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Perineal Care- Intra Partum (2)

1.Prepares and anticipates needed supplies and

2. Performs hand washing
3. Puts on gloves
4. Explains the procedure to be done
5. Assists client to the bathroom to void or
offer her a bedpan
6. Provides client privacy
7. Positions the client supine with knees
slightly flexed
8. Places a rubber sheet under the client’s hips
9. Drapes the client with a towel or sheet
10. Exposes the perineal area
11. Rinses the perineum with lukewarm water
from pubis down to the anus .
12. Gently cleanses the perineum starting
from introitus from front to back applying the
177 and 777 principle; include a wide area
(vulva, mons pubis, anus and upper inner
thighs). Gently opens all skin folds and
washes inner labia from front to back.
13. Discards used cotton balls
14. Observes for odors and vaginal discharges
that may indicate infection if present and
notifies physician
15. Pats dry the perineum with dry towel
16. Removes rubber mat
17. Removes and disposes gloves
18.Performs after care, performs hand
19. Documents the procedure

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