Lesson1 (Codechum)

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1.) Microsoft Office and Internet Explorer are software that both run on Microsoft Windows.

What is
Microsoft Windows an example of?

A. Operating System

B. Application Software

C. Processing Software

D. Memory System

2.) This unit of the Central Processing Unit is responsible for managing all other computer units.

A. Processing Unit

B. Control Unit

C. Arithmetic Logic Unit

D. Main Memory Unit

3.) This is the most powerful type of computer – it has an intensely fast processing speed of hundreds of
millions of instructions per second.

A. Super-Computer

B. Workstation

C. Mainframe

D. Mini-computer

4.) This is an umbrella term used to refer to programs and applications used in running computer

A. Tools

B. Software / Network Software

C. Hardware

D. Processed Data

5.) The following hardware allows users to enter data which can then be processed by the
computer. Which one does not belong to the list?

A. Keyboard
B. Touchpad

C. Speakers

D. Scanner

6.) The following statements are true about analog computers, except for one. Which one does not
belong to the list?

A. Statistics can be stored on analog computers.

B. These computers are designed to measure.

C. An oscilloscope is an example of an analog computer.

D. They provide accurate computation results.

7.) The following statements are true about digital computers, except for one. Which one does not
belong to the list?

A. Digital computers are designed to solve equations with continuous data.

B. Digital computers display their outputs in the form of 1’s and 0’s.

C. Digital computers lose precision due to the nature of the signals they use.

D. Digital systems can simulate analog computers’ behaviors.

8.) Which of the following items is measured using analog systems?

A. Binary data

B. Internet traffic

C. Electric voltage

D. RAM memory

9.) Which following item is a digital device?

A. Cathode ray tube monitor

B. Android smartphone

C. Vinyl record player

D. Pocket watch
10.) Digital computers are used around the world as they are quite easy to use. What are they NOT used

A. Measuring a patient’s temperature

B. Streaming a movie with your partner

C. Encoding data on a spreadsheet

D. Creating a website on the Internet

11.) This is used to execute scripts that do not require the usage of a compiler.

A. Compiler

B. Interpreter

C. Assembler

D. Programmer

12.) This is a language that is written only in binary code.

A. Machine-level language

B. Assembly-level language

C. Low-level language

D. High-level language

13.) JavaScript, C#, and Java are languages commonly used by programmers. What kind of languages do
the examples belong to?

A. Machine-level language

B. Assembly-level language

C. Low-level language

D. High-level language
14.) A low-level language is the language that the computer hardware understands. What is needed for
high-level language to be converted so that it can be used by the computer system?

A. Compiler

B. Interpreter

C. Assembler

D. Programmer

15.) This provides little or no abstraction programming ideas and is extremely near to expressing
hardware instructions.

A. Machine-level language

B. Assembly-level language

C. Low-level language

D. High-level language

16.) Client-side scripts offer the benefit of lowering server load, allowing web pages to load faster. What
else is true about client-side scripts?

A. It provides more security for data.

B. It surges the processing load on the server.

C. Its main function is to provide the requested output to the end user.

D. It is a technique that uses scripts on the webserver to produce a response that is customized for each
client’s request.

17..) HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are examples of what language?

A. Machine-level language

B. Assembly-level language

C. Client-side scripting language

D. Server-side scripting language

18.) Scripting is the process of writing a brief program that is executed one line at a time using a
scripting language. What are they converted to, one line at a time?
A. High-level language

B. Assembly-level language

C. Low-level language

D. Machine-level language

19.) While other programming languages are interpreted by compilers, scripting languages are
interpreted by a ___________.

A. Compiler

B. Interpreter

C. Assembler

D. Browser

20.) Java, Python, PHP, and Node.js are examples of server-side scripting languages. Where do their
executions take place?

A. Web Assembler

B. Web Compiler

C. Web Server

D. Web Browser

21.) JavaScript, Scala, and Perl are all developed independent of language, and have mathematical
underpinnings. What paradigm do they belong to?

A. Logical paradigm

B. Functional paradigm

C. Object-oriented paradigm

D. Imperative paradigm

22.) This paradigm makes the assumption that a computer can keep any changes to a computation
process through environments of variables.

A. Logical paradigm

B. Functional paradigm

C. Object-oriented paradigm
D. Imperative paradigm

23.) This paradigm approaches problem-solving declaratively, and emphasizes the knowledge base and
the issue.

A. Logical paradigm

B. Functional paradigm

C. Object-oriented paradigm

D. Imperative paradigm

4.) Object-oriented programming paradigms offer many advantages. Which of the following statements
are true?

A. Lack of inheritance

B. Code is not reusable

C. Abstraction and flexibility are not present.

D. No data insecurity

25.) The OOP paradigm’s most distinctive quality is its support for inheritance. What is the definition of

A. A class’ interface—how its objects are accessed—is distinct from the class’ implementation.

B. A new class, or a subclass, can be descended from an existing class, called a superclass.

C. Programs can be assessed in a variety of orders due to the lack of dependency on assignment

D. A high degree of modularity is provided by the method of representing a program as a collection of

objects of different classes.

26.) What is an integer automatically converted to when it has no base specified?

A. Hexadecimal

B. Decimal

C. Binary

D. Octal
27.) 01100111 represents “G” in binary. How many bits does it have?

A. Seven

B. Eight

C. Nine

D. Six

28.) 28E base 16 is written in what number system?

A. Hexadecimal

B. Decimal

C. Binary

D. Octal

29.) 1098 base 8 is written in what number system?

A. Hexadecimal

B. Decimal

C. Binary

D. Octal

30.) 1098 is written in what number system?

A. Hexadecimal

B. Decimal

C. Binary

D. Octal

31.) Binary to Decimal: 0110 1110

A. 108

B. 110

C. 112

D. 114
32.) Hexadecimal to Binary: 20a2

A. 0010 0000 1010 0010

B. 0010 0000 1010 0000

C. 0010 0010 1000 0010

D. 0010 0000 1110 0010

33.) Decimal to Octal: 100

A. 138

B. 140

C. 142

D. 144

34.) Decimal to Binary: 42

A. 101010

B. 101011

C. 101001

D. 101101

35.) Binary to Hexadecimal: 1100 0000 1001 0110

A. C095


C. C096

D. C097

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