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With a significant increase in the number of Vietnamese Internet users and after going

through a difficult time caused by the covid-19 pandemic, 9 out of 10 consumers are

using home delivery and use it more often. The competition between e-commerce

platforms is becoming more intense in Vietnam among corporations such as Shopee,

Tiki, Lazada, etc.

In 2015 Forrest Li founded Shopee, which is Alibaba's rival. Shopee has become

popular in countries in Asia, including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan,

Indonesia, Vietnam and Philippines. Although Shopee entered Vietnam after Lazada, at

the moment, Shopee is leading in the number of users on e-commerce platforms. On

the other hand, Shopee should not rest on victory when there are still disadvantages in

brand relevance. Brand relevance can build on engaging and memorable experiences.

Because Shopee is only an intermediary between sellers and buyers, it isn't easy to

control the quality of products when delivered to consumers.

The brand wants to answer research questions: 

 What should Shopee do when a customer buys a product that doesn't match the

description / buys a poor quality product?

 What are effective communication strategies to improve customer relationships?

 How does poor product quality affect brand relevance?

Research objectives:

 Through in-depth interviews, survey how consumers buying low-quality goods

affects their attitude towards Shopee within the past year.

 Determining consumer behavior after using Shopee within the past year via in-

depth interviews

 To identify specific strategies to find sensible solutions to the problems Shopee is

facing through in-depth interviews.

II. Scope of work

1. Specifications of the target recruitment:

 Age : 18 to 30

 Gender : Male, Female, Bigender

 Location : Hanoi

 Income : Low-class income (Around $500), Mid-class income (Over $1000)

 Behavior consumption: They own a smartphone and often buy goods on e-

commerce platforms. They are interested in Shopee because of the variety of

interests and many discount codes when purchasing. They use social media like

Facebook every day. They read the news every day on the internet.

2. Number of required interviewed:

 Type of interview : Face to Face or online via Zoom

 Number of interview : 56

 Male (Low-class income) : 10

 Male (Middle-class income) : 10

 Female (Low-class income): 10

 Female (Middle-class income) : 10

 Bigender (Low-class income) : 8

 Bigender (Middle-class income): 8

 The interviewers all used Shopee before and now

3. Process: 

Before participating in the interview, the participants will be briefed, and online

participants need to be equipped with a microphone to ensure sound quality. Audio and

video recording will be enabled during the interview. Notes-taking and transcripts will be

available after the interview.

4. Deliverables:

 Transcript of the interview

 Report and finding of the interview

5. Requested timeline of the project: 12 week

Week Due date  Task

1-2 15 August - 26 August Find interviewees and

schedule interviews with them

3-5 29 - August - 16 September ( Except 1 Work involves interviews : Pre

September and 2 September : Vietnam testing, Briefing, Fieldwork

National Day)

6-9 19 September - 14 October  Data analysis and evaluate

10-12 17 October - 4 November Data reporting

III. Proposal element:

 A brief description of the organization, its capabilities, and its ability to implement

interview/focus groups.

 Budgets must be sufficiently detailed to demonstrate reasonableness and


 CV of the proposed interviewer. 

IV. Deadline of delivery and way of submitted

Proposals and other related documents in PDF form must be sent by email included in

the contact below by 5:00 p.m on August 10, 2022. . This proposal should be labeled:

"Proposal for Shopee Relevance in the Vietnam Market." 

V. Award Date: 14 August 2022

VI. Contact info for further questions

 Contact Person : Tran Sy Tri Dung (Mr).

 Position : Marketing manager

 Email :

 Phone contact: 0906223019

VII. The interview protocol guide


Hi, my name is A, from research company B. We appreciate you taking the time to

participate in this interview. What's your name? Before we begin, I have to explain that

this interview will last approximately 45 minutes. To facilitate our discussion, I would like

permission to record this conversation. I would also like to confirm that you signed a

written consent form to participate in the interview. Here, I will explain to you the

purpose of this interview.


The research we are doing is to understand customers' feelings and thoughts when

using e-commerce sites. From there, find solutions to the problems that customers are

facing. Any reviews about e-commerce sites will be helpful, so don't hesitate to share

them with us.


1. First, what you share with us will be kept completely confidential. So feel free to

share your thoughts.

2. This conversation will be recorded but don't feel pressured because your identity

will be kept private.

3. The answers will not be right or wrong. We value authentic questions from your

own experience. If there are questions that make you feel uncomfortable, you

can ignore them.

4. In case of an emergency, you can answer the phone outside. We would feel

better if you could please keep your phone silent so that the interview goes

smoothly without interruption.

If there are no more questions, we will start the interview now.

Key Questions:

 Warm up (5 minute)

Q1: How do you feel today?

Q2: Can you introduce yourself?

Q3: What is your hobby? such as music, shopping, sports,...

Probe : What do you usually do in your free time?

 Key question (30 minute- 35 minute)

(If he/she mention about Shopping)

Probe : Do you use e-commerce platforms?

(If he/she not mention about shopping)

Probe : What about shopping, do you enjoy buying new things for yourself?

Q4: Do you know e-commerce platforms in Vietnam?

(If he/she mention more than 2 names include Shopee)

Probe : Which e-commerce platform do you think is more popular in Vietnam? Do you

know why?

(If he/she not mention about Shopee)

Probe: What do you think about Shopee?

Q5: What is your favorite e-commerce site?

Probe: Why does it make you feel like and use it?

Transition : Thanks for what you share. To continue, we will discuss more about Shopee

Q6: Since when have you heard about Shopee?

Probe: How do you feel when you hear about it?

Q7: So have you used Shopee before?

Probe: What do you think about it ?

Q8: Do your friends or acquaintances use Shopee?

(If yes)

Probe : What do they think about Shopee?

(If no)

Probe : Do you know why they don't use Shopee?

Transition: Nice. Next we want to know what your attitude about the brand 

Q9: Can you tell me about an experience when shopping at Shopee?

(If positive)

Probe 1 : Have you or your acquaintances ever had a bad experience when shopping at


(If yes) move to probe 2 then Q10

(If no) Move to Q12

(If negative)

Probe 2 : Does this give you a bad impression when it comes to Shopee?

Q10: Did you make a complaint to Shopee at that time?

Probe : Has Shopee responded to you quickly?

Q11: How do you feel about Shopee's solution?

(If satisfied)

Probe : Does this help Shopee score points in your heart?

(If unsatisfied)

Probe : What makes you unhappy?

Q12: Do you have any recommendations to help Shopee solve the same problem?

Q13: Until now, have your thoughts about Shopee changed?

(If yes)

Probe : Can you tell me about it ?

(If no)

Probe : Why do you still have the same feeling until now

Probe : Despite the shortcomings, what makes you continue to use Shopee

Q14: So when it comes to Shopee, what comes to mind first?

Q15: In the future, do you want Shopee to improve in any part? 

(If yes)

Prove : Can you tell me why?

(If no) move to Q16

Transition: Thanks for the answers, before this interview ends we would also like to hear

from you.

Closing questions

Q16: Would you like to share something with us? Even complaints, we are willing to


Q17: Is there anything else about your experience with other e-commerce platforms that

we haven't discussed yet?


We appreciate you sharing your opinion with us and your valuable time. We value your

feedback and will use it to improve our services and products.

Consent form

Interview Participant Consent Form 

1.     I have had the project explained to me, and I have read the information sheet.  [In the
case of this practice interview it’s a verbal briefing only]

2.     I agree to participate in the class research project as described

3.     I agree:

o       to be interviewed

o       that my voice will be audio recorded

o       that my image will be taken

4.     I acknowledge that:

(a)                  I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw from
the project at any time and to withdraw any unprocessed data previously supplied
(unless follow-up is needed for safety).

(b)                  The project is for the purpose of a class project. It may not be of direct benefit to

(c)       The privacy of the personal information I provide will be safeguarded and only
disclosed where I have consented to the disclosure or as required by law.

(d)       The security of the research data will be protected during and after completion of
the class project.  The data collected during this project will be used for a class
assignment and may be used in a report of the class project outcomes. Any
information which will identify me will not be used. 

Participant’s Consent

Participant: Date:



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