Smog, Catalytic Converters, and You

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Piandong, Andrea Faith B. 12-Tranquility

Smog is a word that was invented about 100 years ago. Smog refers to a
condition that arises when smoke emissions are mixed with foggy air. It is
properly called photochemical smog and it is easily identified by a hazy,
yellow-brown sky. It is a form of air pollution resulting from the action of
sunlight on nitrogen oxide (NOx) and hydrocarbon emissions from
automobiles. Smoggy air contains CO, NO, NO 2, CxHy, and O3. On smog alert
days, breathing is uncomfortable, and the sky is ugly. Of particular interest in
smog is ozone (O3). You might be thinking ozone production “isn’t that
good?” In the upper atmosphere, ozone absorbs ultraviolet (UV) light thereby
protecting life on Earth from the dangerous effects of UV light. But at ground
level, it irritates the respiratory tract and eyes, increasing the risk of heart and
lung diseases, causes plant leaves to become brittle, bleaches color from
fabrics, and breaks down the elasticity of rubber. Thus, ozone is a nasty
chemical at ground level. The question becomes: how do we deal with it?
Based on its mechanisms, one way to prevent ozone production at ground
level is to get rid of the catalyst for the production of monoxides. This is when
catalytic converters are helpful.
Question: How do catalytic converters help in the reduction of the formation
of photochemical smog? Write your answers comprehensively and cite your
references properly. (20 pts.)

The importance of good air quality to public health cannot be overstated.

High levels of air pollution have been associated in several studies to an
increase in hospital admissions for respiratory and cardiac illness. A catalytic
converter is a device that helps internal combustion engines emit less
pollution. In exhaust systems, catalytic converters provide a site for the
oxidation and reduction of toxic by-products of fuel (such as nitrogen oxides,
carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons) into less hazardous substances like
carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen gas. A catalytic converter is a
simple device that reduces pollutants produced by a car by using
fundamental redox reactions. Around 98 percent of the hazardous emissions
produced by a car engine are converted into less harmful gases by it. It's
made up of a metal shell with a ceramic honeycomb-like interior and
insulating layers.

Why is it important to know when to increase or decrease the rate of

reaction? Cite one (1) example.

- Because reactions necessitate the molecules overcoming a specific energy

barrier in order to collide successfully, the rate of reaction is frequently used to
determine if the conditions are suitable for this to occur. For example, If a
medication releases heat during its reaction in our bodies, it is vital to make the
reaction slower so that the patient does not develop a high fever while taking it.

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