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Creating Writing 

: Mars journal
Ambre et Maryam

Dear journal,

Today it’s the 62th day of our mission. The atmosphere in the spacecraft is pleasant,
even though we can’t see our close family. We miss them so much. This morning,
Alyssa cried because she can’t be at home for her father’s birthday.

To put things into perspective, being here, in space, is a privilege, a luck that a few
people only will ever experience. Few people will ever see awesome landscapes, the
small planets which explode, the shine of the stars, the black of the space, …

Today, Alyssa authorized us to do our first expedition outdoors. First of all, we were
so excited to take up the challenge and go for it. Alyssa gave us our spacesuits, we
put them on and we achieved our dream. We were really scared because space is
dangerous but we were unflinching and unshakable. The feeling about being in
space was incredible, it felt like we were floating on water. This expedition was short
but intense in memories.

During the rest of the day, we played cards while Alyssa was working on her
research. Suddenly, the alarm rang, the door closed, Alyssa came here running. We
were afraid but Alyssa soothed us. The alarm was an error.
Mars journal

3 April, It's already my third month on the spacecraft, I try to cheer up, despite
days that look alike.
Alyssa reminds me of my daughter. If only I could be with her but I do not
regret my decision to jopin this mission because I am useful here.

5 April, good news, I have found candy I think it's Alyssa's. Actually she is still
a child.

8 April, we had a communication breakdown. I've never felt so alone. I had to

get out of the spacecraft to see the problem and for the first time in the
mission, I had to cope with the vastness of space

18 April, It's been 10 days since I last wrote something. Everything is fine, yet
I'm suspicious

24 April, today Alyssa talked to me about herself, I feel close to her 

29 April, We are more than halfway now. I can’t wait to land on Mars ! 
Mars journal by Elouan Noa
Today is July 6, it's been 3 months since we started our journey
to go to the red planet. We are on board the spacecraft
EricSoso69.Our team is composed of 3 members: Alyssa, Noa, Elouan.

Elouan: It is a large vessel composed of three berths, a bathroom,

toilets, a large living room and a gym to keep healthy

Noa: For the moment, there is a very good atmosphere between us

despite the fact that we do not know each other and that
communication is sometimes difficult because she is American and
we are French.

1 week later…

alyssa: I'm really looking forward and excited to discover planet

mars. I am very proud to be the first woman to set foot on Mars.
As they say “ that’s one small step for man, one giant leap for
mankind ”

noa:I'm very happy to be here because I worked hard to be

selected.But I miss my loved ones and that scares me for the
future, I'm afraid it will affect me

elouan: I’m litlle scared but I’m really eager because it's a
unique moment. I hope that we’ll see a martian as in a movie!

3 days before arriving on Mars

At the approach of Mars, the tension is high, I wish we didn’t

mess up the landing. We're starting to get confused because
everyone is getting fed up. In the middle of our argument, an
asteroid rushes towards the spacecraft...
Nine / Chloé

Third month, December 24

At first, we were excited to go on this mission with the crew and to discover
the red planet. But today, it’s Christmas and we miss our life on Earth. The spaceship
is dull despite this special day. There is no decorated tree, no hug from our family,
no present and no good dinner like we used to have. Just dehydrated meals and
storytime with Alyssa. But tonight, the real present is the view of the space, which is
absolutely gorgeous. We think about all the work we had to do for this dream, the
painful days we spent to study. Maybe it’s worth it but three months, it's nothing
compared to what we have left. We can’t wait to reach Mars because it’s going to
be a big achievement for mankind and we are going to be so proud of ourselves.

The notion of daytime is complicated to define, but we think it is around 10

p.m. earth time. We were chatting with Alyssa about our respective families, when
an alarm bell sounded in the engine room. We rushed to the unbearable noise to
discover where it was coming from. It was the level of oxygen, which was going
down more and more with the hours. How was this possible knowing that we had
only been gone for three months? It must have been sabotaged. We don’t know if
everyone can survive till the end of the mission.
Barnabé + Prune
Day 91
Today was not just another boring day. We woke up and we
ate but we can’t stand anymore their dehydrated food, I really
miss a big fat juicy burger with a lot of cheese. This afternoon, we
heard some strange noises in the vents, it was a little bit scary. It
was like growl but we overcame our fear and we went to take a
look, we were really flabbergasted because of what we saw: A
HORSE!!!! It was a really big vent but it flew away. If only I could
have petted him, it was the first being I had seen in 3 months
apart from Alyssa and Prune. We haven’t seen it again during
the day. It really disturbed our day but we don’t forget the
mission we trained for. I did some sport with Prune, and Alyssa
ate Chetoos all day after our little adventure. It was pecs day for
me and she did the leg-press. Then we read books about the Red
planet because we really want to take up the challenge.
Prune and Alyssa then told me they were really strong-willed
and determined and I’m the total opposite because I’m really
worried about never coming back on Earth. I really miss my wife,
my friends and especially my dog (but don’t tell my wife I said
that). I wish the mission did not get too long because I think I
start to regret my involvement in this breakthrough; but I will talk
to you about this another day and we wish you didn’t have
Good night and see you soon.
MY journal Samuel

DAY 92: Today the ship is halfway to Mars

It’s a great breakthrough for mankind and I look forward to stepping on the
Mars like Neil Amstrong ,to being famous like him and if I am lucky, I
could inhabit on Mars.
To celebrate this achievement, we have brought a bottle of champagne!
But we stay focused and we are vigilant
After the event on day 37, me and my crew haven’t had any problems.
The space engine is totally repaired and the damage caused by a meteor in
the sheet metal has been fixed too.
We are bored every day because the days are always the same. Indeed the
daily tasks, the food, the break times, sports and lots of things are
identiccal everyday.
If only I had brought a book or other things to spend time
The atmosphere on board is very good and I’m happy to know the crew.
Currently Carles is doing some jokes again, which astonishingly make me
and the crew laugh.
We still have questions about Mars, as I have already said
but more than ever I’m curious about the red planet and I hope to find a
little greenman.My birthday is coming fast, Josianne’s birthday too. It will
be my first birthday in space, that is very strange.
I look forward to seeing my relatives after the missions. I am done for
today, see you tomorow.
I wish the other halfway to Mars was easy.

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