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Structural Engineering Department

Properties and Testing of Materials

Structures and Properties of Construction Materials – CES 151
Fall 2022
QUIZ (1)
Name: Program: I.D:

1) Define each of the following: stress – strain (2 marks)

2) A long spescimen of MS Steel of diameter 10 mm was subjected to tension and

the following results were taken: (5 marks)

Load (ton) 0 1.1 2.2 3.3 3.5 4.2 3.9 3.4

Elongation (mm) 0 0.08 0.16 0.24 2.10 4.90 8.70 10.40
- Draw the load-elongation diagram.
- Determine the following: yield stress – Modulus of Elasticity– Modulus of
- If a MS bar was to be made of the same material to resist 24 t tension load
(Pdesign). Calculate the diameter of the bar used if you know that the safety
factor in tension is 1.8

3) Abrasion test has been implemented on standard specimen of 70 x 70 x 70 mm.

The weight of specimen before and after testing equals 48.60 gm and 42.74 gm,
respectively. Calculate hardness modulus and what is the value of the remaining
height of the specimen after test. (3 marks)

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