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My ideal job would be a translator.

It is an interesting and engaging work but it

can be also difficult to become successful.

By being a translator, you provide with an exceptional service by acting as a

medium between two languages.

You act as a connection between two cultures, two languages, and two people.

Therefore, a person trying to pursue this career needs to have strong knowledge

in multiple languages, culture, as well as good interpretation and interpersonal

skills to go hand in hand with others skills.

Though this job is quite an exciting one to go for, it has its own set or advantages

and disadvantages to accompany with. Some of the most important ones are

mentioned in this context.

Recently more and more companies are tying up with foreign investors for their

growth in the market.

Thus, the requirement of a translator is very vital for luring clients to invest in

their companies. 
Being a translator gives you an opportunity to Learn something new every time
and Expand your horizon. You can travel around the world with other people get
tp know about new cultures and traditions. Life as a translator is never
boring. You will constantly be receiving different types of texts which
will require you to adapt your tone and writing style.
Hower as everything it has its disadvantages as well. Your Stress level is high.
Sometimes you are disconnected from the world
There is Irregularity in the working condition. You can Feel isolated in your job
Translators play a very important role of connecting
different communities and making things possible between
them. But it comes at the cost of extensive knowledge
gathering and risk of accidentally misinterpreting certain
conversations that lead to a great confusion. Therefore, you
should consider your capabilities with the skills that this
field demands from you

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