Rachel Verrio G.A - Essay Writing - Offline Learning - Class 2 - 2010302088

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Rachel Verrio Ghifra A

2010302088_class 2

Are we ready for offline learning?

The limited face-to-face learning policy is gradually being implemented to improve the
quality of learning so that it is maximized and the results are more measurable. Minister of
Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Anwar Makarim stated that face-to-face learning in
the green zone could be carried out usually. Online learning is a process in which students gain
access to education and knowledge through virtual classrooms. Learners in online learning can
access learning materials published by educators and researchers all over the world as long as
they have the necessary equipment and an internet connection, Online learning and education is a
more flexible method of teaching than offline learning and physical classrooms because it
provides both teachers and students with easy access to study material from the comfort of their
own homes. Above all, online learning is highly beneficial for students who are unable to attend
physical classes due to a variety of factors such as distance, physical disabilities, and so on.

Meanwhile, Offline learning refers to traditional education that allows students to interact
with teachers and peers in person. Although online teaching and learning are regarded as the
future of education, they cannot completely replace traditional classroom instruction. In contrast
to online learning, offline learning is not hampered by technical issues, because students must
work in the same classroom as their peers. The traditional offline classroom helps them improve
their teamwork and interactive skills.

Online learning is practical and flexible, online education on its own has advantages,
such as flexibility (Smedley, 2010) with online learning, and interactions between teachers and
students will be more practical because they do not have to travel to meet. In addition, there is no
classroom as a place for formal learning. The teaching and learning process can take place
anywhere as long as it is conducive and can help to focus. In addition, there is no need for extras
such as the need to "dress up neatly" or "appear formally" so that it is more flexible. Technology
can affect the development of students' knowledge, for example, to be more creative in writing
material with power points, not only that, the use of zoom and google meet makes it easier for
them to learn online and students are also asked to be able to present, it is more interesting to
learn with games as well as to attract students to better understand and make students interested
in the material, The advancement of information technology in the twenty-first century has had a
significant impact on our educational system. The use of the internet in teaching and learning has
grown in popularity in higher education (Hogg & Lomicky, 2012; Halawi, Pires, & McCarthy,
2009; Bhagat, Wu, Chang, 2016; Meng-Jung, 2009; Steel & Fahy, 2011).

Online learning is considered less effective and efficient. Learning online requires the
efforts of students and students in understanding the material and concepts presented and
delivered through videos, powerpoints, and online classes. Second, skills in the use of
technology. There are still many teachers and those being taught who are confused about using
learning media such as Zoom, Google Classroom, Google meet, and so on. The third is the
emergence of pressure and stress experienced by students and students. This pressure and stress
are triggered by boredom because the learning methods implemented are monotonous. On the
other hand, there is also the fear of each individual against the Covid-19 pandemic. Fourth, the
inequality of access in various regions often makes it difficult for students and students in certain
areas to access the network. Difficulty in accessing this network is very influential in online
learning, especially when online classes are carried out because online learning is entirely reliant
on technological devices and the internet, instructors, and students with poor internet connections
may be denied access to online education. The reliance of online learning on technological
equipment, as well as the provision of that equipment, posed a significant challenge for
institutions, faculty, and students (Yates, D. 2020).

Offline learning has a positive impact, First, it avoids the threat of dropping out of school.
PJJ that is not optimal makes children forced to work and not study, significantly helping family
finances amid a pandemic crisis. In addition, if the learning process is not carried out face-to-
face, many parents cannot see the role of the school in the teaching and learning process. It is
important to increase the creativity of teachers. That way, teachers can develop a way of teaching
that refers to the essence of development so that it can be implemented in everyday life to find
solutions, especially on the character side. Offline Learning makes the student easier to
understand the materials that the teacher explains, teacher and student or student with student
interact with each other. The last avoids a decrease in children's learning achievement.
Classroom learning results in better academic achievement compared to PJJ, differences in
access, quality of material obtained by students, as well as the facilities they have, can result in
learning achievement, especially for children who have socio-economic limitations.

Negative impact on offline learning, the emergence of the third wave of cases of COVID-
19 transmission at this time with the implementation of PTM policies raises concerns
experienced by the community, especially students, parents, teachers, and students. Problems
also arise if PTM is continued at full capacity, the confusion between prioritizing the current
health or the future of children which creates a dilemma in the field of education during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Limited PTM can be implemented if students and teachers should be
notice always follow health protocols, such as wearing masks, as well as other rules according to
the checklist contained in the Ministerial Decree 4 Moreover, learning that has been done online
for 2 years now for a few facilities at school is not ready yet. Offline learning assumes that there
is a psychosocial risk or individual condition in children, including social and psychological
aspects. These dangers include an increase in domestic violence against children, the risk of early
marriage, and child exploitation.

For the reasons stated above, we are convinced that, while online learning allows us more
free time, practical and flexible. offline learning is more effective in several aspects. Offline
education teaches us how to be brave and face society but in online learning, the teaching and
learning process can take place anywhere, and still interact with each other even though not
meet. eventually depends on our viewpoint.

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