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(Week 9)

1. Discuss and explain the impact of IT in our daily life;
2. Explain and identify the various applications of computers in today's it era
that we use in our daily life.


Computers are very essential in our daily life nowadays. Almost anyone rely on
computers whether you are students, government employees, company employees working
from home, and even just communicating from friends, relatives or love ones. We can’t deny
that we are now in the computer age generation. According to Rappler 2019, Philippines tops
the world in using social media. Philippines average time online is 10 hours and 2 minutes in
a day, not covering those who are not online. Did you ask yourself, how computers affect
your life? What are the benefits of computers in our daily life? For better understanding, in
this chapter we will discuss Applications, their relevance to day-to-day activities, and the
basic computer network.

Mobile applications or apps have become an essential part of our life that helps us
achieve our daily activities with an ease. Now that we are in the technical computer age with
smartphones on our side every day, the proper use of our smartphones is depending on how
we use it. We can maximize the use of the apps in our daily life if we use the technology in
what and how are they design to.



• A computer has high speed of calculation,
diligence, accuracy, reliability, or versatility
which made it an integrated part in all business

Computer is used in business organizations for:

• Payroll calculations
• Budgeting
• Sales analysis
• Financial forecasting
• Managing employees database • Maintenance of stocks etc.

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Today banking is almost totally dependent
on computer.

Banks provide following facilities:

• Banks provide online accounting
facility, which includes current
balances, deposits, overdrafts,
interest charges, shares, and trustee
• ATM machines are making it even
easier for customers to deal with

• Different banks made their own banking apps, to accommodate more customer in
a day, not crowding in the bank. In these apps, you can invest, fund transfer, pay
bills, and withdraw cash from your hand at home. Also there are lots of
application introducing of e-money. As easy as scanning a QR code, you can pay


Out of the
bright minds of the programmers of transportation apps,
searching transportation is made easy through this app.
From booking international flights to booking a car to be
your service to hiring a motorcycle to be your rides to
work. This will help us save time rather than waiting
outside for a public utility vehicle to pass by.

Insurance companies are keeping all records up-to-
date with the help of computers. The insurance
companies, finance houses and stock broking
firms are widely using computers for their

Insurance companies are maintaining a database of all

clients with information showing

• procedure to continue with policies

• starting date of the policies

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• next due installment of a policy
• maturity date
• interests due
• survival benefits
• bonus


The computer has provided a lot of facilities in the education system.

• The computer provides a tool in the education system known as CBE (Computer
Based Education).
• CBE involves control, delivery, and evaluation of learning.
• The computer education is rapidly increasing the graph of number of computer
• There are number of methods in which educational institutions can use computer to
educate the students.
• It is used to prepare a database about performance of a student and analysis is carried
out on this basis.
• Apps like Google Classroom, Edmodo, and some university LMS, are used in Education to
still continue educating students while at home. Taking advantage of some platforms in
communication and entertainment types can be used to get the attention of the students and
meet them at their convenience. Studying at home is not a problem anymore, thanks to

In marketing, uses of computer are

Advertising - With computers,

advertising professionals create art
and graphics, write and revise copy,
and print and disseminate ads with
the goal of selling more products. At
Home Shopping - Home shopping
has been made

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possible through use of computerised catalogues that provide access to product information
and permit direct entry of orders to be filled by the customers.
Famous Shopping Apps in the Philippines are the Shopee, Lazada, Facebook Market, etc. These
mobile apps made it easy for shoppers buying their want and needs at their hands without going out of
their home. These apps provide the seller different choices from different variety of stores.

Computers have become
important part in hospitals,
labs, and dispensaries. The
computers are being used in
hospitals to keep the record
of patients and
medicines. It is also used in
scanning and diagnosing
different diseases. ECG,
Ultrasounds and CT Scans
etc., are also done by
computerized machines.
Some major fields of health care in which computers are used are:

• Diagnostic System - Computers are used to collect data and identify cause of illness.
• Lab-diagnostic System - All tests can be done and reports are prepared by computer.
• Patient Monitoring System - These are used to check patient's signs for abnormality
such as in Cardiac Arrest, ECG etc.
• Pharma Information System - Computer checks Drug-Labels, Expiry dates, harmful
drug’s side effects etc.
• Surgery: Nowadays, computers are also used in performing surgery.

Computers are widely used in
engineering purpose.

One of major areas is CAD

(Computer aided design). That
provides creation and modification of
images. Some fields are:

• Structural Engineering - Requires

stress and strain analysis for design
of Ships, Buildings, Budgets,
Airplanes etc.
• Industrial Engineering - Computers deal with design, implementation and
improvement of integrated systems of people, materials and equipment.

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• Architectural Engineering - Computers help in planning towns, designing buildings,
determining a range of buildings on a site using both
2D and 3D drawings.

Computers are largely used in defense. Modern tanks,
missiles, weapons etc. Military also employs computerized
control systems. Some military areas where a computer has
been used are:

• Missile Control
• Military Communication
• Military Operation and Planning
• Smart Weapons

Communication means to convey a message, an idea, a picture or speech that is received and
understood clearly and correctly by the person for whom it is meant for. Some main areas in
this category are:

• E-mail
• Chatting
• Usenet
• Telnet
• Video-conferencing

Communication or some called it as

Social Media applications like
Facebook, Twitter, Intagram,
WhatsApp, Facetime, Skype Zoom, Google Meet etc. that everyone uses in order to connect to
their friends and love ones from apart. Even in education, we use these platforms a lot of time
during the pandemic to have a communication between students and teachers even at home.
Also for those who are working from home, businesses use Social Media Apps to run
businesses even at home. These apps provide us a feature of video and audio calling other
than texting, that makes the user feel more connected to someone.

Computers play an important role in government. Some major fields in this category are:

• Budgets
• Sales tax department
• Income tax department
• Male/Female ratio
• Computerization of voters lists
• Computerization of driving licensing system
• Computerization of PAN card
• Weather forecasting

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Majority of the user of the computer choose

application for their own entertainment to
released them in stress and frustrations. There
are lots of apps for entertainment like games,
music, videos, clips, movies, TV series, live
streaming and others. Some of the user make
these application to earn money as they
entertain others.


Even food deliveries are now made easy. You don’t need to call their hotline anymore, you
just need to tap on their app, click product you want, then order out. Other food delivery app,
that are outside the delivery system of the company alone, are introduced. In this app, you
can order food in different companies at

Exercise 1. Identify the following statement.

1. CAD (Computer aided design). Provides creation and modification of images.

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2. Industrial Engineering deal with design, implementation and improvement of
integrated systems of people, materials and equipment.
3. Architectural Engineering help in planning towns, designing buildings, determining
a range of buildings on a site using both 2D and 3D drawings.
4. Lab-diagnostic System tests can be done and reports are prepared by computer.
5. Pharma Information System checks Drug-Labels, Expiry dates harmful drug’s side
effects etc.
6. Diagnostic System used to collect data and identify cause of illness.
7. ________________It reduces the need of people and increases unemployment in society.
8. ________________Many people use computers without positive purpose
9. ________________Computer cannot take any decision of its own
10. ________________The data stored on a computer can be accessed by unauthorized persons
through networks
11. Solar Panel is a method to reduce the electricity consumed and environmental waste
generated when using a computer.
12. ________________The improper and prolonged use of computer can results in injuries or
disorders of hands, wrists, elbows, eyes, necks and back.
13. ________________The privacy of a person can be violated if the personal and confidential
records are not protected properly.
14. ________________means to convey a message, an idea, a picture or speech that is received
and understood clearly and correctly by the person for whom it is meant for.

Exercise 2. Enumerate the following.

Various Applications of Computers in:
A. Military
B. Business
C. Communication
D. Healthcare

Lesson 8 (Week 10)


1. Discuss the history of the Internet;
2. Name the pioneers of the internet
3. Define and understand the World Wide Web;
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet/WWW;

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How Did the Internet Get Started?
Fifty (50) years ago, the concept of an Internet was just an idea
shared by a few scientists. There were no computer networks
anywhere. People at that time used computers as calculators,
not to communicate.
Scientists who needed to share their ideas began to explore ways to expand the computer's
role. Those who owned expensive supercomputers also wanted to make it possible for more
researchers to use their amazing machines.

It is commonly said, "necessity is the mother of all inventions," and today's Internet is a
prime example.

In the late 1960s, researchers and supercomputer users wanted to share information. Funding
came from a number of sources, including the U.S. government. The government realized that
a network of computers would be valuable in allowing researchers, educators and others to
share information and help each other. It also believed that a computer network capable of
sending messages along multiple paths would enhance national security. If one part of the
network didn't work or was destroyed, the network could still continue to operate. Thus, the
President could stay in touch with his advisors even in the event of a nuclear attack.

The grandfather of today's Internet was called the "ARPANET," named after the
Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency that developed it in the late
1970s and early 1980s.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower saw the need for the Advanced Research Projects Agency(ARPA)
after the Soviet Union’s 1957 launch of Sputnik.

The organization united some of America’s most brilliant people, who developed the United States’
first successful satellite in 18 months. Several years later ARPA began to focus on computer
networking and communications technology.

In August 1962, Dr. J.C.R. Licklider was chosen to head ARPA’s research in improving the
military’s use of computer technology. Licklider was a visionary who sought to make the
government’s use of computers more interactive. The quickly expand technology, Licklider
saw the need to move ARPA’s contracts from private sector to universities and laid the
foundations for what would become the ARPANET.

He envisioned a globally interconnected set of computers through which everyone could

quickly access data and programs from any site. In spirit, the concept was very much like
the Internet of today.

Licklider was the first head of the computer research program at DARPA, starting in October 1962.
ARPANET was currently using the Network Control Protocol or NCP to transfer data. NCP – this
allowed communications between hosts running on the same network.

1n 1972, the First E-mail program was created by Raymond “Ray” S. Tomlinson of Bolt
Beranek and Newman (BBN).

In 1973, Development began on the protocol to be called TCP/IP (Transmission Control

Protocol/ Internet Protocol)

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TCP/IP – so called Internet Formats.
- This are set of rules that allow for inter – machine communication.
- A rules that allows clients and servers use to talk to each other.

TCP/IP was developed by a group headed by Vinton G. Cerf from Stanford and Robert E. Kahn from
Vinton Cerf – manager of the Internet Program of DARPA.
In 1983, Internet Activities Board was created
IAB - focused on a particular area of the technology (e.g. routers, end-to-end protocols, etc.

In 1984, the ARPANET was divided into two networks: MILNET and ARPANET
MILNET – to serve the need of the military
ARPANET – to support the advance research component, the Department of Defense Continued to
support both networks.

Thus, by 1985, Internet was already well established as a technology supporting a broad community
of researchers and developers, and was beginning to be used by other communities for daily computer
communications. Electronic mail was being used broadly across several communities, often with
different systems, but interconnection between different mail systems was demonstrating the utility of
broad based electronic communications between people.

In 1986, the Internet Engineering Task Force or IETF was created to serve as a forum for technical
coordination by contractors for DARPA working on ARPANET, US Defense Data Network(DDN)
and the Internet Core Gateway System( ICGS).

In 1990, the ARPANET was decommissioned, leaving only the vast network – of – networks called
the Internet. The number of hosts exceeded 300,000

The Internet doesn't have a birthday like you do because it wasn't "born" on a single day.
There were many, many steps needed to make the Internet. Probably the most important step
was to get all of these computers to send and receive messages from each other. That
happened in 1982, when the standards for sending and receiving messages were adapted by

Who Governs the Internet?

The Internet is truly democratic. It has no owner or executive who says how it should run.
Everyone who uses the Internet can voice an opinion on how it should work. Volunteers
groups, such as the Internet Society set standards and manage the use of limited resources,
such as domain names and e-mail addresses.

If you would like to get involved, you can volunteer for the Internet Society. Or, if you think
you have a great idea for improving the Internet, you might consider going to the public
meetings of the Society's Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The IETF handles
technical issues, such as computer languages and connections on the Internet. If you want to
be heard at these meetings, come prepared to demonstrate your new idea in action. (If they
agreed to listen to everyone with a good idea, the meetings might never end.)

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. (DARPA)

Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. (ARPANET)
Federal Networking Council (FNC)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI)
(W3C)World Wide Web Consortium

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(WG)Working Group
Internet Activities Board (IAB)
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Internet Research Task Force (IRTF)
Internet Research Group (IRG)
International Cooperation Board (ICB)
Task Forces (TF’s)
Coordinating Committee on Inter-continental Research Networking (CCIRN

Who Pays for the Internet?

Everyone. Individuals who dial in through an "Internet Service Provider" (ISP) pay a fee to
use the Internet. Large companies with thousands of employees using the Internet also pay an
ISP to connect the company's computer to the

✓ It is a worldwide system which has the following characteristics:
• Internet is a world-wide / global system of interconnected computer networks.
• Internet uses the standard Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
• Every computer in internet is identified by a unique IP address.
• IP Address is a unique set of numbers (such as which identifies a computer’s
• A special computer DNS (Domain Name Server) is used to give name to the IP Address so
that user can locate a computer by a name.
• For example, a DNS server will resolve a name to a
particular IP address to uniquely identify the computer on which this website is hosted.

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• Internet is accessible to every user all over the world.

• Intranet is system in which multiple PCs are connected to each other.
• PCs in intranet are not available to the world outside the intranet.
• Usually each company
or organization has
their own Intranet
network and
of that company can
access the computers in their intranet.
• Each computer in Intranet is also identified by an IP Address which is unique among the
computers in that Intranet.

Exercise 1. Identify the following terms.

1. __________Is system in which multiple PCs are connected to each other.
2. __________Is a world-wide / global system of interconnected computer networks.
3. __________The year ARPANET was decommissioned, leaving only the vast network – of –
networks called the Internet
4. __________to support the advance research component, the Department of Defense
Continued to support both networks
5. __________The year ARPANET was divided into two networks: MILNET and ARPANET.
6. __________Focused on a particular area of the technology (e.g. routers, endto-end protocols,
7. __________manager of the Internet Program of DARPA
8. __________This are set of rules that allow for inter – machine communication
9. __________The First E-mail program was created by___________________.
10. __________This allowed communications between hosts running on the same network.

Exercise 2. (Venn diagram)

Differentiate Intranet and Internet…


INTERNET (Week 11) Objectives:
1. Discuss and explain the services of the Net;
2. Identify and use the services of the net;
3. Create an E-mail account;
4. Attach a file in e-mail and send e-mail;

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The services available on the Internet are the following:
1. E- mail
2. Telnet
3. FTP
4. E-mail Discussion Group
5. Usenet News
6. Chat and Instant Messaging
7. MUD
8. World Wide Web

What is E-Mail?
E-mail: (Electronic Mail)
- Use to describe an Internet service, which allows computer users locally and world
widely exchange messages.
Email Account - is an access in the service of an email provider.

Email is in some ways similar to postal services. The only difference is the speed in which delivered.

A powerful feature of E-mail/s is the option to send electronic files. These E-files are referred to as
MIME (Multimedia Internet Mail Extension) attachments.

The First E-mail program was created by Raymond “Ray” S. Tomlinson of Bolt Beranek and
Newman (BBN) in 1972. He uses the @ sign to distinguished between the sender’s name and
network name in the e-mail address.

Presidential candidate Jimmy Carter and running mate Walter Mondale use email to plan campaign
events. Queen Elizabeth sends her first email. She’s the first state leader to do so.

Parts of Electronic Mail Work Area:

1. To – refers to the address you wish to send the mail.
2. CC – refers to Carbon Copy where you place the address of the person you want tp send a
3. Main Body – it is where you type your message
4. Subject – contains the topic of your letter or the reason why you wrote the letter.
5. Attach Files – this tab is used to attach images, documents or videos.
6. Toolbar – display icons used to enhance the letter.
7. Send – this tab is use to send your letter by clicking it.
8. Save as Draft – your created letter will go to drafts folder once you click it.
9. Cancel – to escape from the work area.
Improving your Letter
• You can improved and enhance the layout of your letter. And you can add personality to a
letter by using emoticons and acronyms.
Emoticons and Acronyms
• Emoticons – are the ones that indicate humor.
• Acronyms – are letters that form group of words.
Some kinds of Emoticons:
:-) Happy :-( Sad :-o Surprised :-@Screaming :-| Indifferent :-<
Mad :-e Disappointed :-D Laughing ;-) Winking
The Standard Acronyms used both in e-mail and chatting
FOFL – Fall on the floor laughing
LOL – Laugh Out Loud
ROTFL – Roll on the floor laughing

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TTFN – Ta Ta for now
Grin – grin, Joking
VBG – Very Big Grin
TIA – Thanks in Advance
IMNSHO – In my not so humble opinion
IRL – in real life
YMMW – your mileage may vary
ITRW – in the real world
BTW – by the way
BG – Big grin
RTFM – read the flaming manual
IMHO – in my humble opinion
IOW – in other words
NASL –name, age, sex, location
ASAP – as soon as possible
DM – Direct Message
PM – Private Message

E-MAIL ETIQUETTE – to observe certain rules and behavior in using mail.

1. Clearly summarize the contents of your message in the subject line.

2. Don’t use CC to copy your message to everyone.
3. Use BCCs (Blind Carbon Copies) when addressing a message that will go to large group of
people who don’t necessarily know each other.
4. Keep your message short and focused.
5. Avoid using all capital letters.
6. Don’t write anything you wouldn’t say in public.
7. Use a smiley to make sure that a statement is not misunderstood.
8. Avoid sending emails to large numbers of people unless you have serious reason to do it.
9. Nasty emails should also be avoided
10. As a courtesy to your recipient, include your name at the bottom of the message.

What is TELNET?
Telnet (Teletype network) is a network protocol used on the Internet or local area networks to
provide a bidirectional interactive communications facility
Telnet is now a feature available on the WWW. Program must be installed on your local
computer and configured to your web browser in order to work. is a program that allows you to
log onto computers linked to the internet. Once logged on you can look at online databases,
library catalogs, chat services and more.
To telnet to a computer, you must know the its IP address. This address consists of words.

What is FTP?
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to exchange and manipulate files
over an Internet Protocol computer network, such as the Internet. FTP is built on a client-server
architecture and utilizes separate control and data connections between the client and server
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol – this is a both program and the method used to transfer
files between computers
Is an option that allows user to transfer files from thousands of host computers on the internet
to their personal computer account.

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FTP sites contain books, articles, software, games, images, sounds, multimedia, course work,
data sets and also use by school to set up their own FTP sites to allow their students to access
specific school related information such as students handouts, course outlines, and even
sample examination.
FTP transfer should be done in WWW using WS_FTP for windows to conduct a file transfer.
“Whenever you download software from a website to your local computer, you are actually
using FTP.”

What is E-mail Discussion Group?

E-mail Discussion Group – provide an opportunity to exchange ideas worldwide via email.
These are administered by software program such as listserv.
Listserv – the most common discussion group
Majordomo and Listproc – another two programs that administer e-mail discussion
The commands for subscribing is simply type “subscribe” as the message title to join,
“unsubscribe” to stop receiving the message.
All messages will go to your mail box.
A program that handles subscription.

What is Usenet News?

USENET NEWS – is a global electronic bulletin board system in
which millions of computers users exchange information on a
vast range of topics.
a portmanteau of "user" and "network", is a worldwide
distributed Internet discussion system. It evolved from
the general purpose UUCP(Unix-to-Unix Copy
Program) architecture of the same name.(portmanteau-
is used broadly to mean a blend of two (or more) words,)
Is a set of machines that exchanges messages or articles
from Usenet discussion forums
There are thousands of Usenet newsgroup in existence,
many are academic in nature and recreational and sports topics.

What is Chat and Instant Messaging?

A virtual community where people from all over the world can communicate on – line by
exchanging text data at almost real time.

Chat – allows user on the internet to communicate with each other in real time.

Instant Messaging – Variations of chat where a user on the web can contact another user currently
logged on and type a conversation.

Chat Programs:
YM (Yahoo Messenger) is an advertisement-
supported instant messaging client and associated
protocol provided by Yahoo!. Yahoo! Messenger was
originally launched under the name Yahoo!
Pager on March 9, 1998

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a form of real-time Internet text messaging (chat) or synchronous
conferencing. It is mainly designed for group communication in discussion forums, called

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channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private message as well as chat and
data transfers via Direct Client-toClient.

synchronous conferencing- is the formal term used in science, in particular in computer-mediated

communication, collaboration and learning, to describe online chat technologies

Online ICQ (I
Seek You) s a
messaging computer program, which was first developed by
the Israeli company Mirabilis, now owned by Time
Warner's AOL subsidiary, was released in November 1996
and ICQ became one
of the first Internet-wide instant messaging services.

SKYPE - is a software application that allows users to make telephone calls over the Internet.
Calls to other users of the service, and in some countries to free-ofcharge numbers are free, while
calls to other landlines and mobile phones can be made for a fee. Additional features include instant
messaging, file transfer and video conferencing.
Initial release: August 2003 and stable release on June 04, 2009

Facebook Messenger
Release in August 20111, it is the official Facebook app that lets
you have text conversations with all of your friends on the popular
social network. This app, enable to send and receive text messages
in conversations which you can later continue on your computer.

As with other instant messaging apps, Facebook Messenger lets

you share images, or your location, in the text messages; you can
even add several recipients and open chat windows with several
people at
the same time. Each conversation is then kept in a bubble which you
can conveniently move around on your device’s screen.

What is MUD?
MUD (Multi User Dungeon) – are multi user virtual reality games based on simulated worlds.
Pronounced /mʌd/ is a multi-user real-time virtual world described entirely in text. It combines
elements of role-playing games, hack and slash, interactive fiction, and online chat. Players
can read descriptions of rooms, objects, other players, non-player characters, and actions
performed in the virtual world. Players interact with each other and the world by typing
commands that resemble a natural language.
This component of the Internet allows you to play popular network games as such counter
strike, RAN on line and others.
There are MUDs of all kinds on the Internet, and many can be joined free of charge.

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A role-playing game (RPG; often roleplaying game) is a game in which the participants
assume the roles of fictional characters. Participants determine the actions of their characters
based on their characterization,[1] and the actions succeed or fail according to a formal system
of rules and guidelines.

What Is the World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web was born in the 1990s. Because the Web allows people to view text
and graphics on the Internet, it has made the Internet very popular.

Tim Berners-Lee at the Physics Laboratory in Cern, Switzerland founded the World Wide

His goal was to:

Make sure that information could be reused once it was created. Because books printed on
paper get fragile with time, and are hard to update when new information is available, he saw
computers as the best way to share knowledge.

Before the Web was introduced, it was very difficult for someone on one computer system to
look at anything (except text) that was produced on a different system. The creation of the
Web allows Internet users to display information in a simple way so that anyone can read it.
This is true whether you're using a Mac, a Microsoft Windows-compatible computer, or any
other type of computer.

World Wide Web is a system of Internet servers that supports hypertext to access several Internet
protocols on a single interface.
• Hypertext – is a document containing words that connect to other documents so called
The fastest growing component of the Internet
It was developed in 1989 by Tim Berners – Lee, a British computer scientist. And began
to incorporate graphics,
sounds and videos in 1993.

Exercise 1. Give the meaning of the following ACRONYMS.

1. MUD➔_________________________________________________
2. WWW➔_________________________________________________
3. CERN➔_________________________________________________
4. RPG➔_________________________________________________
5. ICQ➔_________________________________________________

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6. UUCP➔_________________________________________________
7. IRC➔_________________________________________________
8. FTP➔_________________________________________________
9. HTTP➔_________________________________________________
10. TELNET➔_________________________________________________

Exercise 2. Identify the following terms.

1. ____________is an access in the service of an email provider

2. ____________The First E-mail program was created by
3. ____________allows computer users locally and world widely exchange messages
4. ____________Contains the topic of your letter or the reason why you wrote the letter.
5. ____________Are the ones that indicate humor.
6. ____________to observe certain rules and behavior in using mail
7. ____________is a network protocol used on the Internet or local area networks to provide a
bidirectional interactive communications facility
8. ____________is a standard network protocol used to exchange and manipulate files over an
Internet Protocol computer network, such as the Internet
9. ____________Provide an opportunity to exchange ideas worldwide via e-mail.
10. ____________is a global electronic bulletin board system in which millions of computers
users exchange information on a vast range of topics
11. ____________is a global electronic bulletin board system in which millions of computers
users exchange information on a vast range of topics
12. ____________Variations of chat where a user on the web can contact another user currently
logged on and type a conversation
13. ____________Allows user on the internet to communicate with each other in real time.
14. ____________Is an advertisement-supported instant messaging client and associated protocol
provided by Yahoo!.
15. ____________is the official Facebook app that lets you have text conversations with all of
your friends on the popular social network.


➔Use the Internet to start creating an e-mail account using Gmail or yahoo.
Lesson 10: THE COMPUTER NETWORK (Week 11)

1. Discuss and explain Computer Network; 2. Explain the characteristic of
Computer Network.
3. Identify and enumerate the tools in setting up computer network.

EMST 1 ------------ by: MISS MARY GRACE L. SADANG, MIT Page 17

What is a Computer Network?
A computer network is a system in which multiple computers are connected to each other to
share information and resources.

Characteristics of a computer network

• Share Resources from one computer to another

• Create files and store them in one computer, access those files from the other
computer(s) connected over the network

• Connect a printer, scanner, or a fax machine to one computer within the network and
let other computers of the network use the machines available over network.

Following is the list of hardware's required to setup a computer network.

• Network Cables
• Distributors
• Routers
• Internal Network Cards
• External Network Cards
Network Cables
Network cables are used to connect computers. The most commonly used cable is Category 5
cable RJ-45.

EMST 1 ------------ by: MISS MARY GRACE L. SADANG, MIT Page 18

A computer can be connected to another one via a serial port but if we need to connect many
computers to produce a network, this serial connection will not work. The solution is to use a
central body to which other computers, printers, scanners etc. can be connected and then this
body will manage or distribute network traffic

A router is a type of device which acts as the central point among
computers and other devices that are part of a network. A router is
equipped with holes called ports and computers and other devices
are connected to a router using network cables. Now-a-days router
comes in wireless modes using which computers can be connected without any physical

Network Card
Network card is a necessary component of a computer without which a computer cannot be
connected over a network. It is also known as network adapter or Network Interface Card
(NIC). Most branded computers have network card pre-installed. Network cards are of two
types: Internal and External Network Cards.


Motherboard has a slot for internal network card where it is to be inserted. Internal network
cards are of two types in which first type uses Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)

EMST 1 ------------ by: MISS MARY GRACE L. SADANG, MIT Page 19

connection while the second type uses Industry Standard Architecture (ISA). Network cables
are required to provide network access.


External network cards come in two flavors: Wireless and USB based. Wireless network
card need to be inserted into the motherboard but no network cable is required to connect to

Universal Serial Bus (USB)

USB card are easy to use and connect via USB port.
Computers automatically detect USB card and can install
the drivers required to
support the USB network card automatically

EMST 1 ------------ by: MISS MARY GRACE L. SADANG, MIT Page 20

A. What are the requirements to set up a computer Network?

A. Crimp Cable to Connect Computers to Network… REFERENCES:

Books: Computing for Life, FNB Educational, Inc., Ma. Melizza D. Tan, Anthony Joseph C.
Ocampo, Ma. Estermin B. Saroca, Pablo R. Malastas, Ph.D., Ma. Angela A. Coralejo,
Enrique F. Coralejo, Ph.D.

EMST 1 ------------ by: MISS MARY GRACE L. SADANG, MIT Page 21

Online Resources:

The Int. Review of Res. in Open and Distributed Learning Vol 14 no 1 pp 167-85 Baker, K.
(2021). The 11 Most Common Types of Malware.

Depusoy, J. L., Romuar, F. B. & Nartea, M. A. (2020). e-Banking Facility Services in the
Philippines. International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business
Vol.11, No. 2, pp. 166–178 Fasttrack IT Academy (n.d.). The future of mobile app
development in the Philippines. Galeon,

H., Garcia, P. G. Jr., & dela Cruz, J. (2019) E-learning roadmap for open distance learning in
Cordillera Administrative Region. The International Conference on Information Technology

Hubspot (2022) A Brief Timeline of the History of Blogging retrieved from

visme (2022) How to Start a Vlog: Guide for Beginners to YouTube for 2022 retrieved from

EMST 1 ------------ by: MISS MARY GRACE L. SADANG, MIT Page 22

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