Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullaahi Wabarakaathuhu

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‫ززمعاوم لك‬...

‫اللهم صل صالة كاملة‬ ‫الحمد هلل رب العالمين‬ ‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullaahi tha ala Wabarakaathuhu,

I am Asjad Faris, entrusted with the task of delivering the welcome note along
with some guidance on our scheduled program, on behalf of HubbunNabi
Salawaath Nariya Online Majlis and also representing the Main Hosts of this
blessed Majlis

You all know We already welcomed the invaluable blessed Hair Relic of our
beloved Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. Alhamdu lillah

We have pleasure in welcoming all of you members, males, and females, to this
Majlis which is a result of the contribution of every one of us. You all know, we
all have completed 999 Majlises and we are going to, in SHA Allah, complete
the 1000th Majlis today. In other words, we are going to do thamam, in the
sense, invoke four point four million forty-four thousand Salawat upon our
beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaih wasallam. So this is not an
ordinary Majlis. Thanks to all of you without whose support, it wouldn't have
been possible

In this process, as per our agenda, It's going to be subhana Mawlid majlis to be
started now, Let us make a humble request, please complete it as per the timing
in the agenda.

We planned a common resting time however, due to the request of many, we

decided to take it off as free time for everybody may create unnecessary noise
which is disrespectful to the Blessed hair strand and would cause unnecessary
delays in our program. Those who wish to refresh themselves, and use 3
washrooms, one after another in a manner it does not disturb the Majlis

After the subhana mawlid،, refreshments will be served and the salawathun
NARIYA Majlis will be started at 11.45. Exactly in SHA Allah
Please. Do remember to maintain silence as much as possible, as the blessed
hair Relic is inside the same premises

After the Salwathun Nariya Majlis, Khathamul Qur'an Majlis will be started.
1. For Rasoolullah' Sallallahu alaih wasallam and his family along with parents
2. For deceased members of the group
3. Deceased parents Spouses siblings or any close relative of members. Please
remember to bring them into your mind and intend you invoke their merits upon
them too.

As the Khathamul Qur'an is over Lunch will be served. No sooner Lunch is

over, please climb upstairs for luhar prayers. Please bear the rush. So that we
clear the hall for the display of blessed hair Relic of Sallsllahu Alaih waaallam.

When you look at the blessed hair Relic, be as much respect as possible and be

Jazak Allah Khaira . Over to you Mrs, Mazaniya Nazeem to start the Majlis

Wassalam Alaikum WR WB

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