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Do you agree that creativity is a character trait people are born with?

Why /
Why not? What are the common characteristics of creative people? Use
specific examples to support your opinion.

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas,

alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems,
communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
The term "creativity" has been considered in many fields, such as
psychology, philosophy, art, and even business and engineering. Despite this, there
is no unified, standard definition of the word "creativity".
Many scientists still debate the question of whether people with creative
thinking are born or made. For example, according to a study by Dr. George Land
and Dr. Beth Jarman, mostly everyone, that is 98% of people to be exact, are born
creative geniuses. In contrast, Chris Bennett, CEO(Chief Executive Officer) of
Wonderschool argues: Creativity is a skill that can be learned and honed. People
can hone their skills by creating work, presenting it, and getting feedback.
Wallas, working with Richard Smith presented one of the first models of
creative process in the book Art of Thought. They determined that there are five
stages of creative thinking. 1 - preparation (focusing the mind on the problem,
exploring its limits) 2- incubation (bringing the problem into the unconscious
mind, so that nothing seems to happen) 3- intimation (feeling that a solution is on
the way) 4- illumination (the idea emerges into conscious awareness) 5-
verification ( a cruicial phase - consciously verifying, expanding and then applying
the idea).
How to determine whether a person is creative or not?
Creative people are those who experience the world in novel and original
ways. These are individuals whose perceptions are fresh, whose judgements are
insightful, and who may make important discoveries that only they know about.
They are extroverts and introverts at the same time, full of energy, playful,
sometimes naive, intelligent, dreamy, etc. They are also remarkable humble and
proud at the same time.
In conclusion, I want to express my point of view. I think that all people can
be creative, but it all depends on the environment where they are, and in particular,
the people. In my opinion, in order to be creative, you need to develop all your

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