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ORANGE NETWORK SOLUTIONS is one of the very few indigenous companies that is well established in the aspect of electronics engineering referred to as Surveillance or better still Extra Low Voltage. The company is staffed with hardworking, resilient, intelligent and hospitable personnels. The sale and installation of various security devices are carried out by experts at ORANGE NETWORK SOLUTIONS. Devices like the smoke detectors, satellite televisions, cctv, camera, motion detectors, fire alarm systems, network systems to mention a few are sold and installed by capable engineers and technicians. However, there is the administrative section consisting of the secretary, receptionist, cleaners, drivers, personal assistant and the managing director. All other staffs are transported to the site to ensure services are procured to customers.

I thank God Almighty for his mercy and grace that kept me all through my industrial training period. I am greatly indebted to my parents, Barr. and Mrs. E.S.J KAPPO for their financial and moral support during the course of the programme and my uncle, Mr. Oluseyi Kappo for his hospitality and fatherly care towards ensuring that my industrial training was a worthwhile and fulfilling one. I also want to thank everyone that contributed to the success of my industrial training; my industrial supervisors, my colleagues, coworkers and my relatives.

A great deal of knowledge and tremendous skills related to electrical/electronics engineering was imbibed on me during the few weeks of rigorous training I went through at Orange Network Solutions in Lagos. An enormous amount of physical and intellectual strength is required to survive on site at the engineering firm. Almost all the installation processes involves a great deal of cabling that is running of cable through trunkings, pvc pipes or ebonite tubes. Also, cables are run through manholes from metal boxes or adaptable boxes. The basic tools often used are the fishing tapes, draw ropes, drillings machines, screws, screwdrivers, mallet, chisel, cables, connectors, masking tapes, multimeter, cutter to mention a few. As we all know, our society is in jeopardy as far as security is concerned, this calls for the installation of security systems by experts. Systems such as the fire alarm systems, cameras, motion detectors, smoke and heat detectors etc serve to reduce if not to completely eliminate impending hazards. This report treats in details some other systems such as the network system (LAN) and so on.

COMPANYS INTRODUCTION.i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii INTRODUCTION....iii TABLEOFCONTENTS.iv CHAPTER ONE Fire alarm system and operations1 CHAPTER TWO Networking systems and local area networks....11 CHAPTER THREE Installation of satellite television, motion detectors and other security devices. CONCLUSION42 RECOMMENDATION43

FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND OPERATIONS An automatic fire alarm system is an active fire protection system designed to detect the unwanted presence of fire by monitoring environmental changes associated with combustion. In general, a fire alarm system is either classified as automatic, manually activated, or both. The basic modern system consists of a dependable primary power supply, a secondary or backup power supply, any number of "initiating devices" and "notification appliances." Automatic fire alarm systems can be used to notify people of the need to evacuate in the event of a fire or other emergency, to summon emergency forces aid, and to prepare the structure and associated systems to control the spread of fire and smoke. However, the use of fire alarm system in buildings and campuses in Nigeria is not encouraging at all. FUNDAMENTAL COMPONENTS THAT MAKE UP THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Fire alarm control unit (panel): A fire alarm control panel is the central control device that receives information from input devices such as smoke detectors, heat detectors, manual call points, etc. The panel then processes the information to trigger output devices which are usually bells, horns, or strobes. Panels usually have a number of loops within the range of two to 20 loops. At the present time, four or six loop panels are the most common. Each loop can have a number of devices connected to it. Each device has its own address, and so the panel knows the state of each individual device connected to it. There are three types of panels: coded panels, conventional panels, and addressable panels. A fire alarm control panel Primary Power supply: Commonly the non-switched 220/240 Volt Alternating Current source supplied from a commercial power utility. In non-residential applications, a branch circuit dedicated to the fire alarm system and its constituents. "Dedicated branch circuits" should not be confused with "Individual branch circuits" which supply energy to a single appliance. Secondary (backup) Power supplies: This component commonly sealed, lead-acid storage batteries or other emergency sources including generators, is used to supply energy in the event of a primary power failure. Initiating Devices: This component acts as input to the fire alarm control unit and are either manually or automatically activated. Examples of initiating devices are manual call point/break glass, smoke detector, heat detector, carbon mono-oxide detector, etc. Manual call point/Break glass Notification Appliances: This component uses energy supplied from the fire alarm system or other stored energy source, to inform the proximate persons of the need to take action, usually to evacuate. Example of notification appliance is sounders. HOW FIRE ALARM WORKS Activation of the alarm will: Sound the alarm throughout the premises.

Summon the Fire Service. Unlock security exits that are integrated with fire detection / alarm system FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT Fire hose reels and portable fire extinguishers are firefighting equipment and are located in easily identifiable locations throughout the premises. Residents and workers in that environment are meant to know their locations and suitability for use on various types of fires (e.g.) electrical, flammable liquids, ordinary combustibles. Fire Extinguishers Extinguishers are only suitable to use on fires in their incipient stages (small or beginning).Before you use a fire extinguisher you must know: What fuel is burning. What type of fire extinguisher is suitable for that type of fire. Fire extinguishers are grouped into five classes: GENERAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS It is recommended that you examine your premises on a continuous basis to ensure that: Corridors, aisles and walkways remain clear of obstructions. Exit doors remain clear and unlocked whilst the premises are occupied. Firefighting equipment is available, serviceable and accessible. Excess quantities of combustible materials are not permitted to accumulate anywhere on the premises. Extra care be taken with the use and maintenance of office/heating equipment, etc. Any accumulation of litter, which may increase the danger of fire, is removed. Check for incorrect storage of flammable liquids and chemicals Defective public address / telephone systems are repaired. Fire and smoke doors are kept shut except during use. The self-closing mechanism is in operational order. The door should close automatically and they should not be held open by wedges, rocks, chairs, etc. Fire stairs are kept clear at all times and are not used for storage. Prevention of emergencies is as important as the development of efficient means of dealing with them and to this end all occupants, should be acutely aware of the need to avoid dangerous practices and the danger to life and property in the event of emergencies getting out of control. The keeping of flammable liquids on office floors should be permitted only in special circumstances and only in minimal quantities. All occupants should be encouraged to observe the greatest care in the use of matches, portable heaters, electrical appliances and other possible sources of ignition. Their immediate surroundings should be kept neat. Resettable call point General information on call points Based on a micro controller and is being equipped with a short circuit isolator, the resettable FN500 digital manual call point is used o manually initiate an addressed fire prevention systems. The FM 500 is able to store automatically into its non volatile memory, thirty measures before and thirty measures after the alarm condition. These measures can be displayed in graphic or in text mode on the control panel monitor. This features is very important to understand what has happened before and after the alarm condition has been detected

The bi colour LED The bi colour LED (light emitting diode) green-red in operating mode, indicates the detector condition while in serviced mode, it can be used to show the detectors address by a special function activated from the control panel. The FN 500 is a resettable manual call point. The alarm condition will be initiated by pressing on the operating face of the manual call point. Resetting of the alarm condition is affected by inserting the supplied key in the slit and pulling. ADDRESSING The address (1-128) is software set and stored in a non volatile memory, the FM 500 can be addressed, in manual or automatic mode from the control panel. For further details, see the control panels programming manual or catalogue. CONNECTIONS A shielded cable most be used: connect the shield of the cable cone end in a loop mode to the ground in the control panel only and connect the shield between a device . this section of leads can vary according to the length of the detection libe. A lead section of 1.5mm is advised. Precaution should be taken not to use cables that exceed these limits; Maximum resistance of lower Maximum capacitance of 2mf The detonable connection must be performed by removing approaximately 10mm of insolating cover from the main lead and insert it on the terminal block. The FM 500 is only to be used with ELKRON FAP series control panels Testing (trained personnel) of call points It is required that before testing competent authorities are withe field that the system is temporarily out of service due to maintenance operations . the manual call point can be tested by pressing on the operating face and verifying the alarm condition. At the end of testing operations, restore the system to normal operation and notify the status to the competent authorities. Terminal specification of call points Operating voltage 20 vdc (-15%, +10%) modulated Average power consumption (normal condition) 250 ma @ 20vdc Average power consumption (alarm condition) 2ma @ 20vdc Operating temperature -10 /55 Relative humidity 93%+_2%C (14/131F) Storage/ shipping temperature -30/70C Bi colour LED Red steady: alarm condition Dimensions 110 by 110 by 42 Weight 140g However, apart from the FM 500 type call point, we also have the FM 400 call point but the latter is limited in use due to its design and specifications.

NETWORKING SYSTEMS AND LOCAL AREA NETWORKS (LAN) A network is a system of two or more computers that are connected in some manner. Each computer on the network has access to the files and peripheral equipment (such as printers or modems) on all the other computers on the network. The origin of local area networks can be traced, in part, to IBM terminal equipment introduced in 1974. At that time, IBM introduced a series of terminal devices designed for use in transaction-processing applications for banking and retailing. What was unique about those terminals was their method of connection: a common cable that formed a loop provided a communications path within a localized geographical area. Unfortunately, limitations in the data transfer rate, incompatibility between individual IBM loop systems, and other problems precluded the widespread adoption of this method of networking. The economics of media sharing and the ability to provide common access to a centralized resource were, however, key advantages, and they resulted in IBM and other vendors investigating the use of different techniques to provide a localized communications capability between different devices. However, Datapoint Corporation began selling its Attached Resource Computer Network (ARCNet), considered by most people to be the first commercial local area networking product. Since then, hundreds of companies have developed local area networking products, and the installed base of terminal devices connected to such networks has increased exponentially. They now number in the hundreds of millions. Designing a manageable network One of the most important considerations in designing a network to be manageable is deciding how and where to connect the network-management equipment. Is there a separate network-management center to accommodate? Do nonoperational staff members like the network designer sit in a different area? Do they require access to the network-management center's equipment through the network? In general, the design should include a separate virtual local area network (VLAN) just for network-management equipment. The management VLAN was used to access management functions on remote network equipment. This network management-equipment VLAN houses servers and workstations used to manage the network. Design Types A large-scale network design is composed of several common building blocks. Every LAN, of whatever size, has to have an access system by which the end stations connect to the network. There are several inexpensive options for LAN connections, such as Ethernet and Token Ring. As a philosophical principle, the

network should be built using basic commonly available technology. The design shouldn't have to reinvent any wheels just to allow the machines to talk to one another. So, just as basic commonly available technologies exist for connecting end stations to LANs, there are common methods for interconnecting LAN segments. Once again, these technologies and methods should involve the most inexpensive yet reliable methods. But in this stage of interconnecting, aggregating, and distributing traffic between these various LAN segments, the designer may run into some serious hidden problems. There may be thousands of ways to connect things, but most of these methods result in some kind of reliability problems. Network topology The topology of a local area network is the structure or geometric layout of the cable used to connect stations on the network. Unlike conventional data communications networks, which can be configured in a variety of ways with the addition of hardware and software, most local area networks are designed to operate based on the interconnection of stations that follow a specific topology. The most common topologies used in LANs include the loop, bus, ring, star, and tree, as illustrated in the figure below Loop As previously mentioned; IBM introduced a series of transactionprocessing terminals in 1974 that communicated through the use of a common controller on a cable formed into a loop. The five most common geometric layouts of LAN cabling form a loop, bus, ring, star, or tree structure. Because the controller employed a poll-and-select access method, terminal devices connected to the loop require a minimum of intelligence. Although this reduced the cost of terminals connected to the loop, the controller lacked the intelligence to distribute the data flow evenly among terminals. A lengthy exchange between two terminal devices or between the controller and a terminal would thus tend to weigh down this type of network structure. A second problem associated with this network structure was the centralized placement of network control in the controller. If the controller failed, the entire network would become inoperative. Due to these problems, the use of loop systems is restricted to several niche areas, and they are essentially considered a derivative of a local area network. Bus In a bus topology structure, a cable is usually laid out as one long branch, onto which other branches are used to connect each station on the network to the main data highway. Although this type of structure permits any station on the network to talk to any other station, rules are required for recovering from such situations as when two stations attempt to communicate at the same time.

Ring In a ring topology, a single cable that forms the main data highway is shaped into a ring. As with the bus topology, branches are used to connect stations to one another via the ring. A ring topology can thus be considered to be a looped bus. Typically, the access method employed in a ring topology requires data to circulate around the ring, with a special set of rules governing when each station connected to the network can transmit data. Star The fourth major local area network topology is the star structure, In a star network, each station on the network is connected to a network controller. Then, access from any one station on the network to any other station can be accomplished through the network controller. Here, the network controller functions like a telephone switchboard, because access from one station to another station on the network can occur only through the central device. In fact, you can consider a telephone switchboard or PBX as representing a starstructured LAN whose trunks provide connections to the wide area network telephone infrastructure. Tree A tree network structure represents a complex bus. In this topology, the common point of communications at the top of the structure is known as the head-end. From the head-end, feeder cables radiate outward to nodes, which in turn provide workstations with access to the network. There may also be a feeder cable route to additional nodes, from which workstations gain access to the network. One common example of a tree structure topology is the cable TV network many readers use on a daily basis. With the upgrade introduction to networking of many cable TV systems to two-way amplifiers and the support of digital transmission, the local cable TV infrastructure can be considered to represent an evolving type of tree-structured local area network. Mixed Topologies Some networks are a mixture of topologies. For example, a tree structure can be viewed as a series of interconnected buses. Another example of the mixture of topologies is a type of Ethernet known as 10BASE-T. 10BASE-T network can actually be considered a star-bus topology, because up to 16 or 24 devices known as stations are first connected to a common device known as a hub, which in turn can be connected to other hubs to expand the network. Transmission Medium Used in LAN. The transmission medium used in a local area network can range in scope from twisted-pair wire, such as is used in conventional telephone lines, to coaxial

cable, fiber-optic cable, and electromagnetic waves such as those used by FM radio and infrared. Each transmission medium has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The primary differences between media are their cost and ease of installation; the bandwidth of the cable, which may or may not permit several transmission sessions to occur simultaneously; the maximum speed of communications permitted; and the geographic scope of the network that the medium supports. Twisted-pair wire In addition to being the most inexpensive medium available for LAN installations, twisted-pair wire is very easy to install. Since this wiring uses the same RJ11 and RJ45 modular connectors as a telephone system, once a wire is cut and a connector fastened, the attachment of the connector to network devices is extremely simple. Normally, a screwdriver and perhaps a pocket knife are the only tools required for the installation of twisted-pair wire. Anyone who has hooked up a pair of speakers to a stereo set has the ability to install this transmission medium. Unshielded twisted-pair Although inexpensive and easy to install, unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) wire is very susceptible to noise generated by fluorescent light ballasts and electrical machinery. In addition, a length of twisted-pair wire acts as an antenna; however, the twists serve as a mechanism to partially counteract this antenna effect. Unfortunately, due to the law of physics, the longer the wire length, the greater the noise it gathers. At a certain length, the received noise will obliterate the signal, which attenuates or decreases in strength as it propagates along the length of the wire. This noise can affect the error rate of data transmitted on the network, although lead-shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable can be employed to provide the cable with a high degree of immunity to the line noise and enable extended transmission distances. Examining a building cabling standard and the various categories of twisted-pair that can support different transmission rates which, in turn, enable different types of Ethernet networks to be supported. Because the bandwidth of twistedpair cable is considerably less than coaxial or fiber-optic cable, normally only one signal is transmitted on this cable at a time. Although a twisted-pair wire system can be used to transmit both voice and data, the data transmission is baseband because only one channel is normally used for data. In comparison, a broadband system on coaxial or fiber-optic cable can be designed to carry voice and several sub channels of data, as well as fax and video transmission. Other constraints of unshielded twisted-pair wire are the rate at which data can flow on the network and the distance it can flow. Although data rates up to 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) can be achieved, normally local area networks employing UTP wiring operate at a lower data rate. In addition, UTP

systems normally cover a limited distance, measured in terms of several hundred to a few thousand feet, while coaxial and fiber-optic cablebased systems may be limited in terms of miles. Extending transmission distances over twisted-pair wire requires the periodic insertion of repeaters into the cable. A repeater receives a digital signal and then regenerates it; hence, it is also known as a data regenerator. Coaxial cable At the center of a coaxial cable is a copper wire, which is covered by an insulator known as a dielectric. An overlapping woven copper mesh surrounds the dielectric, and the mesh, in turn, is covered by a protective jacket consisting of polyethylene or aluminum and it should be noted that over 100 types of coaxial cable are currently marketed. The key differences between such cables involve the number of conductors contained in the cable, the dielectric employed, and the type of protective jacket and material used to provide strength to the cable so it can be pulled through conduits without breaking. Two basic types of coaxial cable are used in local area networks. The type of cable used is based on the transmission technique employed: baseband or broadband signaling. Both cable types are much more expensive than twisted-pair wire; however, the greater frequency bandwidth of coaxial cable permits higher data rates for longer distances than you can obtain over twisted-pair wire. Normally, 50-ohm coaxial cable is used in baseband networks, while 75-ohm cable is used in broadband networks. The latter coaxial is identical to that used in cable television (CATV) applications, including the coaxial cable used in a home. Data rates on baseband networks using coaxial cable range from 50 to 100 Mbps. With broadband transmissions, data rates up to and including 400 Mbps are obtainable. A coaxial cable with a polyethylene jacket is normally used for baseband signaling. Data is transmitted from stations on the network to the baseband cable in a digital format, and the connection from each station to the cable is accomplished by the use of a simple coaxial T-connector because data on Coaxial cable baseband network travels in a digital form, those signals can be easily regenerated by the use of a device known as a line driver or data regenerator. The line driver or data regenerator is a low-cost device that is constructed to look for a pulse rise, and upon detecting the occurrence of the rise, it will disregard the entire pulse and regenerate an entirely new pulse. Thus, you can install low-cost line drivers into a baseband coaxial network to extend the distance over which transmission can occur on the cable. Typically, a coaxial cable baseband system can cover an area of several miles, and may contain hundreds to thousands of stations on the network. Obtaining independent sub channels defined by separate frequencies on coaxial cable broadband transmission requires the translation of the digital signals from workstations into appropriate frequencies. This translation

process is accomplished by the use of radio-frequency (RF) modems, which modulate the digital data into analog signals and then convert or demodulate received analog signals into digital signals. Because signals are transmitted at one frequency and received at a different frequency, a head-end or frequency translator is also required for broadband transmission on coaxial cable. This device is also known as a demodulator, as it simply converts the signals from one sub channel to another sub channel. Fiber-optic cable Fiber-optic cable is a transmission medium for light energy, and as such, provides a very high bandwidth, permitting data rates ranging up to billions of bits per second. The fiber-optic cable has a thin core of glass or plastic, which is surrounded by a protective shield. Several of these shielded fibers are bundled in a jacket, with a central member of aluminum or steel employed for tensile strength. Digital data represented by electrical energy must be converted into light energy for transmission on a fiber-optic cable. This is normally accomplished by a lowpower laser, or through the use of a light-emitting diode and appropriate circuitry. At the receiver, light energy must be reconverted into electrical energy. Normally, a device known as a photo detector, as well as appropriate circuitry to regenerate the digital pulses and an amplifier, are used to convert the received light energy into its original digital format. The cladding that surrounds the core of the fiber can be considered to represent a cylindrical mirror whose job is to ensure light stays in the core as it flows along the fiber. The Kevlar fibers add strength to the cable, while the outer jacket, which is commonly colored orange, represents a polymer-based shield that protects the cable from the elements. There are two key factors that govern the manner by which light flows through a fiber-optic cable. Those factors are the diameter of the core and the light source. The first type of fiber-optic cable developed had a relatively large diameter that ranged from 50 to 140 microns, where a micron is a millionth of a meter. The original light source used to transmit information was a light-emitting diode (LED). Horizontal cross section of a single-strand fiber cable The coupling of an LED to a large-diameter optical fiber results in photons flowing along multiple paths through the optical fiber, resulting in the transmission referred to as multimode, which is also the same name used to reference the type of optical fiber. There are two types of multimode fiber, referred to as step-index and graded index. A step-index fiber has a core with a

uniform refractive index, resulting in the different components of a light signal in the form of modes or rays flowing in a non-uniform manner through the optical cable. The flow of light through a step-index is a multimode fiber. In a graded-index multimode fiber, the refractive index is varied from the center to the edge of the core to minimize modal dispersion. The flow of light through a graded-index is a multimode fiber. This type of fiber minimizes model dispersion and supports higher data rates than a step-index multimode optical fiber. A third type of optical fiber has a relatively small core diameter, typically between 7 and 12 microns (106 meters). This type of optical fiber permits only one path for the flow of light due to the small diameter of the core. As a result of the lack of modal dispersion, single mode supports a much higher data rate than multimode fiber. Because of the small diameter of single-mode fiber, lasers are used as the light source instead of LEDs. Both the core thickness and the cladding of an optical fiber are measured in microns. The three major core thicknesses used in optical fiber are 50, 62 and 100 microns. The associated claddings for those core diameters are 125 and 140 microns, respectively. Computer networks are everywhere; from a simple two-node home setup to the vast number of computers on the internet. However, any computer network includes certain basic components, regardless of which operating system one is running. Networking Basics Here are some of the fundamental parts (hardware and software components) of a network: Network A network is a group of computers connected together in a way that allows information to be exchanged between the computers. Internetworks Multiple networks connected together to produce a larger network. Node A node is anything that is connected to the network. While a node is typically a computer, it can also be something like a printer or CD-ROM tower. Segment - A segment is any portion of a network that is separated, by a switch, bridge or router, from other parts of the network. Backbone The backbone is the main cabling of a network that all of the segments connect to. Typically, the backbone is capable of carrying more information than

the individual segments. For example, each segment may have a transfer rate of 10 Mbps (megabits per second), while the backbone may operate at 100 Mbps. Topology Topology is the way that each node is physically connected to the network. Local Area Network (LAN) A LAN is a network of computers that are in close proximity in the same general physical location, usually within a building or a campus. Wide Area Network (WAN) A network in which the computers or nodes are far apart (such as across town or in different cities). The internet is the greatest WAN. Network Interface Card (NIC) Every computer (and most other devices) is connected to a network through a NIC. In most desktop computers, this is an Ethernet card (normally 10 or 100 Mbps) that is plugged into a slot on the computer's motherboard. Media Access Control (MAC) address This is the physical address of any device such as the NIC in a computer on the network. The MAC address, which is made up of two equal parts, is 6 bytes long. The first 3 bytes identify the company that made the NIC. The second 3 bytes are the serial number of the NIC itself. Unicast A unicast is a transmission from one node addressed specifically to another node. Multicast In a multicast, a node sends a packet addressed to a special group address. Devices that are interested in this group register to receive packets addressed to the group. An example might be a Cisco router sending out an update to all of the other Cisco routers. Broadcast In a broadcast, a node sends out a packet that is intended for transmission to all other nodes on the network.

Server This is any computer that makes resources available to other computers on the network, they run network server software. Client Any computer that uses the resources of a server, Client computer run network client software. Media The physical means of communication between network computers. The network medium is often a specialized cable or other media such as infra red transmission or radio signals (as in wireless networks). Resources: The data, applications, and hardware provided by network servers for use by network clients. Network Adapter: A Network Interface Card (NIC) that allows two computers to send and receive data over the network medium. Network protocol A specialized electronic language that enables network computers to communicate easily. Network Topology This is the physical layout of a network. This includes specifications for the type of media, adapter and protocol the network can use. Network Scope Network scope refers to the extent to which a network provides coverage. There are two major divisions of network scope; Local Area Networks and Wide Area Networks. A Local Area Network (LAN) consists of any number of computers that are linked directly together and are housed in a clearly defined geographic area, such as in a single building or campus. A LAN can only be as large as the physical limitations of the cabling you use which also depends on the cabling type. Usually the computers linked together in a LAN are workstations that can access data on computers on the same LAN, and use devices like printers that are connected to the LAN.

A Wide Area Network (WAN) can span large geographic areas like countries and continents. WANs often contain two or more LANs. At least some of the connections used in WAN rely on long distance communications media such satellite links, long distance fiber optic cable, or specialized high speed telephone lines. WAN technology is essentially used to link all the computers in a multi-site or multinational enterprise in a reliable way Note that the key characteristic of a LAN or WAN is not how big it is, but rather the technologies used to connect the computers. There are other more specialized scopes used to describe networks. These include: Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN): this is a mini-wan or a giant LAN that is confined to a single municipality. A company might use a private MAN to link different offices together within the same compound. Computers on a MAN are linked using high-speed media like fiber optic or dedicated digital lines. This is the typical description of the IITA Ibadan network as will be discussed later. Storage Area Network (SAN): A specialized LAN linking several network servers that are dedicated to storing large amounts of data in a centralized secure repository. Personal Area Network (PAN): This is a connection you personally have with the technology that is around you (within your body) e.g. the way your cell phone communicates with your Bluetooth headset and your laptop. Bluetooth and infrared are currently the major types of PAN. Network Topology A network topology refers to the layout of the transmission medium and devices on a network. Topologies use either a point to point or multipoint connection scheme. A connection scheme indicates how many devices are connected to a transmission media segment or an individual cable. An example of point-topoint connection scheme is a printer or modem connected to your computer. Another is two computers connected directly to each other to use file transfer software like windows i.e. the network computer communicates with other network devices via direct cable connection between them. An example of a multi point connection scheme is a star or bus topology network. The entire physical structure of the network is called its physical topology. Star topology: This is a local area network topology where all the nodes are connected individually to a central connecting device called a hub. Signals travel from the nodes to the hub which then sends signals to other nodes on the network. A star topology network is easily scaleable nodes can be added and removed fairly easily- and if a computer fails, none of the other nodes are affected. However if

the hub fails the entire network fails. A hub does not perform any type of filtering or routing of the data. It is simply a junction that joins all the different nodes together. Other Network topologies; Bus topology: A LAN topology where a single main bus cable, sometimes called a backbone, transmits data to all the nodes on the network. The bus is actually a series of cable segments running from one node to the other. A terminator is attached to each end of the cable to substitute for computers in the line and keep the signal that is sent by a node across the network from bouncing back when it reaches the end of the cable. A break or faulty piece of cable anywhere on the segment prevents all the computers on the segment from being able to communicate. Ring Topology: A topology for a LAN where all the nodes are connected in a continuous loop. This topology is used by a token ring network where a packet called a token (a special bit pattern) is passed from station to station; only the machine holding the token can transmit data over the network so no other machine can send signals that might interfere with the signal from the machine with the token. Each node takes a turn sending and receiving information through the use of a token. The token, along with any data, is sent from the first node to the second node, which extracts the data addressed to it and adds any data it wishes to send. Then, the second node passes the token and data to the third node, and so on until it comes back around to the first node again. If a station goes down, no other station on the ring is affected. Mesh: A full mesh topology occurs when every node on the network has a separate wire connecting it to every other node on the network. It provides each device with a point-to-point connection to every other device in the network. This type of network has a high fault tolerance because failure of one node does not affect data transmission between other nodes. However a full mesh topology network is very expensive to setup particularly in large organizations like IITA. A cable would have to run from one node to every other node on the network, about 300 cables! TREE: A LAN topology that combines two or more of the basic topologies bus, star or mesh are combined. Network Media The choice of a network medium depends on the desired transmission speed and the distance over which the data is supposed to be transmitted. Two factors determine the type of network medium to be used in any network. These are: 1. Network technology/ standard & 2. Network scope used

Network media selection based on network technology/ standard: Certain network technologies, due to the standard on which they were built, have been designated to use particular network media. This is to ensure that the speed of data transmission specified in these standards is attained. For example the IEEE 802.3 standard which describes the Ethernet network technology, stipulates different network cables for different network connections. Versions of the standard are listed below: 10 Base 5: this is the original cabling standard for Ethernet that uses coaxial cables. The name derives from the fact that the maximum data transfer speed is 10 Mps, it uses base band transmission, and the maximum length of cable is 500 meters. 10 base 5 is also called thick Ethernet, Thickwire or Thicknet. 10 base2 Standard: Also called Thinnet or cheapnet, uses 50 ohm coaxial cable with maximum length of 185 meters .This cable is thinner and more flexible than that used for 10 base 5 standard. Cables in the 10 base 2 system connect with BNC connectors. The network interface card in a computer requires a Tconnector to which two cables can be attached in order to connect two adjacent computers. Any unused connection must have a 50 ohm terminator. The 10 Base 2 system operates at 10 Mbps. 10 base T: (Also called twisted pair Ethernet) uses a twisted pair cable with a maximum length of 100 meters. The cable is thinner and more flexible than that used for the 10 base 2 or 10 base 5 standards. Cables in 10 base T system connect with RJ-45 connectors. 10 base T standard is common with star topology network with 12 or more computers connected directly to a hub or concentrator. The 10 base T system operates at 10 Mbps. Fast Ethernet (100 base T): Supports data transfer rates of 100 Mbps. There are several different cabling schemes that can be used with 100 base T, including 100 base T (two pairs of high quality twisted pair wires), 100 base T4 ( four pairs of normal quality twisted pair wires ) and 100 base FL ( fiber optic cables). Gigabit Ethernet: Supports data transfer rates of I Gigabit (1000 megabits per second 802.11 wireless standards: Institute of Electrical/Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards which determine speeds and bandwidths for wireless local area networks. 802.11A; is supposed to transfer data at even higher speeds of up to 54 Mbps in the 5 GHz band. In a typical office environment, its maximum range is 50 meters (150 feet) at the lowest speed, but at higher speed, the range is less than 25 meters (75 feet) (better in an open space) 802.11B; most popular technology used by WLANs deployed today. Transfers data at speeds of up to 11 Mbps in the 2 .4 GHz radio band (a license

is not required for this band) maximum range in a typical office or flat environment is 75-100 meters (250 feet) at the lowest speed and about 30 meters (100 feet) at higher speed (3x further in an open space) 802.11G; offers up to 54 Mbps data rates, functions in the 2.4 GHz range, and is compatible with 802.11b because of the 2,4 GHz range, but uses a different radio technology in order to boost overall bandwidth Network media selection based on network scope employed: As said earlier, the network scope is the extent of coverage of the network and this determines the distance over which data will have to be transmitted. Hence it is important to choose a network medium made from a material that can support transfer of data signals over the entire scope of the network without loss in quality of the signal i.e. attenuation, and due to signal interference. Based on this categorization there are two types of network media; Wired media Wireless media Wired Media These are media which require the use of wires, lines and cables to transmit communication signals. During my industrial training, I encountered majorly 3 different types of network media namely: Coaxial cable: A coaxial cable is an alternative for protecting data from noise. Coaxial cables do not produce external electric and magnetic fields and are not affected by them. This makes them ideally suited, although more expensive, for transmitting signals. The cable consists of a single conductor (D) which is surrounded by insulation (C) and a conductive shield (B), with a heavy protective covering over the shield (A). The shield is usually a braided wire connected to an electrical ground and prevents the cable from picking up or emitting electrical noise. The choice is due to the ability of the cable to carry more data and it is more resistant to interference. An example is the LMR 400 which is used to connect the VSAT to the fiber optic cable which serves as the uplink to the fiber optic switch. Unshielded Twisted pair (UTP): This is least expensive type of LAN cable. It is made up of 4 pairs of wires insulated from each other and twisted together within another insulating sheath. The twisting of the wire pairs produces a mutual shielding effect. Although this effect cuts down on the absorption and radiation of electrical energy, it is not as effective as an external wire braid or foil. Since shielding is omitted, the price is low, but electrical interference can cause a problem. The eight wires of the UTP cable fit into an RJ-45 (Registered Jack) connector as shown below

The arrangement of wires into an RJ-45 connector follows a particular standard. The standards used in IITA-Ibadan are EIA/TIA T568A (for straight through cables) and EIA/TIA T568A and B (for cross over cables). N.B. EIA/TIA stands for Electronics Industry Association/ Telecommunications Industry Association. A straight through cable is used to connect a computer to a hub in a star topology Ethernet network while a cross over cable is used for point-to-point connection between computers without passing through a hub. The colour codes for both standards are as follows: Standard A 1. White/Orange 2. Orange/white 3. White/Green 4. Blue/white 5. White/blue 6. Green/white 7. White/brown 8. Brown/white EIA/TIA T568A WIRING STANDARD Standard B 1. White/green 2. Green/white 3. White/orange 4. Blue/white 5. White/blue 6. Orange/white 7. White/brown 8. Brown/white EIA/TIA T568B WIRING STANDARD You see that, from the straight configuration, we permute "white/green" and "white/orange" on one hand, "orange" and "green" on the other hand. These two pairs are the ones which are used in a base-10 or base-100 or base 1000 connection. Other wires do not carry signal in the connection. Fiber Optic Cables: They are made of glass fibers instead of wire. A fiber Optic cable consists of a number of sub structures including: Core of glass, ranging from 50 micrometers (m) to 1000 m in diameter, carries the light Cladding surrounds the core, Bends the light and confines it to the core. Substrate layer of glass (in some fibers) surrounds the cladding, does not carry light but adds to the diameter and strength of the fiber

Primary buffer coating surrounds all the other layers and provides the first layer of mechanical protection. Secondary buffer coating surrounds the primary buffer coating, while protecting the relatively fragile primary coating and the underlying fiber Fibre optic cable Optical fibers come in two types: Single-mode fibers Multi-mode fibers Single-mode fibers; have small cores (about 3.5 x 10-4 inches or 9 microns in diameter) and transmit infrared laser light (wavelength = 1,300 to 1,550 nanometers). Single-mode fibers are used for most communication links longer than 200 meters. Multi-mode fibers; have larger cores (about 2.5 x 10-3 inches or 62.5 microns in diameter) and transmit infrared light (wavelength = 850 to 1,300 nm) from lightemitting diodes (LEDs). Used for short-distance communication links or for applications where high power must be transmitted. Advantages of Fiber Optics Less expensive - Several miles of optical cable can be made cheaper than equivalent lengths of copper wire. This saves your provider (cable TV, Internet) and you money. Thinner - Optical fibers can be drawn to smaller diameters than copper wire. Higher carrying capacity - Because optical fibers are thinner than copper wires, more fibers can be bundled into a given-diameter cable than copper wires. This allows more phone lines to go over the same cable or more channels to come through the cable into your cable TV box. Less signal degradation - The loss of signal in optical fiber is less than in copper wire. Light signals - Unlike electrical signals in copper wires, light signals from one fiber do not interfere with those of other fibers in the same cable. This means clearer phone conversations or TV reception. Low power - Because signals in optical fibers degrade less, lower-power transmitters can be used instead of the high-voltage electrical transmitters needed for copper wires. Again, this saves your provider and you money. Digital signals - Optical fibers are ideally suited for carrying digital information, which is especially useful in computer networks. Non-flammable - Because no electricity is passed through optical fibers, there is no fire hazard. Lightweight - An optical cable weighs less than a comparable copper wire cable. Fiber-optic cables take up less space in the ground.

Wireless Media Communication system designers have sought to use wireless because of the reduced infrastructure cost and complexity, when compared to wireline communication systems. There is no need to construct miles of telephone line poles or cable trenches. Simply put in a few strategically positioned radio towers and transmit around the world. Today, wireless systems are significantly more complex because we want to allow millions of users to make telephone calls or receive feature length movies via wireless systems. There are four general types of wireless (radio) communication systems: Cellular Telephone A type of wireless communication that is most familiar to mobile phones users. It's called 'cellular' because the system uses many base stations to divide a service area into multiple 'cells'. Cellular calls are transferred from base station to base station as a user travels from cell to cell. Cellular networks are inherently asymmetric with a set of fixed main transceivers each serving a cell and a set of distributed (generally, but not always, mobile) transceivers which provide services to the network's users. Cellular networks offer a number of advantages over alternative solutions: increased capacity reduced power usage better coverage A good (and simple) example of a cellular system is an old taxi driver's radio system where the taxi company will have several transmitters based around a city each operated by an individual operator. Basic 2-Way Radio These are devices that possess both a transmitter and a receiver for sending and receiving signals, they are called transceivers. They operate in certain frequencies. High frequency (HF) radio frequencies are between 3 and 30 MHz, Also known as the decameter band or decameter wave. This range is extensively used for medium and long range terrestrial radio communication. Very high frequency (VHF) is the radio frequency range from 30 MHz to 300 MHz. VHF propagation characteristics are ideal for short-distance terrestrial communication, with a range generally somewhat farther than line-of-sight from the transmitter. Ultra-high frequency (UHF) (0.33 GHz) the most commonly used frequency bands for transmission of television signals. Modern mobile phones also transmit and receive within the UHF spectrum. UHF is widely used by public service agencies for two-way radio communication, usually using narrowband frequency modulation, Super high frequency (SHF) (330 GHz) Also known as the centimeter band or centimeter wave as the wavelengths range from ten to one centimeters. Extremely high frequency (EHF) (30300 GHz) electromagnetic radiation is

considered to be low (or far) infrared light, also referred to as terahertz radiation. This band has a wavelength of ten to one millimetre, giving it the name millimeter band or millimetre wave, Compared to lower bands, terrestrial radio signals in this band are extremely prone to atmospheric attenuation, making them of very little use over long distances. Advantages & Uses Microwave radio is used in broadcasting and telecommunication transmissions because, due to their short wavelength, highly directive antennas are smaller and therefore more practical than they would be at longer wavelengths (lower frequencies). There is also more bandwidth in the microwave spectrum than in the rest of the radio spectrum; the usable bandwidth below 300 MHz is less than 300 MHz while many GHz can be used above 300 MHz. microwaves are used in television news to transmit a signal from a remote location to a television station from a specially equipped van. Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) and Wi-Max (point-to-multipoint) This is a popular wireless technology used in home networks, mobile phones, video games and other electronic devices that require some form of wireless networking capability. In particular, it covers the various IEEE 802.11 technologies (including 802.11n, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11a). Wi-Fi technologies are supported by nearly every modern personal computer operating system, most advanced game consoles and laptops, and many printers and other peripherals. The purpose of Wi-Fi is to provide wireless access to digital content. This content may include applications, audio and visual media, Internet connectivity, or other data. Wi-Fi generally makes access to information easier, as it can eliminate some of the physical restraints of wiring; this can be especially true for mobile devices. MAKING A CAT5 ETHERNET CABLE The following short procedure serves as a guideline for stripping & terminating CAT5 (10BaseT & 100BaseTX Ethernet) cables. The LAN-Wire Material kit is as follows: CAT5 4-pair UTP cable CAT5 8-pin RJ-45 connectors For optimum results, the universal tools and connector types listed below are recommended for use. They are: RJ-45/RJ-11 Crimping/Terminating Tool 4-pair Rotational Stripper (or Clothespin Stripper) Wire cutters (straight cut) Impact Tool with 110 Punchdown Block

Fabrication Procedure 1. Use a cutter and make an incision at 2/3 cm from the cable's end. Make a straight cut at this point and remove the jacket using a 4 pair rotational stripper. This exercise should be carried out carefully in order not to damage the wire insulation. 2. Insert the properly arranged cable core (EIA/TIA T568A or B) into the RJ45 connector housing. To keep the jacket as close to the connector sleeve as possible do not untwist pairs more than 1\2". Terminate Individual Wires. 3. Install insertion caps if required, push down the insertion caps onto the terminated wires. If the caps are used (optional), they, of course, have to be placed on the cable's ends before crimping the connectors! Coloured caps help to protect the ethernet connector as well as they differentiate the cables in the muddle of cables a network can produce! 4. Ensure the wires are well placed on, push the girdle firmly up to the metallic pins The cable is now properly terminated; inspect its neatness and tightness. 5. Insert the terminated cable into the RJ45 slot in the crimping tool and squeeze hard to tighten the pins to the cables and clip down the jacket with the plastic lug. The yellow arrow points to the contacts which will go fixed into the conducting parts, the blue one shows the plastic lug which will lock the conducting parts and their coat into the connector. 6. Do the same thing to the other end of the cable. Your Ethernet network cable is now ready for use NETWORK DEVICES Modem Modem (from modulator-demodulator) is a device that modulates an analog carrier signal to encode digital information, and also demodulates such a carrier signal to decode the transmitted information. The goal is to produce a signal that can be transmitted easily and decoded to reproduce the original digital data. Modems can be used over any means of transmitting analog signals, from driven diodes to radio. ADSL Modem The most familiar example is a voice band modem that turns the digital 1s and 0s of a personal computer into sounds that can be transmitted over the telephone lines of Plain Old Telephone Systems (POTS), and once received on the other side, converts those 1s and 0s back into a form used by a USB, Ethernet, serial, or network connection. Modems are generally classified by the amount of data

they can send in a given time, normally measured in bits per second, or "bps". They can also be classified by Baud, the number of times the modem changes its signal state per second. Ethernet hub A network hub or repeater hub is a device for connecting multiple twisted pair or fiber optic Ethernet devices together, making them act as a single network segment. Hubs work at the physical layer (layer 1) of the OSI model. The device is thus a form of multiport repeater. Repeater hubs also participate in collision detection, forwarding a jam signal to all ports if it detects a collision. Hubs also often come with a BNC and/or AUI connector to allow connection to legacy 10BASE2 or 10BASE5 network segments. The availability of low-priced network switches has largely rendered hubs obsolete but they are still seen in older installations and more specialized applications. Network Bridge A network bridge connects multiple network segments at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model, and the term layer 2 switch is often used interchangeably with bridge. Bridges are similar to repeaters or network hubs, devices that connect network segments at the physical layer; however, a bridge works by using bridging where traffic from one network is managed rather than simply rebroadcast to adjacent network segments. In Ethernet networks, the term "bridge" formally means a device that behaves according to the IEEE 802.1D standardthis is most often referred to as a network switch in marketing literature. Advantages of network bridges Self configuring Primitive bridges are often inexpensive Reduce size of collision domain by microsegmentation in non switched networks Transparent to protocols above the MAC layer Allows the introduction of management - performance information and access control LANs interconnected are separate and physical constraints such as number of stations, repeaters and segment length don't apply Disadvantages of network bridges Does not limit the scope of broadcasts Does not scale to extremely large networks Buffering introduces store and forward delays - on average traffic destined for bridge will be related to the number of stations on the rest of the LAN Bridging of different MAC protocols introduces errors Network switch A network switch is a broad and imprecise marketing term for a computer networking device that connects network segments. In simple terms, in the

context of a standard 10/100 Ethernet switch, a switch operates at the data-link layer of the OSI model to create a different collision domain per switch port. This basically says that if you have 4 computers A/B/C/D on 4 switch ports, then A and B can transfer data between them as well as C and D at the same time, and they will never interfere with each others' conversations. That is the basic idea. In the case of a "hub" then they would all have to share the bandwidth, run in half-duplex and there would be collisions and retransmissions. Using a switch is called micro-segmentation and it allows you to have dedicated bandwidth on point to point connections with every computer and can therefore run in full duplex with no collisions. Network switches Managed & Unmanaged switches: This option determines the level of control you can have over your network, including the degree of security that your business wants for its networked data and communications. Unmanaged switches are preconfigured to satisfy most small business needs and can be set up quickly, making them appropriate for simple LAN connections. Managed switches offer more control; they also usually require more technical expertise. If you have multiple LANs and switches, you may decide to manage some of them and not others. Managed switches provide control capabilities that can increase LAN security and performance, and let you segment traffic. For example, you could allow only certain employees access to your finance applications. You could also give certain applications more bandwidth, or ensure that video and voice communications take priority over other types of traffic. Router Routers connect two or more logical subnets, which do not necessarily map oneto-one to the physical interfaces of the router. The term layer 3 switch often is used interchangeably with router, but switch is really a general term without a rigorous technical definition. In marketing usage, it is generally optimized for Ethernet LAN interfaces and may not have other physical interface types. Routers operate in two different planes: Control Plane, in which the router learns the outgoing interface that is most appropriate for forwarding specific packets to specific destinations, Forwarding Plane, which is responsible for the actual process of sending a packet received on a logical interface to an outbound logical interface. CONFIGURATION, INSTALLATION & TROUBLESHOOTING ADSL (ASYMMETRIC DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE) ROUTER/MODEM During my training in IITA I had the privilege of working with various types of ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) modems and routers such as Paradyne, Dlink, Netgear, Belkin, US Robotics, Linksys e.t.c. I was extensively involved in configuring, troubleshooting and installing ADSL routers and

modems. The type of modem described in this report is the Belkin wireless ADSL modem/router. ADSL2+ Modem with Wireless G+ MIMO Router System Requirements An active ADSL service with a telephone wall jack for connecting the Router At least one computer with a Network Interface Card (NIC) and Internet browser installed and correctly configured TCP/IP networking protocol installed on each computer connected to the Router No other DHCP server on your local network assigning IP addresses to computers and devices The Router is designed to be placed on a desktop. All of the cables exit from the rear of the Router for better organization and utility. The LED indicators are easily visible on the front of the Router to provide you with information about network activity and status. Front Panel
1. Power LED:

When you apply power to the Router or restart it, a short period of time elapses while the Router boots up. When the Router has completely booted up, the Power LED becomes a GREEN light, indicating the Router is ready for use. OFF: Router is OFF GREEN: Router is ON RED: Router failed to start 2. LAN Status LEDs: These LAN Status LEDs are labeled 14 and correspond to the numbered ports on the rear of the Router. When a computer is properly connected to one of the LAN ports on the rear of the Router, the LED will light. Solid GREEN means a computer or a network-enabled device is connected. When information is being sent over the port, the LED blinks rapidly. ORANGE indicates a 10Base-T connection. OFF: No device is connected ORANGE: Ethernet link is up and 10Base-T device connected ORANGE blinking: 10Base-T device transmitting or receiving data GREEN: Ethernet link is up and 100Base-T connected Green blinking: 100Base-T device transmitting or receiving data. 3. WLAN Status LED: The WLAN Status LED is solid GREEN when you enable the wireless LAN function. It flashes when the Router is transmitting or receiving data wirelessly. OFF: WLAN is off GREEN: WLAN is up and connected

GREEN blinking: When transmitting or receiving data 4. ADSL LED The ADSL LED flashes GREEN during negotiation with your ISP. It stays GREEN when the Router is connected properly to your ADSL service. OFF: No ADSL connection SGREEN: ADSL link is up and connected GREEN blinking: negotiating connection 5. Internet LED The Internet LED shows you when the Router is connected to the Internet. When the LED is OFF, the Router is NOT connected to the Internet. When the LED is solid GREEN, the Router is connected to the Internet. When the LED is blinking, the Router is transmitting or receiving data from the Internet. OFF: No Internet connection GREEN: Connected to the Internet GREEN blinking: When transmitting or receiving data RED: Failed to get IP Rear Panel 6. DSL Line This port is for connection to your ADSL line. Connect your ADSL line to this port. 7. Ethernet Ports The Ethernet ports are RJ45, 10/100 auto-negotiation. The ports are labeled 1 through 4. These ports correspond to the numbered LEDs on the front of the Router. Connect your network-enabled computers or any networking devices to one of these ports.

8. Reset Button
The Reset button is used in rare cases when the Router may function

improperly. Resetting the Router will restore the Routers normal operation while maintaining the programmed settings. You can also restore the factory default settings by using the Reset button. Use the restore option in instances where you may have forgotten your custom password. a. Resetting the Router Push and hold the Reset button for one second then release it. When the Power/Ready light becomes solid again, the reset is complete. b. Restoring the Factory Defaults Press and hold the Reset button for five seconds then release it. When the Power/Ready light becomes solid again, the restore is complete.

9. Power Plug
Connect the included 15V DC power supply to this inlet. Using the wrong type of power adapter may cause damage to your Router.

Connecting your ADSL Line:

1. Typically it involves a microfilter or a microfilter with built-in splitter to allow simultaneous use of ADSL service and telephone service on the same telephone line. Please read the following steps carefully and select appropriate method. If your telephone service and ADSL service are on the same telephone line, ADSL microfilters are needed for each telephone and device, such as answering machine, fax machine, and caller ID display. Additional splitters may be used to separate telephone lines for telephone and the Router. Note: Do not connect the ADSL microfilter between the wall jack and the Routerthis will prevent ADSL service from reaching the modem. 3. If your telephone service and ADSL service are on the same telephone line and you are using an ADSL microfilter with built-in splitter, connect the splitter to the telephone wall jack. 4. Providing ADSL service. Then, connect the telephone cord from the ADSL microfilter RJ11 port generally labeled DSL to the gray RJ11 port labeled DSL line on the back of your Router. Connect telephony device to the other port on the ADSL splitter commonly labeled Phone. An additional ADSL microfilter is needed for another telephone and device on the same line. 3. If you have a dedicated ADSL service telephone line with an RJ11 wall jack, simply connect a telephone cord from the wall jack to the gray RJ11 port labeled DSL line on the back of your Router. 4. If you have an RJ45 wall jack for your ADSL service, connect an RJ45-toRJ11 converter to the wall jack. Then connect one end of a telephone cord to the converter and the other end to the gray RJ11 port labeled DSL line on the back of your Router.

Powering Up your Router:

1. Connect the supplied power adapter to the Router power-input plug labeled Power. Note: For safety and performance reasons, only use the supplied power adapter to prevent damage to the Router. 2. After connecting the power adapter and the power source is turned on, the Routers power icon. on the front panel should be on. It might take a few minutes for the Router to fully start up. 3. Turn on your computers. After your computers boot up, the LAN status LED on the front of the Router will be on for each port to which a wired computer is connected. These lights show you the connection and activity status. Now you are ready to configure the Router for ADSL connection. Configuring your router In order for your computer to properly communicate with your Router, you will need to change your computers TCP/IP Ethernet settings to Obtain an IP address automatically/Using DHCP. This is normally the default setting in most home computers. You can set up the computer that is connected to the ADSL

modem FIRST using these steps. You can also use these steps to add computers to your Router after the Router has been set up to connect to the Internet.
Manually Configuring Network Adapters in Windows XP, 2000, or NT:

1. Click Start, Settings, then Control Panel. 2. Double-click on the Network and dial-up connections icon (Windows 2000) or the Network icon (Windows XP). 3. Right-click on the Local Area Connection associated with your network adapter and select Properties from the drop-down menu. 4. In the Local Area Connection Properties window, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click the Properties button. The following screen will appear: 5. If Use the following IP address (2) is selected, your Router will need to be set up for a static IP connection type. Write the address information in the table below. You will need to enter this information into the Router. 6. If not already selected, select Obtain an IP address automatically (1) and Obtain DNS server address automatically (3). Click OK. Your network adapter(s) are now configured for use with the Router.

INSTALLATION OF SATELLITE TELEVISION, MOTION DETECTOR AND OTHER SECURITY DEVICES MOTION DETECTOR It is also known as Infrared detector. It serves as a security that can be used in homes, offices and any other place where movement of people is not desired. Usually, it is mounted on the wall and the slightest presence of any being triggers the motion detector sometimes referred to as PIR to give a loud altering sound at the syrene blazer. Most often, it is used to alert people outside the premises ina case where everyone has vacated or left the house and valuable possessions are still in the house. Below are some of its technical characteristics. Voltage ratings..12V operating voltage9V -15V Absorption 12V11Ma quiescent, 17mA Range..12 m(volumetric lens) 12m(curtain lens) 20m( long range lens) IR coverage 108(Volumetric lens) sensible zones31 on 4 planes (volumetric lens) alarm relaysolid state relay anti tamper device50mA @ 24V operating temperature..-10C / +55C storing temperature-20C / +70C dimensions ..70 by 85 by 54 +-2mm weight 80g +-2g Some warnings should taken when installing the infrared detector, they are; 1] Place sensor on hard surfaces, free from vibrations at a height between 2 and 2.2metres. Avoid sensor close to heat sources or at direct sunlight. Also, avoid blind zones within area where the intruder can move such as due to furniture, shelves etc. 2] Avoid presence of animals in protected area 3]For connections ,shielded

conductor cable is suggested. If possible, we use cable for each sensor. More than one sensor can be connected in the same room without causing interference problems. Do not touch with your fingers, pyro-electric speculiar surfaces, if so, wipe it off with cotton and alcohol. 3] Addressable sounder and sounder strobe devices .This is the last stage involved in the operation of the fire alarm systems. The sounder is a square like device with an oval or bulb like cross section. In case of any excessive heat or steam generation in the house detected heat and steam detector sensor base, it triggers the sounder which in turn gives a very loud sound signifying an abnormality in the heat or steam generated in the house. This prompts the user or personnel around o address the situation at the control panel located within the premises. It is also possible to trigger the sounder strobe device by hitting on the breakglass also known as call point, this when eventually done will cause a blaring noise to emerge from the sounder. The sounders are often mounted vertically on the wall. However, we have two ranges of sounder products which are; 1] The low profile sounder and sounder strobe devices and 2] The system sounder and sounder strobe devices. At the control panel, the area of interest or zone from which the excess heat or steam is produced and conventionally, some other devices called sprinklers operates in such a way that as soon as the fire alarm system is triggered, and the zone of interest is detected, the sprinklers installed at the roof of the room concerned sprays or sprinkles water around in the room to quench the fire and to subdue the heat or steam produced. Below are some of the Dos and Donts of the sounder strobe devices. Dos 1] Ensure that the addressable system can accept s3 products; if in doubt, contact the supplier. 2] Use the correct method to open and close the devices. 3] Mount the device in correct orientation with TOP uppermost, to allow remote control operation. 4] Fit the wall gasket first when installing the deep base if IP55C protection is required. 5] Ensure the temperature cover is in place over the PCB. 6] Ensure the earth continuity strap is in place in the deep base.

Donts 1] Do not flush mount the base. 2] Do not have excessive incoming cable slack. 3] Do not mount the device above obstructions such as shelves that can prevent its operation with the IR remote control. 4] Do not install the S3 device such that the audible and visual outputs are obstructed. 5] Do not paint the device enclosure. Technical data of a sounder Sound output for standard tone ..low profile s3-100dbA +-3dbA(levels given are typical values with measurement taken at 90 anechoic fast response) panel tones of signals 1,2 and 3configure at the panel standard(sounder only).EN54:part 3:2001 strobe flash rate..signal 1----0.5Hz signal 2----1Hz signal 3---1Hz strobe light output with red(amber lens)equivalent to 3W xenon flasher loop loading factors..per device standard tone..5 standard tone with red or amber strobe..15 standard tone with white strobe28 operating voltage range 35V to 41V terminal size.2.5mm square maximum rating with deep base..IP55C with shallow baseIP31C enclosure materialflame retardant ABS(strobe cover is polycarbonate) enclosure colour..white and red (with red, amber or white translucent lens cover for the strobe) weight0.3kg approximate relative humidity.up to 90% operating temperature.. -10C to 50C storage temperature.-20C to 70C IR operating distance..3m INSTALLATION OF THE SOUNDER 1] Drill or knockout the required cable entry points on the base. 2] If using the deep base option and IP55C protection is required, then stick on the circular wall gasket on to the centre back of the base.

3] Secure the base to the wall gasket while the top of the base is in correction. 4] Terminate the cable at the entry point leaving not more than 10cm (4) tail wire length for connection. 5] Ensure the transparent cover is in place over the PCB. Connect the wires to the terminal block, see the wiring. 6] Close the main assembly to the base. The S2IP-SN-R3, S2IP-SN-W3 and 78400-03NM products are suitable for retrofitting and are supplied with a 6-way terminal block to ease the cable connection. NOTE: The system range of products do not support strobe options. LPCB-----Loss Prevention Certification Board The sounder in the entire s3 product listed and marked ~ are approved by the loss prevention board and meets the requirements of EN54: PART 3:2001 which is the standard for fire alarm device sounders. The low power addressable sounder and the combined strobe products provide audible and visual alarm signals and are designed for use in GENT analogue addressable fire alarm system. Each S3 is supplied with a deep base (40mm) or shallow base (25mm), offering IP55C and IP31C ratings respectively. In addition to the products covered in this report, there are speech sounder strobe and strobe only variants. The S3 products range incorporates innovative design features for which design patents application are pending. The products design has also been registered. Installation of Satellite Television Satellite televisions can be found almost everywhere in our society today ranging from homes to offices , bars and so on .Its installation involves some technical processes and its wiring could be cumbersome at times if many rooms are designed to be fitted with satellite televisions. Conventionally, there are different types of satellite dish, some of which are: 1] Pan Dish 2] Fibre Dish 3] Wire Dish typically, only the RG-6U which has a resistance of 75 ohms is used in the wiring process involved in the installation of the satellite television. The devices worthy of note in this process are: 1] The Satellite dish 2] The LNB known as the low noise band found on the dish 3] The F-connector

4] Decoder 5] Television socket 6] Metal box 7] RG-6 cable (which would also serve as the return) 8] The adaptable box 9] The television set 10] TV/FM/SAT socket A SATELLITE DISH AND its LNB However, in this jet age of ours where we have experienced tremendous progress in the technology world, one very important application of this progress can be seen in the installation of satellite television. We have two major kinds of satellite, which are 1] The Natural Satellites: these are found in the universe on the solar system and 2] The Artificial Satellites: they are built by professionals and some can be found in space by launching them into space so as to improve the Information Technology and Communication Technology of a specific large location such as a nation. Some other types of these artificial satellites on the earth by installing them at high altitudes with the help of a mast, a tall tower or on top of a long pole. There are also different types of artificial satellites, they are owned by different satellite stations. We have some in our country Nigeria and a lot more in other foreign countries of the world. The mode of payment for subscription for any these satellite varies as those in foreign countries are paid using the smart cards, green cards and so on while those in our nation Nigeria are subscribed for by making payments to the satellite station in question. The most prominent satellites television stations are: 1] Daar Sat 2] Dstv 3] Hitv 4] Mytv 5] Nisat 6] Show time (a foreign satellite television station)

Less, we forget, we are actually concerned with the installation or wiring process of a satellite television. For better result and performance, the satellite is mounted at high altitude on the roof of the building where the installation is to be done. From the illustration below, a good description of the processes involved in the installation of TV is given bearing in mind that all the details shown must be followed intoto. In this case, we are required to install the satellite television in about five rooms; three bedrooms, one master bedroom one living room. In each of these rooms, it is required of us to chisel out a portion on the wall where the 3 by 3 metal box would be fitted. As such, we have a 3 by 3 box in all the rooms. Another device known as the adaptable box is of great importance as it is the box that houses all the cables from each of the boxes in the rooms. The adaptable box also referred to as junction terminal can be situated inside or outside the house. The Cabling Process To start with, from each of the metal boxes in the rooms, the RG-6 cable is run through each of the boxes to the adaptable box. Besides, a TV/FM/SAT socket is also needed. The next operation to be performed would be to chisel FM, TV/FM & TV/FM/SAT. SOCKET We have the TV, TV/FM or TV/FM/SAT sockets. However, from the mounted satellite dish, we have a component so important in the overall process called the LNB meaning the low noise block. An RG6 cable is run from the LNB through the TV socket to another device known as the Decoder, thus, this cable serves as a receiver. To crown the installation process, all the cables pulled to the adaptable box must receive signal generated from the satellite dish and this can be achieved with the aid of a Return cable which is a cable from the decoder back to the adaptable box. As a result, all the cables at the adaptable box receives signal transferred from the dish, hence the name Return. Moreover, at the adaptable box, a link must be made by the use of a device called Splitter. The splitter helps to transfer signals received from the decoder through the return cable to all other cables coming from different rooms at the adaptable box. The return cable is fitted at the input portion of the splitter while the other cables from the different are connected to the output of the splitter. Another metal box portion should be chiseled out where another TV/FM socket would be fitted for the receiver cable from the dish and the return cable for the decoder.With the use of F- connectors, the decoder is connected to the television set and depending on the television programming desired, the required frequency is maintained. CAMERA As we all know the usefulness of cameras in our society which is to catch or produce pictures of animals, plants, human beings and any other living or non-

living thing. So far it can be viewed by the eyes, then the camera has the ability to produce its image. The camera is one of the objects that has features and functions similar to the human eye in the possession of the lens, focal length and so on. There are two types of camera, these are: 1] Dome Cameras 2] External cameras Dome Cameras: they have a dome like structure and can be divided into two sub-groups, which are: 1] PTZ: these are panned, can be tilted and zoomed 2] Ceiling mount: they are mounted on ceilings, roofs etc. External cameras: they are installed externally and can also be sub-divided into: 1] Standard 2] Bullet (small ones) Cables used for running camera are: 1] Cat 6 cables or RG 6 cable for video 2] 1.5mm or 2.5mm cable for power Multiplexer/DVR and Monitor : more than one camera can be connected to multiplexer or DVR but only one camera can be connected to monitor directly by using AV cable. Some cameras work for 24 hours (day and night) and display black and white colour during the night while some are only day. CONNECTION OF CAMERA Cat 6 cable will be connected to video balum. All the coloured pairs will be positive and the white pairs will be negative. The second leg of the balum will be connected to BNC connector and then plugged to the camera after which the power cable wll be connected to the AC. The camera can be adjusted to see near or far. Multiplexer: can divide screen to 2, 4, 6. 9, 16 etc depending on the channels of the DVR. DVR: Digital Versatile Recorder, it can record day and night before 24 hours.

Connection at the camera point. Red------------------from the power supply (red) + white/red----------------from the power supply (black)- white/red---------------------from the DVR portyellow------------------------from the DVR port(video)+ NOTE: If the camera is O.K AND it is not showing at the monitor, it means that there is too much load on the power supply cable and the reduction of the load on the power supply cable is needed or better still, another cable from the power supply unit for the camera can be connected. CABLES Types of Cable and other Uses RG6U cable---------------------------for satellite RG59 cable--------------------------for cctv CAT6 cable---------------------------for networking CAT5E cable--------------------------for voice intercom 10/50 pairs cable--------------------telephone 1.5mm fire alarm-------------------- for fire alarm V MD-------------- Video Motion Detector DRE----------------Dynamic Range Enhancement DNR---------------- Dynamic Noise Reduction BLC------------------Back Light Compensation Cross over Cable: This is used for connecting two systems Examples are Desktop---------------------Laptop Laptop-----------------------Laptop Desktop----------------------Desktop It is used for connecting two or more switches example from one switch to another switch. Also, it can be used to bypass switch to another device example from system to camera or other device that uses RJ45 connector. NOTE: Each side of the cat 6 cable will have different colours. Straight Cable: This is used to connect systems to switches or hubs only. Examples are: laptop------------------------switch switch-------------------------patch panel desktop------------------------switch Switches are faster than hubs. Colour Code For Straight Cables 1] white/orange 2]orange

3] white/green 4] blue 5] white/blue 6]green 7]white/brown 8]brown NOTE: Both of the two sides will have the same colour code B Standard is used for connecting or patching the RJ45 or RJ11 module and the patch panel. RJ45 is for data RJ11 is for voice TYPES OF CABINET 4U Rack 17U Rack 36U Rack 42U Rack 21U Rack 19U Rack CO-AXIAL CABLE - cable consists of a single copper conductor at the centre surrounded by a plastic layer for insulation and a branded metal outer shield. LNB: LOW DOWN CONVERTER Down converter, a combination of low noise amplifier and down converter built into a device attached to the dish. SPLITTER: A passive device which distributes television signals carried in a cable into two or more paths and send it to a number of receivers simultaneously. RF: Radio Frequency UHF: Ultra high frequency LED: Light emitting diode DSD: Digital satellite decoder EPG: Electronic programme guide.


CONCLUSION The SIWES programme undergone at Orange Networks Solutions afforded me an in-depth exposure to some of the practical industrial aspects of Electrical and Electronics Engineering profession. I was opportune to have known the design and implementation of local area network. Experience was also garnered in the cable evaluation and running processes. Besides, knowledge and skills were acquired in computer operations like computer aided designs, fire-alarm systems, installation of smoke detectors, cable specifications (cat 5e&cat 6 categories) etc .The programme has been highly enlightening, beneficial, interesting and successful. The objective of which the scheme was undergone was however achieved. RECOMMENDATION Although SIWES undergone did achieve quite a lot of its stated objectives, nevertheless, the following recommendations are suggested to improve the qualitative context of the programme: i Participation of private corporate organization to minimize the problem of low funding as recently complained by the director of ITF. ii. Participation of various professional, regulatory and statutory bodies such as COREN, NSE in the supervision of students. iii Sending students specifically to establishment where the stipulated aims and objectives of SIWES would be achieved. iv Payment of befitting student allowance to assist in students finances during the period of training. REFERENCES 1. Data Communications Networking Devices: Operation, Utilization, LAN and WAN Internetworking, Fourth Edition 0 471 97515 X (November 1998) 2. Dictionary of Communications Technology: Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations, Third Edition 0 471 97517 6 (May 1998) 3. Internetworking LANs and WANs: Concepts, Techniques and Methods, Second Edition 0 471 97514 1 (May 1998) 4. LAN Management with SNMP and RMON 0 471 14736 5. . Encarta encyclopedia

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