the signal troops, the Sto. Domingo Church celebrated a special mass at
to revolt, and at nine-thirty in the evening of that day, two which high officials of the Government, the religious
hundred native soldiers under the leadership of Sergeant La corporations, and the general public, attended, upon invitation by
Madrid rose up in arms, assassinated the commander of the the Governor and Captain-General of the Philippines."
fort and wounded his wife.
The military governor of Cavite, D. Fernando Rojas, ➔ This version was written by Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de
despatched two Spaniards to inform the Manila authorities of the Tavera, a Filipino scientist, scholar and historical
uprising but they were met on the way by a group of natives. researcher.
belonging to the Guias established by La Torre, who put them ➔ In his account, Cavite Mutiny was simply a mutiny by
instantly to death. At about the same time, an employee of the the Filipino soldiers and laborers of the Cavite arsenal
arsenal. D. Domingo Mijares, left Cavite in a war vessel for who turned out to be dissatisfied with the eradication of
Manila, arriving there at midnight. He informed the commandant their privileges.
of marine of what had occurred, and this official immediately, ➔ Tavera, in his account blamed Gov. General
relayed the news to Governor Izquierdo. Izquierdo's harsh policies like the abolition of their
privileges of exemption from paying yearly tribute
Early the next morning two regiments, under the command of D. and rendering forced labor.
Felipe Ginoves, segundo cabo, left for Cavite on board the ➔ This eventually resulted to a bloody incident on the
merchant vessels Filipino; Manila, Isabela I and Isabela II. night of January 20, 1872 when some of the soldiers,
Ginoves demanded rendition and waited the whole day of the laborers and residents assassinated the Commanding
21st for the rebels to surrender, without ordering the assault of officer and some Spanish officials in sight.
their position in order to avoid unnecessary shedding of blood. ➔ Dr. Pardo de Tavera's version is as follows:
After waiting the whole day in vain for the rendition of the rebels,
Ginoves launched an assault against the latter's position, "The arrival of General Izquierdo (1871-1873) was the signal
early in the morning of the 22nd, putting to the sword the for a complete change in the aspect of affairs. The new governor
majority of the rebels and making prisoners of the rest. On the soon made it clear that his views were different from those of La
same day, an official proclamation announced the suppression Torre—that there would be no change in the established form of
of the revolt. government—and he at once announced that he intended to
govern the people with a crucifix in one hand and a sword in the
As a result of the declarations made by some of the prisoners in other."
which several individuals were pointed out as instigators, Don
Jose Burgos and D. Jacinto Zamora, curates of the His first official act was to prohibit the founding of a school of
Cathedral, D. Mariano Gomez, curate of Bacoor (Cavite), arts and trades, which was being organized by the efforts and
several other Filipino priests, D. Antonio Maria Regidor, funds raised by natives of standing in the community, but the
lawyer and Regidor of the Ayuntamiento, D. Joaquin Pardo founding of which did not tally with the views of the religious
de Tavera, Consejero de administracion, Pedro Carillo, orders. Governor Izquierdo believed that the establishment
Gervasio Sanchez and Jose Mauricio de Leon, lawyer of the new school was merely a pretext for the organization
Enrique Paraiso and Jose and PioBasa, employees, and of a political club, and he not only did not allow it to be
Crisanto Reyes, Maximo Paterno and several other opened but made a public statement accusing the Filipinos
Filipinos, were arrested. who had charge of the movement. All of those who had
offered their support to ex-Governor La Torre were classed as
The council of war, which from the beginning took charge of the personas sospechosas (suspects), a term that since that time
causes in connection with the Cavite uprising, passed the has been used in the Philippine Islands to designate any person
sentence of death on forty-one of the rebels. On the 27th of who refused to servilely obey the wishes and whims of the
January the Captain-General fixed his “cumplase" on the authorities. The conservative element in the islands now directed
sentence. On the 6th of the following month, eleven more the governmental policy, and the educated Filipinos fell more
were sentenced to death, but the Governor General, by decree and more under the displeasure and suspicion of the governor.
of the day following, commuted this sentence to life
imprisonment. On the 8th, the sentence of death was The peace of the colony was broken by a certain incident which,
pronounced on Camerino and ten years imprisonment of eleven though unimportant in itself, was probably the origin of the
individuals of the famous “Guias de la Torre," for the political agitation which, constantly growing for thirty years,
assassination of the Spaniards who, on the night of January culminated in the overthrow of the Spanish sovereignty in the
20th, were sent to Manila to carry news of the uprising. Philippine Islands. From time immemorial the workmen in the
arsenal at Cavite and in the barracks of the artillery, and
The same council on the 5th of February, sentenced to die by engineer corps had been exempt from the payment of the tribute
strangulation the Filipino priests, D. Jose Burgos, D. tax and from obligation to work certain days each year on public
Jacinto Zamora and D. Mariano Gomez, and Francisco improvements. General Izquierdo believed the time opportune
Saldua; and Maximo Inocencio, Enrique Paraiso and for abolishing theses privileges and ordered that in the future all
Crisanto de los Reyes to ten years imprisonment. Early in the such workmen should pay tribute and labor on public
morning of the seventeenth of February, an immense multitude improvements. This produced great dissatisfaction among the
appeared on the field of Bagumbayan to witness the execution workmen affected and the men employed in the arsenal at
of the sentence. The attending force was composed of Filipino Cavite went on a strike but, yielding to pressure and threats
troops, and the batteries of the fort were aimed at the place of made by the authorities, they subsequently returned to their
execution, ready to fire upon the least sign of uprising. Gomez labors.
was executed first, then Zamora, then Burgos, and lastly,
The workmen in the Cavite arsenal were all natives of that town were persecuted and punished without distinction by the military
and the neighboring town of San Roque. In a short while the authorities. Those who dared to oppose themselves to the friars
dissatisfaction and discontent with the government spread all were punished with special severity; among others may be
over that section and even the entire troops became disaffected. mentioned the priests Burgos, a half-blood Spaniard, Zamora,
On the night of January 20, 1872, there was an uprising a half-blood Chinaman, and Gomez, a pure-blood Tagalog,
among the soldiers in the San Felipe fort, in Cavite, and the who had vigorously opposed the friars in the litigation over the
commanding officer and other Spanish officers in charge of curacies in the various province. The three priests mentioned
the fort were assassinated. Forty marines attached to the were condemned to death by a military court-martial; and
arsenal and 22 artillerymen under Sergeant La Madrid took Antonio M. Regidor, a lawyer and councilman of Manila,
part in this uprising, and it was believed that the entire garrison Joaquin Pardo de Tavera, lawyer and member of the
in Cavite was disaffected and probably implicated. But if the few administrative council, P. Mendoza, curate of Santa Cruz,
soldiers who precipitated the attack believed they would be Guevarra, curate of Quiapo, the priests Mariano Sevilla,
supported by the bulk of the army and that a general rebellion Feliciano Gomez, Ballesteros, Jose Basa, the lawyers
against Spain would be declared in the islands, they were Carillo, Basa, Enriquez, Crisanto Reyes, Maximo Paterno,
deceived. When the news of the uprising was received in Manila, and many others were sentenced to life imprisonment on the
General Izquierdo sent the commanding general to Cavite, who Marianas Islands. The Government thus secured its object of
reinforced the native troops, took possession of the fort, and put terrorizing the Filipino people, but the punishments meted out
the rebels to the sword. Sergeant La Madrid has been blinded were not only unjust but were from every point of view
and badly burned by the explosion of a sack of powder and, unnecessary, as there had not been the remote intention on the
being unable to escape, was also cut down. A few of the rebels part of anyone to overthrow the Spanish sovereignty. On the
were captured and taken to Manila and there was no further contrary, the attitude of Moret, Labra, Becerra, and other high
disturbance of the peace or insubordination of any kind. officials in the Madrid Government had awakened in the breasts
of the Filipinos a lively friendship for the home government, and
This uprising among the soldiers in Cavite was used as a never had the ties which bound the colony to Spain been as
powerful lever by the Spanish residents and by the friars. close as they were during the short interval between the arrival
During the time that Gen. La Torre was chief executive in the of General La Torre and the time when General Izquierdo, in the
Philippine Islands the influential Filipinos did not hesitate to name of the home government was guilty of the atrocities
announce their hostility to the religious orders, and the Central mentioned above, of which innocent men were made victims..
Government in Madrid has announced its intention to deprive the
friars in these islands of all powers of intervention in matters of A careful study of the history and documents of that time brings
civil government and of the direction and management of the to light the part which the religious orders played in that sad
management of the university. Moret, the colonial minister, had drama. One of the results of the so called revolution of Cavite
drawn up a scheme of reforms by which he proposed a radical was to strengthen the power of the friars in the Philippine Islands
change in the colonial system of government which was to in such manner that the Madrid Government, which up to that
harmonize with the principles for which the revolution in Spain time had contemplated reducing the power of the religious
had been fought. It was due to these facts and promises that the orders in these islands, was obliged not only to abandon its
Filipinos had great hopes of an improvement in the affairs of intention, but to place a yet greater measure of official influences
their country, while the friars, on the other hand, feared that their at the service of the friars, and from that time they were
power in the colony would soon be completely a thing of the considered as an important factor in the preservation of the
past. Spanish sovereignty in the colony. This influence was felt
throughout the islands, and not only were the friars taken into
The mutiny in Cavite gave the conservative element—that is, the confidence of the Government, but the Filipino people looked
those who favored a continuation of the colonial modus upon the religious orders as their real masters and as the
vivendi -- opportunity to represent to the Spanish representatives, powerful and unsparing, of the Spanish
Government that a vast conspiracy was afoot and organized Kingdom
throughout the archipelago with the object of destroying the
Spanish sovereignty. They stated that the Spanish government But there were other results following upon the unfortunate
in Madrid was to blame for the propagation of pernicious policy adopted by Governor Izquierdo. Up to that time, there had
doctrines and for the hopes that had been held out from Madrid been no intention of secession from Spain, and the only
to the Filipino people, and also because of the learnings of aspiration of the people was to secure the material and
ex-Governor La Torre and of other public functionaries who had educational advancement of the country. The Filipino people had
been sent to the Philippine islands by the Government that never blamed the Spanish nation for the backward condition in
succeeded Queen Isabella. The fall of the new rulers in Spain which the islands existed, nor for the injustices committed in the
within the few days, as well as other occurrences, seemed to islands by the Spanish officials; but on the contrary it was the
accentuate the claims made by the conservative element in the custom to lay all the blame for these things on the individual
Philippine Islands regarding the peril which threatened Spanish officers guilty of maladministration, and no attempt had been
sovereignty in the islands, it appeared as though the prophecies made to investigate whether or not the evils under which the
were about to be fulfilled. The Madrid authorities were not able islands suffered were due to fundamental causes. The
to combat public opinion in that country; no opportunity was persecutions which began under Governor Izquierdo were based
given nor time taken to make a thorough investigation of the real on the false assumption that the Filipino people were
facts or extent of the alleged revolution; the conservative desirous of independence, and although this was an
element in the Philippine Islands painted the local condition of unfounded accusation, there were many martyrs to the cause,
affairs in somber tints; and the Madrid Government came to among whom were found any of the most intelligent and
believe, or at least to suspect, that a scheme was being well-to-do people, without distinction of color or race or
concocted throughout the islands to shake off Spanish nationality, who were sentenced to death, to imprisonment,
sovereignty. Consistent with the precedents of their colonial rule, or were expatriated because they were believed to aspire to
the repressive measures adopted to quell the supposed the independence of these islands. The fear which he people
insurrection were strict and sudden. No attempt to have been felt of the friars and of the punishments meted out by the
made to ascertain whether or not the innocent suffered with the Government was exceeded only by the admiration which the
guilty, and the only end sought appeared to be to inspire terror in Filipino people had for those who did not hesitate to stand up for
the minds of all by making examples of a certain number, so that the rights of the country. In this manner, the persecutions to
none in the future should attempt, nor even dream of any which the people were subjected served as a stimulus and an
attempt at secession. educative force, and from that time the rebellion was nursed in
secret and the passive resistance to the abuses of the official
Many of the best known Filipinos were denounced to the military power became greater day by day.
authorities, and they, the sons of Spaniards born in the islands
and men of mixed blood (Spanish and Chinese), as well as the No attempt was made to allay the ill-feeling which existed
Indians of pure blood, as the Philippine Malays were called, between the Filipinos and the Spaniards, especially the friars,
caused by the mutiny in Cavite and the cruel manner in which putting it out, the regiment of artillery with the help of the part of
the punishment was meted out. Many years would have been the infantry would seize Fort Santiago of this capital (they would
necessary to heal the wounds felt by the large number of then) cannons to inform the rebels of Cavite (of their success).
families whose members were made the victims of the unjust The rebels in Cavite counted on the artillery detachment that
sentences of the military courts martial. Nothing was done by the occupied the fort and on the navy helped by 500 natives led by
Government to blot out the recollections of these actions; on the the pardoned leader Camerino. This person and his men,
contrary, it appeared to be its policy to continually bring up the locate at the town of Bacoor and separated from the fort of San
memory of these occurrences as a reminder to the malcontents Felipe by a small arm of the sea, would cross the water and
of what they had to expect; but the only thing accomplished was reach the fort where they would find arms and ammunition.
to increase the popular discontent. It was from that time that
every disagreement between the Spaniards and the Filipinos, The rebels (in Cavite) made the signals agreed upon by means
however trivial, was given a racial or political character; every of lanterns, but the native civilians (in Bacoor) although they tried
time a friar was insulted or injured in any way, it was claimed to it, failed because of the vigilance (Spanish) navy that had placed
be an act of hostility to the Spanish nation.” there a gunboat and armed vessels.

THE OFFICIAL REPORT OF GOVERNOR IZQUIERDO Loyalists who went to arrest the parish priest of Bacoor found an
ON THE CAVITE MUTINY OF 1872 abandoned vessel loaded with arms, including carbines and
➔ Gov. General Rafael Izquierdo made a report to the revolvers."
Spanish Ministry of War on January 23, 1872.
➔ In his report he blamed the native clergy, scholars, The uprising should have started in Manila at midnight abetted
and some residents of Manila and the neighboring by those in Cavite, but the rebels of this city went ahead of time.
provinces as the instigators of Cavite Mutiny. The civil-military governor of Cavite and the commanders of
➔ He expressively describes Cavite Mutiny as an regiment 7 took very timely precautions; they knew how to keep
“insurrection”, “uprising” and a "revolution". the soldiers loyal (although these had been compromised) and
➔ Below is the text of Gov. General Izquierdo's report. behaved with valor and gallantry, obliging the rebels to take
refuge in the fort of San Felipe.
“From the summary of information received—that is, from the
declaration made before the fiscal-it seems definite that the Such is your Excellency, the plan of the rebels, those who
insurrection was motivated and prepared by the native clergy, by guided them, and the means they counted upon for its
the mestizos and native lawyers, and by those known here as realization. For a long time now, through confidential 'information
abogadillos. Some are residents of Manila, others from Cavite and others of the vaguer character, I have been told that since
and some from the nearby provinces. 1869-taking advantage of a group that had left behind plans for
an uprising, but was not carried out because of the earthquake
The instigators, to carry out their criminal project, protested of 1862- there existed in Manila a junta or center that sought
against the injustice of the government in not paying the and found followers; and that as a pretext they had established a
province for their tobacco crop, and against the usury that some society for the teaching of arts and trades. Months ago I
(officials) practice in (handling) documents that the Finance suspended it indirectly, giving an account to Your Excellency in
department gives crop owners who have to sell them at a loss. my confidential report No. 113 dated August 1, (1871) to which
They encouraged the rebellion by protesting what they called the Your Excellency has not yet replied.
injustice of having obliged the workers in the Cavite arsenal to
pay tribute starting January 1 (1872) and to render personal It has also been said that this center or junta received inspiration
service, from which they were formally exempted. from Madrid, where newspapers of advanced ideas flourish; to
sustain them subscriptions are (locally) solicited; in effect,
To seduce the native troops, they resorted to superstitions with newspapers such as El Eco Filipino were sent here from
which the indios are so prone to believe; persuading them that Madrid which were distributed by persons now imprisoned,
the Chief of State (hari) would be an ecclesiastic and the rest or whose articles thundered against everything that can be found
the clergy who backed the uprising would celebrate daily for its here.
success. Thus the rebellion could not fail because God was with
them; and those who would not revolt they would kill As in the case of my worthy predecessor, I have continuously
immediately. Taking advantage of the ignorance of those classes received anonymous letters, but because I was confident that I
and the propensity of the Indio to steal, they offered (to those could put down and punish any uprising, I gave no credit (to
who revolted) the wealth of the Spaniards and of the regular these reports) in order not to cause alarm; and instead continued
clergy, employment and ranks in the army; and to this effect they a vigilant watch wherever possible within the limited means at
said that fifteen native battalions would be created, in which the my command. I had everything ready (for any untoward
soldiers who revolted would have jobs as officers and chiefs. possibility), taking into account the limited peninsular force which
The lawyers and abogadillos would direct the affairs of composes the army.
government, of the administration and of justice.

Up to now it has not been clearly determined if they planned to

establish a monarchy or a republic, because the Indios have no CAVITE MUTINY
word in their language to describe this different form of LESSON PROPER
government, whose head in Tagalog would be called hari; but it 2 MAJOR EVENTS IN 1872
turns out that they would place at the head of the government a ● CAVITE MUNITY OF 1872
priest; and there were great probabilities—nay, a certainty--that ● MARTYRDOM OF THE THREE PRIEST
the head selected would be D. Jose Burgos, or D. Jacinto
Zamora, parish priests of S. Pedro of Manila. CAVITE MUNITY OF 1872
➔ A very important event in the history of the Philippines.
All the Spaniards, including the friars, would be executed except ➔ When Miguel Lopez de Legaspi had successfully
for the women; and their belongings confiscated. Foreigners established the colony in the Philippines from 1565 to
would be respected. 1570, the Philippines was under the Great Spanish
Rule for more than 300 years (333 years to be exact).
This uprising has roots, and with them were affiliated to a great ➔ Along the centuries, particularly the 1st & 2nd phase of
extent the regiments so infantry and artillery, many civilians and the Spanish colonization, there are a lot of Filipinos
a large number of mestizos, indios and some ilustrados from the who fought for the Spanish regime―fought for their
provinces. freedom, rights, and their freedom of religion (which
the Spain had ceased in order to integrate Catholicism
To start the revolution, they planned to set fire to the district of during the time).
Tondo. Once the fire was set and while the authorities were busy
➔ An uprising of military personnel of Fort San Felipe, - The GomBurZa were tried by a court-martial and were
the Spanish arsenal in Cavite, Philippines on sentenced to die by strangulation (garrote civil).
January 20, 1872 ❖ JOSE MONTERO Y VIDAL
➔ Around 200 soldiers and laborers rose up in the ➢ prolific Spanish historian
belief that it would elevate to a national uprising ➢ documented the event and highlighted it as
➔ There were actually confusions during the time an attempt in overthrowing the Spanish
regarding if this event has reached the King of Spain government in the Philippines
during the time, given that it was also during this year ❖ GOV. GEN. RAFAEL IZQUIERDO
that there had occurred a sudden change in the ➢ implicated the native clergy, which was then
Philippine government―a revamp from Carlos Ma. active in the call for secularization
Dela Torre as the governor-general to Rafael de ➢ highlighted the event in the attempt to
Izquierdo. overthrow the Spanish government to install
➔ The mutiny was quickly crushed, but the Spanish a new "hari" in the likes of Fathers Burgos
regime under the reactionary governor Rafael de and Zamora
Izquierdo magnified the incident and used it as an ➢ Caused by the Spanish government because
excuse to clamp down on those Filipinos who had they took the rights and privileges of the
been calling for governmental reform people working in Cavite Mutiny
➔ The 1872 Cavite Mutiny was precipitated by the ➢ People in the mutiny revolted to the
removal of long-standing personal benefits to the Spaniards who were in the arsenal
workers such as tax (tribute) and forced labor ➢ Attempt of the Indios to overthrow the
exemptions (Polo y Servicio Personal) on order Spanish government in the Philippines
from the Governor General Rafael de Izquierdo ➢ They killed the leaders of the Cavite Mutiny
◆ During the reign of Carlos Ma. Dela Torre as so that the revolt of the Filipinos would not
the governor-general, some Filipinos had cause a big problem
been exempt to some economic policies (i.e., ➢ The GOMBURZA were tried by a
exemption of taxes & forced labor system); court-martial and were sentenced to die by
however, when he was removed, the abusive strangulation
economic policies were returned and
imposed upon all Filipinos. FILIPINO PERSPECTIVE
➔ Many scholars believe that the Cavite Mutiny of - The Filipinos felt abused & oppressed by the Spanish
➔ 1872 was the beginning of Filipino nationalism that people, especially with the arrival of Rafael de Izquierdo who
would eventually lead to the Philippine Revolution of removed the privileges of the Filipinos.
1896 - Spanish friars used the Cavite Mutiny as a powerful lever
by magnifying it as a full-blown conspiracy involving not
GOMBURZA only the native army, but also included residents of Cavite
● Father Mariano Gomez & Manila, and more importantly, the native clergy to overthrow
● Father Jose Burgos the Spanish government in the Philippines (perceived to be a
● Father Jacinto Zamora mere excuse from the Spanish to frame the "call of pleas" of
the GomBurZa).
MARTYRDOM OF THE THREE PRIESTS - Members of the native clergy headed by the GomBurZa were
➔ On 17 February 1872 in an attempt of the Spanish tried and executed by garrote.
government and Frailocracia to instill fear among the - This lead to the awakening of nationalism & eventually to the
Filipinos so that they may never commit such daring outbreak of the Philippine Revolution of 1896.
act again, the GOMBURZA were executed - Contributed by the:
➔ They were executed by garrote on the Luneta field,
also known in Tagalog as Bagumbayan ❖ DR. TRINIDAD HERMENIGILDO PARDO DE
➔ This event was tragic but served as one of the TAVERA
moving forces that shaped Filipino nationalism ➢ a Filipino scholar and researcher
➢ wrote the Filipino version of the bloody
incident in Cavite
➢ Filipinos felt abused and oppressed by the
Spanish people
➢ Spanish friars used the Cavite Mutiny as a
powerful lever by magnifying it as a full
blown conspiracy involving not only the
native army but also included residents of
Cavite and Manila, and more importantly the
native clergy to overthrow the Spanish
government in the Philippines
➢ Members of the native clergy headed by the
➔ Jose Rizal
GOMBURZA were tried and executed by
➔ I dedicate my work to you as victims of the evil which I
undertake to combat ...
➢ Thus, leads to the awakening of nationalism
➢ eventually to the outbreak of Philippine
➔ The Spanish Perspective & The Filipino
Revolution of 1896

- The Cavite Mutiny was caused by the Spanish government LESSON 4
because they took the rights & privileges of the people ➔ When colonization happened, gradual integration of
working in Cavite Mutiny. Hispanic cultures and practices of which
- People in the mutiny revolted to the Spaniards who were in (1) Changed the social stratification of the Filipinos
the arsenal. - Leveling people in the society from
- There was an attempt of the Indios to overthrow the - Insulares
Spanish government in the Philippines.
- Peninsulares
- They killed the leaders of the Cavity Mutiny so that the revolt
of the Filipinos would not cause a big problem. - Mestizos
- Principalias
- Descendants of ➔ They tried to secularized the churches
Maharlikan societies (Secularization of the Parishes)
(2) Established economic policies ➔ Allowing Filipino priests or clergy to experience their
- Made a lot of Filipinos suffered own parishes, but it was neglected by the request of
- Causes a lot of misery to our ancestors the Spanish friars, during that time, who were
- Ex. forced labor system little-by-little, rising in power in the Philippines during
- Many ancestors of that time the Spanish colonization
suffered in the hands of the ➔ Filipino priests were disturbed and accused of planning
Spaniards due to the forced labor to dethrone the King, that they were making their
system or the polo y servicio kingdom
personal ➔ These hearsays were from Rafael Izquierdo and Jose
- Imposition of tax or the Taxation Montero y Vidal a Spanish Historian, who had a
system version of the Cavite Mutiny
- Encomienda system ➔ As Filipinos, we should support Pablo Tavera’s claim,
- Grabbing of the lands that Filipino priests were not planning to dethrone the
- Royal grant of the lands King, but it was just a simple plea or request to the
of which many of our Spaniards
ancestors were deeply ➔ This was actually the result of the February 17, 1872,
much affected because of when more Filipinos began to realized that there
their domiciles should be a call for oneness, or their should be a call
for unity
1570 ➔ the process was gradual, 20 years before the actual
➔ Little-by-little, through time, there was a full revolution
establishment of Hispanic colonization
➔ And little-by-little, until the 2nd phase of Colonization, Changes brought by the rise of the power of the church
a lot of them resisted ➔ Church began to rise in power
➔ There was what we called as resistance
Educational system
Resistance ➔ One way of controlling Filipinos was actually allowing
➔ Matters on different aspect Filipinos to attend parochial school, the educational
◆ Religious aspect system of the Spaniards in the Philippines
● A lot of Filipino natives before, were ➔ The curriculum was managed by the friars
against to the Catholicism or the ➔ They focus so much in the 4Rs
Catholic Faith ◆ Reading
● Wherein they were so much akin to ◆ wRiting
animism ◆ Religion
● But once they do not submit, they ◆ aRithmetic
were killed or threatened to be ➔ Jose Rizal experienced the curriculum focused in the
killed 4Rs
● They embrace Catholic Faith for the ➔ This was their way of controlling the natives during that
fear for their lives time
◆ Economic Aspect ➔ Not all Filipinos can be admitted to parochial schools
➔ Many still resisted even if there are many aspects since there is a school fee or tuition fee
➔ They revolted against Spain
➔ During that time, many Filipinos have to embrace Late 18th century or the Incoming 19th century
change ➔ Europe during that time was experiencing political and
economic changes
Changed the cultural and social life ➔ All of the countries in Europe were affected, of course,
➔ But still, a lot of Filipinos still suffered from the abuses Spain, since one of the mother country was affected,
in the Economic policies the colonies are also affected especially the Philippines
➔ Ex. Cavite Mutiny in 1872 ➔ There were more Democratic and Liberal ideas,
◆ Wherein, Filipinos or Caviteneos were so especially in 1869, were the Suez Canal was opened
much already used to the ways of ➔ A lot of Filipinos can now access studying abroad,
Governor-General Carlos María de la Torre through that they were able to grasp more
y Navacerrada philosophical ideologies, political philosophies, and this
○ They were already used is how Filipinos learned to become more united
to the ruling ➔ There was a call for nationalism and ideas for
➔ To the imposed economic policies reformation in the government, and how Filipinos were
➔ When Governor-General Carlos María de la Torre y managed by the Spaniards
Navacerrada, was changed by Governor-General ➔ Still, during these years, there were so much abuses
Rafael Gerónimo Cayetano Izquierdo that happened, not only by the government, but also by
➔ Izquierdo worsen the sufferings of the Filipinos the church
➔ Filipinos were so much against it ➔ Filipinos were so much oppressed, this lead to their
➔ Three martyr priest in the person of Mariano Gomez, Cry of Revolution
Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora ➔ Is a controversy of where and when the First Cry of
Revolution began
➔ Versions:
◆ Bahay Kangkong
◆ Bahay Toro
◆ Cry of Pugad Lawin by Pio Valenzuela
◆ Cry of Balintawak by Guillermo
◆ The First Cry by Gregoria de Jesus or also
known as Ka Oryang
➔ Everything started in one district, which is in
Caloocan ➔ Document name: “Monastic Supremacy in the
➔ The problem was after 1896, when the Katipunan Philippines by Marcelo H. Del Pilar”
movement was being divulged to the church ◆ In Spanish, “La Soberania Monacal en
➔ This led to the hunting down of persons Filipinas”
➔ The people involved in the revolution became nomad
or persons who do not settle in one place since the
government was chasing them
➔ They were also dependent on people who were willing
to provide home, shelter, food, and protection
➔ they were dependent on sponsors
➔ There are more than hundreds or thousands of
Katipuneros during that time
➔ From time-to-time, they have these practices of trying
to boost their spirit to fight Spain, “Ipaglaban ang ➔ During that time there were five early missionaries in
Kalayaan, Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!” the Philippines, as stated in the book “The Friars in
➔ Even until today, some historians were claiming that the Philippine, by Ambrose Coleman, OP” a
the Cry of Revolution happened in Pugad Lawin or in Dominican priest
Balintawak ➔ Five early missionaries in the Philippines:
◆ These are the two topmost places and ◆ Augustinians (1565)
versions that the historians believe ◆ Franciscans (1578)
◆ Cry of Balintawak is the version of ◆ Jesuits (1581)
Guillermo Masangkay ◆ Dominicans (1587)
● Wherein, according to some, at the ◆ Augustinians Recollects (1587)
end he even supported Dr. Pio
Valenzuela’s claim AUGUSTINIANS (1565)
● But everything started within those ➔ The first ones who came in the Philippine Islands in the
days, 23, or 24, or 25, or 26, or 27, year 1565 were the Augustinian Monks
or 28, August of 1896 ➔ Men in brown
➔ There may be differences in the dates of the claim, but ➔ They were considered as the founders and first
this does not change history that there was a rebellion apostles of the Catholic faith in the Philippines
or an uprising against the Spanish rule, and there was ➔ They arrived in Cebu, in April 27, 1565
also Filipino unity during that time ➔ They were led by Father Andres de Urdaneta
➔ The reason for the rebellion was the friars during that ➔ They were the one who supported Miguel Lopez de
time Legazpi during that time

1863 FRANCISCANS (1578)

➔ It is true that the government was so much abusive, ➔ The second who arrived were the Franciscans in the
but sometimes, in 1863, there were already a call for a year 1578
public school system, that is not managed or ➔ Also known as the “Ordo Fratrum Minorum (OFM)
under the administration of the friars or monjas or Franciscans”
nuns ➔ They arrived in Manila on July 2, 1578
➔ opening of public school systems during the Spanish ➔ Franciscans were the first to be able to establish
colonization was still being handled and managed by and/or administer 207 towns/parishes in Manila
the religious figures during that time
➔ This is still prominent until today, known schools in the JESUITS (1581)
Philippines, are being managed by the religious ➔ The third one who arrived in the Philippines in 1581
➔ They are also called “Heswita”
MONASTIC SUPREMACY IN THE PHILIPPINES ➔ They own Ateneo Universities in the Philippines
Monastic Supremacy ◆ Ateneo de Manila
➔ The removal of friars in the Philippines has brought ◆ Ateneo de Naga
a lot of experiences to the Filipinos, wherein Filipinos ◆ Ateneo de Cebu (Sacred Heart School for
were deeply oppressed by them Boys)
➔ Monastic Supremacy ◆ Ateneo de Cagayan (Xavier University)
◆ The Power of the Friars in the Philippines ◆ Ateneo de Davao
during the Spanish colonization ◆ Ateneo de Zamboanga
● 1581: arrived in Philippines from Mexico
● 1591: mission stations were established in ➔ When this was published, it was actually a pamphlet
Balayan, Batangas, Taytay, and in that is distributed to expose the wrongdoings of the
Antipolo, Rizal friars during the Spanish Colonization
● 1593: first Jesuit mission stations were ➔ This was written by Marcelo H. Del Pilar
established in the Visayas in Tibuan, Panay
● September 1595: College of Manila was Marcelo Hilario Del Pilar
opened ➔ a Philippine revolutionary propagandist, and
● August 25, 1601: College of San Jose satirist
opened ➔ He was one of Jose Rizal’s closest allies
● 1605: made the Philippine Vice Province ➔ The H in his name means Hilario
into an independent province ➔ Born in Kupang, Bulacan, on August 30, 1850, to
● 1768: Jesuits were banished from the cultured parents
Philippines ➔ He studies at the Colegio de San Jose and later at
➔ They were the first to open apostolates in education the University of Santo Tomas, where he finished his
here in the Philippines law course in 1880
➔ In Dr. Jose Rizal’s memoirs: ➔ During those academic years of Marcelo H. Del Pilar,
◆ One of his favorite priest is a Jesuit just like Dr. Jose Rizal who was 11 when he already
◆ This priest was his inspiration in joining the saw the abuses of the Spaniards, He also realized
seminary, but after certain realizations, he these things because the abuses of the clergy
was actually disgusted in the friars’ practices
during the Spanish colonization Fired by a sense of justice against the abuses of the clergy, Del
Pilar attacked the bigotry and hypocrisy and defended in court the
DOMINICANS (1587) impoverished victims of racial discrimination. He preached the
gospel of work, self-respect, and human dignity. His mastery of
➔ Also established schools in the Philippines
Tagalog, his native language, enabled him to arouse the
Timestamps: consciousness of the masses to the need for unity and sustained
● 1216: The Order of Preachers/Orders of St. resistance against the Spanish tyrants.
Dominic was confirmed an Order by Pope
Honorius III ➔ With that Del Pilar attacked the hypocrisy and
● 1587: 15 men arrived at the port of Cavite bigotry of the clergy men
● 1593: Doctrina Christiana published with ➔ He even defended in court, some victims of racial
different versions discrimination
● 1594: Dominicans evangelized the fertile ➔ His mastery in Tagalog has invited the Filipino
Cagayan Valley peasants and farmers to read his writings, since it is
● 1611: Established University of Santo easily understood the abuses done by the friars during
Tomas that time, not only by the friars, but also the
● 1619: Extended their missionary work in government as well
the Babuyanes or Babuyan Islands in
Camiguin 1882
● 1783: Permanently set-foot in Batanes ➔ In 1882, Del Pilar founded the newspaper Diariong
➔ The sole owner of all this Catholic Universities, is a Tagalog to propagate democratic liberal ideas
pontifical university, which is the University of among the victims by the abuses like the farmers
Santo Tomas in 1611 and peasants


➔ Also helped the Spain in propagating Catholic faith, ➔ In 1888, he defended Jose Rizal’s polemical
primarily in the Visayas region, and later on in Luzon writings by issuing a pamphlet against a priest’s
➔ First missionaries in the Philippines attack, exhibiting his deadly with and savage
Timestamps: ridicule of clerical follies
● 1606: arrived in Cebu ◆ This pamphlet was the La Soberania
● 1607: they took charge of Bataan, Zambales, and Monacal en Filipinas
wester Pangasinan ➔ In 1888, fleeing from clerical persecution from his
● 1622: Pope Gregory XV declared the Recollects a writings, like Jose Rizal, Del Pilar went to Spain,
congregation & Bishop Pedro de Arce of Cebu leaving his family behind
requested and they started to evangelize parts of
Mindanao December 1889
● 1635: exchanged their small mission in Negros ➔ In December 1889, he succeeded Graciano Lopez
● 1679: Archbishop of Manila gave them Mindoro Jaena as editor of the Filipino reformist periodical
● 1687: took charge of Masbate La solidaridad in Madrid


“La Soberanía Monacal en Filipinas” ➔ La solidaridad is a Filipino owned newspaper or
➔ This document exposes the malpractices and abuses editorial in Spain
of the Friars in the Philippines ◆ The content of this is more on the political
La Soberanía Monacal en Filipinas ideas
◆ Service to God and the King ◆ More on democratic thoughts and
◆ Clerical Ascendency philosophical thoughts
➔ This document was not the full narrative
Under Del Pilar, the aims of the newspaper were expanded to POLITICAL ASPECT
include removal of the friars and the secularization of the parishes; ➔ The friars control the status quo of the country, this is
active Filipino participation in the affairs of the government; called Frailocracy (Government of the Friars)
freedom of speech, of the press, and of assembly; wider social and
◆ A government managed by the Friars
political freedoms; equality before the law; assimilation; and
representation in the Spanish Cortes, or Parliament ➔ We still have governor-general, but sometimes the
governor-general is afraid of the friars
➔ It expanded to a plea or calling for support from Spain ◆ There are also misunderstandings
(1) Removal of Friars between the friars/bishops
- They see that the primary cause of the ◆ Friars were threatening the government
sufferings of the Filipinos was the ➔ Personal security of the citizens were endangered
management of the Friars by the Monastic power
(2) Call for Secularization of the Parishes ➔ The moderating power of the parish priest may be
(3) Active Filipino participation in the affairs of the useful to society to balance and harmonize the
government interests of the people and the institutions
- Freedom of speech, of the press, and of ➔ To frighten the government with the rebelliousness of
assembly the country, and frighten the country with the
(4) Wider Social and Political freedoms despotism of the government
(5) Equality before the law ➔ Diversity of Languages
(6) Assimilation ➔ The privilege to vote is in the hands of the curate
- Spanish recognition of the Philippines as a ➔ In performance of the duties, the municipal officials
province, and not a colony depend on the parish priest
(7) Representation in the Spanish Cortes, or ➔ Public education is one of the common aspirations
Parliament of both the government and the Filipinos
- There is no Filipino in the Spanish Cortes ➔ The personal security of the citizens is equally
that talks about the development of the endangered by monastic power
country ➔ The danger to national integrity is the friar’s hobby of
imposing their preponderance in the Philippines
Del Pilar’s difficulties increased when the money to support the ➔ Election processes and privilege to vote of the
paper was exhausted and there still appeared no sign of any citizens their chosen gobernadorcillo, alcaldías,
immediate response from the Spanish ruling class alcaldia de mayor, and even cabeza de barangay
were actually threatened and hold in control by the
➔ Just like any other human person, from this friars
persecution, Del Pilar also have difficulties in
monetary support ECONOMIC ASPECT
➔ There was no support or response from the Spanish in ➔ Divided into Government and Monastery
their request or plea GOVERNMENT MONASTERY
Lacks resources to undertake Build grand convents and
Before he died of tuberculosis caused by hunger and enormous public works spacious palace in curates
privation, Del Pilar rejected the assimilationist stand and began Establishes primary schools in
planning an armed revolt. He vigorously affirmed the conviction: Friar curates has stable place
each town
Find thousand obstacles from The public pay because of
“Insurrection is the last remedy, especially when the people have tax paying public return for heavenly promises
acquired the belief that peaceful means to secure the remedies for Worries about meeting financial
evils prove futile.” Overflowing with money
Refrains from creating new Friars invent new forms of
This idea inspired Andres Bonifacio’s Katipunan, a secret sources of revenue devotion
revolutionary organization.
➔ One of the aspect where we can see that the friars
Del Pilar died in Barcelona on July 4, 1896
were living in a bed of roses, instead of being
missionaries, who are selfless, they tend to live in a
➔ Del Pilar died in Barcelona on July 4, 1896, the
heavenly life
cause of his death was tuberculosis
➔ They build grand convents and spacious palace in
➔ Del Pilar lose hope in the assimilation of Spanish in
curates for the bishops and friars
the Philippines
➔ Friars were overflowing with money, because from
➔ Instead, he wanted an armed revolt
time-to-time they can invent new forms of devotion
➔ His last writings served as inspiration to Andres
➔ The church has imposed taxation during the time, it
Bonifacio, in the Katipunan movement
is called as sanctorum or obras pias
➔ His most important work was the La Soberania
➔ Sometimes they do not help the government, if the
Monacal en Filipina or the Monastic Supremacy in
government lacks resources to undertake public works,
the Philippines.
meet financial needs in the colony, friars were selfish.
➔ This pamphlet denounced the friars for their wrong
➔ In Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, it was
teaching which had resulted in a life of poverty and
mentioned that they eat good food
misery of the Filipinos.
➔ This pamphlet is divided into different aspects
◆ Political aspect
➔ Filipinos are more abused in this aspect
◆ Economic aspect
➔ Friars abused the Filipinos is the matters of the
◆ Religious aspect
liturgy, in the matters of religious practices, in
➔ To hide his real identity from the Spaniards, he wrote
under the pen name of Plaridel
◆ Ex. The tax of Religious Festivals
➔ Papal decree of May 2, 1867
➔ Hermanos Mayores ● Circular order that gave to
➔ Filipinos make preparations, and curates direct intervention in
aside from that they need to pay making the census
for the churches services, ➔ The heads of barangay became the mere copyist of
especially in the materials for the parish census
processions ➔ Parish census does not recognize any drop except
➔ Celebration in the Fiesta Masses what is recorded in the registry book of burials
of the Patron Saints (every ◆ May 6, 1884
month) ● Royal decree established the tax
➔ Every 50 families, should have a for all inhabitants from age of 18
chapel, and they need to pay for it ➔ Number one in the agenda of the Filipinos was to call
for reformation, and nationalism in the country was
Each parish church has a tutelary patron of the town actually the removal of the friars
besides the patron saint of one or more confraternities and ➔ The main cause of the sufferings of the Filipinos
patron saints of secondary importance venerated in some were not only caused by the government, but also
churches according to the curate’s devotion. For each by the friars
celebration are collected large sums of novena, masses, ➔ Spaniards were so abusive during that time that they
sermons, processions, music, bands, singers, sacristans, even used the church, and God in controlling the
bell-ringing, bell-men, curtains, altars, silver candelabra, people and causing a lot of miseries
chandeliers, candles, and the like. During these ◆ In sanctorum, there is an allotted amount
celebrations the townspeople have to keep an open house, of payable
entertaining lavishly. In addition, there are fireworks of ◆ Poor people still needs to pay sanctorum
thousands of skyrockets that reduce to smoke the savings ➔ The Setup of reformation of Protestantism by Martin
of the fervent devotee. Luther King was the cause of the reformation
before, indulgences paid by the people
Aside from these numerous and costly festivals, in every
district where fifty families dwell, a chapel is erected at a Reflection:
cost of at least one thousand pesos; there are some costing ➔ This document of Marcelo H. Del Pilar was eye
five, ten, and fifteen thousand pesos. The dues of the stole opening to the Filipinos to realized that we should
and the foot of the altar are a legitimate source of revenue not be lured by the practices of the church
of the priesthood. They are not just mere alms as they think, ➔ This does not represent the church wholly, but only the
they are just remuneration; Jesus Christ and common malpractices of the friars who mismanaged the church
sense declare that he who works deserves to eat. and the government in the Philippines
➔ Rizal hates Dominican priests, He is loved by Jesuits
Filipinos pay the friars another tribute for miraculous ➔ He hates Dominicans since he witnessed during his
objects time in UST the malpractices and abuses of these
➔ Belts, rosaries, scapulars, cords, and other objects friars, especially racial discrimination. This was present
➔ Images and icons in his memoirs, in classes, they were divided by
➔ You need to pay for the blessings for the objects’ insulares, peninsulares, and indios.
Parish curates’ stipend MARCELO H. DEL PILAR'S La Soberania Monacal en
➔ Has no fixed amount Filipinas, first published in Barcelona, Spain, in 1889, and
➔ Aliquot part the cedula tax reprinted in Manila in 1898
◆ July 18, 1884
● Computed at the rate of Php 180 The following are excerpts from Marcelo H. Del Pilar's La
for every 1000 cedulas from first Soberenią Monäcal en Filipinas, first published in Barcelona,
to ninth class Spain, in 1889, and reprinted in Manila in 1898. Its publication
◆ February 27, 1888 in Spain was hailed by Spanish liberals and former Spanish
● Changed at fixed amount of 12.50% administrators in the Philippines, including former
of total value of cedulas, governor-general Emilio Terrero (1885-1888) and Benigno
according to the census of locality Quiroga, former director general of the civil administration
➔ All of officials in charge for collection, administration in the Philippines, and such scholars as Miguel Morayta and
collect for their remuneration a certain percentage of Ferdinand Blumentritt. Jose Rizal, the most cultured of the
the amount collected reformist group called Del Pilar's work as one that had "no
chaff; it is all grain." The following translation was made by Dr.
Parish monopoly of the census Encarnacion Alzona in 1957.
➔ Registry of birth, baptism, marriage, and death, this ,
is their way of controlling the Filipinos ITS POLITICAL ASPECT
➔ Each chief or head of barangays are the in charge ➔ The interference of the friars in the government of
of collecting of tributes to be turned over to public the Philippines is so ingrained that without
treasury difficulty the friars control the status quo of the
➔ Neighborhood census was done by adding new country in defiance of the nation and the
residents and eliminating the deceased and those institutions
who had moved to another place ➔ In charge of almost all the parishes, their parochial
◆ September 20, 1851 mission takes on the double character of a political
organ and popular patronage. This mission gives the
curate great power in each locality; and this power,
as it does not lose its monastic character, is at the ➔ The Filipinos pay direct taxes consisting of the
command of the regular prelates under whose personal cedula, urban tax, industrial subsidy and
guidance the parish priests think, preach, confess, additional municipal tax, provincial tax, and
and act with marvelous 'uniformity. personal loan; and besides these, the indirect one of
➔ Perhaps the guarantee of the moderating power of the the markets, vehicles, horses, stamps and
parish priests may be self to society to balance and surcharges, slaughter of cattle, river tolls, and
harmonize the interests of the peoplé and the others. Well then; besides the direct and indirect taxes
institutions; but the fact is that the convents are there exists another which, though it does not figure in
opposed to this equilibrium and harmony. the financial plan of the Philippines, nevertheless is a
➔ The hatred and distrust between both elements burden on her interests.
constitute the life of the convents. To frighten the ➔ This is what we would call the tax of the religious
government with the rebelliousness of the country festivals. The papal decree of 2 May 1867 aimed to
and frighten the country with the despotism of the relieve the Filipino Catholics of this burden by
government- that is the system that the friars have so reducing the number of feast days and ordering
skillfully evolved to be able to rule at the expense of that each diocese have only one patron saint to be
everyone. named by the Holy See, and in fact this was done.
➔ They offer the government to suppress the country's But it is evident that the will of the Pope is ineffective
rebelliousness and the government gives them all, its and impotent so far as the regular curates in the
autocratic support, going to the extreme if the friars Philippine Archipelago are concerned.
so demand, while they portray the ruler as the ➔ Each parish church has a tutelary patron of the
personification of tyranny and despotism. town besides the patron saint of one or more
➔ They offer the people to soften that tyranny and the confraternities and patron saints of secondary
people place its wealth in their hands so that they may importance venerated in some churches according to
defend them against official rapacity. the curate's devotion. Their respective saint's days are
➔ The basis of monastic wealth is the lack of union celebrated with pomp at the expense of the people.
between the people and the government and it is For each celebration are collected large sums of
necessary to foster it by fanning the resentment of novena, masses, sermons, processions, music,
the first and the despotism of the second. To bands, singers, sacristans, bell-ringing, bell-men,
achieve this, they count on the diversity of languages curtains, altars, silver candelabra, chandeliers,
among the rulers and the ruled; and to preserve that candles, and the like. During these celebrations the
diversity, to impede popular education, and to avoid townspeople have to keep open house, entertaining
at any cost that the people and the government lavishly. In addition, there are fireworks of thousands of
come to understand each other, are the best way of skyrockets that reduce to smoke the savings of the
keeping thém in perpetual antagonism. fervent devotee.
➔ In the Philippines, however, religious amortization is ➔ Aside from these numerous and costly festivals, in
very conspicuous. Ignorance and fanaticism every district where fifty families dwell, a chapel is
encouraged by the monastic institutions and erected at a cost of at least one thousand pesos;
ignoring the claims of blood relations as if they there are some costing five, ten, and fifteen thousand
were contrary to divine law have been responsible pesos. The dues of the stole and the foot of the altar
for centuries for the immense number of are a legitimate source of revenue of the priesthood.
disinherited families. The best lands, the best They are not just mere alms as they think, they are a
estates, thus passed to the control of monastic just remuneration; Jesus Christ and common sense
communities. declare that he who works deserves to eat.
➔ Today the convents are the millionaires of the ➔ But the exaggerating collection of some dues without
country; their large funds cannot be alienated.Their the sanction of Jesus Christ hurt the interests of the
lands are cultivated without the stimulus of the owners Catholics and leads them to impious reflections and to
and with discouragement on the part of the tillers. They inquire in the light of economics about the productive
are leased and the rent increases from time to time value of this social element whose manifestations are
and in proportion to the improvements introduced on purely those of the consumer.
the land. On more than one occasion the voice of ➔ The Reverend Fathers are empowered to name the
poverty has exhaled touching complaints; but who persons who ought to be deported; and the
listens to the voice of poverty? Monastic properties Government solemnly declares that the parish curate's
are subject to land titles of ten percent and the opinion suffices so that the deportation may not be
increase in their income ought to favour the arbitrary.
government treasury, but does it perchance? ➔ It is no longer fanaticism that builds this opulence, no:
➔ We don't know. The government finance office relies it is fear of the group which has been raised to the
on the sworn statement of the convents, and what power which, with no one stroke of the pen or a low
official would dare verify that Olympics declaration, as whisper, can kill the happiness of one who obstructs or
in view of monastic predominance government does not cooperate in the development of its schemes
employees are daily in danger of losing their positions? of exploitation.
In the year 1887 the provincial government of
Laguna tried to get information about the increase in ITS RELIGIOUS ASPECT
the income of the lands in Calamba belonging to ➔ In the performance of their duties, the municipal
the Dominican friars. It found out that the annual officials depend on the parish priest. To report the
income of five thousand pesos has been conduct of a citizen the testimony of one hundred
sextupled, amounting to more than thirty thousand members of the Principalia is not enough. The
pesos. The finance office learned about it; and nothing essential requirement is the curate's approval. The
more. signature of the curate is necessary to the census of
residents in a municipality, to the conscription of ➔ The government establishes primary schools in
eligible young men, to formalize accounts and other each town. The government houses are made of light
official documents; to everything and for everything the materials, like those destined for the tribunal which
curate's signature is an essential requisite. hardły approximate the stable of the friar curators.
➔ On the other hand, there exists no ruling prescribing ➔ The government finds a thousand obstacles in
the conditions under which the curate should grant or collecting taxes from the tax-paying public; but the
withhold his approval. The curate approves it or denies monastic orders empty without the difficulty the purse
it, according to his will or the order of his prelates. of the same public in return for heavenly promises.
➔ Supreme orders are carried out if the curate so ➔ The government worries about meeting its peremptory
pleases. If the superior authority tries to demand an financial needs, but the monastic treasuries are
energetic enforcement of his orders, the curate informs overflowing with money so that their only worry is how
the prelate of his convent and this one obtains to send away from the country their copious savings
dismissal of the public official. His powerful argument that foster the banking interest of foreign trade.
which produces a magical effect is that national ➔ The government refrains from creating new sources of
integrity is in danger. revenue in order not to burden Filipino interests, but
➔ The foundation of a building is to be laid and the curate the friars invent every day new forms of devotion,
does not like it, then national integrity is in danger; some very costly, and the public pay, not because of
public health demands that the corpses should not be fanaticism, but rather, for fear of displeasing the friars
brought into the churches; well nothing, national whose power they know has sent many innocent
integrity is in danger. And the same litany in victims to exile.
everything. ➔ Because of this, there is a notable contrast between
➔ The guarantee of national integrity is not the church the poverty of the government and the opulence of
nor can it be in the friars; it is in the same popular the vow of poverty. Let us analyze this economic
aspiration of fusing and identifying the interests of the phenomenon.
Philippines with those of the country that gave her ➔ The amortization of lands is fatal to agricultúre
political life, that shaped and educated her to be everywhere. Experience and economics have shown
worthy of modern civilization and sheltered her from the needs for laws of disentail. In the countries where
the covetousness of. foreign nations. such wise measures have been adopted, capital was
➔ To consolidate the fraternity between Spain and immediately channeled to greater and better
Philippines is the best defense of national integrity; it is production. The sale of religious objects that rise in
Spain's ideal; it is the dream of the Philippines. If the price by reason of priestly blessing constitutes a true
divisive plan of the friars offers advantages to monastic and indisputable simony; and notwithstanding, one of
exploitation, it however jeopardizes the future of the the principal sources of income of the monastic order
Philippines as well as the highest interest of both is the trade in religious objects.
countries. ➔ The ready-made belt without priestly blessing costs
➔ Even if we assume that the divisive plan of the friars and is sold at four or five pesos a hundred, but the
succeeds and for the reason the antagonism between moment the priest blesses it and the belt passes on
the rules and the ruled intensifies, what means of to the class of spiritual things and becomes an
pacification do the convents offer? They will not be the object of papal and Episcopal indulgences, from
government forces, for in the case the power of that moment the price rises one hundred per cent at
monastic saddles would not be necessary. Neither can least. To the new member of confraternity, it is sold
they command public opinion. This rejects them: the at sixty-two cents, four eights of a peso each belt,
cry for the immediate expulsion of the friars is the price going down until twenty-five cents
unanimous. And above all: if the friars command public minimum when the buyer is an old customer.
opinion, from whom will come the danger to national ➔ What is true of belts is also true of scapulars of the
integrity? Recollect fathers, of the rosaries of Dominican
➔ Ah, let the government consider that, let Spain fathers, of the cords of the Franciscan friars, and of
consider that. As for us, we don't believe it prudent to various others too many to enumerate.
leave national integrity in the hands of the friars.
Neither it is good for the reigning monarch nor for any (RPH) MIDTERM QUIZZES
political interest does that monasticism continue to be Quiz 1
the arbiter of the fate of Spain in the Philippine Islands.

Lands that belongs to Spain in the western False

side of the world are called as novus
➔ The laws that regulate the foundation and mundus.
development of convents in the Philippines are
undoubtedly based on the belief that monastic life There was already a concept of False
is unproductive. Numerous are the regulations nationhood during the ancient Philippines.
pertaining to the manner of supplying their need for
wine, oil, and other things of the kind. Epics, folktales, and legends were True
➔ But the abundance found in the convents makes common oral traditions during the ancient
laughable the pity of the government. The Philippine times.
government lacks resources to undertake public
The truth about the Treaty of Tordesillas False
works;, on the other hand, the monastic orders build was it favored much on the terms of
grand and costly convents in Manila and in each parish Portugal than Spain when it comes to
of three thousand souls, they erect a spacious palace Philippine ownership.
for the residence of the regular curate.
The lowest rank of the Filipinos during the False
ancient times is called indio. The Royal Audiencia had suspended False
Spanish lawyers because of their support
Ancient Filipinos had established trade and False to Filipino resistance.
industry with other Europeans during the
16th century. The strangulation happened in Kawit False
Cavite on the afternoon of the 20th of
Western expansionism was deeply rooted False February, 1872.
from the adventures of Marco Polo with the
cathays in the oriental lands. According to Pardo de Tavera, the mutiny True
only happened to the Filipinos, and no any
It was the King of Portugal and Spain who False Peninsulares was involved.
promulgated the treatises for their own
benefit. The incident was completely described as False
insurrection, uprising ,and revolution
Ferdinand Magellan had favored by the False according to Pardo de Tavera's version.
King of Spain to start a conquest to the
Philippines. The Cavite mutiny was a complete set-up True
due to Spanish tyranny towards Filipinos.
Nobles are considered maharlicas in the True
early Filipino social stratification. It was Gov. Gen. Polavieja who issued the False
lifting-up of specific economic policies that
Early Filipinos were polytheistic. True resulted to the mutiny during the new
Education during the pre-hispanic set-up True
was more on the idea and concept of There was a plot of overthrowing the True
imitation, observation,and practice. Spanish government in the Philippines
according to Don Jose Burgos.
The purpose of education among Filipinos True
during the ancient times was for survival. The Spanish version of the controversy historia general
was written in what book published by the de filipina
Early Filipinos does not have place of False author, Vidal.
worship during the ancient times.
He is known as the general who had guillermo
Mixed marriages were accepted during the False - Mixed witnessed and recorded that the first cry masangkay
ancient times. marriages were happened in Balintawak.
not common
The official date of Valenzuela's version false
about Pugad Lawin claim happened on
Quiz 2 August 19, 1896.

It was on the 26th of August around 9 in true

Baranggay was never referred to as a False the morning that the meeting commenced
dwelling place because it was a form of with Andres Bonifacio presiding and Emilio
government Jacinto as acting secretary.

The Tagalog alipin was categorized into False According to the Balintawak version, it was false
three: sagigilid, namamahay, and Aguinaldo that men were assigned in
banyuhay strategic positions and were prepared for
attack of the civil guards.
There was no unity among early Filipinos True
The Cry of Revolution event was the result false
Spanish missionaries, during the early False of the Filipinos' plea to release Jose Rizal
phase of Spanish colonization, from incarceration from the Spaniards.
immediately irradicated the cultural
practices of the early Filipinos It was mentioned that Dr. Pio Valenzuela false
was only present during the
Early tagalogs does not have forms of False commencement of the Katipunan in 1892
languages and education system and was soliciting narratives during the
events in 1896.
Fray Juan de Plasencia indicated the False
tagalog people were uncivilized Andres Bonifacio and Emilio Aguinaldo false
both had instituted the Katipunan
The worship of the sun and the moon True movement.
indicated the tagalogs’ idea of animism
He is known as the Brain of the Katipunan Emilio jacinto

Quiz 3 Historians suggested that the whole false

What is the exact date of the execution of february 17, 1872 historical event happened in one district in
the martyred priest? Caloocan, which is currently located within
Quezon City.
The uncontrollably incident in the version True
of Pardo de Tavera happened on January Guillermo Masangkay never supported the true
20, 1872. narratives of Dr. Pio Valenzuela.
Monica was said to be the Darling of the false Friars or regular priests were true
Katipunan. obliged to submit to the
governor-general positing their
The aim of the Katipunan movement was true reports and administrative functions
to abolish and end the Spanish rule in the in the pueblos
Trade of religious objects is one of true
Andres Bonifacio connived with the false the friars’ source of income during
Americans to help them aid and fight the the Spanish era
Spaniards and hispanic rule in the
Philippines. Marcelo H. Del Pilar had to consult false
with his fellow comrades especially
Guns and other armaments like canons false in creating a militant group to fight
were ready for the revolution according to the Spanish authorities in Spain
the narratives of the eyewitnesses. who did not support the advocacies
of La Solidaridad
Andres Bonifacio was never present in the false
narrative written by Dr. Pio Valenzula. A type of government that is Frailocracy
managed or ruled by friars

Quiz 4 Del pilar’s monastic supremacy in False

the philippines was first published in
The filipinos were oblige to pay true
direct taxes like cedula, urban Enumerate the early five religious Augustinians,
congregations that spread Franciscans,
A type of taxation that was impose Sanctorum catholicism in the country (in order) Jesuits,
by the church in the philippines Dominicans,
during spanish colonization: Augustinian
Del pilar’s exit in the philippines was true
due to clerical persecution because the document written by marcelo h false
of his plans in creating a revolution del pilar highlights the governance
of the philippines under the
The school where del pilar finished University of viceroyalty
his degree in law Santo Tomas

What is the complete birth date of August 30,

marcelo H. del pilar? 1850

Friars were fond of land true

amortization that was fatal to
agricultural growth of the Filipinos

The basic of monastic wealth was true

the lack of union between the
people and the government

Caingat cayo was one of del pilar’s false

document that attacked clerical

This group of religious men Dominicans

managed the oldest catholic and
pontifical university in asia

The complete title of marcelo del La Soberanía

pilar’s document in spanish: Monacal en

It is the degree which aimed to Papal Decree of

relieve the Filipino catholics of tax May 2, 1867
burden by reducing

Among del pilar’s inspiration of false

writing the document was because
of the execution of dr jose rizal, his

A type of taxation and at the same Tax of Religious

time a decree that aimed of relieving Festivals
the filipino catholics of reducing the
number of

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